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As part of an extended participant observation study of hospice, I present in this article some reflections on my first experiences as a hospice volunteer. Discussion of these experiences emphasizes the influences of my own socialization, but suggests the types of filters trough which people often see and behave in the world of the dying and beyond.  相似文献   

志愿行为对个人幸福的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石伟  李林 《心理科学进展》2010,18(7):1122-1127
志愿行为是在组织背景下, 个体经过深思熟虑之后, 自愿对那些主动寻求帮助的对象提供长期且无偿的帮助的行为。志愿行为可通过维持身心健康, 改变应对方式和改善生活状态来促进个体幸福的实现。社会融合说、心理资源说以及换位体验说在一定程度上解释了志愿行为对个体幸福的作用机制。研究者从志愿者的角度就志愿行为对志愿者幸福的影响进行了较为深入的探讨, 而志愿行为对受助者幸福的影响以及个体幸福与志愿行为的互惠作用仍待进一步研究。  相似文献   

西方志愿者行为研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李林  石伟 《心理科学进展》2010,18(10):1653-1659
志愿者行为是在组织背景下, 个体经过深思熟虑之后, 自愿对主动寻求帮助的对象实施的一种长期且无偿的帮助行为; 其形成和发展可以用功能理论、特质理论和多因素模型来解释。志愿者行为的测量工具主要有志愿功能量表、志愿精神问卷和志愿者行为问卷。研究者对人口统计学特征、人格变量、动机变量及组织因素等志愿者行为的前因变量及志愿者身心健康、社会收益等志愿者行为的结果变量的探讨比较深入, 但在概念明晰、理论整合、测量工具、取样探索等方面还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

In this article, we shed light on the volunteering behaviors of Latter‐Day Saints (Mormons). While some information was known about this group and its volunteering practices, detailed and reliable data were not available. This is the first study by a secular research institution to be given permission by the church to collect data within Latter‐Day Saint congregations. We found a high rate of volunteering by almost all members, which was mostly, but not only, for religious purposes. About half the volunteering comes from fulfilling “callings,” while members initiate the other half. We found variations in volunteering based on the studied regions, age, income, education, gender, and generational membership. These findings provide the first reliable and detailed information regarding Latter‐Day Saint volunteering and may serve as a springboard for future research on the pro‐social behaviors of various religious groups.  相似文献   

University students who were involved in a community service field placement completed the Inventory of Service Experience (ISE), a measure that was designed to assess the extent to which they felt supported by family, friends, and the organizations with which they worked; and the extent to which they experienced positive outcomes (e.g., enhanced skills, a feeling of “having made a difference”) in their community service setting. Students who had a more supportive and positive experience, as assessed by the ISE, were more likely to have continued to work as volunteers in the setting 2 months after they had completed their course requirements. The implications of these results for community service programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have not longitudinally assessed whether religion is related to individuals’ movement into volunteering activities across the adult life course. Using four waves of panel data, I present evidence that religion is associated with individuals’ movement into religious institution and nonreligious institutional forms of volunteerism—volunteering for a religious congregation or other religious organization, and volunteering for a nonreligious institution, respectively. I consider the general religious mechanisms of changes in motivation to volunteer through enhanced religious beliefs and increased opportunities to volunteer through greater religious service attendance and involvement. Increased religious belief and attendance result in a greater probability that individuals engage in religious institution volunteerism. Religious institution volunteering increases the likelihood of movement into other formal volunteering over the adult life course. This analysis offers evidence that religious institutions are feeder systems, as increased involvement yields more opportunities for formal volunteerism over the adult life course, irrespective of underlying personality traits. Additionally, the findings suggest that religious mechanisms may operate differently across Christian religious traditions.  相似文献   

This article draws on a major study of student volunteering based on case studies of six Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) selected to represent the diversity of the higher education sector in England. The study finds that students contribute significantly to university life and to the wider community through both formal and informal volunteering. However in this paper we consider the challenges and problems with the organisation of student volunteering. Our research finds that students who were supported by their university to volunteer reported better experiences of volunteering and identified greater impacts on their personal development, soft skills, employability and community awareness. In this paper we challenge the tendency of some policy makers and practitioners to view student volunteering as an automatic ‘win, win, win’—for students, for universities and for communities. Rather we explore how without adequate support, management and opportunities for reflection and placing volunteering in wider social context, student volunteering can fail to benefit any of these groups. The paper outlines the development of institutional support for volunteering by students before assessing the value such support has for student volunteers today.  相似文献   

This study builds upon and extends the social-identity-based model of cooperation with the organization (T. R. Tyler, 1999; T. R. Tyler & S. L. Blader, 2000) to examine commitment and cooperative intent among fundraising volunteers. In Study 1, structural equation modeling indicated that pride and respect related to the intent to remain a volunteer with an organization, and that this relation was mediated primarily by normative organizational commitment. In Study 2, structural equation modeling indicated that the perceived importance of volunteer work was related to pride, that perceived organizational support related to the experience of respect, and that pride and respect mediated the relation between perceived importance and support on the one hand and organizational commitment on the other. Overall, the results suggest that volunteer organizations may do well to implement pride and respect in their volunteer policy, for instance to address the reliability problem (J. L. Pearce, 1993).  相似文献   

Karniol  Rachel  Grosz  Efrat  Schorr  Irit 《Sex roles》2003,49(1-2):11-19

The current studies were conducted to examine two questions regarding the development of an ethic of care versus an ethic of justice, where the former is associated with being female and the latter is associated with being male. First, does gender role orientation in adolescence predict the ethical orientation one adopts better than gender itself does? Second, does adolescents' ethical orientation predict their volunteering behavior? To answer these questions, two studies were conducted. In Study 1, adolescents completed Bem's Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and Jensen's World View Questionnaire (WVQ) which assesses ethical orientation. Girls and individuals high in femininity were higher on the ethic of care than were boys and individuals high in masculinity. In addition, individuals with a feminine gender orientation received higher care scores than individuals with an androgynous orientation. Regression analyses indicated that gender orientation accounted for more of the variance in the ethic of care than did gender. In Study 2, older adolescents completed Jensen's WVQ and were subsequently asked to volunteer in one of two settings: a personal setting or an impersonal setting. Individuals high in the ethic of care were more likely to volunteer and volunteered for more hours, but volunteered equally often in the two types of settings. Individuals who “apologized” for being unable to volunteer were higher on caring. The results are discussed in the context of Gilligan's theory of socialization to morality.


Research finds that engaging in prosocial behavior has many positive psychological outcomes (e.g., enhanced well‐being, optimism, perceived control, and a boost in self‐concept), and research on monetary risk‐taking reveals these psychological outcomes are associated with increased risk‐taking. Merging these findings, we propose that when people's volunteering behavior is made salient in their minds, they take more monetary risks. Making research participants’ volunteering behavior salient by having them recall an act of prior volunteering (studies 1 and 3), choosing whether to volunteer (study 2), or choosing one of two volunteering activities (study 4), four experiments (and a fifth reported in the Appendix S2) reveal increased risk‐taking across several monetary‐risk outcomes (incentive‐compatible gambles, allocation of a windfall gain, and a behavioral risk‐taking measure involving escalating risk). Lastly, when the decision maker attributes a decision to volunteer to an external source, the effect of salient volunteering on monetary risk‐taking attenuates.  相似文献   

A well supported finding in social science is that religiosity is associated with pro-social behaviours such as volunteering, but the religious decline in Europe characterising the latter part of the twentieth century has not been accompanied by decline in voluntary participation. This period is also associated with a sharp increase in the moral emphasis on individual autonomy and inclusiveness over social norms and traditions. In this analysis of the European Values Study (2008–2010), I examine the relationship between religion and volunteering, taking both individual values and aggregate norms into account. Religious attendance is found to be associated with volunteering at the individual level. However, the average citizen’s likelihood of volunteering is lower in more religious countries. This could be due in part to secular countries’ high levels of inclusive individualism (autonomy values and generalised trust) which are positively associated with volunteering among both religious and non-religious respondents.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether participating in inter‐organisational (i.e. self‐directed, non‐strategic) employee volunteering, which is common but rarely studied, is associated with increased organisational commitment. We find evidence for this relation in a sample (N = 385) of employee volunteers and their non‐volunteering co‐workers. We statistically account for self‐selection into the volunteering program by incorporating individual motives for volunteering. Volunteers compared to non‐volunteers exhibited relatively stronger motives of expressing altruistic values and avoiding negative affect, but a weaker motive of attaining career advancement. Our findings point to an efficient way of increasing organisational commitment that is relatively inexpensive to implement. They also complement existing research from other employee volunteering contexts, pointing to a possible trade‐off between the desired outcomes of effectively managing volunteering programs.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies point to religious social networks as the critical link between religion and volunteering, mediating the effect of religious participation and predicting volunteering more strongly than beliefs. Previous studies have examined how the presence or absence of religiously based social ties predicts volunteering behavior. However, few studies have focused on the role of recruitment in personal networks. Examining the sources and frequency of recruitment efforts is especially important, since being asked to volunteer is one of the strongest predictors of volunteering. Using data from the nationally representative Portraits of American Life Study, this study examines the frequency and effectiveness of volunteer recruitment via close, same-faith ties. I find that same-faith friends and family members vary widely in their propensity to make volunteer requests, depending on whether religion is a salient aspect of the relationship and whether the relationship is connected to congregational social networks. I also find that, for churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike, ties to people actively involved in a congregation are important sources of volunteer invitations. As expected, having been asked to volunteer is a strong predictor of volunteering. However, the recruitment source appears to be less critical. I explore how these findings shed light on the mechanisms linking religious networks and volunteering.  相似文献   

This paper offers clinicians an introduction to the broad, foundational issues underlying an informed approach to treating intrafamily violence. Important assumptions, drawn mostly from the work of empirical researchers, are provided. One holds that the recognition and treatment of family violence is an appropriate concern for most family therapists and not merely for those who work with the spectacular, notorious tip of the iceberg cases. Assessment and some treatment issues including spouse abuse, child abuse, and abusive adolescents are discussed briefly. Some commonly held therapeutic assumptions are challenged. Systemic approaches, rather than individual treatment, are considered appropriate for most cases.This paper draws heavily from the work of the Family Violence Research Program at the University of New Hampshire, although the interpretations made of such materials are the responsibility of the author. Appreciation is expressed to Craig A. Everett, PhD, and Alice Mancill Nichols for helpful comments and assistance.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented the importance of religion, and especially of religious congregational attendance, in regard to volunteering. Most of these studies focus on individual and contextual factors, usually within one country. Recent studies suggest that the association between religious attendance and volunteering varies among countries. We hypothesize that national culture plays an important role in explaining volunteering mainly as a moderator of the relationship between religious attendance and volunteering, especially on volunteering to help people in need. To support this position, we used individual‐level data from the World Values Survey (WVS) coupled with national data on cultural measures. This enabled assessment of these relationships using a multilevel analysis of individuals nested in countries. We used two models of national culture, Hofstede (1984) and WVS to explain the differences between countries. We found direct relationships between national culture constructs (power distance and survival/self‐expression values) and volunteering. We also found that individualism, power distance, and survival/self‐expression values moderated the effect of religion on volunteering, with a stronger relationship between religious attendance and volunteering in nationalities with self‐expression values, high power distance, and low individualism. Theoretical and practical implications of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the principles of volunteer mobilisation in social ministry and diaconal practices in contemporary Russian Orthodoxy. I focus on the main types of faith-based volunteer associations, assistance organisations and official Orthodox centres of social ministry that recruit volunteers. While analysing the mechanisms of attracting volunteers and the types of motivations, I identified two main models of organising communities and social groups: an authoritarian-mystical model and a socially open one. Ethical-behavioural preferences and attitudes determine the motivation of volunteers, as do gender, confessional and ideological-political factors. The analysis is based on both empirical data obtained through interviews with parish priests, organisers of church-based assistance organisations and volunteer associations, and homiletic theological and moral-didactic literature produced within Russian Orthodox Church circles and in official Church documents. I also consider the motivation of volunteers and their ethical-behavioural attitudes in the Russian Orthodox theological context. The article also analyses theological approaches in Russian Orthodoxy, inspired by modern developments in psychology, including self-determination theory and psychological autonomy, as well as ‘humanitarian-anthropological theology’.  相似文献   

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