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20世纪末的研究证据显示,对Navon等级刺激的整体/局部加工中半球功能不对称效应发生在早期还是晚期阶段,研究者存在着争论。近期的电生理和功能成像研究资料表明,整体/局部加工的半球不对称效应可能是一个受到多种因素调节的复杂动态系统;早期信息表征的半球功能不对称效应可能主要受知觉因素的影响,而注意控制和反应冲突可能主要调节晚期知觉加工的半球功能不对称  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that laterally presented consonant–vowel–consonant (CVC) strings produce both superior performance, and a more wholistic processing strategy in the right visual field/left hemisphere (RVF/LHEM), and a more sequential strategy in the inferior left visual field (LVF). To determine whether these strategies are applied to other types of trigrams subjects (n= 30) were asked to identify consonant and symbol trigrams briefly projected unilaterally to the LVF or RVF, or bilaterally (the same trigram in both fields—BVF). A second group of subjects (n= 30) first practiced pronouncing consonant trigrams and then viewed them tachistoscopically. Both tasks yield RVF advantages. Symbols are processed more wholistically in the LVF, more sequentially in the RVF and in an intermediate pattern when presented bilaterally. In contrast, subjects seem to chunk letters as bigrams, and do so equally well in all fields, and visual field differences in strategies emerge for consonants only when they are pronounced. Pronounceability of consonant trigrams, assessed with ratings and vocal reaction times, was predicted by orthographic regularity. Since the RHEM has limited phonetic skills, but it, like the LHEM, is privy to information on orthographic regularity, the error pattern on consonant strings indicates non-phonetic processing, whereas the RVF wholistic strategy for consonant–vowel–consonant strings appears to reflect phonetic processing.  相似文献   

Native Japanese speakers identified three-letter kana stimuli presented to the left visual field and right hemisphere (LVF/RH), to the right visual field and left hemisphere (RVF/LH), or to both visual fields and hemispheres simultaneously (BILATERAL trials). There were fewer errors on RVF/LH and BILATERAL trials than on LVF/RH trials. Qualitative analysis of error patterns indicated that there were many fewer errors of first-letter identification than of last-letter identification, suggesting top-to-bottom scanning of the kana characters. In contrast to similar studies presenting nonword letter trigrams to native English speakers, qualitative error patterns were identical for the three visual field conditions. Taken together with the results of earlier studies, the results of the present experiment indicate that the ubiquitous RVF/LH advantage reflects a left-hemisphere superiority for phonetic processing that generalizes across specific languages. At the same time, qualitative aspects of hemispheric asymmetry differ from one language to the next and may depend on such things as the way in which individual characters map onto the pronunciation of words and nonwords.  相似文献   

帛书<周易>六十四卦卦序以上下卦相重,反映了卦的变化的思想,其上卦体现了"分阴分阳"的阴阳分类观念,其下卦则既体现了阴阳交错、阴阳相配的观念,又体现了正位的观念.更重要的是,帛<易>八卦序列与<大戴礼记·易本命>、<孔子家语·执辔>等典籍中所暗含的具有独特宇宙论意义的八卦序列具有相关性,由此我们提出一种设想,帛<易>八卦序列很可能反映的也是这种独特宇宙论思想.  相似文献   

Hemispheric processing differences were assessed by presenting square matrices that varied in size and the number of filled-in cells. Subjects judged whether the matrix contained an even or odd number of filled cells. Experiment 1 employed relatively small matrix sizes (2 x 2, 3 x 3, and 4 x 4), and Experiment 2 employed relatively large matrix sizes (4 x 4, 6 x 6, and 8 x 8). Response time was shorter and error rates lower for left visual field/right hemisphere (LVF/RH) presentations compared to right visual field/left hemisphere (RVF/LH) presentations, with the larger matrices demonstrating the strongest visual field/hemispheric effects. Increases in the number of filled cells contributed to increases for the LVF/RH response time advantage only for the larger arrays. Analysis of the data from both studies collapsed across the number of filled cells produced highly consistent LVF/RH advantages for both response time and error rate, with stronger LVF/RH advantages found for the larger matrix sizes of both studies. The findings suggest that visual stimulus spatial frequency is a key determinant of hemispheric processing advantages, but that this factor is constrained by stimulus size variation. Theoretical implications with respect to the hemispheric processing double filtering by frequency model are discussed.  相似文献   

旨在探讨言语中音高信息自下而上的声学语音学加工的神经机制和大脑偏侧化.发现,被动听和主动判断任务分别激活了颞叶和额叶,激活在颞极、颞上回和额下回眶部表现出明显的右侧优势.结果表明,对言语中音高信息自下而上的声学语音学加工主要是右脑的功能,言语与非言语信号的音高信息可能有相似的加工机制,支持Gandour等提出的理论.  相似文献   

The performance appraisal process makes many demands on a manager's cognitive abilities as there are a number of competing requirements. For instance, recalling performance information after a long period of time, determining training needs, ascertaining future objectives, etc. The processing objective present at the time of observation may also influence whether evaluations are made ‘on-line’ or are ‘memory-based’. Some research has found that the rating instrument may moderate memory and judgement by making certain information salient (Ilgen, Barnes-Farrell, and McKellin 1993; Lichtenstein and Srull 1987; Woehr and Feldman 1993). While some studies have investigated both rating and recall order and processing objective, none have investigated both of these factors in relationship to time delay and the influence of impressions that were not directly related to performance. It has been suggested that the tendency to recall impressions of others rather than specific behaviour that lead to these impressions increase over time (DeNisi, Cafferty and Meglino 1984; Kozlowski and Ford 1991; Murphy and Balzer 1986). This study sets out to examine the influence of three variables, information processing objective, order of recall and rating and time delay on the relationship between memory and judgement and the various models important to these processes (DeNisi, Cafferty and Meglino 1984; Woehr and Feldman 1993; Hastie, Park and Weber 1984; Williams, Cafferty and DeNisi 1990). The experiment was a 2 × 2 × 2 between subjects factorial design with three independent variables with 187 students from various disciplines. Support was found for the model of performance appraisal by DeNisi et al. (1984) in that overall evaluations influenced dimensional ratings when a time delay was introduced. However, the hypothesized effect of recall/rating order was in the opposite direction to that expected, indicating that there were additional factors that influenced the relationship between memory and judgement.  相似文献   

In order to enhance the effect of spatial frequency on the hemispheric asymmetry of visual evoked potentials (VEP), the response amplitudes to ON-OFF modulated gratings were compared with the responses to pattern reversal stimulation. Sinusoidal gratings of different spatial frequencies were presented to six righthanders. VEPs were recorded from temporal leads on each hemisphere. In the left hemisphere, the amplitude was constant for the two modes of presentation and independent of spatial frequency. In the right hemisphere, the response amplitude was larger to the ONSET stage of ON-OFF stimulation than to reversal and presented the characteristic spatial frequency tuning curve. This asymmetry is assumed to reflect a difference in sensitivity of the two hemispheres to the spatiotemporal characteristics of the stimulus. The relevance of these findings is discussed in relation to the other hemispheric specialization models.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors aim to clarify whether the subject–object asymmetry in relative clause comprehension is due to the use of parsing strategies (Active Filler Theory) or to a greater memory load generated by object sentences. Two experiments investigate how individual differences in working memory span may influence the reading times of relative sentences in Italian, a language characterized by a flexible structure. The results of Experiment 1 indicate that object extraction is more complex than subject extraction when sentences have a canonical structure. Furthermore, low-span participants have particular difficulties with object relative sentence comprehension. The results of Experiment 2 show that subject-relative clauses with uncanonical structures are more complex to understand than object-relative clauses, and low-span participants have more difficulties than high-span participants in elaborating both subject and object relative clauses. These data seem to be coherent with the Active Filler Theory.  相似文献   

The authors conducted 4 experiments to test whether hemispheric lateralization occurs for the processing of geometric word–shape combinations. In 3 experiments, participants responded to geometric shapes combined with geometric words (square, circle, triangle). In the 4th experiment, stimuli were combinations of geometric shapes and nongeometric words. The authors predicted that it would take longer to respond in incongruent conditions (e.g., the word “square” combined with the shape of a circle) than in congruent conditions. The authors found the strongest incongruency effects for the dominant hemisphere—that is, the left hemisphere for responding to words and the right hemisphere for responding to shapes. A Shape Interfering Properties hypothesis (SIP) is a possible explanation for these results.  相似文献   

Reading a letter string requires attentional orienting toward the beginning of the string (left-dominant orientation), followed by orienting along the string. These attentional-orienting processes differ according to the lexicality of the letter string: Sequential processes apply when reading nonwords or pseudowords, while words can be processed more globally. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of these attentional processes involved in reading. We conducted two experiments in 6- (first grade), 7- (second grade), and 9-year-old (fourth grade) children, using a procedure that required the detection of a letter (Experiment 1) or a nonletter (Experiment 2) target in a string of five characters. The target character could occur in the second (left) or fourth (right) position in the string. Results showed an advantage for left nonletter targets as early as age 6 and of left letter targets as early as age 7. In 6-year-olds, only good readers detected a left letter target faster than a right letter target; others detected a right letter target faster. Thus, dominant orienting toward the beginning of the letter string is not fully developed in children before the second year of reading. A possibility is that beginning readers have difficulties inhibiting an attention-orienting bias toward the right visual field in linguistic tasks. The results also showed that the lexicality effect on these attentional processes develops gradually until the fourth year of reading. We believe that the procedure used in this study will be very valuable for evaluating attentional difficulties during reading acquisition.  相似文献   

Right-handed subjects participated in a visual half-field experiment using “clock” stimuli. For the Categorical task, subjects indicated whether the long and short hands of a clock were above or below the horizontal midline of the dial. For the Coordinate task, they indicated whether the long and short hands of a clock formed an angle that is more or less than 60°. For both tasks, clock stimuli were either analog clocks (Visual version) or digital clocks from which subjects generated images of analog clocks (Imagery version). The results indicated that for both the Visual and Imagery versions, there was a nonsignificant trend toward a left hemisphere advantage in the Categorical task, whereas there was a significant right hemisphere advantage in the Coordinate task. Implications of the results were discussed from the viewpoints of task factors in hemispheric processing of visual imagery, Kosslyn's (1987, 1994) computational model of vision and visual imagery, and vision/imagery isomorphism.  相似文献   

The research investigated whether there are hemispheric differences in processing for words acquired early in childhood (early AoA) and words acquired later in childhood (late AoA). We hypothesized that because of recent evidence suggesting that there is a right hemisphere dominance in early childhood, early AoA words would be represented in the right hemisphere, and late AoA words would be represented in the left hemisphere. This hypothesis differs from an early view that late AoA words would be represented in the left hemisphere, and early AoA words would be represented in both hemispheres (Gazzaniga, 1974). We report two experiments using the divided visual field (DVF) technique. The results showed that there was a right visual field (RVF)/left hemisphere (LH) advantage only for late AoA words. For early AoA words, there was a left visual field (LVF)/right hemisphere advantage (RH). Implications for theories of hemispheric differences in word processing are discussed.  相似文献   

人们在识别自己所熟悉的物体时, 不仅依赖于对输入信息的感知而且还会受到自上而下调节机制的影响。研究者基于功能磁共振成像(fMRI), 利用虚幻探测范式对自上而下字母加工的神经网络进行研究。该研究要求被试从纯噪声(实际没有任何字母)中探测字母。通过对fMRI数据进行心理生理交互效应分析, 发现当被试从纯噪声图片中“看”到字母时, 多个脑区的活动由于受到来自于右侧梭状回的影响而加强。该发现表明自上而下的字母加工网络不但包含负责字母形状和语音加工的脑区, 还涉及一些负责高级认知加工的区域。  相似文献   

Studies of temporal processing asymmetries in the auditory modality have not produced consistent results. Some investigators have found a left hemisphere advantage, but others have failed to replicate this result. The present experiment investigated the possibility that differing properties of the noise employed between these experiments could be responsible for the conflicting results. Short bursts (300 ms) of white or brown noise were delivered monaurally to 42 participants. Half of the stimuli contained 3-5 ms gaps of silence. A right ear (left hemisphere) advantage in accuracy was observed in the white noise condition, but there was no such difference in the brown noise condition. This result demonstrates that the different acoustic properties of the stimuli between experiments can account for some of the discrepancies in their findings, and supports the position that the left hemisphere is superior at processing rapid temporal changes.  相似文献   

时间顺序关系对语言理解的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过2个实验探讨在语言理解中时间顺序相关性(顺时序、反时序、不相关)和时间间隔(200ms、500ms、1000ms)在日常事件认识中的作用。实验采用关系——认知范式(relarion-recognition paradigm)。结果表明:被试在有明显时间信息影响下,优先对将来取向(顺时序)的事件进行加工处理。对时间上不相关的事件比对顺时序和反时序的事件加工得快而准。但在无明显时间信息影响时,首先受到本身词义的影响,继而受到隐含的时间信息的影响。  相似文献   


Previous studies showed that motor asymmetries are reduced in left-handers and after a long-term fencing training in right-handers. Interestingly, left-handed athletes are substantially over-represented in elite fencing. These findings have been speculatively explained by imbalance in experience of fighting opposite handedness opponents resulted from skewed distribution of handedness, i.e. lefties encounter more righties than righties encounter lefties. Whereas these assumptions could be accurate, the underlying mechanisms remain ambiguous. In this study, we investigated effects of fencing training on motor performance and asymmetry with respect to handedness. We compared fencing performance of left- and right-handed fencers in both training and combat conditions. In the combat condition, left-handers won seven out of twelve matches consisted of twelve bouts each. They also showed a significantly longer hit detection time, a measure indicating better quality of fencing attack. In the training condition, left-handed fencers completed fencing board tests significantly faster than right-handers. These findings provide additional factor of superior motor performance to be considered when interpreting over-representation of lefties in elite fencing. Furthermore, our left-handers were less lateralized, which could explain that superior motor performance. This idea is consistent with previous findings of reduced asymmetry in right-handed fencers when comparing to non-athletes.  相似文献   

句子加工领域内, 主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应是诸多语种内普遍存在的一种语言现象。本文对主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应从如下几个方面进行了分析和论述:①从成人语言、儿童语言和失语症患者三个领域并结合印欧语系和非印欧语系的语言特征, 详细分析了该效应及其普遍性和特殊性; ②主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应的理论解释:句法角色理论、“填充语-空位”依附理论、积极填充策略、名词短语可及性层级理论和干扰相似性理论; ③与主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应有关的脑电成分及相应的脑区激活模式的分析。最后, 在对已有理论评价分析的基础上, 提出“标记浮动”句子加工理论模型, 并指出该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

We investigated birth order effects on personality and achievement in four studies (N = 1,022 families) including both student and adult samples. Control over a wide range of variables was effected by collecting within-family data: Participants compared their siblings (and themselves) on a variety of personality and achievement dimensions. Across four diverse data sets, first-borns were nominated as most achieving and most conscientious. Later-borns were nominated as most rebellious, liberal, and agreeable. The same results obtained whether or not birth order was made salient (to activate stereotypes) during the personality ratings. Overall, the results support predictions from Sulloway's niche model of personality development, as well as Zajonc's confluence model of intellectual achievement.  相似文献   

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