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A profound split is evident during the period 1670–1730 in the way European scholars and commentators attempted to understand and describe classical Chinese thought. For some, Confucianism acknowledged divine creation and divine governance of the world, immortality of the soul and other elements of Natural Theology. The Radical Enlightenment thinkers, however, and also some Christian scholars denied that Confucianism was based on Natural Theology or pervaded by belief in divine providence, characterizing it rather as monist, naturalist and Spinozist. The disagreement proved fundamental in several respects and proved divisive for the Church, as well as European thought more generally, producing a series of lively disputes that continued over several decades.  相似文献   

孔子生活哲学四论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作为一个伟大的智者,孔子既仰望"天文",又俯察"人文".他关注现实人生,着意思考生活的真谛.孔子着力为生活辩护,主张人有追求物质满足的权利;他认为这种权利就是人人共享的,理想的社会是人人各得其所的公平的社会.孔子还倡导人应过一种理性的生活,应注重对生活精神意义的品味.  相似文献   

在俄罗斯,对中国哲学的研究要追溯到18世纪.俄罗斯第一批汉学家把儒家的早期经典<大学>、<中庸>翻译成俄语出版(<大学>译本在1780年问世,<中庸>译本于1784年问世).俄罗斯现代著名汉学家维·费·费奥克蒂斯托夫甚至认为,俄罗斯的汉学正是从出版这两本哲学著作开始的.[1]到了19~20世纪,俄罗斯汉学大学者И.比丘林、В.П.瓦西里耶夫、П.С.波波夫、В.М.阿列克谢耶夫、Н.И.康拉德、Ю.к.休茨基、А.А.彼得罗夫都对中国哲学倾注了极大的热情,除了坚持不懈地研究中国哲学,更是不遗余力地宣传中国哲学.  相似文献   

An understanding of the roles and representations of women in classical Chinese philosophy is here derived from central texts such as the Analects, the Lienü Zhuan, and the I Ching. We argue that the roles of women during the classical period of Chinese philosophy tended to be as part of the “inner,” working domestically as a housewife and mother. This will be shown from three passages from the Analects. Women were represented as submissive and passive, as with the qualities ascribed to yin energy, and therefore as rightfully subordinate to men. However, despite representations of women in philosophy being thus at this time, there were exceptions, specific women who could take a male “outer” political role. The story of Jing Jiang from the Lienü Zhuan suggests that although women being involved in “outer” affairs were looked down on, there were still women who would be and who would occasionally get praised for doing so. This shows that it was realized, explicitly or otherwise, that women were capable of taking those roles, but also that they were not allowed to take such roles at that time.  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,中国哲学史学科形成并初步发展。从中西交流和互动的视角看,此时的中国哲学史大致存在四种研究模式:以胡适和冯友兰为代表的西方化研究模式,以钟泰为代表的中国化研究模式,以梁启超、张岱年为代表的中西结合的研究模式和以李石岑、范寿康为代表的初级马克思主义研究模式。而这种研究模式的多元化情境在其后并没有保持下去,所以我们倡导它在当今的再现。西方化研究模式强调近现代转型的“世界化”,从而在某种程度上造成了历史的变异性;中国化研究模式则重视“还原”传统民族性征,从而保持了历史的延续性。而中国哲学史的研究应该是在“世界化”和“还原化”的互动中前进的。所以,西方化和中国化的研究模式仍有继续存在的合理性,但由于二者都失之偏颇,因此中西结合的研究模式将会处于主导地位。  相似文献   

陆信礼 《中国哲学史》2006,2(3):110-116
在研究中国哲学特点方面,张岱年先生取得了卓越的成就。具体说来,主要包括两方面的内容:其一,提出了一条研究中国哲学特点的正确原则,即“同与异,必须同等重视”;其二,从基本倾向、概念范畴、发展规律三方面对中国哲学特点问题做系统考察。张先生在中国哲学特点研究方面的系列创见,不仅加深了人们对中国哲学的理解,而且对今后的中国哲学史研究也具有重要的指导性意义。  相似文献   

Philosophy can be divided into two systems, i.e. the vertical and the horizontal. Characterized with the creation of spirit and the logical evolution of concepts, the vertical system expresses historical reflections on the achievements of human culture. Meanwhile, the horizontal system focuses on the analysis of cognitive activities to explore the nature of subject and object, the elements of knowledge, and the basis of its certainty. Chinese philosophers, such as Hu Shih, Fung Yulan, Zhang Dainian, Mou Zongsan and Zhang Shiying, have previously explored the various definitions of philosophy. Their explorations manifest the internationalization of Chinese philosophy during different eras. This paper defines philosophy as human beings’ awareness of their environment and systematical reflections on their activities and ensuing consequences. As part of world philosophy, Chinese philosophy encapsulates the essence of Chinese culture, as the thinking method of Chinese people, and as a set of thought systems possessing a unique style.  相似文献   

情绪的早期哲学思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对西方心理学史上一些重要的哲学思想就情绪的本质、情绪与认识的关系以及情绪与动机的关系等基本问题进行一定的分析和论述,为进一步认识和理解西方情绪心理学提供一定的历史背景。  相似文献   

所谓当代中国(以下的论述内容不包括台港澳地区)哲学史学史,是把1949年至1999年50年间的中国哲学史研究作为对象,从历史批评意识出发进行整体反思,分析其得失,厘定其价值,评判其贡献,超越其局限,推进其发展的一门学科.[1]  相似文献   

我国政治哲学研究的现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政治哲学在国外 ,已经有了 2 5 0 0多年的历史了。苏格拉底被认为是西方哲学史上第一位政治哲学家。政治哲学的概念亦早在亚里士多德的著作中就有了。亚里士多德认为它是“群学之首”。政治哲学在中国 ,更是古已有之。中国是政治哲学最古老的发源地之一。就实质而言 ,一部中国哲学史就是一部政治哲学史。我们不妨以儒家哲学的经典《四书》为例 ,其中的任何一篇著作都可以说是政治哲学著作 ,都是论述如何正心、诚意、齐家、治国、平天下的道理。宋明理学的“理” ,也就是正心、诚意之理 ,齐家、治国、平天下之理 ,是“为万世开太平”之理 ,所…  相似文献   

燕连福 《哲学动态》2007,(11):49-55
近年来,学术界关于中国哲学身体观的研究,综述性文章主要有三篇:先有中国台湾学者黄俊杰所著《中国思想史中“身体观”研究的新视野》,后有中国大陆学者周与沉的《中国身体观研究述评》,再有中国大陆学者李清良的《中国身体观与中国问题——兼评周与沉〈身体:思想与修行〉》一文。观此三文,黄文展现了学者对中国传统哲学中“身体”的三种定位,即:作为思维方法的“身体”、作为精神修养之呈现的身体、作为政治权力展现场所的身体。[1]周文从比较文化、医学、道德、政治等四个角度对中国身体观研究进行了概括。[2]而李文则提到了中国身体观问…  相似文献   

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