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Event centrality has been one of the strongest predictors of PTSD symptoms. We attempted to experimentally reduce event centrality using a modified version of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in a sample of traumatized participants from a community outreach center. Relative to a control group, participants who received ACT evidenced significant decreases in PTSD symptoms, depression, and event centrality. A mediation analysis revealed that the effect of condition on PTSD symptoms was mediated by decreases in event centrality. Only the effect of condition on depression was still significant at six weeks posttreatment. This study is the first to manipulate event centrality and suggests that components of ACT may be effective at reducing event centrality.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that event centrality, the degree to which an event has become part of one's identity, predicts post‐event distress. However, little research has examined factors or situations which may increase centrality. The aim of the current study was to examine how the instructions in a writing task may impact event centrality. Participants identified their ‘worst’ event and then either wrote persuasively about the impact of the event or wrote a factual account of the event and completed self‐report measures pre‐writing and post‐writing. We found no group differences when examining all participants; however, we did find significantly higher centrality in the persuasive group for those participants who had experienced a traumatic event as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. Our results demonstrate that event centrality is amenable to change in response to written interventions, and these results may have significant implications for situations in which individuals are required to convincingly describe their traumatic experiences. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

事件聚集是在事件水平上组织自传记忆的结构,是一种反映自传记忆组织的提取现象.在利用矫正后的事件追随任务对62名成人进行测试后发现:①事件之间各种组织信息并不是分离的,而是以整合的方式来组织事件聚集结构,这些信息不仅包含客体的信息,更包含主观的感受.②自我在自传记忆组织中的作用是强化事件聚集本身所具有的联系.③自传记忆的提取中首先要满足当前自我的要求;进行直接提取失败后,被试根据自传记忆的层级关系进行生成搜索;生成提取策略也失败后,个体则会根据事件线索中任何可以利用的细节来完成回忆任务.  相似文献   

Background: Recent evidence suggests that event centrality has a prominent association with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. However, evidence for this notion thus far has been mostly correlational. We report two studies that prospectively examined the relationship between event centrality and PTSD symptoms. Study 1 Methods: Participants (N?=?1438) reported their most stressful event (“prior event”), along with event centrality, PTSD symptoms, and neuroticism. At Time 2 participants reported their most stressful event since Time 1 (“critical event”), along with measures of event centrality and PTSD symptoms. Study 1 Results: Event centrality for the critical event predicted PTSD symptoms, after controlling for event centrality and PTSD symptoms of the prior event and neuroticism. Study 2 Methods: In the second study (N?=?161) we examined changes in event centrality and PTSD symptoms over a month. Study 2 Results: Using a cross-lagged panel design, results revealed event centrality at Time 1 significantly predicted PTSD symptoms at Time 2, but the reverse was not significant. Conclusions: In two studies, a prospective association between event centrality and PTSD symptoms, but not the reverse, emerged. This evidence implicates event centrality in the pathogenesis and/or maintenance of PTSD symptoms.  相似文献   

Consistent with the Reformulated Model of Learned Helplessness, attributions that are more internal, stable, and global have been shown to be associated with greater posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms. Even though the Reformulated Model of Learned Helplessness has been revised to clarify that attributions are most likely to lead to adverse outcomes when the event is considered to be important to the person and the outcomes very negative (Hopelessness Model of Depression), most attribution studies do not account for the importance of the event to the individual. The current study examined whether perceptions of event importance mediated the relationship between attributions and posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms in a sample of 313 college students who reported about their worst life event. Consistent with the Hopelessness Model of Depression, results supported the mediational role of event significance. Findings suggest that maladaptive attributions may contribute to symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression both directly and through the event’s importance to a person’s sense of identity.  相似文献   

This study tested the extent to which negative appraisals following traumatic events and the centrality of traumatic events predicted posttraumatic growth (PTG; Tedeschi &; Calhoun, 1996 Tedeschi, R. G. and Calhoun, L. G. 1996. The posttraumatic growth inventory: Measuring the positive legacy of trauma. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 9: 7680. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Participants were 405 undergraduates at a Midwestern university who reported experiencing at least one traumatic event. Regression analyses indicated that the centrality of the event was a significant predictor for all five domains of PTG. Negative appraisals of the world were related to some domains of growth, but neither negative cognitions about the self nor self-blame was a significant predictor of any of the growth domains. Interpretation of these results is considered in light of the consistencies with Janoff-Bulman's (2004) Janoff-Bulman, R. 2004. Posttraumatic growth: Three explanatory models. Psychological Inquiry, 15: 3034. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] explanatory models of development of PTG.  相似文献   

While the strength of the lifecourse/developmental (LCD) perspective in the examination of antisocial behavior has been clearly demonstrated, this work has given little attention to schools and education as salient influences. By contrast, there is much research using other theoretical frameworks to examine school-related risk factors of deviance. Given what we know about the importance of schooling and education on individual development and subsequent implications for behavior, we contend that academic influences should be more prevalent in LCD theories of deviance and that research using an LCD theoretical perspective should embrace non-LCD work examining school-related risk factors of antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

对闪光灯记忆形成和维持的解释有三种模型 :摄影模型、综合模型和情绪整合模型。该文对这三种模型作以综述和比较 ,并指出了研究中存在的一些难题  相似文献   

前瞻记忆的理论模型综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张芝  王健  葛列众 《应用心理学》2006,12(1):91-94,96
前瞻记忆是相对于回溯记忆提出的一种特殊的长时记忆,是指记住在将来某个恰当的时间执行先前意向的行为。本文介绍了近年来研究者提出的前瞻记忆认知和提取机制的理论模型,并对其做了评述。最后,本文针对目前研究中的薄弱环节尝试性地提出了今后前瞻记忆研究进一步发展的方向。  相似文献   

Vietnam combat veterans assigned diagnoses of PTSD were compared on measures of attention/concentration, new learning, and memory with Army National Guard enlistees who reported no unusual traumatic events or stress-related symptoms. Results showed that PTSD veterans performed more poorly than the comparison sample on a measure of verbal learning, exhibiting less proficient cumulative acquisition across repeated exposures, greater sensitivity to proactive interference, and more perseverative errors. Veterans with PTSD diagnoses also evidenced impairments in word fluency and visual attention/tracking abilities. These preliminary findings suggest that diagnoses of chronic PTSD in combat veterans are associated with cognitive performance deficits, when comparisons are made with military troops judged to be free of stress-related psychopathology. Results are consistent with self-reported complaints of concentration and memory impairments among PTSD-diagnosed clinical samples, thus highlighting the need for continued investigation of the neuropsychologlcal sequelae of prolonged stress exposure.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that a highly integrated trauma leads to more accessible and vivid memories of the traumatic event, in turn heightening symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. The relationship between the centrality of a traumatic event and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder after the 2011 Oslo bombing attack was investigated in the present study. A high degree of perceived centrality was associated with higher symptom levels of posttraumatic stress as shown in the results. This association was found after controlling for gender, age and educational background. The relationship between types and level of trauma exposure, peritraumatic reactions and centrality of event was also investigated in the present study. Higher levels of trauma exposure and peritraumatic reactions were associated with higher levels of centrality of event as shown in the results. When a traumatic event becomes a reference point in the individual's life story and central to their identity, this is associated with an increased risk of symptomatology as suggested in the findings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memories are thought to serve three basic functions: self‐definition, social connection, and directing future behavior. Previous research suggests that the function a memory comes to serve may differ by the type of event recalled (e.g., single unique events vs. repeated or recurring events). In two studies, we compared memories for different event types on function served. Results from Study 1 suggest that narratives of single events serve more of a self and directive function compared with recurring events, whereas recurring events serve more of a social function. Extended events, however, were high on all three functions. Study 2 specifically examined single and recurring events. Results replicated and extended Study 1 using both narrative coding and questionnaire measures. Implications of the examination of multiple event types and functional approaches to autobiographical memory for understanding links between experiences and psychological outcomes are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Only a handful of studies have extended our understanding of retrieval induced forgetting (RIF) during development and even fewer have tested for RIF effects outside word‐list paradigms. The purpose of these experiments was to: (i) examine how partial retrieval of a witnessed event would impact subsequent retrieval of that event in school‐aged children; and (ii) examine the robustness of semantic integration as a boundary condition on RIF. Two experiments were conducted using the three traditional phases of the RIF paradigm: study phase, practice phase, and test phase. We found clear evidence of RIF in event memory. There was also evidence of the robust impact that integration instructions have on minimizing RIF. Integration appears to not only have a dampening effect on RIF, but integration instructions may also influence how children process all aspects of an experience, regardless of whether a person is passively or actively part of the experience.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

False memory susceptibility was measured in 80 Iraq/Afghanistan veterans with (n = 32) and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; n = 48) using a modified Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) word list task that included trauma-related critical (nonpresented) lures. PTSD was classified using medical record diagnoses. Participants completed a variety of self-report assessments, including the Beck Depression Inventory, the Anxiety and Stress subscales of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, the Dissociative Experiences Scale, and the Tellegen Absorption Scale. Veterans with PTSD displayed global memory impairments on all types of items, except for trauma-related critical lures; on these critical lures, they exhibited false memory levels equal to those seen in veterans without PTSD. The magnitude of most effects were reduced, but not entirely eliminated, when controlling for depression, suggesting that neither PTSD nor co-occurring depression entirely explain these findings. The potential effects of other mental health conditions, such as alcohol dependence, could not be ruled out. Our results support explanations of PTSD that emphasize differential processing of trauma-related information.  相似文献   

Using cross‐sectional analyses, event centrality has been shown to be related to a number of poor psychological outcomes, including depressive symptoms and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. In the current study, we examined the ability of event centrality of a recent conflict in or breakup of a romantic relationship to prospectively predict depressive symptoms. Replicating previous findings, ratings of event centrality to a recent romantic conflict or breakup were significantly associated with depressive symptoms and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms at Time 1. These relationships remained significant after controlling for closure and perceived insight. In addition, Time 1 event centrality prospectively predicted Time 2 depressive symptoms, particularly for participants who were split from their romantic partners at Time 2. This prediction remained significant after controlling for Time 1 depressive symptoms. The results of the study suggest that levels of event centrality for romantic conflicts prospectively predict subsequent mental health outcomes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

类别学习是通过不断地分类练习,学会如何将类别刺激进行归类的过程。采用2(工作记忆容量:高、低)×4(内容相关性:方向、宽度、亮度、控制组)被试间实验设计,通过两个实验探讨工作记忆容量与内容相关性对基于规则类别学习和信息整合类别学习的影响。结果显示:(1)对基于规则类别学习来说,在高工作记忆容量条件下,当关注相关维度时,类别学习的成绩更好;(2)对基于信息整合类别学习来说,不管工作记忆容量如何,只要关注相关维度类别学习的成绩更好。  相似文献   

东莨菪碱对大鼠空间参考记忆和工作记忆的不同影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察东莨菪碱对空间参考记忆和空间工作记忆的编码、保持和提取过程的作用。应用Morris水迷宫实验测定大鼠的空间参考记忆和空间工作记忆,分别在训练的不同阶段腹腔注射东莨菪碱(1mg/kg)和相同容量的生理盐水,比较各东莨菪碱组和生理盐水组之间游泳潜伏期、路径长度、轨迹和游泳速度的差异。结果发现:与注射生理盐水相比,在训练前和探测实验前注射东莨菪碱的大鼠在探测实验中对目标象限不表现出空间偏爱,说明东莨菪碱干扰参考记忆的信息编码和提取过程;而在训练结束后注射东莨菪碱的大鼠探测实验的结果与生理盐水组相比没有显著差异,说明东莨菪碱对参考记忆的保持过程没有影响。在工作记忆实验中,无论第一次测试前、第一次测试后和第2次测试前注射东莨菪碱,均造成大鼠游泳潜伏期延长,说明东莨菪碱干扰工作记忆的编码、保持和提取过程。研究提示M受体在空间工作记忆和参考记忆中发挥不同作用  相似文献   

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