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This study examines the relationship between cognitive complexity and conversational recall. Three hypotheses are put forward arguing that individuals high in cognitive complexity will (a) recall more person-oriented conversational information, (b) recall more person-oriented information in an interference condition, and (c) recall more total information from a conversation than subjects low in cognitive complexity. Subjects were 72 college students who observed a video taped conversation. Recall was elicited by means of a free recall task and an 18-item multiple choice test. MANOVA and canonical discriminant-analysis results support each hypotheses.  相似文献   

《Memory (Hove, England)》2013,21(1):103-112
Since the Cognitive Interview (CI) was devised under laboratory conditions (Geiselman, Fisher, MacKinnon, & Holland, 1985), researchers have performed many experiments where a variety of variables and conditions have been reported. Nevertheless, few studies have attempted to delve into the theoretical aspects on which the CI is based. A variable that might help us to improve our understanding of why the CI works is prior knowledge of the crime context. Some studies have included familar contexts and others unfamiliar ones, but no study has been performed to test the effect of the familiarity of the crime context as an independent variable. The aim of this research is to study the effect of prior knowledge on subjects' memory when they are interviewed by means of the CI in contrast to a Spanish Standard Interview (SSI). A significant effect of prior knowledge that subjects had of the context where the crime took place was expected, especially for those subjects who were interviewed by means of the CI. Results confirmed this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of two interview techniques, the Cognitive Interview (CI) and the Structured Interview (SI), were examined in relation to recall, recognition, confidence and the confidence/accuracy relationship. Volunteer subjects witnessed a live staged event, and at set time delays (48 and 96 hours) were interviewed by means of either the CI or SI and made lineup identifications from both blank and filled lineup presentations. The CI significantly improved total recall (p<0.001) and correct recall (p<0.001) relative to the SI. There were no differences in either accuracy or error rates for the two conditions. The CI produced significantly higher ‘pre-post interview’ confidence ratings than the SI (p<0.05). Within-, between- and event-confidence ratings were not predictive of recall or recognition accuracy. Failure to find a significant consistent confidence/accuracy relationship was suggested to have occurred because of the operation of an accuracy assessment heuristic. The CI did not reliably improve identification from a filled lineup presentation relative to the SI, but did produce better performance on a blank lineup presentation (p<0.001). Confidence and the confidence/accuracy relationship involving identifications were not found to differ as a function of interview condition. Throughout the study multiple regression analyses failed to reveal consistent predictors of recall or recognition accuracy, confidence or the confidence/accuracy relationship of these two domains. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined personality types and cognitive complexity levels in counseling trainees. Data from graduate‐level counseling students were collected (N = 74). Cognitive complexity levels were measured using the Role Category Questionnaire (RCQ) and personality types were measured using the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator. Results showed that perceiving types tended to perform better on the RCQ than judging types, and that those who were highly differentiated in all preferences overall tended to score higher on the RCQ. These findings have implications for employment and career counselors and their clients who are, or aspire to be, in the helping profession.  相似文献   

Internationally known counselor educator and author Garry Landreth has a passion for filial therapy. In this interview article, Landreth discusses the basic principles and procedures of filial therapy, the 10‐week Filial Therapy Training Model he has developed, and the research that he and his colleagues and students are doing on filial therapy.  相似文献   

The Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) has been widely studied. However, research has overlooked witnesses' attitudes toward the interview and how error estimate and memory capacity relate to report quality. Participants watched a mock robbery video and were interviewed 48 hours later with either the Portuguese version of the ECI or a Structured Interview (SI). Participants interviewed with the ECI provided more information without compromising accuracy, particularly in free recall. Report accuracy was stable across interview phases and information categories. A higher perception of interview appropriateness (how witnesses evaluate the appropriateness of the interview procedure used) was linked with more detailed reports and more interest in being an interviewee. Participants over‐estimated their error rate, and their memory capacity was not related to witnesses' recall. It is essential to take into account their perception of interview appropriateness and use alternative methods to evaluate report quality. Major implications for real‐life investigations are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors used a conditional accuracy function (CAF) method to compute the mean accuracy of multiple reaction time ranges, to investigate the association between aerobic fitness and the utilization of cognitive control strategy during preadolescence. Thirty-eight higher- and lower-fit children were grouped according to their cardiorespiratory capacity (VO2max) and completed a modified flanker task. Seventeen young adults were recruited as a reference group of maturation. The results showed that higher-fit children exhibited an adult-like performance pattern, and demonstrated increased overall response accuracy compared to lower-fit children, with a disproportionally larger increase in individual responses when the time allowed for discriminative processing was constrained. These findings suggest that aerobic fitness is associated with enhanced cognitive control and development of a more proactive control strategy during flanker task in preadolescent children.  相似文献   

探讨了6岁儿童的类别学习能力、类别表征和分类策略。62名儿童参加了实验,实验1采用了"5/4模型"类别结构,实验2采用了"3/3类别结构"。结果发现:6岁儿童已经具备了一定的类别学习能力;相对于原型表征,6岁儿童更倾向于进行样例表征;6岁儿童在注意上具有定位在高典型性特征维度上的能力,但不具备定位在区分性特征维度上的能力;在类别学习策略上主要采用单维度分类策略和规则加例外的分类策略。  相似文献   

常建芳  常静  莫雷 《心理科学》2008,31(3):658-662
近些年来,对于类别学习的研究取得了长足的发展,研究者们已成功地构建了一系列类别学习理论与模型.本文在评述先前模型的基础上,介绍一个晚近的类别学习模型--SUSTAIN.阐述其运行原则和流程,以期对未来类别学习的研究提供参考和启发.  相似文献   

Since the Cognitive Interview (CI) was developed, many experiments have been published, but only two have investigated its efficacy in real criminal cases. Here, a Modified CI (MCI) is tested with real interviews in an inquisitor justice system. Several moderators and the interviewers' attitudes towards the CI/MCI are also examined. Eighty‐one witnesses were interviewed by 27 French military police officers, with a Standard Police Interview, a Structured Interview (SI), or an MCI. The MCI produced the most forensically relevant information, especially for victims. Trainees judged the SI and the MCI useful, usable, and acceptable, and felt efficient in using them, beliefs that increased after 1 year of practice. The self‐efficacy was linked with the declared use of the techniques. In all, this study confirmed the efficacy of the CI/MCI as a tool to be used in the field, with some cautions to be underlined, notably because of the small sample size considered. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prior research has established that categorization plays a central role in new product learning. Very little is known, however, about category‐based learning under conditions of categorization ambiguity. Of particular interest is whether and under what circumstances consumers might employ a multiple‐ (vs. single‐) category strategy to generate inferences about ambiguous products. In this research, we identified 2 factors—category familiarity and the nature of the category cue—that are responsible for determining whether inferences are based on a single category or multiple, competing categories. The results of 3 studies suggest that when an ambiguous product is described in terms of conflicting conceptual and perceptual category cues, a single category inference strategy is employed when the perceptually cued category is more familiar than the conceptually cued category. In particular, inferences are based largely on the perceptually cued category under these circumstances. However, when the perceptually cued category is less than or equal to the conceptually cued category in familiarity, a multiple category inference strategy is employed and inferences are based on both the perceptually and conceptually cued categories.  相似文献   

定险峰 《心理科学》2002,25(1):109-110
短时记忆的范畴群集(category clustering)是短时记忆信息一种重要的组织形式。它表现为当不同范畴的一些词随机混合呈现时,被试在自由回忆中常将属于同一范畴的一些词聚在一起回忆出来,显示出将一些词按范畴进行组织的倾向。一般认为。范畴群集可提高短时记忆成绩,有利于信息从短时记忆转入长时记忆。  相似文献   

Thirty older (m age=71.73 years) and 20 young adults (m age=21.60 years) viewed a videotape of a simulated crime and were then interviewed with either a Cognitive Interview (CI) or a standard police interview (SI). The older participants were interviewed with either an SI, CI, or CI that was modified for older people (CI–M). No differences were found between the CI and CI–M. The CI elicited more information than the SI, without a reduction in accuracy rate. Moreover, the advantage of the CI over the SI was greater for the older than for the young participants. There were no overall age-related differences. Results are discussed in terms of performance of older witnesses and implications for understanding how the CI functions.  相似文献   

Thelma Thomas Daley, through leadership, service, teaching, and publication, has been committed to the counseling profession for over 40 years. Daley was a pioneer in the counseling field as the 1st African American president of the American School Counselor Association in 1971 and the 1st African American and 3rd female president of the American Personnel and Guidance Association (now American Counseling Association [ACA]) in 1975. In this interview, she recounts her experiences as an organizational leader committed to enhancing the multicultural growth and professional excellence of ACA.  相似文献   

This study investigated the validity and incremental validity of a situational interview beyond that of a composite measure of cognitive ability. Forty-seven factory service technicians underwent an interview and took four cognitive ability tests. Supervisors rated the performance of these subjects in a concurrent validation study. The interview was found to be a valid predictor of a supervisor rating of performance (r = 0.32, p < 0.05 uncorrected), however, was unable to show incremental validity over ability tests (Incremental R2= 0.05, n.s.). Limitations of the present study and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This interview highlights the career and rich professional influence of Samuel T. Gladding, a prolific writer and educator who was listed in the top 1% of contributors to the Journal of Counseling & Development between 1978 and 1993. This interview was conducted shortly after he began his 2004–2005 term as president of the American Counseling Association. The interviewers hope that Gladding's insights on becoming a counselor will help to focus and strengthen the professional journey of contemporary counselors.  相似文献   

Judy Jordan is one of the founding scholars of relational‐cultural theory (RCT). In this interview, Judy (a) gives historical and personal insight into the development of RCT, (b) describes how the theory has been received both in the United States and internationally, and (c) discusses possible future directions for RCT scholarship.  相似文献   

Several studies have found an association between frequency of dream recall and creativity. We tested the hypothesis that training individuals to increase dream recall by means of a daily dream log would increase scores on the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT). One hundred twenty‐five participants completed a baseline measure of creativity (TTCT, figural version) as well as of dream recall, dissociation, thinness of psychological boundaries, mindful‐attention awareness, and well‐being. Participants were randomly allocated to two groups: the experimental group (n = 55) received a daily dream log; while the control group (n = 32) received a similarly phrased log registering memories of a vivid episode from the previous day. After 27 days, all participants completed follow‐up measurements identical to those at baseline. A non‐randomized non‐intervention group (n = 35) was used to test for practice effects on the TTCT. There was significant selective increase for the “creative strengths” component, which was only observed in the experimental group. There were significant correlations between creativity and dissociation as well as between creativity and thinness of psychological boundaries. Enhanced dream recall through daily dream logging fosters aspects of creativity. Associations between creativity, dissociation, and thinness of boundaries, suggest that increased awareness to dreams increases creativity through a “loosening” of stereotyped thinking pattern.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of a job applicant's verbal statements on interviewer ratings of an applicant's interpersonal characteristics. Applicant verbal statements were coded as containing affective, behavioral, and cognitive components. Verbal statements were analyzed using regression analysis and findings indicated that behavioral and cognitive speech components significantly impacted interviewer ratings of an applicant's self-confidence. In turn, interpersonal characteristics of enthusiasm, self-confidence and effectiveness had a significant influence on an interviewer's rating of an applicant's overall quality and the ultimate hiring decision.  相似文献   

Some current investigators have made direct comparisons of recognition performance with cued recall. In other instances, indirect comparisons of recognition and recall have been made by observing the difference in recognition performance with different types of target material, for example, high- and low-frequency words; this difference has been then compared with the difference obtained when recall is used to measure retention of the same type of target materials. Finally, some experimenters have examined how recognition performance is related to the type of target material that is used, for example, words, pictures, and so on. The results obtained from all of these studies have been used to make inferences about the nature of the memorial process. We have attempted to call attention to the generally accepted but neglected finding that performance on any recognition test can be manipulated by changing the characteristics of the distractors, thus casting doubt on the generality of the experimental findings as well as their theoretical implications.  相似文献   

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