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Ruminative thinking is believed to exacerbate the psychological distress that follows stressful life events. An experience-sampling study was conducted in which participants recorded negative life events, ruminative self-focus, and negative affect eight times daily over one week. Occasions when participants reported a negative event were marked by higher levels of negative affect. Additionally, negative events were prospectively associated with higher levels of negative affect at the next sampling occasion, and this relationship was partially mediated by momentary ruminative self-focus. Depressive symptoms were associated with more frequent negative events, but not with increased reactivity to negative events. Trait rumination was associated with reports of more severe negative events and increased reactivity to negative events. These results suggest that the extent to which a person engages in ruminative self-focus after everyday stressors is an important determinant of the degree of distress experienced after such events. Further, dispositional measures of rumination predict mood reactivity to everyday stressors in a non-clinical sample.  相似文献   

Statistics show that incidents of violence in the workplace are on the rise. This article examines the effects of organizational structure on aggression and violence in the workplace. In the case of organizational aggression and violence, organizational factors interact with other behavioral determinants. Through a review of the literature, it was determined that structural characteristics can lead to such behavior when there is an incongruence of needs/expectations and environment between the individual and the organization. Individuals progress along a frustration–violence continuum until intervening action is taken by the individual or the organization to overcome obstacles to goals or expectations. A model provides support of this analysis.  相似文献   

Ruminative self-focus and negative affect: an experience sampling study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors conducted an experience sampling study to investigate the relationship between momentary ruminative self-focus and negative affect. Ninety-three adults recorded these variables at quasi-random intervals 8 times daily for 1 week. Scores on questionnaire measures of dispositional rumination were associated with mean levels of momentary ruminative self-focus over the experience sampling week. Concurrently, momentary ruminative self-focus was positively associated with negative affect. Cross-lagged analyses revealed that whereas ruminative self-focus predicted negative affect at a subsequent occasion, negative affect also predicted ruminative self-focus at a subsequent occasion. Decomposition of the dispositional rumination measure suggested that brooding, but not reflective pondering, was associated with higher mean levels of negative affect. Though broadly consistent with Nolen-Hoeksema's (1991) response styles theory, these results suggest that a reciprocal relationship exists between ruminative self-focus and negative affect.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examine the relationship between abusive supervision and employee workplace deviance. The authors conceptualize abusive supervision as a type of aggression. They use work on retaliation and direct and displaced aggression as a foundation for examining employees' reactions to abusive supervision. The authors predict abusive supervision will be related to supervisor-directed deviance, organizational deviance, and interpersonal deviance. Additionally, the authors examine the moderating effects of negative reciprocity beliefs. They hypothesized that the relationship between abusive supervision and supervisor-directed deviance would be stronger when individuals hold higher negative reciprocity beliefs. The results support this hypothesis. The implications of the results for understanding destructive behaviors in the workplace are examined.  相似文献   

Predictors and outcomes of workplace violence and aggression   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The authors developed and assessed the psychometric properties of an instrument measuring risk for workplace violence and expanded a model linking (a) risk and experience of violence and aggression from the public and (b) experience of aggression from coworkers to emotional well-being, psychosomatic well-being, affective commitment, and turnover intentions. Using data from 254 employees representing 71 different occupations, the measure demonstrated acceptable within-occupation and 1-month test-retest reliability. The data supported the model and showed that public-initiated violence and aggression and coworker-initiated aggression were differentially associated with personal and organizational outcomes.  相似文献   

The present study compared the effect of compassionate thinking with other methods traditionally used in cognitive behavioural therapy (cognitive reappraisal, responsibility reattribution, and self-deflection). An instructional manipulation was used, and 207 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of these thinking styles or a control condition. The results revealed that participants who engaged in compassionate thinking and cognitive reappraisal reported significantly lower levels of negative emotions compared to those in the responsibility reattribution and control conditions. Furthermore, results of hierarchical regression analyses suggested that habitual use of self-compassion reduced negative emotions in all conditions. These findings suggest that self-compassion and reappraisal reduce negative emotions more than reattribution and self-deflection.  相似文献   

Based on definitions and theoretical models of physical violence at the workplace, this paper presents scientific knowledge and working hypotheses regarding both, the causes and effects of physical violence on health, and pertinent preventive measures of intervention to be taken by enterprises. Four groups of determinants of violence are presented and discussed: determinants relative to the structure and the culture of the enterprise; the aggressor; the victim; and the socio-cultural environment. The theoretical model by Baron and Neumann [Public Admin Q 21 (1998) 446–64] is used to explain the complex origin of violent behavior at work based on these determinants. Moreover, the various and multiple consequences of a violent act are examined. In addition to the direct effects of such an act on the social, organizational and individual level, the indirect effects are also taken into consideration. In this analytical context, health problems are more particularly underlined, such as the psychological trauma suffered by victims of a violent act. Finally, two different areas of intervention will be distinguished: interventions on the physical environment and interventions on the level of company management or an organizational group which aims at changing the behavior of the members of the organization. Different scientific evaluations of action programs to reduce violent acts are presented. In conclusion, this paper calls for further research on physical violence in the workplace.  相似文献   

No research has verified the effectiveness of measures for the prevention of workplace violence in the school setting. The present project includes several steps: administration of a pre- and post-intervention questionnaire, training of workers and implementation of an awareness program, distribution of prevention material and qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The aim is to verify if the awareness program had an effect on the level of prevention management undertaken by the school and if there was any effect of the intervention on the wokers’ perception of the safety level of the setting and if the number of victims of violent acts and behaviors was reduced. The results of the post-test show that less physical violence was reported by the experimental group and less psychological violence by the control group. These results are discussed in relation to the implementation of the intervention.  相似文献   

When do individuals manage to disengage from intentions, when do they fail to do so? It is suggested that a major reason for a failure to disengage lies in a postactional evaluation that goes astray. This is especially likely if the context does not provide cues for other activities. Cues from another activity waiting to be enacted should induce a pressure to terminate the evaluation of the performance of the past activity. They should focus this evaluation on an analysis of elements of the performance rather than self evaluation. If the focus is on self-evaluation, the susceptibility for ruminative thinking increases. In an experiment to test these assumptions, subjects (N=53) worked on an intelligence test task. Half the subjects received failure feedback on all six problems of this task. The other half received no failure feedback. Subjects’ thoughts during a waiting period following the intelligence test task were assessed. Before the beginning of the waiting period, half the subjects received cues for another test to follow. The data supported the hypothesis that cues for a new activity help subjects to stop thinking about the first task. Without cues, subjects were susceptible to falling into self-evaluation loops. In this case, subjects were unable to remove the past task from their minds until the end of the waiting period. With cues, the postactional evaluation became task-centered, promoting a disengagement from the past task.  相似文献   

Three studies investigated the capacity of negative acknowledgment, the admission of an unfavorable quality, to elicit relatively positive responses. In Study 1, an acknowledgment that a written paragraph was confusing led individuals to rate the paragraph as clearer than they did when no acknowledgment was offered. In Study 2, a foreign speaker was rated as possessing a clearer voice when he acknowledged his strong accent than when he did not. In Study 3, a hypothetical college applicant's acknowledgment of receiving less than stellar high school grades resulted in a more positive evaluation of those grades. The interpersonal risks and benefits of negative acknowledgment as an impression-management strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the psychometric properties of the newly created Counterfactual Thinking for Negative Events Scale (CTNES) in two studies involving university undergraduates. In Study 1 (N = 634), factor analysis revealed four subscales that correspond with various types of counterfactual thinking: Nonreferent Downward, Other-Referent Upward, Self-Referent Upward, and Nonreferent Upward. The subscales were largely orthogonal and had adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The CTNES subscales were positively correlated with a traditional method of assessing counterfactual thinking and were related as expected to contextual aspects of the negative event, negative affect, and cognitive style. In Study 2 (N = 208), we further examined the validity of the scale and demonstrated that the subscales were sensitive to an experimental manipulation concerning the type of negative event participants recalled. Moreover, the CTNES subscales correlated in the expected direction with measures of coping and cognitive style.  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of losing tangible resources on psychological resources in a sample of college students (n?=?160) affected by Hurricane Katrina. The data was collected approximately five months after the storm. Based on conservation of resources theory, we tested whether the loss of tangible resources (e.g., food, water) would be positively related to the loss of psychological resources (e.g., optimism, hope), and whether this association would be exacerbated by having an insecure (anxious or avoidant) attachment to God. As predicted, loss of tangible resources was related to the loss of psychological resources, and this relationship was amplified in participants who had an avoidant attachment to God. We conclude by discussing implications of the present study and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Workplace violence is an important health and safety issue. Healthcare workers are particularly at risk of experiencing workplace violence. Despite the research that was conducted in this domain, little is known about the consequences of being a victim of workplace violence, specifically in the healthcare sector. Therefore, this article aims to review the literature regarding the consequences of exposure to workplace violence in the healthcare sector. Sixty-eight studies were included in the review and they were evaluated according to 12 criteria recommended for systematic reviews. The studies identified seven categories of consequences of workplace violence: (1) physical, (2) psychological, (3) emotional, (4) work functioning, (5) relationship with patients/quality of care, (6) social/general, and (7) financial. Psychological (e.g., posttraumatic stress, depression) and emotional (e.g., anger, fear) consequences and impact on work functioning (e.g., sick leave, job satisfaction) were the most frequent and important effects of workplace violence. In conclusion, this paper recommends further research, particularly longitudinal studies, in order to better grasp the direct and indirect effects of workplace violence.  相似文献   

Our objective was to analyze the relationships between Repetitive negative thinking (RNT), perfectionism and psychological distress. Specifically we wanted to test if RNT mediates the relationship between perfectionism and psychological distress. 788 college students completed self-report questionnaires to evaluate perfectionism trait dimensions [Evaluative concerns (EC) and Positive strivings (PS)], RNT dimensions [Repetitive thinking (RT) and Cognitive interference and unproductivity (CIU)], perceived stress, and perceived support. Psychological distress was measured with the Profile of Mood States subscales: Depression (D), Tension–anxiety (TA), Anger–hostility (AH), Fatigue–inertia (FI) and Vigor–anxiety (VA). After controlling for perceived stress and support, perfectionism dimensions and RNT (particularly CIU) remained a significant predictors of psychological distress. CIU was a partial mediator of the relationship between EC and D, TA, AH, FI and VA and a full mediator of the relationship of PS with D and FI. Whereas the effect of negative perfectionism on emotional disturbances was potentiated by RNT, PS was only associated to it when high levels of RNT were also present. Showing that Positive striving effects on psychological distress may be a function of specific mediators, these results contribute to a better understanding of the nature of positive perfectionism.  相似文献   

Prior knowledge in the domain of mathematics can sometimes interfere with learning and performance in that domain. One of the best examples of this phenomenon is in students’ difficulties solving equations with operations on both sides of the equal sign. Elementary school children in the U.S. typically acquire incorrect, operational schemata rather than correct, relational schemata for interpreting equations. Researchers have argued that these operational schemata are never unlearned and can continue to affect performance for years to come, even after relational schemata are learned. In the present study, we investigated whether and how operational schemata negatively affect undergraduates’ performance on equations. We monitored the eye movements of 64 undergraduate students while they solved a set of equations that are typically used to assess children’s adherence to operational schemata (e.g., 3 + 4 + 5 = 3 + __). Participants did not perform at ceiling on these equations, particularly when under time pressure. Converging evidence from performance and eye movements showed that operational schemata are sometimes activated instead of relational schemata. Eye movement patterns reflective of the activation of relational schemata were specifically lacking when participants solved equations by adding up all the numbers or adding the numbers before the equal sign, but not when they used other types of incorrect strategies. These findings demonstrate that the negative effects of acquiring operational schemata extend far beyond elementary school.  相似文献   

ObjectivesPeople differ substantially in their emotional responses to negative stimuli. Separate lines of research have reported that individual differences and mental simulations contribute to emotional symptoms. Here, we explore the independent and interrelated contribution of personality traits and counterfactual thoughts to the intensity, duration, and overproduction of negative emotions.MethodA sample of mixed-level athletes (n = 243) completed questionnaire assessments in relation to their most recent unsuccessful competition.ResultsWe found that personality dimensions (extraversion, neuroticism, and openness) relate to the direction and magnitude of person counterfactuals. We also found that personality dimensions (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and agreeableness) and the direction of counterfactual thoughts (upward or downward) relate to the intensity, duration, and/or overproduction of negative emotions. Lastly, we found that personality and counterfactual thoughts had independent rather than interrelated contributions to the experience of unpleasant emotions.ConclusionsThese findings carry important theoretical and practical implications with regard to identifying individuals susceptible to experiencing elevated emotional symptoms in response to short-term stressors.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Attention control deficits and repetitive negative thinking (RNT; i.e., rumination) may be key factors in the development and persistence of depression and anxiety, although their role in symptom development remains poorly understood. This represents a gap in the literature, as interventions targeting attention control and associated RNT may enhance interventions and prevent costly relapse. The current study was designed to examine the serial indirect effects of transdiagnostic RNT and negative affect recovery following a lab-induced stressor on the association between attention control deficits and trait anxiety and depression.

Methods: Participants were N?=?583 university students who completed validated measures of RNT, anxiety, depression, and mood ratings pre- and post-stressor. Stress was induced using a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Test.

Results: Results of cross-sectional indirect effects models indicated that RNT and mood recovery explained the association between attention control deficits and trait anxiety and depression. Results from reversed models indicated that only the indirect effect of RNT was significant.

Conclusions: Findings suggest that RNT and mood recovery processes play an important role in explaining anxiety and depression symptoms. Additional work is needed to examine their role in symptom development and maintenance over time.  相似文献   

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