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用Morph变形方法构建家族相似性面孔部件样例,采用多级估量法探讨分类活动中面孔部件相似性判断问题。结果发现,部件样例对部件原型的隶属度及部件样例对整体原型中对应部件的隶属度与部件样例变形百分比间是3次函数关系;耳朵、脸型、眼睛等部件样例对整体原型中对应部件的隶属度小于其对部件原型的隶属度,嘴巴样例对整体原型中嘴巴部件的隶属度高于其对部件原型的隶属度。表明面孔部件物理相似性与心理相似性间是3次函数关系;整体原型中其他部件降低了耳朵、脸型、眼睛等部件样例对整体原型中对应部件的隶属度,而提高了嘴巴样例对整体原  相似文献   

李永娜  董妍 《心理科学》2016,39(3):547-552
采用延迟探测刺激匹配再认任务,考察面孔种族和内外部特征是否会影响面孔视觉工作记忆容量。被试先识记2或4张中国人或白人的真实面孔图片,一半有内部特征(眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴),另一半有内部和外部特征(脸型、发型),再进行面孔再认判断。采用Cowan’s K值的分析显示,我国被试对本族和异族面孔的视觉工作记忆容量没有差异,但面孔数量与特征多少会影响面孔工作记忆容量,表明对本族和异族面孔的视觉加工不同。  相似文献   

探讨面孔部件(眼睛和鼻子)在个体和群体注意方向判断中的作用。实验1使用不同数量面孔的图片,要求报告群体或个体的注意方向。结果发现,多面孔条件下对群体注意方向估计的准确性高于单面孔条件。实验2采用眼动技术,探讨眼睛和鼻子在判断其注意方向时注视的空间与时间分布特征。结果发现,基于单张面孔判断时,对鼻子的总注视时间长于眼睛;基于多张面孔判断时,对眼睛和鼻子的总注视时间没有差异。整个研究表明,知觉个体注意主要依赖鼻子,知觉群体注意依赖眼睛和鼻子。  相似文献   

运用眼动仪技术,探寻微笑对面孔吸引力认知加工的影响及其眼动模式。眼动结果发现:被试注视微笑图片嘴巴部位的总注视时间长于中性图片嘴巴部位;被试注视高吸引力图片眼睛部位的总注视时间长于低吸引力眼睛部位。被试先看嘴巴,后看鼻子,最后是眼睛部位。首次注视持续时间从长到短依次是:嘴巴、鼻子,眼睛部位。结果表明微笑影响面孔吸引力的认知加工及其眼动模式。嘴巴对微笑图片有影响,眼睛对面孔吸引力的判断有重要的作用。  相似文献   

采用眼动追踪法考察面孔部件相似性判断中,其他部件对目标部件的影响机制。研究结果发现:(1)做出"很相似"判断和"一般相似"判断的平均总注视时间显著长于做出"很不相似"判断的平均总注视时间;(2)判断目标部件的相似性时,被试对目标部件的注视不一定显著多于对其他部件的注视;(3)目标部件相似性判断中,被试对其他部件的注视在相似性加工的中期阶段更为明显。研究结果表明:(1)做出"很相似"判断和"一般相似"判断的加工过程比做出"很不相似"判断的加工过程更复杂;(2)面孔部件相似性判断中,其他部件会影响目标部件的判断;(3)其他部件对目标部件相似性判断的影响主要发生在相似性加工的中、晚期阶段。  相似文献   

关于儿童面孔认知的已有研究大多未曾控制好实验材料的熟悉度。研究选用10个同班同学的面孔作为材料,考察了5岁儿童对熟悉面孔的识别特点。结果发现,5岁儿童能准确辨认同伴的面孔。依赖面孔的部分信息(内、外轮廓)甚至单一部件(眼睛),儿童辨认同伴面孔的成绩就可以高于随机水平。儿童的面孔识别模式和成人相似,辨认内轮廓的绩效高于外轮廓,眼睛的绩效高于鼻子和嘴巴。儿童识别自我面孔的模式和成人相反,辨认他人面孔的成绩好于辨认自我面孔。实验证明熟悉度是影响儿童面孔识别绩效的重要因素。  相似文献   

面孔知觉可能在区域尺度上发生多维信息整合, 但迄今无特异性实验证据。本研究在两个实验中操纵面孔眼睛区域或嘴巴区域的单维构型或特征信息, 测量人们觉察单维变化或跨维共变的敏感度, 以此检测面孔区域尺度上的多维信息整合有何现象与规律, 进而揭示面孔知觉的多维信息整合机制。实验获得3个发现:(1)正立面孔眼睛区域的信息变化觉察呈现出“跨维共变增益效应”, 跨维信息共变觉察的敏感度显著高于任意一种单维信息变化觉察的敏感度; (2)“跨维共变增益效应”只在正立面孔的眼睛区域出现, 在倒置面孔的眼睛区域、正立面孔的嘴巴区域或倒置面孔的嘴巴区域都没有出现, 因此具有面孔区域特异性和面孔朝向特异性; (3)就单维信息变化觉察而言, 眼睛区域的敏感度不会受到面孔倒置的损伤, 但是嘴巴区域的敏感度会受到面孔倒置的显著损伤。综合可知, 面孔知觉确实会发生区域尺度上的信息整合, 它不是普遍性的信息量效应, 而是特异性的眼睛效应(只发生在正立面孔的眼睛区域)。这是面孔整体加工(face holistic processing)在单维信息分辨和多维信息整合之间建立联系的必经环节。这提示我们对全脸多维信息知觉整合的理解需要从传统的面孔整体加工假设升级到以眼睛为中心的层级化多维信息整合算法(a hierarchical algorithm for multi-dimensional information integration)。  相似文献   

以卡通面孔图片为刺激材料,赋予5~6岁儿童三种不同的加工任务,包括卡通面孔识别、分类和吸引力评价,旨在比较其在不同任务情境中的眼动差异。结果表明:(1)任务情境会影响儿童对卡通面孔的加工。在不同的面孔加工任务中,儿童的反应时、正确率、注视时间和次数等存在差异;(2)随着三种任务难度的逐渐加大,儿童的加工程度也相应地加深;(3)儿童在三种任务中的加工方式一致,对面部不同部位的关注程度不同:加工初期特别关注鼻子,而后眼睛部位耗费最多的注意资源,其次是鼻子、嘴巴、前额和脸颊,极少关注下巴;(4)男女童在卡通面孔分类任务中表现出较显著的性别差异,女童具有速度方面的优势,而男童对于关键信息的搜索则更为积极主动。  相似文献   

实验以眼动追踪技术为手段,考察自闭症儿童对不同信息特征表情图片的视觉扫描特征,探讨自闭症表情加工的机制。结果发现:1、看真人表情时,自闭症儿童对高兴、悲伤的整脸扫描时间无显著差异,均高于愤怒和恐惧,对愤怒的整脸扫描时间高于恐惧;2、看真人表情时自闭症儿童对高兴、悲伤表情的眼睛区域和嘴巴区域扫描时间无差异,对恐惧和愤怒的嘴巴区域扫描时间显著多于眼睛区域;3、信息特征削弱对自闭症儿童面孔表情视觉扫描产生了影响,随着削弱程度的增加,自闭症儿童对表情图片的嘴巴区域扫描时间增加,对眼睛区域的扫描时间减少。根据实验结果,认为自闭症儿童对表情的加工主要受到表情信息特征的影响,随着信息特征的变化,会对视觉注意进行调整,以获得对表情的充分加工。  相似文献   

为检验语境信息在面部表情加工和识别中的作用,通过两个实验考察语境信息的情绪性和自我相关性对中性以及不同强度恐惧面孔情绪加工的影响。结果发现,积极语境下中性情绪面孔效价的评分更高,自我相关语境下中性面孔唤醒度的评分更高;消极语境下面孔的恐惧情绪更容易被察觉。因此,面部表情加工中的语境效应表现为对中性情绪面孔的情绪诱发和增强作用,以及在情绪一致情况下对不同情绪强度面孔判断的促进作用。  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of category representations on exemplar generation, which has been neglected in previous category research. An experiment on college students manipulated the category representation of insects in three conditions (prototypes, exemplars, and the hybrid of prototypes and exemplars). Participants were asked to generate as many exemplars as possible. The results demonstrate that category representations affect and constrain exemplar generation. The new findings are as follows. In the prototype and hybrid conditions with the prototype representation, people tend to generate more valid exemplars by using the prototype mutation mechanism, and exemplar generation conforms to the family resemblance structure. Exemplar generation in the hybrid condition is additionally constrained by known exemplars. In the exemplar condition, people tend to generate fewer valid exemplars by using miscellaneous strategies, and their exemplar generation may not conform to the family resemblance structure.  相似文献   

The authors' theoretical analysis of the dissociation in amnesia between categorization and recognition suggests these conclusions: (a) Comparing to-be-categorized items to a category center or prototype produces strong prototype advantages and steep typicality gradients, whereas comparing to-be-categorized items to the training exemplars that surround the prototype produces weak prototype advantages and flat typicality gradients; (b) participants often show the former pattern, suggesting their use of prototypes; (c) exemplar models account poorly for these categorization data, but prototype models account well for them; and (d) the recognition data suggest that controls use a single-comparison exemplar-memorization process more powerfully than amnesics. By pairing categorization based in prototypes with recognition based in exemplar memorization, the authors support and extend other recent accounts of cognitive performance that intermix prototypes and exemplars, and the authors reinforce traditional interpretations of the categorization-recognition dissociation in amnesia.  相似文献   

采用“5/4模型”类别结构探讨了类别学习中样例量的预期作用。设置了两种学习条件(“知道样例量”和“不知道样例量”), 分别探讨两种学习条件下的学习效率、学习策略以及所形成的类别表征。106名大学生参加了实验, 结果表明:在类别学习中, 样例量的预期作用显著, 知道样例量组的学习效率高于不知道样例量组; 样例量的预期作用对类别学习效率的影响是通过影响学习过程中使用的策略来实现的; 样例量的预期作用不影响两种学习条件的学习后形成的类别表征, 且两种学习条件的被试自始至终表现出样例学习的表征模式。  相似文献   

The prominent cognitive theories of probability judgment were primarily developed to explain cognitive biases rather than to account for the cognitive processes in probability judgment. In this article the authors compare 3 major theories of the processes and representations in probability judgment: the representativeness heuristic, implemented as prototype similarity, relative likelihood, or evidential support accumulation (ESAM; D. J. Koehler, C. M. White, & R. Grondin, 2003); cue-based relative frequency; and exemplar memory, implemented by probabilities from exemplars (PROBEX; P. Juslin & M. Persson, 2002). Three experiments with different task structures consistently demonstrate that exemplar memory is the best account of the data whereas the results are inconsistent with extant formulations of the representativeness heuristic and cue-based relative frequency.  相似文献   

This study investigates abstracted processes and introduces a new prototype abstraction model adapted to estimation tasks. This prototype abstraction model assumes that the processing of whole exemplar patterns supports the detection of the underlying statistics necessary for the abstraction of two extreme prototypes on the continuous criterion dimension of the task. The prototypes are stored in memory as valid reference points for future similarity-based judgments. This prototype model was compared with the cue abstraction model, which assumes that people abstract cue weights in learning and add the cue information from exemplars to infer their criterion values varying on the continuous dimension. This study hypothesises that the training mode and the number of exemplars in training interact and affect subsequent model performance at test. The results from an experiment confirmed this hypothesis and showed that observational training supports an efficient prototype abstraction and feedback training supports an efficient cue abstraction.  相似文献   

People use geometric cues to form spatial categories. This study investigated whether people also use the spatial distribution of exemplars. Adults pointed to remembered locations on a tabletop. In Experiment 1, a target was placed in each geometric category, and the location of targets was varied. Adults' responses were biased away from a midline category boundary toward geometric prototypes located at the centers of left and right categories. Experiment 2 showed that prototype effects were not influenced by cross-category interactions. In Experiment 3, subsets of targets were positioned at different locations within each category. When prototype effects were removed, there was a bias toward the center of the exemplar distribution, suggesting that common categorization processes operate across spatial and object domains.  相似文献   

The prototype effect in face recognition: Extension and limits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prototype effect in face recognition refers to a tendency to recognize the face corresponding to the central value of a series of seen faces, even when this central value or prototype has not been seen. Five experiments investigated the extension and limits of this phenomenon. In all the experiments, participants saw a series of faces, each one in two or more different versions or exemplars, and then performed a recognition test, including seen and unseen exemplars and the unseen prototype face. In Experiment 1, a strong prototype effect for variations in feature location was demonstrated in oldness ratings and in a standard old/new recognition test. Experiments 2A and 2B compared the prototype effect for variations in feature location and variations in head angle and showed that, for the latter, the prototype effect was weaker and more dependent on similarity than for the former. These results suggest that recognition across feature variations is based on an averaging mechanism, whereas recognition across viewpoint variations is based on an approximation mechanism. Experiments 3A and 3B examined the limits of the prototype effect using a face morphing technique that allows a systematic manipulation of face similarity. The results indicated that, as the similarity between face exemplars decreases to the level of similarity between the faces of different individuals, the prototype effect starts to disappear. At the same time, the prototype effect may originate false memories of faces that were never seen.  相似文献   

Memory storage and retrieval processes in category learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The detailed course of learning is studied for categorization tasks defined by independent or contingent probability distributions over the features of category exemplars. College-age subjects viewed sequences of bar charts that simulated symptom patterns and responded to each chart with a recognition and a categorization judgment. Fuzzy, probabilistically defined categories were learned relatively rapidly when individual features were correlated with category assignment, more slowly when only patterns carried category information. Limits of performance were suboptimal, evidently because of capacity limitations on judgmental processes as well as limitations on memory. Categorization proved systematically related to feature and exemplar probabilities, under different circumstances, and to similarity among exemplars of categories. Unique retrieval cues for exemplar patterns facilitated recognition but entered into categorization only at retention intervals within the range of short-term memory. The findings are interpreted within the framework of a general array model that yields both exemplar-similarity and feature-frequency models as special cases and provides quantitative accounts of the course of learning in each of the categorization tasks studied.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, subjects were trained on three ill-defined categories represented by 4, 8, and 12 exemplars. Learning was followed by either a classification test on old, new, and random exemplars or a recognition test in which each learning exemplar was presented with two foils, both equidistant to the learning exemplar, but one more similar to the category prototype than the other. In Experiment 2, category size was manipulated between subjects, followed by the recognition test. Recognition data indicated that increasing the number of learning exemplars did not increase the total amount of exemplar information retained for each category. In addition, the more prototypical foil was incorrectly recognized more often than the less prototypical foil. Classification data replicated previous findings that increasing category size in learning enhances classification of new exemplars. The results were interpreted in terms of the relative amounts of categorical and idiosyncratic information that were retained from the original learning stimuli. It was proposed that categorical information can become a more dominant determinant of performance as category size increases.  相似文献   

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