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This paper discusses the error introduced in administering ECS by calibrating intensity on the S’s dc rather than ac resistance. Since the ac resistance of rats and mice can be lower than their corresponding dc resistance by a factor of 50, calibrating on dc resistance can introduce appreciable error depending on the current regulation of the ECS device. Examples are included to illustrate the range of possible error. In addition, an alternative method for measuring ECS intensity is presented that greatly reduces measurement error including those due to between-animal resistance differences that necessarily occur when using the usual methods.  相似文献   

The author reports on an improvement in ECT in which Dexamethasone is used to prevent cerebral edema. This improved technique has been used for 823 EC treatment since 1979. Since then, no post-paroxysmal passage syndromes have been observed in gerontopsychiatric patients even in cases where ECT is applied relatively frequently.  相似文献   

Three experiments sought to evaluate the effect of electroconvulsive shock on the action of a reinforcing stimulus. In all experiments behavior was maintained on a 2 min variable interval schedule for food reinforcement. Foot shock at the termination of a buzzer stimulus served as the reinforcing stimulus for conditioned suppression during the ensuing buzzer interval. Omission of foot shock at the termination of the buzzer stimulus was followed by normal responding (no conditioned suppression) during the next buzzer interval. In Exp I electroconvulsive shock followed foot shock at varying time intervals. In the first subsidiary experiment electroconvulsive shock followed an unreinforced buzzer stimulus at varying time intervals. In the second subsidiary experiment electroconvulsive shock followed foot shock at varying time intervals and an additional buzzer stimulus was sounded between the termination of foot shock and the onset of electroconvulsive shock. These three experiments demonstrated that electroconvulsive shock invariably abolished the effects of the reinforcing stimulus if it followed conditioning by no more than 10.0 sec and never had an effect if it followed conditioning by 12.5 sec or more; electroconvulsive shock was not acting as a reinforcing stimulus in this situation.  相似文献   

The side effects of a five-times bilateral electric shock therapy were clinically and computer-tomographically investigated. A connection exists between the number of electric shock treatments which are carried out and the expression of a transitory organic psychosyndrome. However, no significant differences in relation to the initial findings were established a week after the completion of the treatment series despite great interindividual differentiation. Neither cerebral oedema or other signs of disturbances were computer-tomographically detectable as results of treatment. CT and clinic findings do not correspond to each other.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to assess experimentally, functional relationships between home and school settings. Two children, both considered deviant in their homes and in their schools, were observed in both settings. The observations revealed that the children's deviant behaviors at home were quite similar to their deviant behaviors at school. Contingency operations were then performed in the children's homes. Results showed that the children's behavior changed predictably in the homes and remained at baseline level in school.  相似文献   

This article discusses the attenuating mechanisms of group psychotherapy that support and enhance analytic work with borderline patients in combined group and individual psychotherapy. A group case study is presented which addresses the manifestations and management of transference and countertransference in a combined treatment approach. Combined treatment was observed to respond effectively to both the intrapsychic and interpersonal difficulties of borderline patients. A multidimensional model for treating these patients in a community mental health setting is proposed.  相似文献   

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