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Segmentation of target odorants from background odorants is a fundamental computational requirement for the olfactory system and is thought to be behaviorally mediated by olfactory habituation memory. Data from our laboratory have shown that odor-specific adaptation in piriform neurons, mediated at least partially by synaptic adaptation between the olfactory bulb outputs and piriform cortex pyramidal cells, is highly odor specific, while that observed at the synaptic level is specific only to certain odor features. Behavioral data show that odor habituation memory at short time constants corresponding to synaptic adaptation is also highly odor specific and is blocked by the same pharmacological agents as synaptic adaptation. Using previously developed computational models of the olfactory system we show here how synaptic adaptation and potentiation interact to create the observed specificity of response adaptation. The model analyzes the mechanisms underlying the odor specificity of habituation, the dependence on functioning cholinergic modulation, and makes predictions about connectivity to and within the piriform neural network. Predictions made by the model for the role of cholinergic modulation are supported by behavioral results.Filtering sensory input is critical for information processing tasks such as background segmentation, and shifting processing power away from redundant, stable, or repetitive stimuli toward dynamic, novel stimuli. A critical aspect of this filtering however, is stimulus specificity. Under most circumstances it may be most beneficial to selectively filter the redundant stimulus, while maintaining responsiveness to different, though perhaps highly similar stimuli.In the olfactory system, short-term habituation to stable or repeated odorants involves a metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-dependent depression of afferent synapses to the piriform cortex (Best and Wilson 2004). Blockade of group III mGluR receptors prevents cortical adaptation odors (Best and Wilson 2004), and reduces short-term habituation of odor-evoked reflexes (Best et al. 2005) and odor investigation (Yadon and Wilson 2005; Bell et al. 2008; McNamara et al. 2008). This short-term habituation is highly odor specific, with minimal cross-adaptation of piriform cortical single-unit responses or cross-habituation of behavioral responses to similar odors, including between mixtures and their components (Wilson 2000; Cleland et al. 2002). Interestingly, there is an experience-dependent component to short-term habituation odor specificity. The odor specificity is most pronounced for familiar odors, with very brief (<20 sec) exposure to odors producing more generalization, and longer exposures (>50 sec) sufficient to permit strong odor specificity in cortex adaptation (Wilson 2003).The homosynaptic nature of afferent synaptic depression underlying cortical adaptation (Wilson 1998; Best and Wilson 2004) may contribute to this odor specificity. However, the experience dependence suggests that there may be an additional process involved. In fact, theoretical views of piriform cortical function suggest that the cortex learns previous patterns of input via potentiation of intracortical association fiber synapses (Hasselmo et al. 1990; Barkai et al. 1994; Haberly 2001; Linster et al. 2003). This autoassociative process essentially creates a template of previous network activity, against which new input patterns can be compared, allowing enhanced discrimination between similar patterns, as well as completion of degraded patterns (Barkai et al. 1994; Barnes et al. 2008). In support of this hypothesis, previous work has demonstrated that disruption of normal synaptic potentiation in association fiber synapses through blockade of cholinergic muscarinic receptors (Patil et al. 1998; Linster et al. 2003), reduces odor specificity of cortical adaptation (Wilson 2001b), prevents the effects of odor experience on subsequent behavioral cross-habituation (Fletcher and Wilson 2002), and disrupts odor discrimination (Linster et al. 2001).The present series of studies further explored the role of combined afferent synaptic depression and intracortical association fiber synaptic potentiation on the specificity of cortical adaptation and odor habituation. Using a computational model of the olfactory system (Linster et al. 2007), the results suggest that activity-dependent association fiber plasticity is necessary to account for the specificity of odor habituation. Furthermore, in behavioral experiments blockade of cholinergic muscarinic receptors during habituation enhances generalization of odor habituation, consistent with the modeling and with previous electrophysiological results.  相似文献   

Olfactory perceptual learning is a relatively long-term, learned increase in perceptual acuity, and has been described in both humans and animals. Data from recent electrophysiological studies have indicated that olfactory perceptual learning may be correlated with changes in odorant receptive fields of neurons in the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex. These changes include enhanced representation of the molecular features of familiar odors by mitral cells in the olfactory bulb, and synthetic coding of multiple coincident odorant features into odor objects by cortical neurons. In this paper, data are reviewed that show the critical role of acetylcholine (Ach) in olfactory system function and plasticity, and cholinergic modulation of olfactory perceptual learning at both the behavioral and cortical level.  相似文献   

Odor enrichment enhances rats’ ability to discriminate between chemically similar odorants. We show here that this modulation of olfactory perception is accompanied by increases in the density of local inhibitory interneuron expressing Zif268 in response to olfactory stimuli. These changes depend on the overlap of the olfactory bulb activation patterns induced by the enrichment odorants with those induced by the testing odorants, in a manner similar to changes in perception. Moreover, we show that enrichment leads to an alteration of the pattern of Zif268 expression, dependent on the odors used for the enrichment indicating a restructuring of odor representation in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The widely used Pavlovian fear-conditioning paradigms used for studying the neurobiology of learning and memory have mainly used auditory cues as conditioned stimuli (CS). The present work assessed the neural network involved in olfactory fear conditioning, using olfactory bulb stimulation-induced field potential signal (EFP) as a marker of plasticity in the olfactory pathway. Training consisted of a single training session including six pairings of an odor CS with a mild foot-shock unconditioned stimulus (US). Twenty-four hours later, the animals were tested for retention of the CS as assessed by the amount of freezing exhibited in the presence of the learned odor. Behavioral data showed that trained animals exhibited a significantly higher level of freezing in response to the CS than control animals. In the same animals, EFPs were recorded in parallel in the anterior piriform cortex (aPC), posterior piriform cortex (pPC), cortical nucleus of the amygdala (CoA), and basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) following electrical stimulation of the olfactory bulb. Specifically, EFPs recorded before (baseline) and after (during the retention test) training revealed that trained animals exhibited a lasting increase (present before and during presentation of the CS) in EFP amplitude in CoA, which is the first amygdaloid target of olfactory information. In addition, a transient increase was observed in pPC and BLA during presentation of the CS. These data indicate that the olfactory and auditory fear-conditioning neural networks have both similarities and differences, and suggest that the fear-related behaviors in each sensory system may have at least some distinct characteristics.  相似文献   

Paradoxically, fear conditioning (odor-0.5 mA shock) yields a learned odor preference in the neonate, presumably due to a unique learning and memory circuit that does not include apparent amygdala participation. Post-training opioid antagonism with naltrexone (NTX) blocks consolidation of this odor preference and instead yields memory of a learned odor aversion. Here we characterize the neural circuitry underlying this switch during memory consolidation. Experiment 1 assessed post-training opioid modulation of Fos protein expression within olfactory circuitry (olfactory bulb, piriform cortex, amygdala). Odor-shock conditioning with no post-training treatment (odor preference) induced significant changes in Fos protein expression in the granule cell layer of the olfactory bulb and anterior piriform cortex. Post-training opioid receptor antagonism (odor aversion) prevented the learning-induced changes in the anterior piriform cortex and also induced significant changes in Fos protein expression in the central nucleus of the amygdala. Experiment 2 assessed intra-amygdala opioid modulation of neonate memory consolidation. Post-training infusion of NTX within the amygdala permitted consolidation of an odor aversion, while vehicle-infused pups continued to demonstrate an odor preference. Overall, results demonstrate that opioids modulate memory consolidation in the neonate via modulating Fos protein expression in olfactory circuitry. Furthermore, these results suggest that opioids are instrumental in suppressing neonate fear behavior via modulating the amygdala.  相似文献   

The mammalian olfactory system is well established for its remarkable capability of undergoing experience-dependent plasticity. Although this process involves changes at multiple stages throughout the central olfactory pathway, even the early stages of processing, such as the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex, can display a high degree of plasticity. As in other sensory systems, this plasticity can be controlled by centrifugal inputs from brain regions known to be involved in attention and learning processes. Specifically, both the bulb and cortex receive heavy inputs from cholinergic, noradrenergic, and serotonergic modulatory systems. These neuromodulators are shown to have profound effects on both odor processing and odor memory by acting on both inhibitory local interneurons and output neurons in both regions.  相似文献   

Learning of a particularly difficult olfactory-discrimination (OD) task results in acquisition of rule learning. This enhancement in learning capability is accompanied by the long-term enhancement of synaptic connectivity between piriform cortex pyramidal neurons. In this study we examined whether olfactory rule learning would modify the predisposition to induce long-term potentiation (LTP) in the pathway projecting from the piriform cortex to the olfactory bulb. We report that OD learning was associated with enhancement in the predisposition to induce LTP. This learning-related effect may be affected by process generation of new granule cells located in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

We examined brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression across the olfactory system following fear conditioning. Mice received 10 pairings of odor with footshock or equivalent unpaired odors and shocks. We found increased BDNF mRNA in animals receiving paired footshocks in the multiple regions examined including the posterior piriform cortex (PPC) and basolateral amygdala (BLA). This was in contrast to the unpaired and odor-alone treatments, where BDNF mRNA was increased in the olfactory bulb (OB) and anterior piriform cortex (APC) only, but not the higher olfactory areas. We propose that odor exposure increases expression of BDNF in the OB and APC while the PPC and BLA increase BDNF mRNA only when associative learning occurs.  相似文献   

Decreases in behavioral investigation of novel stimuli over time may be mediated by a variety of factors including changes in attention, internal state, and motivation. Sensory cortical adaptation, a decrease in sensory cortical responsiveness over prolonged stimulation, may also play a role. In olfaction, metabotropic glutamate receptors on cortical afferent pre-synaptic terminals have been shown to underlie both cortical sensory adaptation and habituation of odor-evoked reflexes. The present experiment examined whether blockade of sensory cortical adaptation through bilateral infusion of the group III metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist cyclopropyl-4-phosphonophenylglycine (CPPG) into the anterior piriform cortex could reduce habituation of a more complex odor-driven behavior such as investigation of a scented object or a conspecific. The results demonstrate that time spent investigating a scented jar, or a conspecific, decreases over the course of a continuous 10 minute trial. Acute infusion of CPPG bilaterally into the anterior piriform cortex significantly enhanced the time spent investigating the scented jar compared to investigation time in control rats, without affecting overall behavioral activity levels. Infusions into the brain outside of the piriform cortex were without effect. CPPG infusion into the piriform cortex also produced an enhancement of time spent investigating a conspecific, although this effect was not significant.  相似文献   

While there is evidence that feedback projections from cortical and neuromodulatory structures to the olfactory bulb are crucial for maintaining the oscillatory dynamics of olfactory bulb processing, it is not clear how changes in dynamics are related to odor perception. Using electrical lesions of the olfactory peduncle, sparing output from the olfactory bulb while decreasing feedback inputs to the olfactory bulb, we demonstrate here a role for feedback inputs to the olfactory bulb in the formation of odor-reward associations, but not for maintaining primary bulbar odor representations, as reflected by spontaneous odor discrimination.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) has a critical, modulatory role in plasticity in many sensory systems. In the rat olfactory system, both behavioral and physiological data indicate that ACh may be required for normal odor memory and synaptic plasticity. Based on these data, neural network models have hypothesized that ACh muscarinic receptors reduce interference between learned cortical representations of odors within the piriform cortex. In this study, odor receptive fields of rat anterior piriform cortex (aPCX) single-units for alkane odors were mapped before and after either a systemic injection of the muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (0.5 mg/kg) or aPCX surface application of 500 μM scopolamine (or saline/ACSF controls). Cross-habituation between alkanes differing by two to four carbons was then examined following a 50-sec habituating stimulus. The results demonstrate that neither aPCX spontaneous activity nor odor-evoked activity (receptive field) was affected by scopolamine, but that cross-habituation in aPCX neurons was enhanced significantly by either systemic or cortical scopolamine. These results indicate that scopolamine selectively enhances generalization between odor representations in aPCX in a simple memory task. Given that ACh primarily affects intracortical association fibers in the aPCX, the results support a role for the association system in odor memory and discrimination and indicate an important ACh modulatory control over this basic sensory process.  相似文献   

Computational modeling assists in analyzing the specific functional role of the cellular effects of acetylcholine within cortical structures. In particular, acetylcholine may regulate the dynamics of encoding and retrieval of information by regulating the magnitude of synaptic transmission at excitatory recurrent connections. Many abstract models of associative memory function ignore the influence of changes in synaptic strength during the storage process and apply the effect of these changes only during a so-called recall-phase. Efforts to ensure stable activity with more realistic, continuous updating of the synaptic strength during the storage process have shown that the memory capacity of a realistic cortical network can be greatly enhanced if cholinergic modulation blocks transmission at synaptic connections of the association fibers during the learning process. We here present experimental data from an olfactory cortex brain slice preparation showing that previously potentiated fibers show significantly greater suppression (presynaptic inhibition) by the cholinergic agonist carbachol than unpotentiated fibers. We conclude that low suppression of non-potentiated fibers during the learning process ensures the formation of self-organized representations in the neural network while the higher suppression of previously potentiated fibers minimizes interference between overlapping patterns. We show in a computational model of olfactory cortex, that, together, these two phenomena reduce the overlap between patterns that are stored within the same neural network structure. These results further demonstrate the contribution of acetylcholine to mechanisms of cortical plasticity. The results are consistent with the extensive evidence supporting a role for acetylcholine in encoding of new memories and enhancement of response to salient sensory stimuli.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating the consequences of learning on late polysynaptic components of evoked field potential signals recorded in parallel at different levels of the olfactory pathways. For this, evoked field potentials induced by electrical stimulation of the olfactory bulb were recorded simultaneously in the anterior piriform cortex, the posterior piriform cortex, the lateral entorhinal cortex, and the dentate gyrus. The different parameters of late components were measured in each site before and after completion of associative learning in anesthetized rats. In the learning task, rats were trained to associate electrical stimulation of one olfactory bulb electrode with the delivery of sucrose (positive reward) and stimulation of a second olfactory bulb electrode with the delivery of quinine (negative reward). In this way, stimulation of the same olfactory bulb electrodes used for inducing field potentials served as a discriminative cue in the learning paradigm. The data confirmed previous observation that learning was associated with a lowering in late-component-1 intensity of induction in the posterior piriform cortex. The use of simultaneous recording allowed us to further specify the consequences of learning on late-component distribution in the studied network. Indeed the data showed that whereas before learning, late component 1 was rather uniformly distributed among the recorded sites; following learning, its expression was facilitated preferentially in the posterior piriform cortex and lateral entorhinal cortex. Furthermore, learning was accompanied by the emergence of a new late component (late component 2), which occurred simultaneously in the four recording sites. The possible involvement of potentiation of polysynaptic components in recognition and/or consolidation processes will be discussed.  相似文献   

We combined pharmacological studies and electrophysiological recordings to investigate modifications in muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptors (mAChR) in the rat olfactory (piriform) cortex, following odor-discrimination rule learning. Rats were trained to discriminate between positive and negative cues in pairs of odors, until they reached a phase of high capability to learn unfamiliar odors, using the same paradigm (“rule learning”). It has been reported that at 1–3 d after the acquisition of odor-discrimination rule learning, pyramidal neurons in the rat piriform cortex show enhanced excitability, due to a reduction in the spike-activated potassium current IAHP, which is modulated by ACh. Further, ACh and its analog, carbachol (CCh), lost the ability to reduce the IAHP in neurons from trained rats. Here we show that the reduced sensitivity to CCh in the piriform cortex results from a decrease in the number of mAChRs, as well as a reduction in the affinity of the receptors to CCh. Also, it has been reported that 3–8 d after the acquisition of odor-discrimination rule learning, synaptic transmission in the piriform cortex is enhanced, and paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) in response to twin stimulations is reduced. Here, intracellular recordings from pyramidal neurons show that CCh increases PPF in the piriform cortex from odor-trained rats more than in control rats, suggesting enhanced effect of ACh in inhibiting presynaptic glutamate release after odor training.  相似文献   

A rodent's survival depends upon its ability to perceive odor cues necessary to guide mate selection, sexual behavior, foraging, territorial formation, and predator avoidance. Arguably, the need to discriminate odor cues in a complex olfactory environment requires a highly adaptable olfactory system. Indeed, it has been proposed that context-dependent modulation of the initial sensory relay could alter olfactory perception. Interestingly, 40% of the adrenergic innervation from the locus coeruleus, fibers that are activated by contextual cues, innervates the first relay station in the olfactory system (the main olfactory bulb). Here we utilize restricted pharmacological inhibition of olfactory bulb noradrenergic receptors in awake-behaving animals. We show that combined blockade of alpha and beta adrenergic receptors does not impair two-odor discrimination behavior per se but does impair the ability to discriminate perceptually similar odors. Thus, contextual cues conveyed by noradrenergic fibers alter processing before the second synapse in the olfactory cortex, resulting in tuning of the ability to discriminate between similar odors.  相似文献   

Verbal processing has a reduced role for olfactory stimuli. It is difficult to provide a label for an odor experience. Odor perception can retrieve memories of life events with personal meaning and elicit affective experiences. Odors that have emotionally loaded content could produce older memories. Common odors with well-known names have been used. In Exp. 1 the names were shown, and the subjects were asked to imagine the corresponding odors; subsequently those odorants were presented. In Exp. 2 at first the odorants were presented and subsequently their names, printed one each per white card. The subjects were requested to provide written free associations. At the end of each session they scored a semantic differential. The hypothesis that emotionally loaded associations are more frequent when evoked by odorants seems confirmed, supported also by some reliable differences between the profiles for olfactory verbal stimuli. The evaluation of olfactory stimuli did not differ from one experiment to the other; verbal stimuli, on the contrary, are differently evaluated if the corresponding odorants were presented before or after their labels.  相似文献   

Twenty elderly subjects (70-90 years old) and 20 young control subjects (18-24 years old) underwent three kinds of olfactory testing: absolute thresholds to three odorants (d-limonene, iso-amyl butyrate, benzaldehyde), magnitude matching of these odorants to salt tastes, and odor identification of 30 common substances. For all three odorants elderly subjects' mean threshold significantly exceeded that of the young by about ninefold for d-limonene, about threefold for benzaldehyde, and about twofold for iso-amyl butyrate. These threshold differences predict approximate concentration differences necessary to arouse the same estimated odor strength above the threshold for the elderly and the young. Young subjects also scored better than the elderly in odor identification, even when subjects were given four alternatives from which to select the correct label. Unimpaired olfactory functioning is uncommon in the elderly; correlational tests show that as a group the young have better olfactory ability and show more interindividual uniformity.  相似文献   

Adult learning and memory functions are strongly dependent on neonatal experiences. We recently showed that neonatal odor-shock learning attenuates later life odor fear conditioning and amygdala activity. In the present work we investigated whether changes observed in adults can also be observed in other structures normally involved, namely olfactory cortical areas. For this, pups were trained daily from postnatal (PN) 8 to 12 in an odor-shock paradigm, and retrained at adulthood in the same task. (14)C 2-DG autoradiographic brain mapping was used to measure training-related activation in amygdala cortical nucleus (CoA), anterior (aPCx), and posterior (pPCx) piriform cortex. In addition, field potentials induced in the three sites in response to paired-pulse stimulation of the olfactory bulb were recorded in order to assess short-term inhibition and facilitation in these structures. Attenuated adult fear learning was accompanied by a deficit in 2-DG activation in CoA and pPCx. Moreover, electrophysiological recordings revealed that, in these sites, the level of inhibition was lower than in control animals. These data indicate that early life odor-shock learning produces changes throughout structures of the adult learning circuit that are independent, at least in part, from those involved in infant learning. Moreover, these enduring effects were influenced by the contingency of the infant experience since paired odor-shock produced greater disruption of adult learning and its supporting neural pathway than unpaired presentations. These results suggest that some enduring effects of early life experience are potentiated by contingency and extend beyond brain areas involved in infant learning.  相似文献   

Olfactory recognition memory was tested in adult male mice using a social discrimination task. The testing was conducted to begin to characterize the role of protein synthesis and the specific brain regions associated with activity in this task. Long-term olfactory recognition memory was blocked when the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin was injected 20 min before, immediately after, or 6 h after sampling. No effect was observed when anisomycin was administered 3 h or 18 h after sampling. Immunohistochemical analysis of Fos expression revealed that sampling-like exposure to a juvenile increased the activity of a subset of cells in the accessory olfactory bulb and the brain areas that are associated with it. Additionally, increased Fos expression was measured in the main olfactory bulb and the piriform cortex, whereas no signs of activation were seen in the cortical nucleus of the amygdala, all components of the main olfactory system. No increases in Fos immunoreactivity were observed after 4 h. Our data suggest that long-lasting olfactory recognition memory requires two stages of protein synthesis. The first stage takes place within 1-2 h and the second stage between 6-7 h after sampling. The first but not the second stage is paralleled by an increase in the number of Fos-immunoreactive cells in brain areas associated with both the main and accessory olfactory systems. It therefore appears that the role of the second stage of protein synthesis in recognition memory depends on the integrity of the first stage of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The mammalian brain commonly uses structural proximity to reflect proximity in stimulus and perceptual space. Objects or object features that are near each other in physical structure or perception are also near each other in the brain. This generates sensory maps. The topography of olfactory connectivity implies a rudimentary map in the olfactory epithelium, a more intricate map in the olfactory bulb, but no ordered topography is evident in piriform cortex. Currently, we are largely unable to link the ordered topography in epithelium and bulb to meaningful olfactory axes within a strong predictive framework. We argue that the path to uncovering such a predictive framework depends on systematically characterizing olfactory perception, and we describe initial efforts in this direction.  相似文献   

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