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Observers (72 college students) estimated the size of plastic squares that they held in their fingers and simultaneously viewed through a reducing lens that halved the squares’ visual size. The squares were grasped from below through a cloth that prevented direct sight of the hand. Each estimate was a match selected later, either haptically or visually, from a set of comparison squares. Vision dominated the visual estimates and touch dominated the haptic estimates, whether or not the observers knew in advance which type of estimate they would be asked to make. Neither modality inherently dominates perceived size.  相似文献   

An event sampling method was used to study the frequency of panic attacks during treatment of agoraphobics. Results revealed a much lower incidence of panic attacks in agoraphobics according to self-monitoring than was expected on account of their retrospective estimation. When more stringent criteria for panic attacks are applied, retrospective overestimation becomes even more apparent. The implication of this finding for the classification of panic disorder patients is discussed.  相似文献   

The subject of body image in women has received considerable attention particularly with concern about its relationship to behaviours such as dieting. This study investigated the reported tendency of women to see thinness as desirable and to perceive themselves as fatter than others do. This tendency is inconsistent with the general findings on self-enhancement that show that people (including women) generally overestimate the extent to which they possess desirable characteristics. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the tendency for women to report themselves as fatter than others perceive them is part of a general tendency to deprecate themselves on socially desirable qualities or whether this deprecation is restricted to body size. To investigate this, 29 female undergraduates in psychology participated in a study comparing own and others' perceptions of body size, attractiveness, sexiness, intelligence, and friendliness. Compared with the ratings of them given by others, women tended to make self-enhancing judgements of their attractiveness, sexiness, intelligence, and friendliness. This was not found for body size, however, for which self-ratings tended to be the same as those made by others. The failure to find self-enhancing judgements of body size is discussed in terms of the relatively unvarying standards presented to women concerning ideal body size compared to the more subjective standards used to evaluate other qualities.  相似文献   

We present an overview of a new multidisciplinary research program that focuses on haptic processing of human facial identity and facial expressions of emotion. A series of perceptual and neuroscience experiments with live faces and/or rigid three-dimensional facemasks is outlined. To date, several converging methodologies have been adopted: behavioural experimental studies with neurologically intact participants, neuropsychological behavioural research with prosopagnosic individuals, and neuroimaging studies using fMRI techniques. In each case, we have asked what would happen if the hands were substituted for the eyes. We confirm that humans can haptically determine both identity and facial expressions of emotion in facial displays at levels well above chance. Clearly, face processing is a bimodal phenomenon. The processes and representations that underlie such patterns of behaviour are also considered.  相似文献   

The perception of linear extent in haptic touch appears to be anisotropic, in that haptically perceived extents can depend on the spatial orientation and location of the object and, thus, on the direction of exploratory motion. Experiments 1 and 2 quantified how the haptic perception of linear extent depended on the type of motion (radial or tangential to the body) when subjects explored different stimulus objects (raised lines or solid blocks) varying in length and in relative spatial location. Relatively narrow, shallow, raised lines were judged to be longer, by magnitude estimation, than solid blocks. Consistent with earlier reports, stimuli explored with radial arm motions were judged to be longer than identical stimuli explored with tangential motions; this difference did not depend consistently on the lateral position of the stimulus object, the direction of movement (toward or away from the body), or the distance of the hand from the body but did depend slightly on the angular position of the shoulder. Experiment 3 showed that the radial-tangential effect could be explained by temporal differences in exploratory movements, implying that the apparent anisotropy is not intrinsic to the structure of haptic space.  相似文献   

J Predebon 《Perception》1992,21(1):77-90
Three magnitude-estimation experiments were used to determine the exponents of the power function relating size judgments and physical size for two-dimensional familiar and unfamiliar stimuli. The exponent of the power function was used to index the effect of familiar size on perceived size under a variety of conditions, from full-cue to reduced-cue viewing conditions. Although the value of the exponents varied across the three experiments, within each experiment the exponent of the familiar stimulus was not significantly different from that of the unfamiliar stimulus, indicating that familiar size does not influence the rate of growth of perceived size. The results of a fourth experiment excluded a possible explanation of the findings of experiments 1-3 in terms of subjects responding to relative angular size as a consequence of the successive presentation of the different-sized representations of the familiar stimulus. Taken together, the present findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the influence of familiar size on estimates of size mainly reflects the intrusion of nonperceptual processes in spatial responses.  相似文献   

Three studies investigate the role of size information in haptic classification of custom-made planar objects when size covaries with hardness, texture, or planar contour. The haptic exploratory procedure (Lederman & Klatzky, 1987) associated with size extraction is also sufficient for encoding shape, which should promote their integration. Experiment 1 showed substantial facilitation of classification by redundant size and shape cues, indicating the coprocessing of size and shape. Experiments 2 and 3 used a withdrawal paradigm: Classification trials began with two redundant properties, and one was then held constant (withdrawn). Experiment 2 showed that when size and shape were redundant, withdrawal of either impaired responses, whereas when size was redundant with texture or hardness, only size withdrawal had an effect. Experiment 3 demonstrated that this size weighting was not restricted to a single procedure for exploration. Size appears to be highly weighted in haptic classification and potentially integrated with other properties having compatible methods of extraction.  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors tested whether an increase in salivation is associated with an increase in subjectively experienced hunger. After conditioning, subjects showed a significant increase in salivation flow. Hunger levels, however, were significantly decreased after conditioning. No correlation was found between salivation flow and hunger levels. It is argued that salivation responses and subjectively experienced hunger are loosely coupled systems. Salivation flow reflects the learning history of a subject which may sometimes be paralleled by a biological state which is called hunger, whereas, at other times, hunger may be absent. The authors conclude that conditioning of preparatory responses such as salivation depends on the probability relationship between exposure to cues (CSs) and food intake (US), as well as the intensity of the US.  相似文献   

Published psychological research attempting to support the existence of small and medium effect sizes may not have enough participants to do so accurately, and thus, repeated trials or the use of multiple items may be used in an attempt to obtain significance. Through a series of Monte-Carlo simulations, this article describes the results of multiple trials or items on effect size estimates when the averages and aggregates of a dependent measure are analyzed. The simulations revealed a large increase in observed effect size estimates when the numbers of trials or items in an experiment were increased. Overestimation effects are mitigated by correlations between trials or items, but remain substantial in some cases. Some concepts, such as a P300 wave or a test score, are best defined as a composite of measures. Troubles may arise in more exploratory research where the interrelations among trials or items may not be well described.  相似文献   

A Monte-Carlo simulation was used to model the biasing of effect sizes in published studies. The findings from the simulation indicate that, when a predominant bias to publish studies with statistically significant results is coupled with inadequate statistical power, there will be an overestimation of effect sizes. The consequences such an effect size overestimation will then have on meta-analyses and power analyses are highlighted and discussed along with measures which can be taken to reduce the problem.  相似文献   

Adding an upright inner square frame to an outer tilted square frame causes a central rod's perceived orientation to be directionally opposite the usual rod-and-frame illusion (RFI). Zoccolotti, Antonucci, Daini, Martelli, and Spinelli (1997) attributed this double RFI (DRFI) to Rock's (1990) hierarchical organization principle. In Experiment 1, this explanation predicted results for small (11 degrees ) but not larger (22 degrees and 33 degrees ) outer frame orientations. In two experiments with the DRFI, bottom-up, goal-driven attention was varied and direct and indirect measures of the framework's influence were compared. In Experiment 2, the RFI angular function was compared with two other DRFI conditions: a direct measure of perceived rod orientation and an indirect measure of the inner frame. These conditions induced directionally opposite effects. In Experiment 3, direct and indirect measures of the inner frame's perceived tilt were compared. Angular functions differing in size and direction were obtained. Experiment 4 replicated the previous results, using a different psychophysical procedure. All the results were consistent with the hierarchical organization mechanism but suggested different processing strategies due to different attentional weights. They were also consistent with other recent findings based on the Bayesian approach to accounts of illusory phenomena (e.g., Jazayeri & Movshon, 2006, 2007; Weiss, Simoncelli, & Adelson, 2002).  相似文献   

Infants’ visual processing of objects is characterised by a developmental trend from a predominantly analytical to a configural processing mode. In two studies with 6- and 8-month-old infants, we sought to replicate this finding in a purely visual condition (inspecting objects), and to examine how far redundant visual-haptic information present in a visual-haptic condition influences the processing mode. Infants were familiarized with two objects differing in three dimensions (texture, size and shape). At test, infants were presented with a familiar object, a switch object consisting of a recombination of familiar dimensions, and a novel object, and looking times were measured. Results indicate a transition from analytical processing at 6 months to configural processing at 8 months in the visual condition. In the visual-haptic condition, both age-groups displayed configural processing. Thus, redundant visual-haptic information seems to enhance object processing.  相似文献   

Haptic space processing--allocentric and egocentric reference frames.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a haptic matching, task is used to analyze haptic spatial processing. In various conditions, blindfolded participants were asked to make a test bar parallel to a reference bar. This always resulted in large but systematic deviations. It will be shown that the results can be described with a model in which an egocentric reference frame biases the participants' settings: What a participant haptically perceives as parallel is a weighted average of parallel in allocentric space and parallel in egocentric space. The basis of the egocentric reference frame is uncertain. There is strong evidence that at least a hand-centred reference frame is involved, but possibly a body-centred reference frame also plays a role.  相似文献   

Haptic perception of parallelity in the midsagittal plane.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Previous studies [Perception 28 (1999) 1001; Perception 28 (1999) 781] on the haptic perception of parallelity on a horizontal plane showed that what subjects haptically perceive as being parallel deviates considerably from what is physically parallel. The deviations could be described with a subject-dependent orientation gradient in the left-right direction. The gradients found in the bimanual conditions were significantly larger (about 70%) than those in the unimanual conditions. The questions to be answered in the present study are the following: (1) Does the haptic perception of parallelity in the midsagittal plane also show systematic deviations from veridicality? (2) Are the unimanual and bimanual performances again quantitatively but not qualitatively different? The set-up consisted of a plate positioned in the midsagittal plane of the subject. The subject touched the right side of the plate with his/her right hand and the left side with the left hand. The results show again large systematic deviations. The major part of the deviations can be described by means of a subject-dependent orientation gradient in the vertical direction. The quantitative (but not qualitative) difference between the unimanual and the bimanual conditions is much larger in the midsagittal plane than in the horizontal plane.  相似文献   

The ability to detect the distance walked when blindfolded using only haptic information generated by the walking activity was investigated. Participants walked a straight path until told to stop, turned, and attempted to return to their starting point. The path was completely featureless. Counting was prevented. Blindfolded, sighted participants traveled with a long cane or a trained sighted guide. Gait was varied or distorted. In all experiments the return distance was a linear function of the set distance, with some participants giving and some conditions resulting in remarkably sensitive performances. The magnitude of errors was a linear function of step length.  相似文献   

In daily life, people interact with textiles of different degrees of wetness, but little is known about the mechanics of wetness perception. This paper describes an experiment with six conditions regarding haptic discrimination of the wetness of fabrics. Three materials were used: cotton wool, sponge-structured viscose and thin viscose. Two ways of touching were investigated: static touching, in which only thermal cues were available, and dynamic touching, in which additional mechanical cues were available. For dynamic touching, average Weber fractions for discrimination were around 0.3, whereas for static touching, they ranged from 0.34 to 0.63. The results show that people can make use of the additional mechanical cues to significantly improve their discrimination performance. There was no significant difference between Weber fractions for the three materials, showing that wetness can be judged as a separate perceptual quantity, independent of the material.  相似文献   

Holmes E  Hughes B  Jansson G 《Perception》1998,27(8):993-1008
To pick up 3-D aspects of pictures is arguably the most difficult problem concerning tactile pictorial perception by the blind. The aim of the experiments reported was to examine the potential utility of texture gradients in this context. Since there is no theoretical basis for predicting absolute values of 3-D properties from 2-D patterns read by the finger pads, the abilities of participants to perceive gradients lying between known maxima and minima were assessed. Experiment 1 involved blindfolded sighted participants making verbal magnitude estimations of texture-gradient magnitudes corresponding to plane surfaces at different slants. In experiment 2 the participants' task was to orient a surface at a slant corresponding to the texture gradients depicted tactually, and experiment 3 required early-blind participants to attempt the same task. The results revealed that participants can scale the magnitudes of texture gradients with high precision and that they can also accurately produce surface slants from depictions, providing the extreme conditions are clearly defined and there are opportunities for learning. Texture gradients appear as informative to the blind as they do to the sighted. To what extent these data can be generalised to other gradients and textures or to other projections of 3-D scenes remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Haptic perception of spatial relations   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
There are some indications that haptic space like visual space is not Euclidean (e.g. Blumenfeld, 1937 Acta Psychologica 2 125-174). In a series of experiments, we investigated the haptic perception of spatial relations in a systematic way. We restricted ourselves to a horizontal plane at waist height. Blindfolded subjects were asked to perform three tasks with their right hand: (i) a reference bar was presented under four different orientations and subjects were asked to rotate a test bar such that it felt to be parallel to the reference bar; (ii) subjects had to rotate two test bars in such a way that they felt collinear; (iii) subjects had to point a test bar in the direction of a marker. Bars and marker could appear at nine different locations. In all experiments large systematic deviations (up to 40 degrees) were made. The deviations strongly correlated with horizontal (right-left) but not with vertical (forward-backward) distance. Subjects showed qualitatively identical trends but the size of the deviations was strongly subject-dependent. In addition, a significant haptic oblique effect was found. These results provide strong evidence that haptic space in non-Euclidean.  相似文献   

We studied human haptic perception of sine-wave gratings. In the first experiment we measured the dependence of amplitude detection thresholds on the number of cycles and on the wavelength of the gratings. In haptic perception of sine-wave gratings, the results are in agreement with neural summation. The rate at which detection thresholds decrease with increasing number of cycles is much higher than can be accounted for by probability summation alone. Further, neural summation mechanisms describe the detection thresholds accurately over the whole spatial range probed in the experiment, that is wavelengths from 14 mm up to 225 mm. Earlier, we found a power-law dependence of thresholds on the spatial width of Gaussian profiles (Louw et al, 2000 Experimental Brain Research 132 369-374). The current results extend these findings; the power-law dependence holds not only for Gaussian profiles, but also for a broad range of sine-wave gratings with the number of cycles varying between 1 and 8. Haptic perception involves tactual scanning combined with an active, dynamic exploration of the environment. We measured characteristics of the velocity and force with which stimuli were scanned while performing a psychophysical task. One particularly surprising finding was that, without being instructed, participants maintained an almost constant scanning velocity during each 45-min session. A constant velocity in successive trials of the experiment might facilitate or even be necessary for discrimination. Further, a large systematic dependence of velocity on scanning length was found. An eightfold increase in scanning length resulted in about a fourfold increase in scanning velocity. A second experiment was conducted to study the influence of scanning velocity on psychophysical detection thresholds. This was done by systematically imposing specific scanning velocities to the participants while the thresholds were measured. The main result of the second experiment was that psychophysical detection thresholds are constant over a relatively broad range of scanning velocities.  相似文献   

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