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The current research tested the hypothesis that activity inhibition–conceptualized as the degree of restraint an individual exercises over emotional and motivational impulses–moderates the association between congruence of implicit and explicit motives and emotional well-being. Congruence of implicit and explicit motives was expected to be related to a more positive well-being among individuals low in activity inhibition, but not among individuals high in activity inhibition. Two cross-sectional studies (Study 1: N=72; Study 2: N=147) were conducted to test this hypothesis. Both studies found the predicted pattern of results for achievement motivation, demonstrating that congruence of implicit and explicit achievement motivation was related to a more positive mood only for participants low in activity inhibition. There was no evidence of congruence effects for affiliation motivation.
Thomas A. LangensEmail:

A measure of implicit sexual motives—the implicit AMORE—was constructed employing the Affect Misattribution Procedure (Payne, Cheng, Govorun, &; Stewart, 2005 Payne, B. K., Cheng, C. M., Govorun, O., &; Stewart, B. D. (2005). An inkblot for attitudes: Affect misattribution as implcit measurement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 277293. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.89.3.277[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Subscales paralleled the 8 dimensions identified previously by the self-report measure of sexual motives, the explicit AMORE (Hill &; Preston, 1996 Hill, C. A., &; Preston, L. K. (1996). Individual differences in the experience of sexual motivation: Theory and measurement of dispositional sexual motives. Journal of Sex Research, 33, 2745. doi:10.1080/00224499609551812[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Confirmatory factor analyses supported the proposed 8-factor model in slightly revised form, which was confirmed based on a second independent set of participants. Consistent with hypotheses, the implicit scales correlated with nonconscious erotica-viewing behavior for women in a laboratory setting. In contrast to explicit scales, implicit scales were unrelated to self-report ratings of likely sexual behavior. Finally, self-reports of aspects of sexual behavior were generally associated with the measures of implicit motives independently of corresponding explicit motives for both women and men. The results support the conception of implicit sexual motives as related, but distinct from explicit sexual motives.  相似文献   

The robust finding that setting difficult, specific goals leads to increased performance on simple tasks has not generalized to complex task performance. The results of the present research suggest that the moderating effect of task complexity on the goal–performance relationship is due to confounding goal difficulty with explicit and implicit learning. Two multiple cue probability learning studies were performed keeping the learning mode constant while varying goal difficulty. Study 1 examined goal setting effects on performance when task processing was implicit. Consistent with previous research on complex tasks, setting difficult, specific goals did not result in performance gains. Study 2 demonstrated that when complex task processing is explicit, goal setting results in gradual but steady improvements in complex task performance. Protocol analysis of strategies used by participants indicate that goal setting resulted in increased performance through the development of better strategies.  相似文献   

The authors promote the application of research findings to consultation and suggest directions for practice-relevant consultation research. The authors suggest that consultation research is in an early evolutionary stage and that further development depends on resolving several fundamental issues. Three approaches to consultation research are discussed: naturalistic studies, single-case designs, and alternative means of determining significance. Representative research in three areas of interest (consultant practice, consulting process, and consultation interventions) is reviewed, and criteria for evaluating research are discussed. The authors conclude with comments on operationalizing the scientist-practitioner ideal in consultation research and practice.  相似文献   

Depression and anxiety affect a person’s ability to move from hospital to community and engage in valued occupations. The purpose of this study was to understand the effectiveness of an occupational therapist-led transitional service for people with mood and anxiety disorders. Using a mixed-method design consisting of retrospective pre-post analysis of outcome measures and qualitative analysis of interviews with key stakeholders, statistically and clinically significant improvements were seen in depression and anxiety symptoms as well as occupational engagement after completion of the service. This study highlights the unique contributions of occupational therapist-led programing in mental health recovery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many people change their eating behavior as a consequence of stress. One source of stress is intrapersonal psychological conflict as caused by discrepancies between implicit and explicit motives. In the present research, we examined whether eating behavior is related to this form of stress. Study 1 (N=53), a quasi‐experimental study in the lab, showed that the interaction between the implicit achievement motive disposition and explicit commitment toward an achievement task significantly predicts the number of snacks consumed in a consecutive taste test. In cross‐sectional Study 2 (N=100), with a sample of middle‐aged women, overall motive discrepancy was significantly related to diverse indices of unsettled eating. Regression analyses revealed interaction effects specifically for power and achievement motivation and not for affiliation. Emotional distress further partially mediated the relationship between the overall motive discrepancy and eating behavior.  相似文献   

Much research has focused on the separability of implicit and explicit learning, but less has focused on how they might interact. A recent model suggests that in the motor-skill domain, explicit knowledge can guide movement, and the implicit system learns in parallel, based on these movements. Functional imaging studies do not support that contention, however; they indicate that learning is exclusively implicit or explicit. In the experiment reported here, participants learned a motor sequencing task either implicitly or explicitly. At transfer, most of the stimuli were random, but the sequence occasionally appeared; thus, it was not obvious that explicit knowledge could be applied to the task. Nevertheless, participants with explicit training showed sequence knowledge equivalent to those with implicit training, implying that implicit knowledge had been acquired in parallel with explicit knowledge. This result has implications for the development of automaticity and of motor-skill learning.  相似文献   

采用Jacoby加工分离程序,以无意义音节字母串为材料,对场依存型、场独立型和中间型被试的内隐、外显记忆进行分离,考察不同认知风格类型的个体,在加工信息过程中,对与其认知风格类型匹配或不匹配的材料的编码和提取上是否存在不同的方式和策略。结果表明:1)场依存型个体的意识性提取成绩好于场独立型个体,场依存型个体的外显记忆好于场独立型个体。2)场独立型个体的自动提取成绩高于场依存型个体的成绩,场独立型个体的内隐记忆好于场依存型个体。3)无论在意识性提取还是自动提取方面,中间类型个体的成绩总是介于场依存型个体与场独立型个体之间。  相似文献   

This article attempts to narrow the gap between the studies of workaholism and human relations/organizational development and workaholism and cross‐cultural research and family counseling. Important studies on workaholism in the cross‐cultural and family counseling fields, which are typically absent in the organizational and career research literature, are reviewed. Recommendations for future research considerations also are presented.  相似文献   

Proprioception is an important aspect of function that is often impaired in the upper extremity following stroke. Unfortunately, neurorehabilitation has few evidence based treatment options for those with proprioceptive deficits. The authors consider potential reasons for this disparity. In doing so, typical assessments and proprioceptive intervention studies are discussed. Relevant evidence from the field of neuroscience is examined. Such evidence may be used to guide the development of targeted interventions for upper extremity proprioceptive deficits after stroke. As researchers become more aware of the impact of proprioceptive deficits on upper extremity motor performance after stroke, it is imperative to find successful rehabilitation interventions to target these deficits and ultimately improve daily function.  相似文献   

Bridging the Gap     

Traditional menial health practice has been challenged with the task of empowering consumers with greater control over their course of treatment. A review of one community based rehabilitation program is presented in which principles of empowerment have been integrated into the service. Current issues affecting occupational therapists are examined.  相似文献   

任务复杂程度对内隐-外显学习关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在糖生产任务实验中考察了任务复杂程度对内隐和外显学习关系的影响.实验发现:在简单任务中.内隐与外显学习共同存在并协同作用;任务复杂程度的增加对内隐和外显学习都有损害作用;任务复杂程度影响着内隐与外显学习的贡献率,随着任务难度的增加,内隐学习的贡献率上升.  相似文献   

孟迎芳  郭春彦 《心理学报》2009,41(8):694-705
实验采用“学习-测验”范式, 考察在编码或提取中分别附加的干扰任务对内隐测验或外显测验中获得的ERP新旧效应产生的影响。结果表明, 在内隐测验中, 编码干扰对随后测验中的ERP新旧效应没有产生影响, 而提取干扰却改变了300~500ms新旧效应的脑区位置, 破坏了500~700ms新旧效应; 与之相反, 在外显测验中, 编码干扰破坏了500~700ms新旧效应, 而提取干扰对这一效应没有产生影响, 即编码与提取干扰对内隐或外显测验中的ERP新旧效应都产生了非对称性的影响, 但又存在着差异, 从而为两种记忆在编码与提取加工的关系上存在的分离现象提供了神经生理方面的证据。  相似文献   

This special issue illustrates how brief experimental analysis (BEA) is gaining recognition as a valuable tool for making treatment decisions about children who are unresponsive to regular classroom instruction. This commentary article provides evidence for why BEA has grown in popularity, briefly summarizes each of the studies included in the series, and discusses issues that are critical to conducting and interpreting data from a BEA. The articles in the issue exemplify how BEA is flexible enough to evaluate diverse intervention options, is time and cost efficient, and is uniquely suited for use in a problem-solving approach to school-based service delivery.  相似文献   

梁三才  游旭群 《心理科学》2003,26(4):751-752
1 前言 内隐记忆的性质、特点,主要是通过操纵各种实验变量(如加工水平)并观察其在内隐和外显记忆之间的实验性分离现象才得以揭示的。在众多实验变量中,操纵编码时的注意状态并考察其对内隐和外显记忆的影响,对于揭示内隐记忆的本质具有重要意义。研究者通过采用分心任务造成不同注意状态,对其在内隐和外显记忆之间的分离模式进行  相似文献   

自然科学概念形成过程中外显与内隐学习的比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
樊琪 《心理科学》2001,24(6):676-679
本研究选取真实的自然科学概念来对概念形成过程及其中的外显与内隐学习进行实验性探索.证明了自然科学概念形成过程中内隐学习的存在;阐释了概念形成过程中内隐学习的效率可与外显学习不相上下;揭示了真实的自然科学概念形成过程是由渐进期——高原期——突变期三个阶段构成的.不论外显学习还是内隐学习,接近真理的路径十分相似,并且没有显著的性别差异;此外还发现自然科学概念的内隐学习可以有效地用语言启动。本研究结果对心理学和自然科学教学均有理论价值与实践意义。  相似文献   

外显记忆是指当个体需要有意识或主动收集某些经验用以完成当前任务时所表现出的记忆。内隐记忆是指在不需要意识或有意回忆的情况下,个体的经验自动对当前任务产生影响而表现出来的记忆。外显记忆与内隐记忆是存在着质的差异的两种的记忆,这种区别在个体差异方面亦得到体现。Roediger,H.L.通过对脑损伤、脑老化、脑不成熟以及酒精中毒患者的外显记忆、内隐记忆与正常对照组的比较研究发现,  相似文献   

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