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In three experiments, we investigated the relative perceived duration of a full bandwidth iniage and a set of high- and lowpass filtered images of a scene, briefly presented on a visual display unit. In Experiment 1, the various images were compared with each other, using a paired comparison method. All images were presented for 40 msec, and observers were asked to judge which of each pair of images had the longest duration. The results showed that images containing a wide spatial frequency bandwidth were judged to be of longer duration than were images of a narrower bandwidth, regardless of whether the latter were high- or lowpass filtered. In Experiment 2, a 40-msec presentation of each of the images was compared with a presentation of a probe that was 20,40, 60, or 80 msec in duration. Observers again judged which of each pair of images had the longest duration. The results were very similar to those of Experiment 1, with wide bandwidth images being judged to be of longer duration than were narrow bandwidth images. In Experiment 3, instead of comparing the various filtered versions of the image with each other, we attempted to obtain a direct measure of perceived duration by comparing a flashing LED to a 40-msec flash of a subset of the images used in the previous experiments. The observers’ task was to adjust the duration of the LED flash to match the perceived duration of each image. The results confirmed the results of the previous experiments, again indicating that wide bandwidth images are perceived to have longer phenomenal durations than narrow bandwidth images are perceived to have. These results could be predicted from previous research in the literature on the effects of spatial frequency on perceptual lag but not from research on visual persistence. It is argued that the effects described here can probably be explained best by postulating a link between perceived duration and the integration of separately processed spatial frequency information.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to study the relationship between Emmert's law and the duration of the movement after-effect (MAE). The duration of the MAE increased with increased distance of the test field; this result was shown to be produced by the correlative change in apparent size of the after image. The effect did not occur when cues for distance judgments were reduced. Reducing the duration of the MAE suppressed the variation in its duration at varying distances of the test field. Some implications for the mechanism of the MAE are discussed.  相似文献   

Time estimates of 1 1/2-, 5¼-, and 14 1/2-min intervals were obtained from 12 American graduate students and 12 Indian graduate students by the methods of verbal estimation and cross-modality matching. Material presented during stimulus intervals varied in degree of meaningfulness. Each subject was tested on 4 successive days with basically the same material in order to determine the effects of repetition. The relationship between perceived and physical time was found to follow Stevens’ power law, and confidence limits of exponents obtained in this study include the exponents previously reported for short durations. Neither actual judgments nor exponents were affected by cultural background or by cognitive factors such as memory for material presented in the interval, familiarity, complexity, degree of meaningfulness, and repetition. It had previously been reported that time judgments were dependent on these cognitive factors. In light of the present research, it is necessary to review and replicate those studies which support a cognitive view of time perception.  相似文献   

时距知觉适应后效是指长时间适应于某一特定时距会导致个体对后续时距产生知觉偏差。其中对视时距知觉适应后效空间选择性的探讨存在争议,有研究支持位置不变性,也有研究支持位置特异性。这类研究能有效揭示时距编码的认知神经机制,位置不变性可能意味着时距编码位于较高级的脑区,而位置特异性则可能意味着时距编码位于初级视觉皮层。未来还可以探究时距知觉适应后效的视觉坐标表征方式,开展多通道研究以及相应的神经基础研究。  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the effects of transient attention—the stimulus-driven component of spatial attention—on the perceived duration of a brief visual event. Observers had to compare the duration of two disks presented successively within a single trial. The disks’ location and duration varied independently. One of these disks, the “attended disk”, was preceded by an attentional cue indicating the disk's location, attracting transient attention in advanced to the disk location. This attentional cue was either a typical onset cue (Experiments 1, 2, and 4) or a singleton cue (Experiment 3) that minimized the differences between the cues. The other disk, the “neutral disk”, was cued with a neutral cue that did not convey information regarding the disk location. We found that the attraction of transient attention to the location of the attended disk prolonged its perceived duration, but only when compared to brief nonattend stimuli.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that attempt to demonstrate a critical role played by sensory persistence on a standard perceived-duration task employing brief visual stimuli. Experiment 1 examined the effect on perceived duration of varying the spatial frequency of a target. For both 40- and 70-msec flashes, increased spatial frequency resulted in reduced estimates of perceived duration. These results were contrasted with predictions derived from cognitive processing models of duration perception. In Experiment 2, three typical types of target employed in current research (an outlined circle, a “noise”-filled circle, and a completely filled circle) were shown to differ significantly in their perceived duration and in their sensitivity to increases in physical duration. The results were discussed in terms of variable degrees of retinal persistence produced by the three types of targets. The possible implications for specific discrepancies in the literature and across-study comparisons in general were enumerated.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effects of spatial and temporal contiguity in item recognition, location judgment, and distance estimation tasks. Ss learned the locations of object names in spatial arrays, which were divided into 2 regions. The names of locations were presented during map learning so that critical pairs appeared close in space and close in time, close in space but far in time, far in space but close in time, and far in space and far in time. Names primed each other in recognition only when they were neighbors in both space and time. In contrast, the effects of spatial and temporal contiguity in priming in location judgments were additive. Finally, temporal contiguity affected estimates of Euclidean distance when locations were close together, but not when they were far apart.  相似文献   

The structure of spatial localization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In four experiments, a scalar judgment of perceived depth was used to examine the spatial and temporal characteristics of the perceptual buildup of three-dimensional (3-D) structure from optical motion as a function of the depth in the simulated object, the speed of motion, the number of elements defining the object, the smoothness of the optic flow field, and the type of motion. In most of the experiments, the objects were polar projections of simulated half-ellipsoids undergoing a curvilinear translation about the screen center. It was found that the buildup of 3-D structure was: (1) jointly dependent on the speed at which an object moved and on the range through which the object moved; (2) more rapid for deep simulated objects than for shallow objects; (3) unaffected by the number of points defining the object, including the maximum apparent depth within each simulated object-depth condition; (4) not disrupted by nonsmooth optic flow fields; and (5) more rapid for rotating objects than for curvilinearly translating objects.  相似文献   

Pigeons received a discrimination in which the spatial relationship between 2 adjacent rectangles filled with different colors signaled the trial outcome. Test trials then involved the same rectangles separated horizontally by a gap. The tests in Experiment 1 disrupted the discrimination more when the rectangles were tall and thin than when they were short and wide. Experiment 2 revealed that the width of the rectangles rather than their height determined the extent to which separating them would disrupt the original discrimination. The results are explained in terms of a template-matching account of pattern recognition with the additional assumption, supported by Experiment 3, that the size of a template can be altered to improve its match with a test pattern.  相似文献   

Reaches made without feedback to positions on an object's surface reflect the spatial form of the surface. In Experiment 1, the reaching pattern varied with the stimulus surface's spatial attributes, consistent with a point-by-point perceptual representation of the surface. In Experiment 2, systematic reaching errors were determined solely by target position regardless of surface structure, implying a highly consistent representation of location. In Experiment 3, illusory slant was imparted to a surface by an aniseikonic lens. Individual variations in directly judged slant were reflected in the reaching pattern, implying organization of local perceptual representation of location and global perception of spatial attributes of the stimulus into a coherent structure.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined whether varying degrees of event coherence influence the remembering of an event’s actual duration. Relying on musical compositions (Experiment 1) or filmed narratives (Experiment 2) as experimental stimuli, the underlying hierarchy of information within events (i.e., melodic intervals or story elements) was either attentionally highlighted or obscured by placing a varying number of accents (i.e., prolonged notes or commercial breaks) at locations that either coincided or conflicted with grammatical phrase boundaries. When subjects were unexpectedly asked to judge the actual duration of events, through a reproduction (Experiment 1) or verbal estimation (Experiment 2) task, duration estimates became more accurate and less variable when the pattern of accentuation increasingly outlined the events’ nested relationships. Conversely, when the events’ organization was increasingly obscured through accentuation, time judgments not only became less accurate and more variable, but were consistently overestimated. These findings support a theoretical framework emphasizing the effects of event structure on attending and remembering activities.  相似文献   

How does attention influence the judged duration of a brief stimulus? In the four experiments reported here, we show that the effect of spatial attention on duration judgment depends on the processing demand of the concurrent nontemporal task. When participants had to perform a speeded letter discrimination task in addition to duration rating, the judged duration was longer at a cued location than at an uncued location, regardless of whether the cue was exogenous or endogenous. However, when the same stimuli were presented but no concurrent nontemporal task was required, duration was judged to be shorter at the cued location, as compared with the uncued locations. Furthermore, although spatial attention influenced duration judgment, no object-based attentional effects were found. These findings suggest that, although spatial attention plays an important role in the judged duration of a briefly presented stimulus, its effect is mediated by the processing demand of the task.  相似文献   

A Kitaoka 《Perception》1998,27(10):1209-1219
The corner effect, the Münsterberg illusion, and the Café Wall illusion are explained by a model postulating that the corner effect is an orientation illusion specific to corner edges and that the perceived orientations of these edges are shifted toward angle contraction. It is also assumed that the effect is greatest when the corner edges show the same or similar edge contrast at the corner. This model yields three new types of illusions: the 'checkered illusion', the 'illusion of shifted gradations', and the 'illusion of striped cords'. Each of them gives many variations making a three-dimensional impression.  相似文献   

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