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Oftentimes, Whites are unaware that they may have slighted Blacks. Although researchers have spent a considerable amount of attention disentangling this form of implicit (unconscious) racial bias from explicit (conscious) racial bias, we are less clear about the conditions that cause implicit racism to matter in American politics. In this article, we offer a theory of how fear and Whites' unconscious racial bias are tightly linked in memory, and triggering this emotion can make these implicit attitudes more salient in public opinion. To test our theory, we focus on Whites’ opinions toward voter ID laws. Our expectation is that inducing fear should cause implicit racism to play an important role in Whites’ evaluation of the policy. Using an adult national experiment over two waves, we induced several emotions to elicit fear, anger, or relaxation. The findings show that the fear condition causes Whites high in implicit racism to be more supportive of voter ID laws than similar individuals in the anger and control conditions. On the other hand, fear does not cause Whites high in explicit racism to be more supportive of voter ID laws.  相似文献   

Past research demonstrated that racial prejudice played a significant role in the 2008 presidential election, but relatively less is known about the relationship between prejudice and public opinion throughout the Obama administration. In the present research, we examined not only whether racial attitudes were associated with evaluations of Mr. Obama and his administration, but also whether they may have influenced the development of more general political attitudes during the early years of the Obama administration. We investigated this question using panel data from a nationally representative sample of Americans interviewed between September 2008 and July 2010. Racial attitudes measured prior to the election predicted early disapproval of President Obama's handling of important issues. Early disapproval of President Obama's performance, in turn, predicted later perceptions of whether the state of the nation was improving. Further, the divergence between high‐prejudice and low‐prejudice individuals in their perceptions of the state of the nation became greater over time, consistent with the idea that racial attitudes were more powerfully expressed in political judgments as time passed.  相似文献   

张引  贺雯  罗俊龙 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1882-1888
不同的情绪在内隐态度与外显态度表现过程中塑造着不同的心理环境, 调节内隐态度和外显态度的一致性。正性情绪增加了内隐态度与外显态度的联结, 然而负性情绪对内隐态度与外显态度联结的调节作用表现并不一致。单一考虑情绪的正负效价不足以解释具体情绪影响的差异性, 情绪的确定性、情绪与直觉信任的交互作用均会对内隐态度与外显态度的联结产生影响。理论方面, 联结性-推理性评价模型及情绪-信息模型对情绪调节内隐态度与外显态度联结的内在机制进行了解释。未来研究可进一步探索特定情绪对内隐态度与外显态度联结的调节作用, 并考察情绪是否会对内隐刻板印象与外显刻板印象的联结产生调节作用, 以及采用认知神经科学技术揭示情绪调节内隐态度与外显态度联结的神经机制。  相似文献   

Two studies explored the psychometric properties of free association methods for the assessment of attitudes. Even though the stability of the actual associations was rather low, psychometric properties of the valence estimates of the free associations were highly satisfactory. Valence estimates of associations were provided by independent judges who rated the valence of the associations that were generated by participants. Valence estimates of the associations showed satisfactory internal consistencies and retest reliabilities over three weeks. Additionally, valence estimates of the associations were significantly and independently related to both explicit self‐reported attitudes and implicit attitudes that were assessed with an Ossi–Wessi Implicit Association Test. Free association methods represent a useful complement to the family of implicit measures and are especially suitable for the assessment of non‐relative attitudes towards single attitude objects. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

内隐自尊与外显自尊的关系:多重内隐测量的视角   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
杨福义  梁宁建 《心理科学》2007,30(4):785-790
本研究以102名大学生为被试,从多重内隐测量的视角出发,运用内隐联想测验(IAT)、Go/No-go联想任务(GNAT)和外部情绪性Simon任务(EAST)三种实验程序对内隐自尊及其特性进行了测量和研究,同时运用结构方程建模对内隐自尊和外显自尊的结构关系进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)IAT、GNAT和EASI这三种基于反应时范式的内隐自尊测量方法是有效的,均能有效检测出内隐自尊效应,内隐自尊的特性表现为个体倾向于将自我与积极属性或事物相联,将他人与消极属性或事物相联;(2)内隐自尊与外显自尊是分离的结构,两者是相对独立的两个自我评价系统,支持内隐自尊和外显自尊的两维结构说;(3)双重态度模型和信息加工双过程模型两种理论模型都可以解释内隐自尊和外显自尊的分离现象。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨想象接触对不同民族群体内隐态度和外显态度的影响。实验1和实验2分别随机选取不同先前接触经验的汉族大学生和维吾尔族大学生进行想象接触,采用“单类内隐联想测验(SC-IAT)”和外显态度量表评估不同条件下的内隐态度和外显态度。结果表明:想象接触显著提高了不同群体对外群体的内隐态度,对外显态度影响不显著;而先前接触经验对不同群体的内隐态度影响不显著,对外显态度影响显著。研究还发现,即使是已经发生过面对面接触的个体,也可以通过想象接触来提高对外群体的内隐态度,进一步拓展了想象接触在整个群际接触体系中地位和作用。  相似文献   

亲密关系的外显测量与内隐测量及相互关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张洪  王登峰  杨烨 《心理学报》2006,38(6):910-915
为了验证外显与内隐的差序格局,研究者考察了最亲密的家人、恋人以及最亲密的好朋友的外显和内隐亲密程度的差异与联系,以及性别对亲密关系的影响。结果表明,三个目标对象的外显亲密程度之间存在差异,但内隐亲密程度之间不存在差异;外显和内隐亲密程度之间相关不显著;外显测量结果没有显著的性别差异,但在内隐测量中,男性比女性对恋人感觉更为亲密。研究者针对这些结果分别进行了讨论  相似文献   


Among 342 white college students, we examined the effects of social dominance orientation (SDO), right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), and racial color-blindness on modern racism attitudes. Structural equation modeling was used to test the indirect effects of SDO and RWA on modern racism attitudes through color-blind racial attitudes. We found strong indirect effects of SDO and RWA on modern racism through racial color-blindness. We did not find support for an alternative model, in which we tested racial color-blindness as a moderator of the effects of SDO and RWA on modern racism. Findings suggest that highly dominant and authoritarian white students endorse color-blind racial attitudes, although likely for different reasons. In turn, this predicts their modern racism attitudes. These findings indicate racial color-blindness is important to address as part of anti-racism education.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to explore implicit as well as explicit exercise schemata of 51 inactive to highly active college students. For the implicit measure, a pilot study was used to establish the word set (exercise-related, nonexercise-related, and nonwords) for the lexical decision task. A latency differential was calculated based on reaction times to these word sets. Participants used self-regulatory functions to rate both hoped and feared exercise selves and reported workout hours. An estimate of aerobic fitness was derived. Results showed that implicit exercise attitudes were related to the importance placed on being an exerciser and on avoiding being a nonexerciser. Those who self-identified as an exerciser had higher levels of self-efficacy, workouts, and fitness. In contrast, those who self-identified as a nonexerciser were less active and fit and seemed to dwell on negative thoughts related to self-efficacy. Clinicians might help clients explore these attitudes, especially importance.  相似文献   

Results of two studies indicated that tasting a familiar product designed to be refreshing (iced tea), without knowledge of the brand, induced positive affect, as did the gift-of-candy (not consumed) induction, used in many previous studies. As compared to controls, these participants showed more positive affect as reflected by 5 implicit measures and 2~explicit ratings of the refreshingness and pleasingness of the product. They performed significantly better on items from the Remote Associates Test (a test of creativity), generated more unusual and more pleasant first associates to a randomly selected letter of the alphabet, and to neutral words (the implicit measures). Results also indicated that similar affect did not arise when participants tasted a less liked, unfamiliar, brand of iced tea, without knowledge of the brand. However, when the brand name (a known brand) of that tea was presented with the less liked product sample, people who tasted that same tea showed positive affect responses on the implicit measures of affect and also explicitly rated the tea as more refreshing and pleasing than the unbranded version of the same tea.  相似文献   

内隐态度之“内隐”的涵义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
佐斌  张陆  叶娜 《心理学探新》2009,29(2):57-61
内隐态度,又称为间接测量态度或自动加工态度。很多学者认为内隐态度是无意识的,需要通过间接测量来获得。但是也有学者认为,当前没有研究可以证明内隐态度内容的无意识性,并且认为内隐态度也并非一定要用间接测量来获得。探讨内隐态度之“内隐”的涵义,对于更好地理解内隐社会认知领域具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

个体的选择可能是外显目标和内隐目标共同作用的结果,同时满足意识到的和未意识到的需要,这就是目标选择的多效性。通过两个行为学实验来验证内隐选择的多效性原则。实验一,被试随机分为积极和消极启动两个组,不同的启动后,要求判断两张不同颜色纸张的质量高低。结果发现在积极认同组,大多数的被试选择红色织物,在消极认同组(惭愧组),少数的被试选择红色织物。实验二,被试同样被分为两组,其中一组施加积极启动,另一组为控制组,之后,所有被试被邀请参加一项研究涉及雇佣人员的决策。结果发现当被试没有分配任何目标时,被试选择四位应征者并无显著之差异;当被试分配了外显或内隐的目标时,大多数的被试选择了具有相应特征的应征者;当被试的外显目标和隐性目标都存在,被试的选择表现出多效性。实验结果表明,在追求明确的外显目标时,个人可能与此同时试图满足他们的已经激活的内隐背景目标,选择者可能并没有意识到这种影响。在二选一或者多选一选择背景下,对一个已知选项的选择,受到多效性影响,其多效性是基于个人选择的价值最大化,并同时满足几个目标的原则。  相似文献   

徐德淼  唐日新  解军 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1342-1344,1327
本研究同时运用问卷法和内隐联想测验(IAT)来研究我国大学生的攻击性。结果发现:1.整体外显攻击性不存在性别差异,但在身体攻击因素上男性显著高于女性。2.内隐攻击性在表现方式上存在性别差异,男性与身体攻击联系更紧密;女性与言语攻击联系更紧密。3.外显攻击性和内隐攻击性间的关系不能简单地根据相关系数来判断。  相似文献   

肖崇好  黄希庭 《心理科学》2011,34(2):289-292
社交恐惧图式理论、社交恐惧模式、和社交恐惧认知行为模式等认知理论,都认为社交恐惧产生于不良的自我图式。为了探讨社交恐惧个体是否具有不良的自我图式,要求40名高社交恐惧个体和30名低社交焦虑个体完成了自尊量表和内隐联想任务。结果发现:高社交恐惧个体在自尊量表上的得分显著低于低社交恐惧个体,但在内隐自尊上,他们都有着积极的自尊,且无显著差异。这一研究结果不支持社交恐惧的认知理论。根据自我呈现理论讨论了研究结果。  相似文献   

内隐学习和外显学习关系评述   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
文章从内隐学习与外显学习的区别、联系以及相互作用三方面,对这两个概念集合间的关系进行了辨析。最初,内隐学习这一概念的提出,是源于其与外显学习在现象学、实验操作、神经生理学以及学习机制等方面的诸多不同。近年来,虽然内隐学习的独立地位已被充分确立,但是,也有越来越多的证据表明,内隐学习和外显学习之间的独立性是相对的,它们之间存在紧密的联系和相互作用,任何一个学习任务都是内隐和外显学习的结合物。最后,作者结合自己的实验研究进一步提出了,内隐学习和外显学习之间相互权衡的动态关系。  相似文献   

Neuroimaging of Priming: New Perspectives on Implicit and Explicit Memory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Priming refers to a change in the ability to identify or produce an item as a consequence of a specific prior encounter. Priming has been studied extensively in cognitive studies of healthy volunteers, neuropsychological investigations of brain-damaged patients, and, more recently, studies using modern functional neuroimaging techniques such as positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. We review recent neuroimaging studies that have converged upon the conclusion that priming is reliably accompanied by decreased activity in a variety of brain regions. The establishment of this cortical signature of priming is beginning to generate new hypotheses concerning the relation between priming and explicit retrieval, which we illustrate by considering recent experiments on within- and cross-modality priming.  相似文献   

胡伟  吕勇 《心理学探新》2011,(4):326-331
知识内隐性的判别一直是内隐学习研究领域的研究重点之一,恰当的区分内隐被试和外显被试对于该类研究有着至关重要的意义。本文介绍知识内隐性判别问题的研究历史,由最初的主观标准和客观标准到后来改进的研究方法,指出了随着对待内隐和外显学习两者关系的理论的发展,研究方法有必要与时俱进,并提出了新的区分内隐被试和外显被试的新方法。相对于传统研究方法,新方法从内隐知识和外显知识互为补充、"任何一种学习即存在内隐学习,也存在外显学习"的理论指导下,通过被试的猜测水平来判断其内隐水平,并确定"纯的"内隐被试的标准。该方法发展地看待内隐学习及其与外显学习的关系,有助于研究者更加深入、精确地研究内隐学习的相关问题。  相似文献   

Fundamentalism is consistently related to racial prejudice (Hall, Matz, & Wood, 2010), yet the mechanisms for this relationship are unclear. We identify two core values of fundamentalism, authoritarianism and traditionalism, that independently contribute to the fundamentalism‐racial prejudice relationship. We also contextualize the fundamentalism‐racial prejudice relationship by suggesting that fundamentalists may show prejudice based on conceptions of African Americans as violating values but show tolerance when prejudice is less justifiable. These ideas are tested and confirmed using three data sets from the American National Election Studies. Across all three samples, fundamentalism is related to increases in symbolic racism but decreases in negative affect towards African Americans, and these relationships are mediated by both authoritarianism and traditionalism.  相似文献   

当前的一些理论观点认为,内隐记忆和外显记忆依赖于两种不同的记忆系统,它们与大脑的不同区域相联系。该文通过回顾以往相关研究,从神经心理学及神经成像两方面对两种记忆系统的分离现象进行概述:在神经心理学领域发现的证据表明内隐记忆在神经解剖上与外显记忆是分离的;使用fMRI和PET技术,研究者观察到与内隐记忆有关的枕颞区及左下前额区中衰减的神经活动,以及与外显记忆有关的内侧颞区、前额皮层和后内侧顶皮层中增强的活动;使用ERP技术,研究也发现了两种记忆神经系统在时空上的不同特征  相似文献   

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