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Brain-damaged patients with unilateral spatial neglect ignore aspects of the world located on the side opposite their lesion. In the present study we examined the performance of unilateral neglect patients (UN) on an SRT task in which a hybrid repeating sequence (21313) was used. We analyzed the patients' performance for each location separately as a function of the target's location in the trial preceding the response. The UN patients were severely limited in their learning of the sequence when compared to normal controls. In particular, they appeared to learn unique associations (21 and 13) but not ambiguous ones (31 and 32). We discuss two possible explanations for this phenomenon. The first is that UN patients show a deficit similar to that of normal subjects in dual task situations. The second is that the learning deficit is unique to spatial processing impairments of UN patients and is not directly related to research with normal population. We outline future research that may distinguish between these two explanations.  相似文献   

Learning the structure of event sequences   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
How is complex sequential material acquired, processed, and represented when there is no intention to learn? Two experiments exploring a choice reaction time task are reported. Unknown to Ss, successive stimuli followed a sequence derived from a "noisy" finite-state grammar. After considerable practice (60,000 exposures) with Experiment 1, Ss acquired a complex body of procedural knowledge about the sequential structure of the material. Experiment 2 was an attempt to identify limits on Ss ability to encode the temporal context by using more distant contingencies that spanned irrelevant material. Taken together, the results indicate that Ss become increasingly sensitive to the temporal context set by previous elements of the sequence, up to 3 elements. Responses are also affected by priming effects from recent trials. A connectionist model that incorporates sensitivity to the sequential structure and to priming effects is shown to capture key aspects of both acquisition and processing and to account for the interaction between attention and sequence structure reported by Cohen, Ivry, and Keele (1990).  相似文献   

Dorfman and Biderman evaluated an additive-operator learning model and some special cases of this model on data from a signal-detection experiment. They found that Kac's pure error-correction model gave the poorest fit of the special models when the predictions were generated from the maximum likelihood estimates and the initial cutoffs were set at an a priori value rather than estimated. First, this paper presents tests of an asymptotic theorem by Norman, which provide strong support for Kac's model. On the final 100 trials, every subject but one gave probability matching, and the response propcrtions appropriately normed were approximately normally distributed with variance π(1 ? π). Further analyses of the Dorfman-Biderman data based upon maximum likelihood and likelihood-ratio tests suggest that Kac's model gives a relatively good, but imperfect fit to the data. Some possible explanations for the apparent contradiction between the results of these new analyses and the original findings of Dorfman and Biderman were explored. The investigations led to the proposal that there may be nonsystematic, random drifts in the decision criterion after correct responses as well as after errors. The hypothesis gives a minor modification of the conclusions from Norman's theorem for Kac's model. It gives asymptotic probability matching for every subject, but a larger asymptotic variance than π(1 ? π), which agrees with the data. The paper also presents good Monte Carlo justification for the use of maximum likelihood and likelihood-ratio tests with these additive learning models. Results from Thomas' nonparametric test of error correction are presented, which are inconclusive. Computation of Thomas' p statistic on the Monte Carlo simulations showed that it is quite variable and insensitive to small deviations from error correction.  相似文献   

In three separate experiments, Ss were provided with auditory, visual, or simultaneous auditory and visual information in a classification task. Difficulty of classification was manipulated by varying the stimulus exposure duration. Consistent bisensory facilitation effects were noted for later trials, with interference evident on earlier trials. Exposure duration influenced rate and not amount of learning, with bisensory performance being most affected by duration. A transfer paradigm was used in Experiment III, and little if any transfer was noted between unisensory and bisensory stimulus conditions. It was concluded that Ss were extracting the most salient bisensory stimulus components from the auditory and visual modes of information into a unidimensional information configuration.  相似文献   

D H Warren  E R Strelow 《Perception》1984,13(3):331-350
The relationship between sensory aid research and several areas of perceptual learning has been explored with five experiments on learning the use of the Binaural Sensory Aid, an electronic sensor in which pitch specifies distance and interaural amplitude difference (IAD) specifies direction. The training task required reaching to objects in near space, with tactile error feedback. Perceptual learning for both dimensions was demonstrated within 72 trials, giving a level of performance comparable to the use of a natural sound source, although performance with the direction cue did not reach asymptote until a second training session. Training was unaffected by various kinds of regularity in the spatial target sequences, or by a reduction in the number of spatial target locations until only two locations were used; at this point directional accuracy declines. Training only one dimension at a time did not produce additional improvement of performance on that dimension, but did impair generalization of the direction cue. Learning of the pitch-distance dimension was generally better than that of the IAD dimension, possibly because of its greater discriminability with this device. Generally, the pattern of results indicates that in learning to use such devices subjects readily determine the sensory dimensions of the codes and have considerable ability to generalize to new locations.  相似文献   

Braitenberg V  Heck D  Sultan F 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》1997,20(2):229-45; discussion 245-77
Starting from macroscopic and microscopic facts of cerebellar histology, we propose a new functional interpretation that may elucidate the role of the cerebellum in movement control. The idea is that the cerebellum is a large collection of individual lines (Eccles's "beams": Eccles et al. 1967a) that respond specifically to certain sequences of events in the input and in turn produce sequences of signals in the output. We believe that the sequence-in/sequence-out mode of operation is as typical for the cerebellar cortex as the transformation of sets into sets of active neurons is typical for the cerebral cortex, and that both the histological differences between the two and their reciprocal functional interactions become understandable in the light of this dichotomy. The response of Purkinje cells to sequences of stimuli in the mossy fiber system was shown experimentally by Heck on surviving slices of rat and guinea pig cerebellum. Sequential activation of a row of eleven stimulating electrodes in the granular layer, imitating a "movement" of the stimuli along the folium, produces a powerful volley in the parallel fibers that strongly excites Purkinje cells, as evidenced by intracellular recording. The volley, or "tidal wave," has maximal amplitude when the stimulus moves toward the recording site at the speed of conduction in parallel fibers, and much smaller amplitudes for lower or higher "velocities." The succession of stimuli has no effect when they "move" in the opposite direction. Synchronous activation of the stimulus electrodes also had hardly any effect. We believe that the sequences of mossy fiber activation that normally produce this effect in the intact cerebellum are a combination of motor planning relayed to the cerebellum by the cerebral cortex, and information about ongoing movement, reaching the cerebellum from the spinal cord. The output elicited by the specific sequence to which a "beam" is tuned may well be a succession of well timed inhibitory volleys "sculpting" the motor sequences so as to adapt them to the complicated requirements of the physics of a multijointed system.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - Most animals engage in complex activities that are the combination of simpler actions expressed over a period of time. The mechanisms organizing such sequential behavior have...  相似文献   

The authors used an interference paradigm to determine the extent to which the learning of 2 similar movement sequences influences the learning of each other. Participants (N=30) produced the sequences by moving a lever with their right arm and hand to sequentially presented target locations. They practiced 2 similar 16-element movement sequences (S1 and S2), 1 sequence on each of 2 consecutive days of practice. Control groups received only 1 day of practice on 1 of the sequences. Early in S2 practice, the experimental group demonstrated a relatively strong level of proactive facilitation arising from previous practice with S1. The advantage was not evident at the end of S2 practice or on the S2 retention test. No advantage of practicing the 1st sequence on the learning of the 2nd sequence (proactive effect) was found in the analysis of element duration in the retention and transfer tests, even though 14 of the 16 elements were common to both sequences. A strong retroactive interference on the switched elements was detected, however. Thus, the memories underpinning S1 seemed to be "overwritten" or adapted in response to the learning of S2.  相似文献   

In sequences of human sensory assessments, the response toa stimulus may be influenced by previous stimuli. When investigating this phenomenon experimentally with several types or levels of stimulus, it is useful to have treatment sequences which are balanced for first‐order carry‐over effects. The requirement of balance for each experimental participant leads us to consider sequences of n symbols comprising an initial symbol followed by n ‘blocks’ each containing a permutation of the symbols. These sequences are designed to include all n2 ordered pairs of symbols once each, and to have treatment and sequence position effects which are approximately or thogonal. Such sequences were suggested by Finney and Outhwaite (1956) , who were able to find examples for particular values of n. We describe and illustrate acomputer algorithm for systematically enumerating the sequences for those values of n for which they exist. Criteria are proposed for choosing between the sequences according to the nearness to orthogonality of their treatment and position effects.  相似文献   

A wave of recent behavioral studies has generated a new wealth of parametric observations about serial order behavior. What was a trickle of neurophysiological studies has grown to a steady stream of probes of neural sites and mechanisms underlying sequential behavior. Moreover, simulation models of serial behavior generation have begun to open a channel to link cellular dynamics with cognitive and behavioral dynamics. Here we review major results from prominent sequence learning and performance tasks, namely immediate serial recall, typing, 2 x N, discrete sequence production, and serial reaction time. These tasks populate a continuum from higher to lower degrees of internal control of sequential organization and probe important contemporary issues such as the nature of working-memory representations for sequential behavior, and the development and role of chunks in hierarchical control. The main movement classes reviewed are speech and keypressing, both involving small amplitude movements amenable to parametric study. A synopsis of serial order models, vis-a-vis major empirical findings leads to a focus on competitive queuing (CQ) models. Recently, the many behavioral predictive successes of CQ models have been complemented by successful prediction of distinctively patterned electrophysiological recordings. In lateral prefrontal cortex, parallel activation dynamics of multiple neural ensembles strikingly matches the parallel dynamics predicted by CQ theory. An extended CQ simulation model--the N-STREAMS neural network model--exemplifies ongoing attempts to accommodate a broad range of both behavioral and neurobiological data within a CQ-consistent theory.  相似文献   

Sixteen rats selected as high responders in a sensory contingent bar pressing situation, were studied when they had free access to four different sensory states. The experimental procedure allowed choices (entries into states) and preferences (as reflected by time spent in states) to be measured simultaneously. Although clear and consistent preferences were observed, they proved to be a relatively weak predictor of choice behaviour. Implications for theories of choice were discussed and the results were interpreted in accordance with the hypothesis that control over the environment has motivational and reinforcing properties.  相似文献   

Clinical and imaging studies suggest that the cerebellum is involved in language tasks, but the extent to which slowed language production in cerebellar patients contributes to their poor performance on these tasks is not clear. We explored this relationship in 18 patients with cerebellar degeneration and 16 healthy controls who completed measures of verbal fluency (phonemic and semantic), word stem completion, and oral naming speed. Cerebellar patients showed significantly slower response times when naming common nouns, which correlated with their degree of motor impairment. Patients were significantly impaired on both phonemic and semantic fluency measures compared to controls (p < 0.001), even when naming speed was entered as a covariate (p = 0.03). On the word stem completion task, patients were significantly less accurate (p < 0.001), had more errors due to non-responses (p = 0.008), and were slower to respond (p = 0.036) than controls; group effects were significant for overall accuracy, but not response time, when the effects of naming speed were covaried (p = 0.014). These findings suggest that cerebellar patients’ poorer performance on language tasks cannot be explained solely by slower language production, and that the integrity of cerebellar-prefrontal loops might underlie poorer performance on measures of executive function in cerebellar patients.  相似文献   

The authors investigated adaptation of goal-directed forearm movements to an unknown external viscous force assisting forearm flexion in 6 patients with cerebellar dysfunction and in 6 control participants. Motor performance was generally degraded in cerebellar patients and was markedly reduced under the force condition in both groups. However, patients and controls were able to adapt to the novel force within 8 trials. Only the healthy controls were able to improve motor performance when readapting to a null-force condition. The results indicate that cerebellar patients' motor control system has imprecise estimations of actual limb dynamics at its disposal. Force adaptation may have been preserved because single-joint movements were performed, whereas the negative viscous force alone and no interaction forces had to be compensated.  相似文献   

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