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An experiment is reported on the free recall of lists of 18 words. The lists consisted of words that were strongly or weakly associated to the eliciting stimulus, were members of either a single category or more than one category and were arranged into sets of three associated words or six associated words. Each list was presented once only and free recall required after a filled interval of 18 s. One half of the subjects were provided with cues at recall: the remainder were given no assistance. Recall efficiency increased with association level and with restricted category membership of the words in a set. Clustering at recall (when adjusted for opportunity) was greater in the 6×3 lists than in the 3×6 lists. The provision of cues only led to a significant facilitation in recall with lists consisting of 6 sets of 3 words. A detailed analysis of the recall data suggested the importance of the category membership variable in the production of the later recall.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty second-grade children were assigned on the basis of a free recall pretest to four instruction conditions and were given a series of lists of pictures for free recall. For three groups, the instructions were directed at encoding either (a) list organizational information, (b) item-specific semantic information, or (c) organizational and individual item information, while the fourth group constituted a “No-training” control with standard free recall instructions. The subjects received either related or unrelated lists during the training phase and related or unrelated lists during two post-tests, immediately following and 1 week after training. For both types of lists, instructions emphasizing list organization were more effective than those emphasizing item-specific elaboration. Subjects given individual item elaborative instructions showed levels of recall which were comparable to those of the control subjects. While the combined effect of organizational and individual item processing did not exceed the performance produced by organizational instructions alone, the degree of generalization was greater for subjects processing both kinds of information, especially when subjects received related lists during training.  相似文献   

Two groups of 11- to 12-year-old educable mentally retarded children, equated on the basis of a free recall pretest, were given a series of lists for free recall. Approximately half the subjects were trained in the use of a strategy designed to induce deeper level semantic encoding and the discovery of categorical relationships and half constituted a “no-training” control group with standard free recall instructions. The subjects received either related or unrelated lists during the training phase and related or unrelated lists during two post-tests, immediately following and 1 week after training. There was evidence not only that the semantic strategy was maintained over the 1-week delay, but that it also generalized to word lists unlike those used during training. The degree of generalization was greater for those subjects receiving related lists during training.  相似文献   

When asked to recall the words from a just-presented target list, subjects occasionally recall words that were not on the list. These intrusions either appeared on earlier lists (prior-list intrusions, or PLIs) or had not appeared over the course of the experiment (extra-list intrusions). The authors examined the factors that elicit PLIs in free recall. A reanalysis of earlier studies revealed that PLIs tend to come from semantic associates as well as from recently studied lists, with the rate of PLIs decreasing sharply with list recency. The authors report 3 new experiments in which some items in a given list also appeared on earlier lists. Although repetition enhanced recall of list items, subjects were significantly more likely to make PLIs following the recall of repeated items, suggesting that temporal associations formed in earlier lists can induce recall errors. The authors interpret this finding as evidence for the interacting roles of associative and contextual retrieval processes in recall. Although contextual information helps to focus recall on words in the target list, it does not form an impermeable boundary between current- and prior-list experiences.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate recall of lists of words containing items spoken by either a single talker or by different talkers. In each experiment, recall of early list items was better for lists spoken by a single talker than for lists of the same words spoken by different talkers. The use of a memory preload procedure demonstrated that recall of visually presented preload digits was superior when the words in a subsequent list were spoken by a single talker than by different talkers. In addition, a retroactive interference task demonstrated that the effects of talker variability on the recall of early list items were not due to use of talker-specific acoustic cues in working memory at the time of recall. Taken together, the results suggest that word lists produced by different talkers require more processing resources in working memory than do lists produced by a single talker. The findings are discussed in terms of the role that active rehearsal plays in the transfer of spoken items into long-term memory and the factors that may affect the efficiency of rehearsal.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of semantic relatedness on immediate serial recall and serial recognition. Each participant received either blocked or randomly intermixed serial recall or serial recognition trials. Replicating the findings of previous studies (e.g., Saint-Aubin, Ouellette, & Poirier, 2005), semantic relatedness boosted percentage serial recall but also increased order errors, after taking into account the proportion of correctly recalled items, regardless of their orders, in serial recall trials. In serial recognition trials, participants' responses were slower and less accurate for related lists than for unrelated lists. There were intraindividual correlations among order memory measures in serial recall versus serial recognition trials. The implications of these findings for item redintegration theories are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Lists of verbal instructions were read aloud and each was enacted either by the subject (SPTs) or by the experimenter (EPTs). In Experiment 1 free recall was made of lists of SPTs and EPTs either immediately after presentation, after an empty 20-s delay interval, or after a 20-s delay interval filled with backward counting. The recall of recency items was unaffected by the empty delay interval, but was somewhat reduced by the counting task. In Experiment 2 free recall was made of lists of SPTs and EPTs either immediately after presentation or after a delay that was filled with a single SPT or a single EPT, 20 s in length. The recency effect evident in the immediate-recall condition was virtually wiped out in the delay conditions, irrespective of whether the delay task matched those in the free-recall list or not. These results are discussed in terms of the mnemonic similarity of the two types of action event.  相似文献   

Subjects were presented with lists of 'compound letters,' letters whose overall shapes were described by repeated use of replicates of other, smaller letters. In Experiment 1 subjects were asked to attend to either the overall letter or the smaller, constituent letter. At the end of list presentation, recall of all letters was required, but a postlist cue determined whether the attended or unattended letters were to be reported first. The results for four-item lists accorded with those of Martin (1978, 1980): order of report had a larger effect upon retention of attended letters than upon retention of unattended letters. The findings for three-item lists did not agree with Martin, however: first, the interaction of attention and order was weak; second, sharp recency for unattended letters was not found.

Experiment 2 required that subjects recall either in temporal pairs or by letter size. The results strongly suggest that the present paradigm does not constitute an analogue to dichotic listening. In particular, there is little evidence for a role for sensory retention of compound letters at time of recall.  相似文献   

In multiple-list learning, retrieval during learning has been suggested to improve recall of the single lists by enhancing list discrimination and, at test, reducing interference. Using electrophysiological, oscillatory measures of brain activity, we examined to what extent retrieval during learning facilitates list encoding. Subjects studied 5 lists of items in anticipation of a final cumulative recall test and did either a retrieval or a no-retrieval task between study of the lists. Retrieval was from episodic memory (recall of the previous list), semantic memory (generation of exemplars from an unrelated category), or short-term memory (2-back task). Behaviorally, all 3 forms of retrieval enhanced recall of both previously and subsequently studied lists. Physiologically, the results showed an increase of alpha power (8-14 Hz) from List 1 to List 5 encoding when no retrieval activities were interpolated but no such increase when any of the 3 retrieval activities occurred. Brain-behavior correlations showed that alpha-power dynamics from List 1 to List 5 encoding predicted subsequent recall performance. The results suggest that, without intermittent retrieval, encoding becomes ineffective across lists. In contrast, with intermittent retrieval, there is a reset of the encoding process for each single list that makes encoding of later lists as effective as encoding of early lists.  相似文献   

Five experiments investigated whether perceptual patterning afforded by imposing a recurrent stress pattern on auditorially presented lists has a positive effect on list recall. The experiments also addressed whether the recall advantage reflected the salience that the stress pattern created for certain items or whether the recall advantage arose from the distinct grouping configurations that were produced by the stress pattern. The authors explored these issues by examining immediate serial-recall performance for spoken lists that either did or did not have a stress pattern imposed on them. Lists had an anapest or dactylic stress pattern or were monotone and consisted of two stimulus types, either digit names or common English nouns. Results showed that stress patterns enhanced serial-recall performance and that the recall benefit derived primarily from the perceptual grouping afforded by the stress patterns. Results also showed that the grouping benefit derived from stress patterning generalizes to monotone lists. In contrast, salience effects are attached to the stimulus per se and do not transfer.  相似文献   

Using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott-Read-Solso (DRMRS) procedure in which list items are shown that are semantically related to a central theme that is not presented, undergraduates (N?=?61) studied either short or long lists in the form of auditory words alone, pictures alone, or pictures accompanied by auditory words. Correct recall and correct recognition scores were similar in all three conditions. However, false memory (reporting the non-presented central theme) was reduced with pictures alone compared to words alone for the recall task, and for the recognition task with short lists. Confidence was higher for correct recall and correct recognition than for false recall and false recognition, but people who were higher or lower in confidence did not differ on any memory measure. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Lists of thematically related words were presented to participants with or without a concurrent task. In Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, English or Spanish word lists were either low or high in concreteness (concrete vs abstract words) and were presented, respectively, auditorily or visually for study. The addition of a concurrent visual or auditory task, respectively, substantially reduced correct recall and doubled the frequency of false memory reports (nonstudied critical or theme words). Divided attention was interpreted as having reduced the opportunity for participants to monitor successfully their elicitations of critical associates. Comparisons of concrete and abstract lists revealed significantly more recalls of false memories for abstract than concrete word lists. Comparisons between two levels of attention, two levels of word concreteness, and two presentation modalities failed to support the "more is less" effect by which enhanced correct recall is accompanied by increased frequencies of false memories.  相似文献   

During presentation of auditory and visual lists of words, different groups of subjects generated words that either rhymed with the presented words or that were associates. Immediately after list presentation, subjects recalled either the presented or the generated words. After presentation and test of all lists, a final free recall test and a recognition test were given. Visual presentation generally produced higher recall and recognition than did auditory presentation for both encoding conditions. The results are not consistent with explanations of modality effects in terms of echoic memory or greater temporal distinctiveness of auditory items. The results are more in line with the separate-streams hypothesis, which argues for different kinds of input processing for auditory and visual items.  相似文献   

Two studies were performed using monaural presentation of verbal material to test for a right-ear advantage (REA) in recall. It was hypothesized that a delayed recall task and examination of the serial position curve would be a more sensitive test for ear asymmetries than those used in previous studies. In Experiment 1, 30 right-handed male subjects were given lists of words to recall, presented to either the left or right ear, with language chatter, baroque music, or no stimulus concurrently presented to the opposite ear. Both immediate and delayed recall were assessed. The results indicated that the strongest REAs appeared in delayed recall. Moreover, the REAs occurred regardless of the stimulus conditions co-occurring in the other ear. Experiment 2 was done to test whether the REAs in the delayed recall were due to rehearsal biases. Twenty-four right-handed male subjects recalled lists of words with standard instructions and instructions to recall in the reverse order of input (limiting rehearsal). The results indicated that the backward instructions limited and controlled rehearsal and, hence, input to long-term storage; the REAs occurred in delayed recall under all instructional conditions.  相似文献   

Recall accuracy and illusory memories: when more is less   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In two experiments it was revealed that manipulations that increased recall of studied list items also increased false recall of theme-related, critical nonpresented words. In Experiment 1 subjects listened to a series of short word lists, each containing items associatively related to a theme, while engaging in either semantic or nonsemantic processing. On an immediate free recall test semantic processors demonstrated greater correct recall as well as more illusory memories of critical nonpresented items than nonsemantic processors. In Experiment 2, the short study lists were combined to form longer lists that were presented either blocked by theme or in a random presentation order. Retention interval was also varied as participants were tested either immediately, one week after, or three weeks after the study phase. Presenting the target items in a blocked, as opposed to random, format increased recall accuracy, but this was at the expense of a higher intrusion rate for theme-consistent items. Interestingly, the level of false memories was not affected by retention interval even though typical decrements in the recall of study items were observed over time. The results of these experiments highlight the persistence of the false memory effect, as well as pointing to several factors, primarily semantic processing, that may lead to the creation of false memories. Interpretations are offered within the theoretical frameworks of source monitoring and fuzzy trace theory.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined age differences in collaborative inhibition (reduced recall in pairs of people, relative to pooled individuals) across repeated retrieval attempts. Younger and older adults studied categorized word lists and were then given two consecutive recall tests and a recognition test. On the first recall test, the subjects were given free-report cued recall or forced-report cued recall instructions (Experiment 1) or free recall instructions (Experiment 2) and recalled the lists either alone or in collaboration with another subject of the same age group. Free-report cued recall and free recall instructions warned the subjects not to guess, whereas forcedreport cued recall instructions required them to guess. Collaborative inhibition was obtained for both younger and older adults on initial tests of free-report cued recall, forced-report cued recall, and free recall, showing that the effect generalizes across several tests for both younger and older adults. Collaborative inhibition did not persist on subsequent individual recall or recognition tests for list items. Older adults consistently falsely recalled and recognized items more than did younger adults, as had been found in previous studies. In addition, prior collaboration may exaggerate older adults’ tendency toward higher false alarms on a subsequent recognition test, but only after a free recall test. The results provide generality to the phenomenon of collaborative inhibition and can be explained by invoking concepts of strategy disruption and source monitoring.  相似文献   

Thirty-two subjects had tests of serial recall of visually presented nine-digit lists which were either presented in a single block of trials (constant context) or in between lists of much longer length (variable context). Other variables were vocalization-during-presentation versus silent memorization (within subject) and order of recall (between subjects). The results showed a negative effect of variable context on the penultimate serial positions in the case of silent memorization but not in the case of vocalization. Context had no effect on the first and middle parts of the list, which confirms earlier results with auditorily presented lists (Bunt 1976), but which disagrees with the original evidence from Crowder (1969). Subjects preferred forward recall in the case of silent memorization and echobox recall in the case of vocalization during presentation, irrespective of context.

The results are discussed within the framework of the notion of precategorical acoustic storage (PAS) and of positional retrieval cues. The latter theory seems to provide a better and more comprehensive account.  相似文献   

In order to explore variables underlying primacy and recency effects in free recall of pictorial material, norms were developed using 120 subjects who rated the vividness and complexity of slides. Two experiments were then run in which two levels of each of these variables (extreme high and low ratings) were factorially combined. In the first experiment 24 subjects were shown three mixed lists, two short and one long (consisting of materials of all four combinations of vividness and complexity), and in the second experiment 12 subjects were shown four pure lists (consisting of materials of a single type). Analysis of variance showed list length in the mixed list experiment and complexity in both experiments to be strong determinants of recall. Greatest recall was for items of low complexity in short lists. Weak, but statistically significant, serial position effects were evident, particularly for less complex items. The effects of primacy and recency seem to decrease with increasing complexity of visual materials, perhaps because of the greater difficulty in rehearsing more complex pictures either verbally or iconically.  相似文献   

Two groups of university students were presented with auditory lists of temporally grouped words for recall. The lists were immediately followed by either a redundant suffix, a nonredundant suffix or no suffix. One group of subjects was instructed to recall the items in strict serial order; the second group was required to write the last items first, indicating the position of all items in the list. According to Kahneman's (1973) account of the suffix effect, the interfering effect of the suffix should be eliminated when the suffix is segregated in a different group or perceptual unit from the memory items. The results did not support the prediction from Kahneman's hypothesis. An alternative account of the suffix effect was presented.  相似文献   

Seven experiments are reported in which subjects were tested for immediate serial recall of mixed-modality lists. On mixed auditory-visual lists, there was an advantage for auditory items at all serial positions. This was due to both a facilitation of auditory items and an inhibition of visual items on mixed lists, as compared with single-modality lists. When presented on a list containing items read silently, recall of items that were silently mouthed by the subject demonstrated patterns similar to those found with auditory items. When presented on a list containing items read aloud, recall of mouthed items showed patterns similar to those found with silently read items. The auditory advantage on mixed lists was found even when the list items were acoustically similar or identical and was not reduced by midlist auditory suffixes. The results suggest that modality differences in recall of mixed-modality lists are based on information different from that responsible for modality differences in recall of single-modality lists.  相似文献   

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