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通过将质的研究与定量研究、定性研究进行各维度对比,充分显示了质的研究范式的独特个性.并使用文献分析法,分析了我国医学教育领域中,医学教育研究方法应用的现状.进而探讨了质的研究范式在医学教育研究领域应用的意义及其优势,以及该研究范式在医学教育研究中如何引入的问题.  相似文献   

This article examines the key tenets of contemporary education philosophy and compares it to the principles of the Adventist educational philosophy. The intent is to determine whether Adventist educational philosophy aligns with the demands of contemporary education. In this vein, 10 key principles of contemporary education are first described. Then, the principles of Adventist educational philosophy are articulated and examined to determine if they meet the demands of contemporary education. Finally, the article concludes by looking at the implications of this critical analysis for the current status of Adventist educational philosophy.  相似文献   

For centuries, religion and philosophy have been the primary basis for efforts to guide humans to be more ethical. However, training in ethics and religion and imparting positive values and morality tests such as those emanating from the categorical imperative and the Golden Rule have not been enough to protect humankind from its bad behaviors. To improve ethics education educators must better understand aspects of human nature such as those that lead to ??self-deception?? and ??personal bias.?? Through rationalizations, faulty reasoning and hidden bias, individuals trick themselves into believing there is little wrong with their own unethical behavior. The application of science to human nature offers the possibility of improving ethics education through better self-knowledge. The author recommends a new paradigm for ethics education in contemporary modern society. This includes the creation of a new field called ??applied evolutionary neuro-ethics?? which integrates science and social sciences to improve ethics education. The paradigm can merge traditional thinking about ethics from religious and philosophical perspectives with new ideas from applied evolutionary neuro-ethics.  相似文献   

Theological education is of crucial importance in the mission of the Church in Southern and Central Africa. This paper discusses the changes that have taken place in theological education in post‐independence Africa. The author argues that theological education during the colonial period was Euro‐centric. As a result, it did not respond adequately to the pressing problems faced by the African people such as colonial oppression, poverty, patriarchy and others. However, the situation has changed dramatically in modern times. Theological educators have realized the significance and importance of context in theological education. They are, thus, seriously taking into account the political, social, economic and religious context in which the African people live today. This has led to the creation of different theologies that are in line with modern and post‐modern challenges facing the African people thereby making the church both relevant and necessary.  相似文献   

The individual is in constant interaction with others from birth onwards. The primary experience evolves from the innate need for bodily touch and connection, which form the foundation for the psychobiological structure of the individual. The body’s anatomy is made to yearn for another, for building a home with the body of another. This makes the body the focal instrument, which is discernible already in the mother–child relationship, as well as later in male–female or husband–wife relationships. The body thus provides the most sacred space, and deep within it carries a natural yearning for another, for having a relationship with another. Relationships are the means through which the body can come to full realization.  相似文献   

美国著名科学哲学家库恩在其《科学革命的结构》一书中 ,在纵览科学发展的历史 ,观察科学发展的轨迹基础之上 ,天才地应用了“范式”(paradigm )理论来解释科学发展与科学革命的内在规律和本质 ,其本身就是一场深刻的哲学思想和方法论的革命 ,在科学界、科学史界、哲学界及其它许多领域都产生了划时代的深远影响。范式理论不但在科学规律认识上有大气如虹的方法论功能 ,而且在科学活动和科学创造上有其独特的规范和指导意义。本文就范式理论对生命科学发展的影响进行探讨。1 科学发展的一般规律按照库恩的科学思想和科学发展模式 ,…  相似文献   

Until recently, family-centered policy and practice used expert models which defined families of children with serious emotional disturbance as dysfunctional A collaborative model, called wraparound, is emerging which engages these families as decision making participants, using naturally occurring strengths to wrap individualized supports around the child and family. However, because wraparound has been defined only through value-based principles, the fidelity of the model is threatened by a developmental paradox. Those who have received training and whose careers have been shaped in more traditional expert models of deficit remediation can interpret these value-based principles as an emergent form of case management methodology. Critical and constructivist paradigms, and ecological systems theory, form a basis for negotiating this paradox to maintain fidelity of wraparound process. Anchored in this base, and derived from wraparound's value-based principles, a single construct with an operative focus is suggested to ensure the integrity of this collaborative model.  相似文献   

In this article 1 discuss Claudia Card's treatment of war rape in relation to her discussion of the victim's moral power of forgiveness. I argue that her analysis of the victim's power to withhold forgiveness overlooks the paradoxical structure of witnessing, which implies that there is an ungraspable dimension of atrocity. In relation to this ungraspable element, the proposal that victims of atrocity have the power to either offer or withhold forgiveness may have little relevance.  相似文献   

Modern philosophy recognizes two major ethical theories: deontology, which encourages adherence to rules and fulfillment of duties or obligations; and consequentialism, which evaluates morally significant actions strictly on the basis of their actual or anticipated outcomes. Both involve the systematic application of universal abstract principles, reflecting the culturally dominant paradigm of technical rationality. Professional societies promulgate codes of ethics with which engineers are expected to comply (deontology), while courts and the public generally assign liability to engineers primarily in accordance with the results of their work, whether intended or unintended (consequentialism). A third option, prominent in ancient philosophy, has reemerged recently: virtue ethics, which recognizes that sensitivity to context and practical judgment are indispensable in particular concrete situations, and therefore rightly focuses on the person who acts, rather than the action itself. Beneficial character traits—i.e., virtues—are identified within a specific social practice in light of the internal goods that are unique to it. This paper proposes a comprehensive framework for implementing virtue ethics within engineering.  相似文献   

为了探讨跨通道情境下同一种刺激序列中双任务范式与计时中断范式中位置效应和间断效应的异同,研究设计了实验1和实验2。实验1以2500 ms和4500 ms为目标时距,采用相同的刺激序列(视觉呈现时距信号,听觉呈现干扰信号或中断信号),要求3组被试分别在控制、干扰及中断条件下完成相应任务,结果发现不管2500 ms或4500 ms时,中断条件较干扰条件和控制条件的间断效应更明显;同时发现在2500 ms时,不管控制、干扰还是中断条件下均发现了位置效应,而4500 ms时仅在中断条件下出现了位置效应,这可能由于实验1的控制及干扰任务中的4500 ms时的“晚”位置的时间确定性较高,以致掩盖了位置效应。为了降低“晚”位置出现的确定性,更好地对比两种范式中的效应,实验2将目标时距设置为1500 ms和2500 ms,结果发现在1500 ms或2500 ms时,不管控制、干扰还是中断条件下均发现了位置效应,且中断条件较干扰条件和控制条件下间断效应更明显。上述结果意味着跨通道情境下同一种刺激序列中双任务范式与计时中断范式中位置效应是否相同局限在一定时间范畴;计时中断范式中的中断效应对计时的消弱较双任务范式干扰效应更显著。  相似文献   

金志成  张豹 《心理科学》2008,31(2):427-430
负启动(NP)范式是用来研究选择性注意中分心信息抑制的一种实验技术.本研究将经典的NP范式修改成"分步启动显示的NP范式",并通过实验1、2分别探讨了"分步启动显示的NP范式"是否适用于选择性注意中分心信息抑制的研究和记忆提取抑制研究的可行性.实验1发现了NP效应,表明这种范式与经典的NP范式一样,能适用于选择性注意中分心信息抑制的研究.实验2也发现了NP效应,表明这种范式研究记忆提取抑制是可行性.  相似文献   

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