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春秋早期的管子认识到职业教育的重要性,《管子》一书集中反映了他的职业教育思想。管子的职业教育思想体现出以下特点:职业教育本质的职业针对性、职业教育内容的应用性、职业教育方式的多样性、职业教育思路的灵活性及职业教育功能的社会性。管子的职业教育思想为当今职业教育进一步强化职业针对性、构建职业教育社会系统工程、建立终身教育思想以及树立大职业教育观念等提供了思想源泉。  相似文献   

职业技术教育是随产业的产生而产生、随产业的发展而发展的,这是职业技术教育产生与发展的原始动因和持续动力,也是我们考证职业教育何时形成的重要判断依据。在我国奴隶社会之前,社会经济文化的发展还没有导致社会经济产业化的形成,人们之间的社会分工还没有达到专门的职业化。那时,技术技能的学习与传授是在日常生活和日常劳动中实现的,是偶然的、分散的、带有一定随机性的,没有专门的教育场所和教育人员。夏商周三代,少数脑力劳动者成为专门掌管文化及农业、手工业、商业等行业的官吏,实行“子习父学”的职官教育,奴隶和平民没有接受专业技术教育的权利。春秋桓、管时期,社会生产力进一步发展,产业分工越来越细致化、专职化,产业经济的发展要求具备相应的职业教育;齐桓公为称霸诸侯任用管仲为相,推行“四民分业定居制度,从而最早产生了我国历史上真正意义的职业教育。  相似文献   

实践性教学对于职业教育的发展乃至整个社会经济的发展,都有良好的促进作用.是学校改革发展的动力,只有抓紧抓好,不断创新,才能为社会培养出更多高质量的实用型技术人才。实践性教学是为国家经济建设和社会发展培养具有初、中级专业水平的实用型技术人才的重要途径,其根本目的是提高社会生产力水平,全面提高劳动者的素质,培养新型社会主义劳动者。当前我国职业教育历史短、基础弱,人们对于其地位和教学规律认识不够深入,也没有成熟的办学经验,又受传统思想和教育模式的影响,学校在教学设施.方式和内容上大都照搬普教模式,对学生的培养脱离社会实践。因此,职业教育学校除要加强思想政治教育和基础理论教学外,更要特别重视和加强实践性教学,培养学生的实际工作能力,以适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

在中国佛教的发展过程中,弥勒信仰曾一度盛行,并对社会生活产生过重大的影响。它作为印度佛教净土思想的内容之一,可在婆罗门教和小乘佛教中找到渊源。只是到大乘佛教形成时,为了解决人生未来问题,才在其净土信仰的系统思想中,产生了弥勒兜率净土的内容。这种思想,在印度的影响并不太大,但到传入中国以后,因与特定的社会条件相结合,却曾得到了广泛的传播。崇拜弥勒的思想,跟随着不同时代的步伐,最先得到传播的是弥勒上  相似文献   

在中国各派哲学中,儒教①思想是为主流。孔孟之后,它不仅在中国学术史上成为政治、教育和社会思想方面的主流,而且千百年来对韩国和日本也产生了极大影响。儒教思想、佛教思想和道教思想统称为东方三大哲学思想,而儒教作为实践哲学,对现实社会所产生的影响尤为重大。佛教思想,与其说对现实社会,毋宁说对人们的精神领域具有更多的影响,它在宗教、艺术、民俗等方面的影响比儒教和道教更大。属于自然主义哲学的道教,不同于唯心世界观的佛教,其影响所及不限于社会伦理和政治,更多地是以具体的实在论影响到生理学和医学等科学领域。就…  相似文献   

尚贤运动和贤能政治思潮是在春秋战国社会巨变中产生的两种鲜明的历史现象,二者紧密交织,相辅相成,对中国传统政治文化产生了深远的影响。尸子作为战国中期贤能政治思想的重要代表,在贤能政治思潮的早起发展过程中起着重要的衔接作用。尸子提出的一些重要政治原则,是对孔墨尚贤思想的继承和发展,对战国晚期经荀子等系统化了的贤能政治理论的产生起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

白理明  安静侠 《天风》2013,(1):11-13
信仰与社会接触产生了基督教社会伦理学。尽管丁光训主教没有把自己当作是伦理学专家,不过他的神学思想对该领域有着重大的贡献。他在生活中,就是他融入自己生活的社会中发展、形成自己的神学思想。他没有闲暇紧闭在大学图书馆中思考生活而成为一名书斋式的思想家。他常常面对各种困难的伦理问题,以“行动主义神学家”来形容他也许是最好的。  相似文献   

当代英国基督宗教的世俗化是历史长期发展积累的产物,亦是由多种因素产生合力的结果。就短期因素来看,20世纪上半叶西方社会政治、经济、文化、思想等全方位的危机对英国宗教产生了强烈冲击。以社会经济发展为基础的政治、文化和神学思想等各要素之间的关联,及其所体现出的宗教与社会之间的互动,铸成了英国基督宗教发展的现实。  相似文献   

社会福音思想产生于美国基督教神学家对社会问题的反思,逐渐发展成具有较大影响力的神学思潮,并伴随而生相应的社会运动。19世纪末20世纪初,社会福音思想经由海外传教运动入华,通过演讲布道、会议、文字出版物、基督徒知识分子间讨论等方式在中国基督教界广泛传播开来,推动着许多基督教团体和基督徒参与到社会改良活动中,对基督教在华传播和中国社会改良产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

正生活在现代社会中的人们,常常以牺牲身心健康为代价,换取金钱和权力,在获得财富和权力后却无福消受,这样的例子在现代社会中屡见不鲜。日复一日地超负荷工作,长期积压自我身体和心理上的巨大压力,类似的行为与道家"无为而治"的思想是相悖的。老庄思想经过了漫长的岁月,却在无数个思想学派不断产生、兴盛的  相似文献   

"以德配天"的天人论思想以及"明德慎罚"的主张,是西周时期实施道德教化的理论前提和宗旨。从内容上看,这一时期的道德教化主要包括政德教化、王室教化和民众教化,其教化内容、方式与体制也各具特色,这对我国儒家德教思想、传统治国方略和蒙养教育等优良传统的形成和家训演进都产生了广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   

荀子教育思想及其现实意义新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李霞 《管子学刊》2004,(4):36-38
荀子是战国末期著名思想家、教育家,倾其一生从事教育和学术活动。荀子在其长期的教育实践活动中不仅积累了丰富的经验,而且融合诸家思想形成自己独特的教育观,这在中国古代教育史上占有极为重要的地位。本文欲从荀子教育思想的理论来源、荀子的礼法思想在教育中的地位、荀子的教学思想三方面加以论述。  相似文献   

Much work has been done to prepare people with a history of chronic mental illness for vocational placement. Evaluation tools can select some who are likely to be successful in competitive or sheltered work. Many whose psychiatric disability is so severe it interferes seriously with their capacity for work have need for more pre-vocational or vocational skills training. A literature survey shows many programs designed to help this population but little specific outcome data. Other articles state the need for empirical research. With limited funds and a large underserved population, further research is important.  相似文献   

Presently, research on the vocational development of Black individuals-both adolescents and adults-constitutes a disparate body of knowledge. This article examines the “state of the art” in this field, gathers together some of the diverse research strands symbolizing it, and presents, on the basis of the research reviewed, a profile of the Black individual in vocational literature. It is suggested that the unification of reference group theory with vocational theories may potentially prove helpful in closing many of the gaps that currently exist concerning the psychology of the Black individual's vocational development.  相似文献   

The study set out to examine the organization of parental assessments of their children's competencies in terms of the parents' education and gender and the chilďs gender. Parents with university education ( N = 231) and vocational education ( N = 343) were asked to appraise their preschool-aged chilďs competencies in domains pertaining to school subjects and abilities. It was found that parents with university education emphasized cognitive-verbal competencies when assessing their children, and parents with vocational education emphasized practical competencies. Girls' competencies were generally assessed more favorably than were boy's. Yet boys were considered to have higher mathematical skills than were girls, and this assessment was further specified by the parents' educational position. In sum, the organization of parental assessments seemed to have already taken shape by the time the child enters school.  相似文献   

吴钧 《周易研究》2007,(2):92-96
易学是中国文化的源头活水,是中华民族五千年生生不息的精神象征。鲁迅先生是中国现代文学的奠基人,被誉为“民族魂”。尽管鲁迅精神的构成有多方面的因素,但源于《周易》的中华民族优秀文化传统无疑对鲁迅的精神世界和文学创作翻译活动产生了最为直接和重要的影响。本文就鲁迅思想源于“易遭”的民族精神、鲁迅与《周易》精神的一脉相承进行分析论述。  相似文献   

In the present study, the model of action phases (Heckhausen & Gollwitzer, 1987) was applied to the area of continuing education. A subsample of 136 East German participants in the larger study "Active Actions in a Radical Change Situation" rated the expected value of further education, indicated whether they had taken a decision to continue their education (goal intention) and whether they were planning goal-directed actions (implementation intention). Two years later, it was ascertained whether participants had initiated vocational retraining. Findings support the core assumptions of the model. Postdecisional participants endorsed the positive aspects of further education more strongly (implemental mindset) than predecisional participants, who looked at its pros and cons impartially (deliberative mindset). Second, participants were more successful in initiating vocational retraining when they had a goal intention that was additionally furnished with an implementation intention. Findings are discussed with respect to theoretical and practical implications of the distinction between goal setting and goal implementation.  相似文献   

本研究基于人–职匹配理论,结合中国特殊教育行业特征,编制了特殊教育教师职业人格量表,初步揭示了特殊教育教师的职业人格现状。以特殊教育教师为被试,采用调查、专家访谈方法,经项目分析与修改,最终确定包含7个维度36个项目的特殊教育教师职业人格量表。进一步分析发现,特殊教育教师职业人格量表具备较好的信效度,能够作为特殊教育教师职业人格的测量工具;我国特殊教育教师职业人格总体发展较好,在不同性别、年龄、教龄与职称方面存在差异。  相似文献   

The home-education phenomenon within the United States has increased in popularity within recent years. The research literature on home education also has expanded beyond the few, isolated studies of a generation ago. Profiles emerging from the recent research suggest that home-education families vary considerably in ideology and are more affluent and better educated than average. The growing body of literature continues to confirm that the cognitive and affective effects of home education compare favorably with conventional schooling.  相似文献   

This article adds several conceptual and theoretical reflections to the article “Career proactivity: A bibliometric literature review and a future research agenda” by Jiang et al. The authors conducted a timely and relevant study by analyzing and integrating literature on career proactivity from the domains of organizational and vocational behavior. Prior research has clearly demonstrated that these areas are still largely operating as separate “islands,” both conceptually and methodologically. As such, systematically analyzing the literature and synthesizing the many existing proactivity-related constructs are important steps forward in taking research on career proactivity to the next level. Though their bibliometric analysis confirms the gap between vocational psychology and OB research, there is also a hopeful message in the article, as several clusters showed considerable connections. Thus, it seems that scholars are starting to build bridges between the islands. Building on their analysis and future research suggestions, in this article, we further explore three specific considerations related to (1) conceptual issues, (2) theoretical issues, and (3) additions to their future research agenda.  相似文献   

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