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Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

According to the Desire-Based Reasons Model reasons for action are provided by desires. Many, however, are critical about the Model holding an alternative view of practical reason, which is often called valued-based. In this paper I consider one particular attempt to refute the Model, which advocates of the valued-based view often appeal to: the idea of reason-based desires. The argument is built up from two premises. The first claims that desires are states that we have reason to have. The second argues that desires do not add to the stock of reasons the agent has for having them. Together the two theses entail that desires are based on reasons, which they transmit but to which they cannot add. In the paper I deal with a counterexample to the second premise: tie-breaking desires. I first distinguish two interesting cases and argue that only the second challenges the premise. Then I move onto analyze this challenge by focusing on Ruth Chang’s recent employment of it. I show that contrary to its counterintuitive appearance, the challenge can be sustained. However, I also argue that Chang overlooks the full potential of one particular response to the challenge: the introduction of higher-order reasons determining the normative significance of these desires. At the same time, I show that this response has a problem that Chang does not consider. As a result, the response can only partially disarm the challenge of tie-breaking desires; or not at all, depending on what significance we attribute to the counterexamples.  相似文献   

The four experiments reported show that sensitivity to event frequency is diminished by alcohol intoxication. In two experiments on confusion between presented and generated words, the function relating estimated to actual frequency was steeper for sober than intoxicated subjects. In two experiments on word-frequency estimates after a word-pronunciation task, the influence of alcohol intoxication was identified at the input as opposed to the test stage. We conclude that these findings are inconsistent with the idea that frequency-of-occurrence information is automatically encoded.  相似文献   

One of the most exciting trends in psychology has been the increasing use of data and conceptual tools derived from the study of patients with neuropsychological syndromes to address questions about normal mental function. To date, however, personality theorists seldom have considered neuropsychological case material (Klein & Kihlstrom, 1998). In this paper we show how neuropsychological evidence can afford new insights for personality theorists. In particular, we show how examination of persons suffering from amnesia and autism can shed light on the way in which knowledge about self is represented in memory. We first review the literature on clinical amnesia and then present evidence from a new case study exploring the relation between personal and nonpersonal knowledge in a patient with autism. We conclude that the mind may have learning systems that are specialized both for acquiring and retrieving information about one's own personality.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 assessed the time and effort allocated to writing subprocesses while generating written and verbal protocols over 10 weekly writing sessions. Within a 40-min session, planning time consumed about 45% in the first 5 min, but stabilized at near 30% thereafter. Generating text initially consumed 40% of the writers’ time, peaked at 50% midway, and then declined to its original level. The time spent revising and reviewing was negligible early in writing sessions, but increased substantially late in the sessions. The highest and lowest quality documents could be differentiated on the basis of the amount of time the writers devoted to revising and to the magnitude of their RTs in a secondary interference task. Writers showed consistent, distinctive patterns of transitional probabilities between writing subprocesses both within and across sessions, yielding quantitative representations of their writing styles. In Experiment 2, writers overestimated the amount of time they devote to revising and overestimated the amount of effort they allocate to planning and text generation. Their estimations did not improve after 10 weeks of composing. A time-and-effort-based analysis of writing is proposed to account for these data.  相似文献   

Prospective memory represents our ability to realize intentions that must be delayed for some period of time. In this study, we examined modulations of the event-related brain potentials (ERPs) associated with target selection in visual working memory and prospective-cue detection in prospective memory. Targets and prospective cues elicited an N2pc, indicating that a common neural mechanism supports selection in working memory and prospective memory. Partial least squares analysis revealed that the N300 and prospective positivity were associated with a latent variable that contrasted the ERPs elicited by prospective-cue trials with those elicited by target-present and target-absent trials, in agreement with the idea that these modulations of the ERPs are uniquely related to prospective memory  相似文献   

The present study explored the question of whether the U-shape effect, which was observed in previous experiments on memory for fictitious plans is unique to the memory for plans or not, i.e., are plans for the morning and for the evening recalled better than those for the afternoon. To investigate we used a "common noun" as the material to be memorized instead of the "action phrase" as used in Watanabe and Kawaguchi's earlier experiments. Free recall tasks were performed in two experiments: in Exp. 1, a sample of 15 undergraduates memorized "hour" and "common noun" pairs, while in Exp. 2 another 15 undergraduates memorized "number" and "common noun" pairs. The results of these experiments indicated no significant effect for time of day. This suggests that the U-shape effect observed in Watanabe and Kawaguchi's experiments, in which participants were asked to memorize a combination of an "hour" and an "action phrase" is unique to memory for plans.  相似文献   

A large amount of academic research has analysed and documented the fact that Muslims are often presented in a negative or stereotypical way in Western media and popular culture. This article focuses on how the Internet can also be used in spreading and publishing anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim opinions. Although the Internet is significant in the development of contemporary society, no studies have focused on the importance of information and communication technologies in spreading Islamophobic opinions. However, the new technologies can also be used for monitoring and combating Islamophobia, and many Muslim organisations are today using the Internet for these purposes. The article is based on an indepth analysis of both anti-Muslim and pro-Muslim homepages that can be related to the debate over Islamophobia.  相似文献   


This paper discusses various aspects of the psychotherapeutic frame, and explores the importance of maintaining the boundaries of the frame especially when an erotic transferential relationship is present. Many now agree that erotic transference and counter-transference occur in most therapeutic relationships, and yet it is something that therapists often struggle to work with effectively. The author acknowledges her own difficulties in working with erotic transferences and demonstrates why the adherence to the frame is especially significant in these circumstances. A case study is used to illustrate the difficulties of working with the erotic transference within the constructs of a frame and short-term therapy, and how the author's own counter-transference affected the therapy as well as how this was dealt with in supervision.  相似文献   

Pylyshyn Z 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》1999,22(3):341-65; discussion 366-423
Although the study of visual perception has made more progress in the past 40 years than any other area of cognitive science, there remain major disagreements as to how closely vision is tied to cognition. This target article sets out some of the arguments for both sides (arguments from computer vision, neuroscience, psychophysics, perceptual learning, and other areas of vision science) and defends the position that an important part of visual perception, corresponding to what some people have called early vision, is prohibited from accessing relevant expectations, knowledge, and utilities in determining the function it computes--in other words, it is cognitively impenetrable. That part of vision is complex and involves top-down interactions that are internal to the early vision system. Its function is to provide a structured representation of the 3-D surfaces of objects sufficient to serve as an index into memory, with somewhat different outputs being made available to other systems such as those dealing with motor control. The paper also addresses certain conceptual and methodological issues raised by this claim, such as whether signal detection theory and event-related potentials can be used to assess cognitive penetration of vision. A distinction is made among several stages in visual processing, including, in addition to the inflexible early-vision stage, a pre-perceptual attention-allocation stage and a post-perceptual evaluation, selection, and inference stage, which accesses long-term memory. These two stages provide the primary ways in which cognition can affect the outcome of visual perception. The paper discusses arguments from computer vision and psychology showing that vision is "intelligent" and involves elements of "problem solving." The cases of apparently intelligent interpretation sometimes cited in support of this claim do not show cognitive penetration; rather, they show that certain natural constraints on interpretation, concerned primarily with optical and geometrical properties of the world, have been compiled into the visual system. The paper also examines a number of examples where instructions and "hints" are alleged to affect what is seen. In each case it is concluded that the evidence is more readily assimilated to the view that when cognitive effects are found, they have a locus outside early vision, in such processes as the allocation of focal attention and the identification of the stimulus.  相似文献   

Williams  Daniel 《Philosophical Studies》2022,179(5):1693-1714
Philosophical Studies - Two striking claims are advanced on behalf of the free energy principle (FEP) in cognitive science and philosophy: (i) that it identifies a condition of the possibility of...  相似文献   

Exaggerated startle is a common symptom (based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [fourth edition] Criterion D) for many patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Findings from previous studies suggest that exaggerated startle may be due to trauma exposure or pretrauma vulnerability factors for PTSD development. The present clinical case study reports on a patient with PTSD characterized by a very prominent startle response and preference against standard trauma-related exposure strategies. On the basis of recent findings that interoceptive exposure exercises (e.g. shaking head side to side, hyperventilation) elicit trauma-related memories (Wald & Taylor, 2008), the authors sought to determine whether repeated application of an acoustic startle stimulus would serve to diminish the prominent startle response and facilitate exposure and overall symptom reduction by eliciting trauma-related memories. The protocol was successful in eliciting vivid and distressing trauma-related memories. Over the course of seven exposure trials, the patient demonstrated a decrease in distress elicited during the protocol, improved mood, and reduced general anxiety and trauma-related distress. He also reported significantly decreased startle response to loud noises encountered during activities of daily living. Although preliminary, these finding suggest that the acoustic startle protocol may be a viable (interoceptive) exposure strategy for individuals with PTSD, particularly those with exaggerated startle responses and those who are not amenable to standard trauma-related exposure strategies.  相似文献   

We question whether it is profitable to look at smoking (both smoking status and the number of cigarettes smoked a day): (1) in terms of the personality traits of Extraversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism; (2) in terms of their pairwise interactions; (3) with respect, rather, to impulsivity or sensation seeking; or (4) taking into consideration both these levels of analysis. Our sample comprised 121 smokers and 111 non‐smokers (mostly students). No interactions were predictive of smoking. Both Psychoticism and impulsivity were found to be central traits—thereby providing support for the notion that it is a better strategy to look at smoking in terms of both these levels of analysis. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A full account of the social production of knowledge requires an understanding of how schools of thought fail, as well as succeed. This paper offers a sociology of knowledge analysis of the collapse of neo-Freudianism as a separate school of psychoanalysis and influential intellectual current. While the existing literature stresses personal conflicts between Karen Horney, Erich Fromm and Harry Stack Sullivan as a major cause of the failure of cultural psychoanalysis, my analysis highlights the sect-like nature of Freudian institutes, the professionalizing dynamics of American psychoanalysis, the contribution of the celebrity-dominated book market and culture, and the highly controversial nature of Erich Fromm's writings and intellectual activity. Neo-Freudianism is conceptualized as a hybrid system that is a combination of a literary phenomena, intellectual movement, faction of a sect, theoretical innovation and therapy. This analysis of hybrid intellectual systems raises larger sociology of knowledge questions about schools of thought and intellectual movements. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Since Freud's own time, there has been great deal of debate about the most appropriate research methodology for investigating psychoanalytic psychotherapy [Fonagy, Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 29 (2): 129 – 136, 2003 Fonagy, P. 2003. ‘The research agenda: the vital need for empirical research in child psychotherapy’. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 29(2): 129136. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]; Rustin, Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 29 (2): 137–145, 2003 Rustin, M. 2003. ‘Research in the consulting room’. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 29(2): 137145. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]]. The single case study, which has a long tradition both within child psychotherapy and the wider research field, has been widely criticised as an approach to research, even while its contribution to clinical practice, the development of new ideas and teaching have been acknowledged. After reviewing the history of case study as a research method, this paper argues that there are a broad range of approaches to the study of the single case, each of which may be appropriate depending on the particular research question. Each of these approaches, however, must respond to the three perceived weaknesses of the clinical case study as a research method: the ‘data problem’, the ‘data analysis problem’ and the ‘generalisability problem’. This paper outlines the nature of these criticisms and, using many examples of actual research projects, suggests various ways in which the criticisms can be addressed, in order for the single case study to re-gain its place at the heart of psychoanalytic research.  相似文献   

Forced to face the possibility of dying of cancer soon, a patient may question previous values and practices. A medical practitioner can learn a lot from such patients about fear, guilt, depression, and hope.  相似文献   

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