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新春佳节期间,我们过得愉快,过得舒心,靠着神的恩典,我们在他的保佑下,就是这样一年又一年地度日.新春佳节,人们见面时多讲祝福的话.这些祝福的话语,实际上是寄托着大家的共同心愿,希望我们的日子,甚至是我们的一生都能平平安安、顺顺利利、欢欢乐乐、祥祥和和.纵使我们每个人在世的日子都充满着艰辛和坎坷,但并没有阻止人们相互之间献上良好的祝愿的步伐.  相似文献   

沈学彬 《天风》2008,(2):10-11
新春佳节期间,我们过得愉快,过得舒心,靠着神的恩典,我们在他的保佑下,就是这样一年又一年地度日.新春佳节,人们见面时多讲祝福的话.这些祝福的话语,实际上是寄托着大家的共同心愿,希望我们的日子,甚至是我们的一生都能平平安安、顺顺利利、欢欢乐乐、祥祥和和.纵使我们每个人在世的日子都充满着艰辛和坎坷,但并没有阻止人们相互之间献上良好的祝愿的步伐.  相似文献   

时序更替,华章日新.岁月不居,逐梦前行.军别极不平凡的2020年,迈进具有特殊重要性的2021年.这一年,我们将隆重庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,我们将制定和实施"十四五"规划,我们将宣布全面建成小康社会,我们将立足新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、迈好构建新发展格局的第一步,我们将向第二个百年奋斗目标迈进,开启全面建设社会...  相似文献   

实验目的八○年起,我们在调查学生的学习动机、兴趣、习惯和方法的基础上,为了探索提高课堂效率、启迪智慧、培养能力、减轻负担、大面积提高教学质量的有效途径、对课堂教学结构进行了心理学的改革实验.这项实验,已历时三年半.第一实验周期已完成,第二实验周期也一年半了.  相似文献   

莫日根图 《法音》2021,(10):31-33
2021年8月24日是个非常吉祥殊胜的日子.这一天,习近平总书记亲临承德普宁寺考察调研,充分展现了习近平总书记和党中央对民族团结、宗教和顺、佛教健康发展的关心与关怀. 习近平总书记亲切地对我说:"普宁寺藏传佛教中国化做得很好."听了总书记的话,我的内心非常激动.总书记此次亲临指导,对普宁寺的自身建设给予了最大的肯定.对我们生活的关怀,让我们感觉非常温暖;对我们工作的肯定,给我们指明了前进的方向.  相似文献   

徐牧 《天风》2001,(3):46-47
我们的圣乐,我们的赞美,在教会里既是圣工,又是事工,也是加强中国基督教神学思想建设和教会兴旺发达的重要组成部分.感谢天父的恩赐,感谢圣乐委员会在圣灵的带领、充满下,于1982年3月经过一年的辛勤播种挑编、创作了400首赞美诗和42首<短歌>.  相似文献   

鞭炮声声,春回大地.我们送走了金猪年,迎来了戊子的新春. 过去的一年,在我国的发展史上再次留下了光辉的一页.在我国改革开放发展的关键阶段召开的中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会,为我们继续夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面描绘了宏伟的蓝图,指明了前进的方向.  相似文献   

当《思维与智慧》杂志又一次以崭新的面目,从北国幽静的校园飘然于您的手上之时,也就把我们杂志社全体人员对您最诚挚的谢意和新年深深的祝福带到了您的面前.回首1996年.我们时时在思索着个人的、群体的、国家的种种得失与成败;人类感情的激昂与颓丧.以此敲开思维与智慧的大门.时代强劲的脉搏是杂志的生命力所在,我们当仁不让.“理论总是灰色的”,但理论又是时代的回声.思维的理论是杂志的根基.这是一成不变的方针.思维与智慧的应用是杂志光辉前景的显现.对未来的向往和探索是杂志超前思维的标志.于是我们对杂志的栏目、版式和封面设计等方面都进行了重大的更新,这得到广大读者、作者和关心我们杂志的各界人士的关心和支待,使得刊物的订户持续上升,美誉度不断提高.这对我们是极大的鼓励,我们信心更加坚定,热情更加饱满,我们杂志社全体人员正鼓足劲挑战1997年!  相似文献   

1842年,葡萄牙将一台印刷机发送到佛得角的圣文森特岛.然后在1845年向安哥拉,1854年向莫桑比克发送了印刷机.印刷机的到来可以被认为是一种"地方性"形成过程中的一个重要时刻.因此,我们会看到一种"印刷空间"与一种由几乎稳固的领土疆界构成的地理空间的重叠(巴斯托,2006a:71).这种重叠"产生了一种叙述机制,表现为区域意识形成中的某种'第一阶段'"(出处同上),与帝国的版图形成了对比.这就是我们所说的"地方性".因此,地方与想象之间便建立了一种关系,这种关系是由文本的流通与阅读的同时性所引发的.  相似文献   

2008年,对于中国人来说是刻骨铭心的,铭记2008年带给我们的宝贵精神财富,反思是我们对不平凡的2008年的最好记忆.2008年我们看到了以爱国主义为核心的民族精神的升华;以改革创新为核心的时代精神的扩展;不畏艰险、百折不挠、敢于胜利的英雄气概;以人为本、尊重科学的为民执政、科学执政的行政伦理的彰显;和平、和谐的理念深入人心;文明素质的提升和公民意识的蓬勃生长.当然,2008年也凸现出我们企业伦理和制度伦理的漏洞.2008年带给我们的道德记忆和伦理反思都是值得珍藏的精神财富.  相似文献   

Recent studies using a violation-of-expectation task suggest that preverbal infants are capable of recognizing basic arithmetical operations involving visual objects. There is still debate, however, over whether their performance is based on any expectation of the arithmetical operations, or on a general perceptual tendency to prefer visually familiar and complex displays. Here we provide new evidence that 5-month-old infants recognize basic arithmetic operations across sensory modalities. Using a violation-of-expectation task that eliminated the possibility of the familiarity and complexity preference, 5-month-old infants were presented alternatively with two types of arithmetical events: the expected, correct outcomes of operations (1 object+1 tone=2 objects and 1 object+2 tones=3 objects) and the unexpected, incorrect ones (1 object+2 tones=2 objects and 1 object+1 tone=3 objects). Results showed that subjects looked significantly longer at the unexpected events than at the expected events, suggesting that infants are able to recognize basic arithmetic operations across sensory modalities.  相似文献   

The theory of reinvestment suggests that inappropriate use of attention to consciously engage in movements or decisions (movement specific reinvestment or decision specific reinvestment) can result in disrupted performance. We used moderation analysis to investigate the association between these forms of reinvestment and performance during one versus one in-field and shoot-out scenarios during field hockey. We expected that the propensity for reinvestment would be negatively associated with shoot-out performance but not in-field performance, because monitoring many other players during in-field play diverts attention away from conscious engagement in movements or decisions. No association was evident between decision specific reinvestment and in-field or shoot-out performance. However, a higher propensity for movement specific reinvestment (specifically, conscious motor processing) was negatively associated with shoot-out performance, but not in-field performance. We speculate that the necessity to shift between many non-static attentional demands during in-field situations may reduce capacity for movement specific reinvestment during performance.  相似文献   

When we perform a visual search we know what we are looking for and determine where it is. A representation of the object in our working memory, the ‘search-template’, is compared to the items in the scene until a match is found. So far it is unknown whether observers can search for multiple items at the same time. Here we compare the performance of subjects between a task in which they search for one of two target-items in a stream of visual objects and a task with only a single target. We find that search is effectively limited to one item at a time. This limitation occurs for simple and complex objects and even if the subjects have to look for two features from different domains. We conclude that matching has a fundamental capacity-limitation as the visual input can be matched to only one search-template at a time.  相似文献   

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