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Using a person-centered approach, we identified managers' (N = 321) motivational profiles and tested a model of the antecedents and consequences of these profiles. The profiles were based on four motivational types delineated by self-determination theory (i.e., external, introjected, identified, intrinsic). Latent profile analysis revealed six distinct motivational profiles. One of these was a self-determined profile (high identified and intrinsic motivation, moderately low introjected motivation, and low external motivation). Four other profiles combined average levels of external motivation with either very low, low, moderately low, or high internal (i.e., introjected, identified, and intrinsic) motivation. The final profile involved moderately high levels of all four motives. The antecedents of profile membership examined were perceived supervisor support and perceived organizational politics. The career-related outcomes of profile membership were work attitudes and promotability. The self-determined and high internal motivation profiles were associated with the most favorable work attitudes, followed by the moderately high motivation profile. The low internal motivation profiles were associated with the least favorable attitudes. Promotability did not differ across the profiles. With respect to the antecedents, low levels of supervisor support and high levels of politics increased the odds that a manager would exhibit profiles that were less desirable than the self-determined profile. Our findings provide initial information about managers' motivational profiles, as well as the antecedents and consequences of these profiles. Further, these results demonstrate the promise of a person-centered approach for advancing motivation research and management development.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to examine the effect of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy intervention alone (REBT-A) or with motivational interviewing (REBT + MI) on the emotions, automatic thoughts, and perceived performance of elite female volleyball players.Designand method: Single-case, staggered multiple-baseline AB and ABC designs were adapted in the study. Five female volleyball players participated in the study, of which three players participated in the REBT-A and two players participated in the REBT + MI. The athletes were competing in the national volleyball league (Mage = 28, SD = 5.52). All participants were elite athletes with at least ten years of sports experience. Three scores (T1, T2, T3) were calculated for the athletes' perceived performance, emotion, and automatic thoughts. T1 was the baseline score calculated before the sessions. T2 was calculated after the first two sessions (the first three sessions for REBT + MI) and T3 was calculated after the last three sessions. In the data analysis, percentage changes, effect size, and visual analyzes were used in the T1, T2, and T3 scores.ResultsREBT-A and REBT + MI interventions increased perceived performance, positive emotions, and positive automatic thoughts, and decreased negative emotions and negative automatic thoughts. REBT + MI was more advantageous than REBT-A in increasing positive emotion, positive automatic thought, and perceived performance.ConclusionsAs a result, REBT alone or with motivational interviewing has a positive effect on perceived performance, emotions, and automatic thoughts, but REBT + MI has greater potential to increase positive constructs.  相似文献   

Hungry rats were trained to press a lever and pull a chain concurrently, with one action being reinforced with a sucrose solution and the other with food pellets. In addition, in the first two experiments all animals experienced non-contingent presentations of the two incentives in the absence of the operant manipulanda while either thirsty or hungry and either before (Experiment 1A) or after (Experiment 1B) the instrumental training. When lever pressing was assessed subsequently in extinction under thirst, the animals pressed at a relatively high rate only if (1) this action had been reinforced with the sucrose solution rather than the food pellets during training and (2) they had received the non-contingent presentations of the sucrose solution and food pellets on days on which they were thirsty rather than hungry. A third experiment demonstrated that non-contingent exposure to the sucrose solution alone, but not to water under thirst was sufficient to bring about this type of motivational control of instrumental performance.  相似文献   

This brief review summarizes translational and intervention research in the area of sports performance. We describe studies with youth, collegiate, and elite athletes; identify recent trends; and propose recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

A motivational view of learning, performance, and behavior modification   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine the effects of cognitive ability, task interests, goal setting, and feedback on perceived competence, intrinsic motivation, performance, and satisfaction with performance. Data were collected from 90 introductory psychology students performing one of two computer-based tasks. Results indicated that the motivational interventions interacted with cognitive ability in relation to intrinsic motivation, perceived competence, and satisfaction with performance. Implications are discussed within the framework of cognitive resources theory and goal-setting theory.  相似文献   

Hungry rats were rewarded for pressing a lever on a multiple schedule. During one component the reward was a sucrose solution, whereas food pellets acted as the reward during another component. Lever pressing was never rewarded during the third component. When the drive state was switched from hunger to thirst and the animals tested in extinction, they pressed more in the presence of the component stimulus that had been associated with the sucrose reward during training. A similar effect was observed during the extinction test of a second study in which the component stimuli had signalled non-contingent presentations of either the sucrose or pellet rewards in the absence of the lever. This suggests that the instrumental irrelevant incentive effect observed in the first experiment was due, at least in part, to the Pavlovian relationship between the component stimuli and the reinforcers during training. In fact, when the size of the effects controlled by purely Pavlovian and supposedly instrumental contingencies was compared directly in the final study, no difference could be detected.  相似文献   

Eco-driving, the practice of operating a vehicle with environmentally friendly objectives, has been the focus of an increasing number of driving studies over the past decade, as new forms of vehicle automation and more driver-centric feedback continually emerge. Common benefits range from reducing carbon footprints and emissions to better fuel economy. Studies have also examined the effectiveness of in-vehicle assistance devices and training or education programs for commercial and passenger vehicle operators. Eco-driving strategies in general show significantly smaller impacts in the field relative to their laboratory counterparts. This study further builds on this past work by comparing and disentangling the effects from motivational contexts, for example a competition with prizes, with the effects of informational context, such as tutorials for drivers. To investigate this comparison, laboratory experiments are conducted using a commercial vehicle simulator. The results suggest that motivational contexts are more effective at encouraging eco-driving relative to informational contexts. Furthermore, incentives within competitive contexts had similar positive impacts on reducing carbon dioxide emissions and improving fuel efficiency as experiencing a tutorial on eco-driving. One possible explanation is that drivers have gained knowledge on how to operate vehicles with an eco-driving objective through their driving experience. This result further suggests that with respect to effectively encouraging eco-driving, targeting experienced drivers through a competition is better than presenting information or a tutorial.  相似文献   

Research has found that greater lifetime stressor exposure increases the risk for mental and physical health problems. Despite this, few studies have examined how stressors occurring over the entire lifespan affect sport performers’ health, well-being, and performance, partly due to the difficulty of assessing lifetime stressor exposure. To address this issue, we developed a sport-specific stress assessment module (Sport SAM) for the Stress and Adversity Inventory (STRAIN) and then analyzed the instrument’s usability, acceptability, validity, and test-retest reliability. Furthermore, we examined whether trait-like tendencies to appraise stressful situations as a challenge or threat mediated the association between lifetime stressor exposure and health, well-being, and performance. Participants were 395 sport performers (Mage = 22.50 years, SD = 5.33) who completed an online survey. Results revealed that the Sport SAM demonstrated good usability and acceptability, good concurrent validity in relation to the Adult STRAIN (rs = 0.23 to 0.29), and very good test-retest reliability (ricc = 0.87 to 0.89). Furthermore, the Sport SAM was significantly associated with symptoms of depression (β = 0.21 to 0.24, ps ≤ .001) and anxiety (β = 0.13 to 0.19, ps ≤ .012), and general physical (β = 0.24 to 0.27, ps = ≤ 0.001) and mental (β = 0.23 to 0.32, p ≤ .001) health complaints. Finally, we found that associations between total lifetime non-sport and sport-specific stressor severity and health were mediated by trait stress appraisals. Consequently, these findings may help practitioners better identify sport performers who are at risk of developing stress-related health problems.  相似文献   

Forty-one groups with appointed supervisors and either two or three subordinates worked on a clerical task for three 10-min sessions and received feedback on their performance. Supervisors evaluated subordinate performance and provided feedback for the subordinates. Four variables were manipulated in a two-phase study. These were: the supervisor's power over subordinate pay (high power and low power), the degree of interdependence between supervisors and their subordinates (high and low), the nature of feedback to subordinates (general, specific with a focus upon quantity, and specific with a focus upon quality), and the level of subordinate performance reported to the supervisor (high and low). It was found that the responses of supervisors toward subordinates were influenced by both the level of subordinate performance and by the degree of interdependence. Subordinates, on the other hand, were influenced by the leader's power as it interacted with the nature of the feedback and by the nature of the feedback. These feedback influences were entirely upon attitudes and beliefs; they did not influence performance on the task after feedback.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to qualitatively investigate the use of self-talk during cricket batting performance through an innovative approach that allowed for within performance responses to be examined.Design and methodFive elite cricketers were interviewed alongside edited video footage of their batting innings. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather in-depth information and explanations about the participants' use of self-talk during each critical incident.Results and conclusionsThe findings of this study highlighted the use of instructional and motivational self-talk as a fluctuating continual narrative that enhanced skill execution, self-efficacy and focus of attention, whilst reducing performance anxiety. In particular, the athletes described the effectiveness of self-determined self-talk on their performance. Specifically, they advocated self-talk that narrowed their attentional focus and redirected their thoughts to performance-related cues during periods of declining performance.  相似文献   

Goal orientation theories were used to generate predictions regarding the moderating effect of goal orientation profiles on task performance growth trajectories. Participants were given multiple trials of practice on an air traffic control task. Analyses were conducted using growth curve modeling. As expected, individuals with high performance-approach orientation improved their task performance scores faster than their counterparts. The interaction between mastery and performance-avoid orientations moderated the performance growth curve such that individuals with high mastery and low performance-avoid orientation improved their performance at the fastest rate. The interaction between performance-approach and performance-avoid orientations also moderated the performance growth curve. Individuals with low performance-approach and high performance-avoid orientation improved their performance at the slowest rate. These findings contribute to theory and practice by elucidating how various combinations of goal orientations influence the rate of skill acquisition.
Gillian B. YeoEmail:

ObjectivesDrawing from an integrated motivational model (Vansteenkiste, Lens, Elliot, Soenens, & Mouratidis, 2014), this study tested the impact of induced approach-based achievement goal states under different motivational contexts on the psycho-physiological functioning and motor task performance of novice basketball players.DesignA 3 × 2 (Goal [task-/self-/other-approach] x Context [autonomy-supportive/controlling]) repeated measures experimental design was employed.Method114 novice participants (Mage = 23.53; SD = 4.56) performed a basketball shooting task. They were subsequently randomly assigned to one of six experimental conditions before repeating this task. Physiological (heart rate [HR] and blood pressure [BP]) and psychological (stress appraisals, state anxiety, task enjoyment, perceived competence, and goal attainment) data were captured at different intervals throughout the experiment.ResultsFactorial ANOVAs revealed participants: 1) performing under a controlling motivational context reported significantly higher HR (p < .001) and systolic BP (p < .05) post-task compared to those operating within an autonomy-supportive environment, 2) induced to an other-approach goal group, recorded significantly higher diastolic BP (p < .05) than those induced to self- and task-approach goals post-task, 3) adopting a task-approach goal under controlling conditions appraised the shooting task as significantly more threatening (p < .05) than their counterparts in the task-approach autonomy-supportive condition, and finally, 4) following approach-based goals under an autonomy-supportive context significantly improved their performance (p < .001) from pre-to post-shooting task.ConclusionsOur findings provide limited support for an integrated motivational model and are discussed in relation to their unique theoretical and practical utility.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of the study was firstly to examine the nature of the information individuals extract from observations of their own performance and the reasons they give for choosing this information. Second, we aimed to investigate how individuals treat observed information and the strategies they use. Identification of the reasons for the use of each of the strategies was also discerned.DesignA protocol inspired by Ericsson and Simon's (1993) Think-Aloud-Procedure.MethodTen French female elite gymnasts were invited to “think-aloud” as they viewed a video sequence of their own performance.ResultsFindings revealed that the gymnasts paid attention mainly to spatial information and rarely reported kinematics information. The participants reported four main reasons for observing their own performance: (i) to improve self-assessment; (ii) to increase performance of technical execution; (iii) to increase imagery; and (iv) to increase visual perceptions. Gymnasts used different strategies to code the information, such as imagery, self-talk, imagery associated with self-talk, observing others and listening to the coach's feedback. These strategies of retention were perceived to be a means to improve performance.ConclusionsThe results are discussed in relation to Bandura's [(1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company] social cognitive theory of observational learning.  相似文献   

Male adolescents in a job training program for culturally disadvantaged youngsters were provided with 14 weeks of on-the-job situational group counseling (SGC) to supplement more conventional casework approaches. Interdisciplinary teams of group leaders met with work-training crews for discussions designed to facilitate exploration of issues relevant to the present life situations of the trainees. Trainees who met twice weekly showed greater improvement in job performance and in overall adjustment than did those meeting once per week, while control subjects who did not receive counseling showed less gain than either of the counseled groups.  相似文献   

In four experiments we investigated an irrelevant incentive effect based upon a transition from hunger to thirst. Hungry rats were trained to lever press either for sucrose solution or for food pellets before performance was tested in extinction while they were thirsty. Reinforcer-specific motivational control was found in the first experiment in that the animals pressed the lever more on tests following training with the sucrose solution rather than with food pellets. Moreover, this effect was seen only when testing was conducted following water, but not following food deprivation. The outcome of the remaining experiments suggests that this motivational control is not mediated by the instrumental contingency between lever pressing and the sucrose reinforcer during training. In these studies lever pressing and chain pulling were reinforced concurrently, one with sucrose and the other with food pellets, in order to equate the noninstrumental functions of the incentives. Following this training, lever pressing in extinction under thirst was unaffected by the type of incentive used as its reinforcer during training.  相似文献   

In organizational research, situational judgment tests (SJTs) consistently demonstrate incremental validity, yet our theoretical understanding of SJTs is limited. Our knowledge could be advanced by decomposing the variance of SJT items into trait variance and situation variance; we do that by applying statistical methods used to analyze multitrait–multimethod matrices. A college-student sample (N = 2,747) was administered an SJT of goal orientation traits (i.e., mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoid). Structural equation modeling was used to estimate the proportions of item variance to attributable to situational differences (across students) and to trait-based differences in students (across situations). Situation factors accounted for over three times the amount of variance as did individual difference factors. We conclude with general implications for the design of SJTs in organizational research.  相似文献   

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