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Alternative propositions to female achievement motivation theory were investigated in this study. The subjects were 139 Brazilian women selected from a pool of 619 female college students previously classified by levels of achievement (Ach) and affiliative (Aff) needs. The subjects were assigned to three experimental conditions-neutral, affiliation arousal, and achievement arousal—and wrote stories that were analyzed by a projective measure (MPAM). A significant Achievement Level × Treatment Interaction revealed that achievement arousal increased the Ach scores of High Ach subjects but did not affect the scores of Low Ach subjects. Level of affiliative tendencies did not affect these results. Contrary to some of the speculations, achievement arousal did not inhibit the scores of High Ach-High Aff women. Overall, affiliation arousal did not produce the expected effects. However, within the affiliation-arousal condition, High Aff subjects obtained significantly higher scores than Low Aff subjects.  相似文献   

Le test des dilemmes moraux d'Urie Bronfenbrenner met les enfants en ptésence d'un certain nombre de situations naturelles dans lesquelles le choix des réponses possibles représente un conflit entre les normes de conduite qui sont approuvées par les adultes, altruistes et “correctes” et les normes de conduite qui relèvent de L'intérêt personnel ou de L'affiliation et qui sont “incorrectes”. Les sujets répondent au test dans trois conditions: une condition de base ou neutre, dans laquelle on leur dit que seuls les expérimentateurs auront connaissance de leurs réponses, et deux conditions expérimentales dans lesquelles on leur dit que les résultats seront portés à la connaissance de leurs parents ou de leurs camarades de classe. Cette méthode permet d'estimer dans une certaine mesure à quel niveau se situent les enfants dans le domaine “moral” ainsi que L'influence relative qu'exercent la pression des pairs ou celle des adultes dans les processus de socialisation, et la direction de cette influence. Les données recueillies en URSS et aux Etats-Unis ont montré que les deux types de pressions extérieures entrent en conflit aux Etats-Unis, mais qu'il existe en URSS un accord entre les normes. Devereux et Bronfenbrenner ont suggéré L'idée qu'en Grande-Bretagne le niveau des normes de conduite approuvées par les adultes était moindre et la pression des pairs particulièrement forte et source de situations conflictuelles. Deux cent soixante-quatorze enfants anglais de douze ans, choisis dans un large éventail d'écoles, ont subi les tests. Les résultats ont été analysés dans une perspective de comparaison inter-nation d'une part et de comparaisons entre les différents types d'écoles d'autre part. i. Les résultats ne confirment pas L'hypothése selon laquelle la conduite serait en général moins influencée par les adultes; 2. La comparaison entre type de pressions sociales confirme que les enfants britanniques ont en commun une “culture de pairs”, plutôt autonome et qu'ils ne répondent pas à la pression des adultes d'une manière simple et prévisible.  相似文献   

课堂情境中学生竞争对其成就归因和成就行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘世奎 《心理学报》1992,25(2):72-79
本研究把成就归因区分为倾向性成就归因和情境性成就归因两种类型,并分别检验了在课堂情境中学生之间的竞争对二者以及对成就行为的影响。被试是80名初中一年级学生。结果表明,(1)竞争对学生的倾向性成就归因没有明显影响,而显著地影响着学生的情境性成就归因;(2)竞争对学生随后成就行为没有明显影响;(3)倾向性成就归因对学生的成就行为的影响是显著的,但是它的这种影响却是间接发挥作用的。  相似文献   

The twentieth century witnessed an array of fresh models of Jewish women's educational and religious leadership. Quite understandably, the majority of the scholarly focus has been on burgeoning egalitarian trends featured in the new roles for women within liberal Jewish denominations and among the Modern Orthodox. Yet increased appreciation for gendered perspectives within Jewish studies has also led to recognition that seemingly conventional female roles, once viewed as purely supportive in nature, have evolved into platforms for voicing uniquely feminine styles of Jewish authority. This article offers an initial portrayal and analysis of a relatively new phenomenon: the American female non-hasidic Haredi outreach activist. It does so, first, by locating these figures within overall trends of American Haredi Jewry as well as in relation to the broader phenomenon of Orthodox feminism. The central contention is that inasmuch as American Haredi Orthodoxy vehemently opposes many of the changes advanced by the Modern Orthodox sector, a “silent” revolution is actually taking place within its own elite frameworks. The instigation for the emergence of new religious leadership roles for Haredi women is the increasing focus of this sector on outreach to the non-observant, and the recognition that woman can be especially effective in these capacities. Yet such activities demand types of public behavior, often in mixed gender settings, that are inconsistent with the messages of strict modesty put forward within Haredi female education. Moreover, some of the female Haredi figures have begun to advance the notion that their functions are not merely vehicles for increasing engagement with Judaism, but actually represent a new empowered model of Orthodox women's leadership and activism.  相似文献   

儿童精细动作能力的发展及与其学业成绩的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李蓓蕾  林磊  董奇 《心理学报》2002,34(5):52-57
研究了不同精细动作能力的发展、之间的内在联系及其与儿童学业成绩的关系。被试为151名4-8岁儿童以及30名本科生。精细动作能力的测查包括线条填画任务、图形临摹任务以及筷子技能测验。结果发现:(1)不同精细动作能力的发展速度从高到低依次为线条填画能力、图形临摹能力和筷子使用技能;(2)筷子使用技能与线条填画、图形临摹能力都显著相关,线条填画能力和年龄对筷子使用技能具有显著预测作用;(3)不同学业成绩儿童在各类精细动作能力上都存在显著差异。本研究说明,较基本的精细动作能力是复杂工具性技能发展的基础,同时在小学低年级阶段,儿童的精细动作能力与其学习活动之间存在密切联系。  相似文献   

Participants in this study were 300 Mexican women of rural origin who were born and raised in villages of that country and who belong to one of three groups: married and living with their husbands in Los Angeles, California ( n = 100), married to migrant workers but living in Mexico ( n = 100), and living in Mexico with their spouses ( n = 100). Trained female professionals conducted face-to-face interviews in Spanish, in Mexico and in the United States. The purpose of this study was to identify specific sexual practices, coping strategies in sex-related situations, and fears and concerns regarding sexual intercourse. This article analyzes how these elements place Mexican ruralorigin women at risk for HIV/AIDS. It discusses the need to design intervention strategies to prevent HIV/AIDS that take into consideration the limited power of women in traditional societies and the cultural precepts that promote gender roles characterized by male dominance and female submissiveness in the sexual arena.  相似文献   

This study examined how external evaluators' assessments of a management team and its leader are impacted by congruence between the leader's gender and the gender typing of the industry in which the team works. We experimentally tested our theory using industries that are either male typed or gender neutral, with teams led by male and female leaders. Results indicate that performance expectations for the team were more favorable when the leader's gender was congruent with the industry's gender typing, but expectations for the leader were not affected by gender congruence. These findings paradoxically suggest that evaluators form performance expectations for teams based upon individual characteristics of their leaders, even when these characteristics have no effect on the conscious assessments of the leaders themselves.  相似文献   

We interact frequently with individuals with religious beliefs that vary from our own. Although we may naturally prefer interacting with religiously similar others, individuals vary in their attitudes toward religiously dissimilar others. In the present set of studies, we examined how variability in quest religiousness affects religious tolerance. In Study 1 (N = 159), we found that quest religiousness in Christian undergraduates was associated with positive attitudes toward both non-Christian religious groups and atheists. In Study 2, 118 Christian undergraduates evaluated vignettes regarding a devout moral or an average morality Christian (ingroup) or Muslim (outgroup). Participants preferred moral targets relative to less moral targets. However, when rating moral targets, participants high in quest religiousness preferred the Muslim target (religious outgroup member), whereas those low in quest religiousness preferred the Christian target (religious ingroup member). We discuss implications for the links between quest religiousness and religious tolerance.  相似文献   

Psychological responses and mental health of 174 Palestinian women living in the occupied West-Bank and the Gaza Strip were studied through a stress model. Thirty-five Palestinian women living in Israel proper who had not been exposed to military occupation were interviewed as a comparison group. The stress process studied consists of women's appraisal of threat and the importance of the stressors in their lives, the estimation of their own resources to cope with stress, actual coping modes, and mental health outcomes. Women living under military occupation tended to appraise their environment as highly threatening and their experiences as strain-producing. At the same time they believed they had sufficient assets, especially collective and ideological resources, to deal with the stressors. This tendency was particularly evident among victims of political violence. Women strongly exposed to hardships of military occupation tended to employ more social and political activity and less inactive and accommodative coping modes than did less traumatized women. Exposure to stressful events, characteristic to military occupation and armed conflict, tended to deteriorate women's mental health, as indicated by severe anxiety, depression, hostile feelings and psychiatric symptoms, and also deteriorating their general health. Multiple regression analysis of the data pertaining to the stress process indicated not only the existence of objective stressors but also the appraisal of their harmfulness, the coping modes as well as vulnerability-protective factors which determine the outcomes of the stress process. A good economic situation, sufficient social support, and religious commitment functioned as protective factors in stress process, i.e., they were able to diminish the impact of exposure to stressors on women's mental health. In the case of the Palestinian women the hardships due to military occupation and national struggle initiated a different stress process than did the daily life difficulties. This indicates that in studies on psychological functioning in a political and armed conflict, the collective level of coping, values, norms, ideology as well as the concrete political aims of the society should be included in analysis and interpretation.  相似文献   


American culture and the practices of government focus an overwhelming majority of attention on violent “street” crime. As a result, very little is known about the victims of fraud. In order to contribute to this literature, a case study is provided that examines the victim population of a Ponzi scheme. Data are provided on the general characteristics of the victims, their investments, and the growth of the scheme. A theoretical model is formulated from Messner and Rosenfeld.'s work in Crime and the American Dream. This paper expands the concepts of this theory by providing evidence that it can be used to explain victim behavior.  相似文献   

The present research proposes an improved understanding of work motivation by identifying employees’ motivational profiles while taking into account the dual global and specific nature of work motivation proposed by self-determination theory (SDT). To document the construct validity of these latent profiles, we relied on the circumplex model of employees’ well-being to investigate whether they differed in terms of burnout, work satisfaction, and work addiction. Results from analyses conducted among a sample of 955 employees revealed five distinct profiles characterized by differing levels of global and specific forms of motivation: Intrinsically Motivated, Poorly Motivated, Driven, Conflicted, and Self-Determined. Lower levels of burnout and work satisfaction were associated with profiles characterized by higher global levels of self-determination and more autonomous forms of motivation, matching theoretical expectations. Interestingly, work addiction was highest in the Driven profile and lowest in the Self-Determined profile, suggesting that autonomous forms of motivation are not always able to buffer the adverse effects of controlled forms of motivation. Our results also suggest that the specific qualities of work motivations are just as important as the global levels of self-determination in the identification of work motivation profiles.  相似文献   

本文主要关注公共艺术中的雕塑,并讨论公共空间、公共领域、艺术家在公共艺术中的角色、观众在公共艺术中的角色等与公共艺术密切相关的几个问题。公共空间和公共领域构成了我们理解公共艺术的基本框架,但是随着电子空间的出现和民主社会的发展,这两个概念的含义已经发生了深刻的变化,这个变化又深刻地影响着公共雕塑的实践和观念。相应地,艺术家和观众在公共雕塑中的角色也发生了巨大的变化。在一个日趋多元化的社会里,当代公共雕塑的诸多发展,要求我们重新思考雕塑的定义并调整我们的公共艺术观念。  相似文献   

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