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郭力平  徐启丽  林琳 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1055-1059
借助2岁儿童图画作品,考察25至75岁儿童对于图画作者能力特点的认知发展状况。结果表明:2.5岁到55岁的儿童,在本实验情境的图画判断过程中尚不能考虑小年龄图画作者的能力特点,65岁以后儿童的这种能力得到了,发展。研究对儿童理解图画作者能力的心智基础进行了分析。  相似文献   

通过两项实验分别对96名4~7岁儿童和144名4~9岁儿童进行研究,考察了4~9岁儿童关于图画作者年龄特征的认知发展特点。结果表明:6岁前儿童不能恰当地推测图画作者的年龄特征,5岁到8岁间儿童在判断长于自己的作者的图画过程中表现出了"完好"倾向。研究认为早期儿童在图画判断过程中经历了一个以自我为中心到去自我中心的过程。研究为儿童美术欣赏教育提供了建议。  相似文献   

郭力平  许冰灵 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1332-1336
采用将作者情绪状态与图画作品相匹配的方法,分别以线条、颜色和内容为线索,考察了3.5~5.5岁儿童对图画作者情绪状态与其作品间关系的认知发展。结果表明:3.5岁儿童尚不能将作者情绪状态与图画特点联系起来,4.5岁儿童开始能够将作者情绪状态与图画特点联系起来,5.5岁儿童的水平在此基础上又有明显的发展。儿童对作者情绪状态与图画间关系的把握显示出一定的性别差异,但对图画传递的情绪信息的认知在各要素形式(颜色、线条、内容)之间差异不明显。  相似文献   

公平行为是儿童道德发展的重要内容。本研究采取博弈实验范式来考察学龄前儿童公平意图的发展情况。以往对儿童公平意图的博弈研究中,选取的儿童年龄跨度大且研究范式并不适应学龄前儿童的认知特点,而学龄前期可能正是公平意图开始发生及发展的时期。因此本研究选取108名4-6岁学龄前儿童,在实验一中采用独裁者博弈(DG),实验二中改进mini-最后通牒博弈(mini-UG),分别从提议者和回应者的角度考察学龄前儿童公平意图的发展情况。结果表明:4岁儿童已经能初步辨识对方的公平意图,但分配结果的公平性在他们行为决策时占的比重更大;5到6岁期间公平意图的影响更大,是儿童公平意图发展的一个关键时期。  相似文献   

赵欣  李丹丹  杨向东 《心理学报》2022,54(8):892-904
本文探究了4~6岁儿童社会善念理解的发展及其与心理理论的关系。研究测量了100名4~6岁儿童的社会善念理解、心理理论、亲社会性和执行功能。结果发现, 随着年龄增长, 儿童愈加在社会评价和朋友偏好上倾向于社会善念人物, 并且此社会善念理解能力与心理理论的发展呈显著正相关, 且此相关在控制了年龄、执行功能及亲社会性后依然稳定存在, 但社会善念理解与亲社会性并不相关。此结果表明, 心理理论可能对社会善念理解的发展有重要作用。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童情绪调节策略的发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆芳  陈国鹏 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1202-1204,1195
运用自编问卷对学龄前儿童情绪调节策略的发展状况进行研究,结果发现:学龄前儿童的情绪调节策略存在显著的年龄差异,总体的情绪调节能力随年龄增长而提高。在挫折情境中,发泄策略的运用存在显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

以握笔画圆为测查任务,考察了学龄前儿童握笔姿势的发展趋势及特点.结果表明3.5-5.5岁是儿童握笔姿势的迅速发展期,大部分儿童在5.5岁发展到成熟的握笔姿势,5.5-6.5岁发展相对平缓.学龄前儿童握笔姿势的发展趋势表现为自然阶段和过渡阶段握笔姿势的减少,成熟阶段握笔姿势的不断增多.中美儿童握笔姿势的发展趋势基本一致,但是中国学龄前儿童使用成熟阶段握姿的比率要低于美国儿童.  相似文献   

3~6岁儿童图画讲述能力的发展特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以图画讲述作为实验任务,对儿童讲述能力的发展进行探讨。研究对象为3~6岁儿童,按年龄分为3组,共120人。研究结果表明:儿童图画讲述经历了由零散罗列、把握主要关系到围绕画面主要内容和事件进行整体讲述的发展过程。4~5岁是儿童图画讲述发展过程中的重要转折时期。画面形象的特点与图画意义的隐含性和深刻性均对儿童图画讲述有影响。  相似文献   

儿童对伤害情境的意图认知与反应倾向关系的发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
儿童对他人行为意图的认知,是如何发展变化并如何影响行为反应?该研究旨在从会认知的角度,探讨6—13岁中国儿童在不同伤害情境中对同伴造成伤害性后果的行为的意图认知和反应倾向特点。  相似文献   

关于儿童对权威认知发展的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
权威关系是两种最主要的社会人际关系之一,对儿童权威认知发展的研究将对儿童教育和儿童个性的发展具有重要意义。而且,在理论上还能丰富认知发展领域关于社会认知的研究。本文扼要总结了国外关于儿童权威认知发展研究的历史及其现状,并同时介绍了自己对该问题的一些初步探讨,希望能引起国内同仁的兴趣和重视.  相似文献   

本研究采用预测任务,考察了120名5~9岁儿童对平抛运动中函数关系朴素认识的发展情况,结果发现:绝大多数5岁儿童都未能有效地考虑到甬数关系中两个因素中的任何一个因素;7岁组中这类儿童明显减少,考虑到速度一个因素的儿童明显增多并达到一半,到9岁时依然在一半左右;同时考虑到速度、高度两个因素的儿童则随着年龄增长而缓慢增加.这一发展趋势与儿童对平抛运动过程朴素认识发展趋势类似.  相似文献   

Although there has been a substantial growth in the number of published studies examining tests of cognitive abilities and using contemporary theories of cognitive abilities, to date none have done so with preschool cognitive tests. In this study the relation between cognitive ability measures for young children and Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory is examined. Tests and subtests from the Differential Ability Scales: Upper Preschool Level and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability-Revised with a sample of 158 children between 4 and 5 years of age were used in a series of joint factor analyses. Although a series of models were explored, the model representative of the CHC theory of cognitive abilities was best supported by the data. This provides evidence for a greater differentiation of young children's cognitive abilities than are typically interpreted. Results are discussed with regard to understanding the link between contemporary theories of intelligence and young children's cognitive abilities, as well as implications for intellectual assessment practices with young children.  相似文献   

刘萃侠  肖健 《心理科学》2001,24(6):724-726
现代意义的调查已有近百年的历史,它是官方统计、社会研究(如态度测量)与市场研究等常用的方法。在80年代以前,调查研究深受行为主义的影响,把问题看作是能引发被调查者的反应的刺激,即把问题作答(question-answering)看作是刺激一反应(S—R)过程。在60、70年代,一些领域的研究表明行为主义研究取向存在很多弱点,如语言学家发现  相似文献   

知觉学习理论研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡平  陈文锋  焦书兰 《心理科学》2002,25(5):584-587
在日常生活中,大家常常可以发现,刚上医学院的学生很难辨认肺、脾等器官的组织,但随着辨认次数的增加,这种辨认任务就变得非常容易了。这个变化的过程在过去常常不被我们所重视,但本质上是一个基本知觉能力改变的过程,研究者们称之为知觉学习。  相似文献   

The preschool years represent a time of expansive mental growth, with the initial expression of many psychological abilities that will continue to be refined into young adulthood. Likewise, brain development during this age is characterized by its ??blossoming?? nature, showing some of its most dynamic and elaborative anatomical and physiological changes. In this article, we review human brain development during the preschool years, sampling scientific evidence from a variety of sources. First, we cover neurobiological foundations of early postnatal development, explaining some of the primary mechanisms seen at a larger scale within neuroimaging studies. Next, we review evidence from both structural and functional imaging studies, which now accounts for a large portion of our current understanding of typical brain development. Within anatomical imaging, we focus on studies of developing brain morphology and tissue properties, including diffusivity of white matter fiber tracts. We also present new data on changes during the preschool years in cortical area, thickness, and volume. Physiological brain development is then reviewed, touching on influential results from several different functional imaging and recording modalities in the preschool and early school-age years, including positron emission tomography (PET), electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERP), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Here, more space is devoted to explaining some of the key methodological factors that are required for interpretation. We end with a section on multimodal and multidimensional imaging approaches, which we believe will be critical for increasing our understanding of brain development and its relationship to cognitive and behavioral growth in the preschool years and beyond.  相似文献   

Hendy  Helen M.  Gustitus  Cheryl  Leitzel-Schwalm  Jamie 《Sex roles》2001,44(9-10):557-569
To better understand origins of gender differences in body confidence, the present study examines predictors of body image suggested by Social Cognitive Theory (A. Bandura, 1997): models (from mothers, peers), verbal messages (from mothers, peers, teachers), physiological factors (age, body mass, health status), and experience of competence related to body image (social competence, food competence). Variables were gathered from child interviews, mother questionnaires, and teacher questionnaires for 94 preschool children (52 boys, 42 girls; mean age – 54.2 months; 90.2% Caucasian). Body image was measured with seven same-gender silhouettes (M. E. Collins, 1991). No gender differences were found for the body image of preschool children. Messages from the mother to “be bigger” were the most consistent predictor of body image. However, only for boys were mother's messages a valid reflection of the child's actual body mass, which if continued, could produce greater body confusion for girls at later ages.  相似文献   

意向性理论的当代发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
意向性是心理现象的本质特征之一,是人的本质结构的重要一维.就其功能作用来说,它是我们对外部世界的认识得以可能的条件和枢纽,是行为的内在动力,是人们相互理解、解释、预言和社会联系得以可能的主要根据,也是行为评价的重要参照系.  相似文献   

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