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Rorschach correlates of sexual abuse: trauma content and aggression indexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compared Rorschach records of nondissociative outpatients with histories of (a) definite sexual abuse (n = 22), (b) suspected but unconfirmed sexual abuse (n = 13), or (c) no sexual abuse (n = 43) on selected variables hypothesized to be associated with sexual abuse. As predicted, clients with definite sexual abuse scored significantly higher than clients known not to be sexually abused on Armstrong and Loewenstein's (1990) Trauma Content index (TC/R), with an effect size greater than 1 SD. Contrary to prediction, there was no significant difference in the frequency of their Aggressive Past (AgPast; Gacono & Meloy, 1994) scores. AgPast scores, however, did positively correlate with sexual abuse that was violent or sadistic. As a test of discriminant validity, we hypothesized that 2 Rorschach variables (PER and Sc) would be unrelated to sexual abuse. This was supported by our data. Although TC/R was strongly associated with the presence and severity of sexual abuse, it could not discriminate sexually abused from nonsexually abused clients with great accuracy. The TC/R score is 1 factor among many that can be used to assess the validity of clients' claims of past sexual abuse.  相似文献   

Zygmunt A. Piotrowski (1904-1985), one of the early pioneers with the Rorschach technique, developed a method for Rorschach analysis described in the text, Perceptanalysis. Based on clinical, teaching, research, and supervisory experiences, the author selected three aspects of the text for review for their enduring contributions to clinical personality analysis. The three areas are: (a) the scientific and philosophical framework of the system; (b) the Human Movement response, M; and (c) the shading responses--light shading, c'R, and dark shading, c'R. The reader is also introduced to other works by Piotrowski, including scales for cerebral dysfunction and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which 6 Rorschach variables of aggression (A1, A2, AG, MOR, AgC, AgPast) are related to one another, to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) Cluster B personality disorder criteria, and to self-report measures of anger, aggression, and antisocial behavior. Seventy-eight patients were found to meet DSM-IV criteria for an Axis II disorder, Cluster A personality disorder (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal) = 9, Cluster B (antisocial personality disorder [ANPD] = 16, borderline personality disorder [BPD] = 23, histrionic personality disorder = 5, narcissistic personality disorder = 12) = 56, and Cluster C personality disorder (avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive) = 13. The results of this study indicated that (a) these 6 Rorschach aggression variables can be scored reliably; (b) 2 factors, revealed by factor analysis, accounted for 77% of the total variance; (c) selected variables were found to be empirically related to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for ANPD and BPD; and (d) selected variables were found to be empirically related to a self-report measure of anger and antisocial practices. The conceptual nature and clinical utility of these Rorschach aggression variables as well as implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that media violence has an effect on children's subsequent aggression. This study expands upon previous research in three directions: (1) by examining several subtypes of aggression (verbal, relational, and physical), (2) by measuring media violence exposure (MVE) across three types of media, and (3) by measuring MVE and aggressive/prosocial behaviors at two points in time during the school year. In this study, 430 3rd-5th grade children, their peers, and their teachers were surveyed. Children's consumption of media violence early in the school year predicted higher verbally aggressive behavior, higher relationally aggressive behavior, higher physically aggressive behavior, and less prosocial behavior later in the school year. Additionally, these effects were mediated by hostile attribution bias. The findings are interpreted within the theoretical framework of the General Aggression Model.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that neuropsychological syndromes which characterize some externally violent people may also explain some suicidal behavior, particularly in adolescents and those who repeat their suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Maltreatment of children is a chronic community problem that increases the risk of future aggression. Despite several decades of research highlighting this relationship, few studies have explored the potential neuropsychological deficits that are likely to mediate it. This exploratory study aimed to examine how child maltreatment may be associated with aggression via impairment in the developing prefrontal-limbic-autonomic pathways that are implicated in neuropsychological models of aggression. Furthermore, it aimed to investigate the relationship between child maltreatment and both reactive and proactive aggression subtypes. To investigate this non-invasively in an at-risk population, children with a documented protective care history (n = 20) and a community control group (n = 30), aged between 6 and 12 years, were compared on measures of cardiovascular functioning, affect regulation and cognitive functioning aligned with this neuropsychological model. Whilst no group differences were found on cardiovascular functioning (i.e., resting heart rate, heart rate reactivity, heart rate variability), the protective care group performed significantly worse on measures of affect regulation and cognitive functioning (i.e., global intelligence, executive functioning, smell identification and social cognition). The relationship between child maltreatment and aggression was mediated by executive dysfunction and affect dysregulation but not global IQ, social cognition or olfactory identification. The results suggest that interventions targeting aggression in maltreated children will benefit from clinical assessment and psychological strategies that address the executive dysfunction and affect dysregulation that has been associated with this clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Nonword repetition abilities of children who stutter: an exploratory study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past research has suggested that children who stutter (CWS) may have less well-developed language skills than fluent children, and that such relative linguistic deficiencies may play a role in precipitating their disfluencies. However, data to support this position are primarily derived from results of standardized diagnostic inventories, which are originally designed to identify frank language impairment. Nonword repetition has emerged as a more sensitive measure of children's linguistic abilities. In this exploratory study, eight CWS (mean age 5:10, range 4:3-8:4) were compared to eight normally developing children (ND) (mean age 5:9, range 4:1-8:4) in their ability to repeat the nonwords of the Children's Test of Nonword Repetition. CWS performed more poorly than NS on measures of Number of Words Correct and Number of Phoneme Errors at all nonword lengths, although statistical differences were observed only for 3-syllable nonwords. When lexical stress of the nonwords was varied to a non-English stress pattern, all participants repeated the stimuli with less accuracy, and the CWS again exhibited more errors than NS. Fluency for the CWS group did not change systematically with increasing nonword length. These preliminary findings are interpreted in light of a number of extant theories of the underlying deficit in childhood stuttering. We conclude that children who stutter may have diminished ability to remember and/or reproduce novel phonological sequences, and that further investigation into this possibility may shed light on the emergence and characteristics of childhood stuttering. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: After completing this activity, the learner will: (1) be able to evaluate the research support for a linguistic component to stuttering; (2) describe the use of nonword repetition as an experimental and assessment device with children with SLI and children who stutter; (3) suggest future directions for research to further refine the potential role that linguistic encoding plays in the etiology and persistence of stuttering.  相似文献   

Edens JF  Douglas KS 《Assessment》2006,13(3):221-226
Violence and interpersonal aggression are considered major public health problems throughout the world. Yet there is considerable variability in how these terms are operationalized, measured, and studied in the social sciences, which can lead to ambiguity and confusion in the field. In this introduction to the special issue, the authors highlight some of the difficulties inherent in studying interpersonal aggression and violence and briefly review the heterogeneous nature of the research conducted in this area. The authors conclude with a summary of the key findings of the articles that appear in this special issue.  相似文献   

33 right-handed, learning disabled children aged 8-10 yr., 11-13 yr., and 14-16 yr. were presented a tactile discrimination task. Pairs of fabrics of different or the same texture were presented to the same hand (uncrossed condition) or alternating hands (crossed condition). Analysis indicated that the total number of crossed errors was significantly greater for the youngest children. There were no significant differences between the groups for the uncrossed condition. These results suggest that younger learning disabled children may experience greater difficulty on a task which required interhemispheric transfer.  相似文献   

Violence and its effects on children should be a pressing concern for clinicians, policy makers, and public officials. Urban violence assaults the minds and bodies of our children, resulting in troublesome and complex responses that have far-reaching implications for the future of society. This article highlights chronic post-traumatic and loss response patterns associated with the horrors of violence and murder witnessed by a child, and a model of intervention referred to as child traumatherapy.Since the problems presented by many inner city children are wide-ranging, to include attachment problems and dissociation, a multisystems approach transformed in practice into an intersystem approach may be required in many cases. This approach begins with a unisystem, then moves to multisystems, and later to coordinated intersystem service structures. This may be realized through the coordinative skills of the therapist who instrumentally brokers clinical-community services, while ensuring political leveraging for the benefit of children. In essence, the model is a comprehensive one which directly engages the child self system, the family-extended family systems, the community, the political system, while employing ethnoculturally enlightened methods. The model integrates techniques in play, cognitive, behavioral, social, and psychodynamic therapies, and highlights the indispensability of the use of transference to manage terror, horror, and resolve disturbed attachment. These and other issues will be presented in this article.  相似文献   

This article reports on the diagnostic validity of the Dominic Interactive Assessment (DIA) in a sample of Spanish children exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV). The study participants included 55 children aged between 6 and 11 years whose mothers visited an IPV counselling centre. Psychopathology and functional impairment were used as the main criteria for assessing predictive and discriminative accuracy, as well as incremental validity, of DIA. The results indicate that DIA permits obtaining useful information from children. This information improves the prediction and validity of the process of clinical assessment of children exposed to IPV. Children's self-reports could prove effective in identifying cases in this high-risk population when developmentally adequate instruments and functional criteria are used.  相似文献   

Increasing research is available on the preconditions for child mental health and optimal development in traumatic conditions, whereas less is known how to translate the findings into effective interventions to help traumatized children. This literature review analyses the effectiveness of psychosocial preventive interventions and treatments and their theoretical bases among children traumatized in the context of armed conflicts (war, military violence, terrorism and refugee). The first aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive interventions in preventing emotional distress and impairment and promoting optimal emotional‐cognitive and social development. The second task is to analyze the nature of the underlying mechanisms for the success of preventive interventions, and the theoretical premises of the choice of intervention techniques, procedures and tools. We found 16 relevant published studies, but an examination of them revealed that only four of them had experimental designs strong enough that they could be included in the meta‐analysis. While the subjective reports of the researchers suggested that systematic preventive interventions were effective in decreasing PTSD and depressive symptoms among children traumatized due to armed conflict, the more objective results of the meta‐analysis and the weaknesses in designs uncovered during the meta‐analysis undermine such a conclusion. Additionally, a majority of the reported preventive interventions focused only on children's biased cognitive processes and negative emotions, while only a few aimed at influencing multiple domains of child development and improving developmental functioning on emotional, social and psychophysiological levels. It is concluded that substantial additional work needs to be done in developing effective preventive interventions and treatments for children traumatized by exposure to war and violence. Aggr. Behav. 36:95–116, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The results of an exploratory national study carried out in Italy using Osgood's Semantic Differential Scales (Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum, 1957) with parents of 100 normal 6- to 11-yr.-old children in mainstream classrooms are reported. The aim was to devise a simple tool to be used to explore parents' perceptions of their children in this age group. Parents were asked to rate "my child" using some of Osgood's Semantic Differential Scales especially adapted for this study. Participants were 97 fathers and 100 mothers. Fathers were 32 to 57 years of age (M = 43.2, SD = 5.4), mothers were 29 to 49 years of age (M = 39.7, SD =4.4). In factor analysis four factors were identified: Activity, Evaluation, Emotions evoked by the child, Personality/Physical contact. Average factor scores were significantly different. There were no significant differences between fathers and mothers on the four factor scores. Children were more positively evaluated the younger they were.  相似文献   

From the life narratives of disadvantaged children who were victims of armed conflict, spirituality could be understood in the context of family, community, friends and aspirations. However, this initial finding needed further validation with the participants. Likewise, to utilise the findings for psychological intervention, spirituality needs to be developed with them. By doing this (living and reflecting with the children), psychologists or researchers will be able to develop programmes (spiritual or psychological) that are more meaningful and empowering to children; rather than imposing a spiritual or psychological processes that are totally alien to them. After all, at the end of the day, family, community, friends and aspirations are the most reliable resource which the disadvantaged children could constantly cling on to.  相似文献   

The deleterious impact of trauma on parents and their capacity to parent their children seems well recognized in the clinical community, although not sufficiently studied empirically. The purposes of this article are to present an overview of current knowledge about trauma and parenting, to provide an illustrative clinical case study, and to offer recommendations for systemic treatment modalities, multidisciplinary program design, and empirical evaluation. The preponderance of evidence from both the available literature and clinical observations indicates the crucial need for caregiver support in families who have experienced violence. The case study provides an exemplar of the overlapping and interrelated clinical needs of families experiencing trauma. The authors conclude that future empirical study should focus on delineating the processes through which parent functioning following trauma affects children, as well as establishing the effectiveness of treatment and the links between improvement in parent mental health and subsequent enhanced functioning in children. ©2003 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.  相似文献   

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