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Observations were made of naturally occurring assertive and defensive behaviors among preschool children, using ethological methods. Four major classes of assertive behavior were studied: attempts to gain possession of objects, personal space intrusion, positive directives, and negative directives; in addition, behavior with aggressive characteristics was studied. The effects of the following demographic factors upon individual frequencies of assertive interaction initiation, probability of defense (to assertive initiations), and frequencies of aggressive behavior were examined: age, sex, birth order, sib group size, ethnic identity, number of parents in the home, father's occupational level, father's education, mother's employment (yes/no), mother's occupational level, mother's education. Results of the multiple regression analyses indicated the most widespread effects for ethnic identity, number of parents in home, age, and sex. The most assertive children tended to be nonwhite/black, older, male, and from single-parent homes. These results were fairly consistent across all classes of assertive behavior studied. There were only minor effects of social class on assertive behaviors, and the demographic characteristics of the sample indicated that the ethnic differences existed independent of social class. Limitations in interpreting the behaviors studied as indicating an underlying aggressive motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

Social approach to peers was evaluated as an intervention for isolate preschoolers. During baseline, confederate peers made few social approaches to the target subjects. Confederates greatly increased their rate of social approaches during the first intervention, decreased social approaches during a second baseline, and increased social approaches again in a second intervention phase. Increases in confederate social initiations immediately increased the frequency of subjects' positive social behavior. Additionally, five of six subjects showed an increase in their own positive social initiations during intervention periods. The results suggest that: (a) peers may be programmed to increase the positive social behaviors of their isolate classmates, and (b) remediating social deficits requires assessment and intervention specifically tailored to the individual child.  相似文献   

The social participation, constructiveness of play, and communicative interactions of 4- to 6-year-old developmentally delayed and nondelayed preschool children were compared under conditions in which children interacted in play groups homogeneous with respect to developmental level and in heterogeneous play groups. A within-subjects design was utilized to assess the relatively immediate effects of group composition. Data for both children and teachers were analyzed separately for each of four developmental level groups and across two time periods. Although numerous differences were obtained as a function of developmental level and time, the only significant effect of group composition on children was reduced inappropriate play by severely delayed youngsters while interacting in heterogeneous play groups. No detrimental effects of heterogeneous grouping were observed for children at any developmental level. These results were discussed in terms of their importance in evaluating the impact of programs that mainstream young children.  相似文献   

Children's and teachers' perception of social dominance was examined using a behavioral criterion for determining accuracy of verbal judgments. Video records of agonistic interactions were obtained during approximately 60 hours of free-play at two preschool centers. Analyses of social conflict episodes ending in submission revealed linear dominance structures for both groups. Dominance perception was assessed in two ways. Both teachers and children were asked to rank-order a subgroup of children according to dominance. They were also asked to select the more dominant children in a number of predetermined pairs. Results indicated that teachers could accurately judge dyadic dominance relations, and that accuracy among children varied as a function of their status within the group hierarchy. Findings have implications for social dominance assessment methodology, and for the issue of consensual versus ecological validity in developmental studies of social perception.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of a video modeling intervention on social initiation and play behaviors with 3 children with autism using a multiple baseline across subjects design. Each child watched a videotape showing a typically developing peer, and the experimenter engaged in a simple social interactive play using one toy. For all children, social initiation and reciprocal play skills were enhanced, and these effects were maintained at 1- and 3-month follow-up periods.  相似文献   

Rats were selected on the basis of reactivity to dorsal tactile stimulation and then tested in a resident-intruder paradigm. While reactivity of residents did not influence the occurrence of agonistic behaviors or wounding of residents and intruders, reactivity of intruders did affect offensive and defensive patterns of interactions and the wounds sustained by residents and intruders. Subsequent to resident-intruder testing, rats were tested for shock-induced aggression. The pattern of the results and the results of additional experiments demonstrated that resident-intruder experience could affect subsequent shock-induced aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

Preschool children enrolled in same- and mixed-age day care classrooms were observed during free play to examine patterns of social and play behavior. In mixed-age rooms, there was more interactive-functional play, for both older and younger children, more dramatic play and negative interactions for younger children, and a tendency for older children to be onlookers. In the same-age rooms, there was more conversation and more parallel-functional interaction for both older and younger children. While previous research has emphasized the benefits of mixed-age rooms, the current research indicates that some costs may also be involved.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of an analog social skill training program and a teacher-directed contingency strategy on promoting social responding among four preschool children with mild disabilities and their peers. The social skill training program consisted of five lessons targeting the skill areas: Initiating, responding, and maintaining social interactions. The teacher directed contingency consisted of prompting target children when they were not socially involved with peers, and providing verbal praise when they were socially involved with peers. Subjects were divided into two training pairs and received both interventions in a reversal design. Presentation order was counterbalanced across the two training pairs. Results indicated that the teacher directed contingency was more effective in promoting higher levels of social responding in a free-play setting. Results also suggest that social skill training may not always be a necessary prerequisite to promote increased social interactions among children who display low rates of social interaction with peers, but possess necessary skills.  相似文献   

Time‐out is a common negative punishment procedure in home and school settings. Although prior studies have shown time‐out is effective, more research is needed on its effects when implementation is imperfect. We evaluated delays to time‐out with 4 preschool children who engaged in some combination of aggression, property destruction, and rule breaking. Target behavior decreased for all subjects exposed to delayed time‐out, with 3 of 4 subjects displaying low levels of target behavior even when time‐out was delayed by 90‐120 s. These data suggest delayed time‐out might be effective in situations in which a caregiver or teacher cannot implement time‐out immediately.  相似文献   

Female aggression may be the regulator of population size in small mammals. Freely growing populations of house mice showed several differences in aggressive female behavior in the presence and the absence of a male hierarchy. Territoriality in females and not in males appeared to maintain social order and regulate population density. Certain females were seen patrolling and guarding the territory and chasing and fighting with both male and female intruders. These females did not fight amongst themselves, suggesting that they were not fighting for rank (as do the males) but for territory. Although these aggressive females produced young, the pups were neglected, and few were weaned. The non-aggressive females were the successful breeders. Aggression by the females only occurred when there was reproduction and increased densities. Assembled females with no males present never show this aggression. The occurrence of “male-type” behavior became most apparent when the males were removed at peak population densities. The removed males were then castrated and injected with testosterone cyprionate. Doses were increased by population cage, and therefore all males returned to each freely growing population were given the same dose. The males given oil placebo injections showed no return of a male hierarchy and the females showed high levels of aggression toward them. Males injected with testosterone cyprionate showed return of male aggression and fighting and mounting of females. But the new “dominant” females continued their patrols and chased males away from their territories and did not permit these males to mount. Male-male fighting consisted primarily of frontal attacks to the face and roll and tumble fights. Female-male aggression consisted primarily of attacks to the posterior region targeted at the base of the tail and the genitals of the male. The males were rarely seen attacking females and then only during mating. Females only attacked each other in defense of their territories.  相似文献   

The effect of 0.50 g/kg of EtOH in male rats interacting with a stimulus male juvenile in a newly developed test of social interaction was examined. The adult male rats were treated with EtOH (8.0 to 12.0 g/kg/day) or equicaloric dextrin maltose for 2 weeks (studies 1 and 2) or 8 weeks (study 3) and social interaction was assessed both before and after chronic drug treatment was ended in study 1 and after chronic drug treatment was ended in studies 2 and 3. It was found that prior to chronic drug treatment, in study 1, 0.50 g/kg of EtOH increased both aggressive behavior and time spent interacting with the stimulus juvenile male from the first presentation of the juvenile to the second presentation (20 min apart) while saline injection decreased it. After chronic drug treatment was ended, in study 1 animals treated chronically with EtOH were more aggressive when they were not intoxicated than when they had been treated with 0.50 g/kg of EtOH. In studies 2 and 3, after chronic drug treatment was ended, aggressive behavior and time spent interacting with the juvenile were greater in the animals treated chronically with EtOH, regardless of whether they were injected with saline or 0.50 g/kg of EtOH. The results of these studies showed that chronic EtOH treatment can produce long-lasting changes in social behavior after drug treatment is over and can alter the animal's normal response to EtOH in a social setting.  相似文献   

The present study was motivated by a concern with the cognitive processes that infants bring to bear on stimulation offered by adults. As previous studies have highlighted the importance of parental stimulation with objects, this study consisted of an experimental investigation of this context of stimulation. It was hypothesized that adults' actions that demonstrate the functions of toys activate a comparator process in 9-month-old infants. It was predicted that prior exposure to the toy in a stationary state would increase attention to a demonstrative action, as the comparator process requires time over and above the local processing of an event. This prediction was borne out: 9-month-olds infants' attention to the demonstration of the functions of a toy was augmented by immediate prior exposure to the toy in a stationary state. By contrast, attention to other actions which did not demonstrate specific functions was either significantly reduced by prior exposure to the toy, or unaffected. Moreover, 16-month-olds who are better able to perform a broad range of actions with objects, did not show increased attention to a demonstration of functions when prior exposure to the toy was provided. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The primary goal of the study was to determine whether mother and peer's responses to direct and indirect aggression would contribute to children's use of direct and indirect aggression. Using adaptations of the Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale, a multi-informant strategy, and a sample of disadvantaged families, data were collected from 296 mothers of children ages 4-11, 237 children ages 6-11, and 151 teachers of those children. Mothers and peers were reported to react more harshly in response to direct aggression compared with indirect aggression, and higher rates of direct aggression were associated with reduced popularity. These findings were seen as being consistent with the hypothesis that different forms of aggression result in differential responding by mothers and peers, as well as the notion that direct aggression is a higher cost option than indirect aggression. Results also replicated previous findings that boys tend to use physical aggression more than girls, but girls use indirect aggression more than boys. Finally, low IQ was correlated with higher direct aggression in girls but had no relation with aggression in boys.  相似文献   

In this study, positive social initiations by an age-peer was evaluated as an intervention for isolate preschool children in training and generalization sessions. During baseline, the confederate made few social approaches to the target subjects. The confederate greatly increased his rate of positive social initations during the first intervention, decreased social approaches during a second baseline, and increased social approaches again in a second intervention phase. Increases in confederate initiations resulted in an immediate acceleration in the frequency of subjects' positive social behavior during training sessions. Additionally, for two of the three subjects, positive social behaviors were also observed to increase during generalization sessions. The results suggest that (a) peers may be trained successfully to set the occasion for positive social behaviors by withdrawn classmates, (b) increased social responding by withdrawn children in the presence of frequent peer social initiations may also generalize beyond the training setting, and (c) the magnitude of direct and generalization effects appears to be related to the entry-level repertoire of target children.  相似文献   

We systematically manipulated social proximity to examine its influence on multiple topographies of aggression. Aggression occurred at high levels during close-proximity sessions and at low levels during distant-proximity sessions even though social contact was presented continuously during both conditions. Topographies of aggression emerged sequentially across the close-proximity sessions, and all topographies were reduced to zero following extended sessions of this condition.  相似文献   

Following an initial intruder aggression test, 10 pairs of adult male rats matched on aggressiveness were formed. The first 20 min of paired cohabitation were used to determine dominance and subordinance between pau members. Residents judged to be dominant from this observation session gained significantly more weight during cohabitation and exhibited significantly more aggression on the second aggression test than their subordinate counterparts. Significant correlations among various measures of aggression were found, but open field performance did not correlate, with the measures of aggression nor did changes in open field scores reflect changes in aggression.  相似文献   

In long‐term studies of psychological development, the initial assessment of etiologically significant child behaviours is often carried out at a single point in time only. However, one‐time assessments of behaviour are likely to possess limited reliability, leading to attenuated longitudinal correlation coefficient magnitudes. How much this bias might have affected behavioural continuity estimates in longitudinal research is presently unknown. Using a data set from the Mauritius Child Health Project, we particularize the attenuating effects of single‐occasion behavioural assessments on consistency estimates of impulsive–aggressive behaviour over time. Specifically, two nursery teachers provided 15 consecutive weekly ratings of the aggressive behaviour of 99 four‐year‐old children. The same children were reassessed for the presence of externalizing behaviour problems at the ages of 8 and 10. There were substantial increases in both reliability and predictive correlation coefficient magnitudes when the preschool scores were aggregated across several weekly ratings. A further increase resulted after the two outcome assessments were combined into a composite score of school‐age externalizing symptoms. A generalized procedure, developed from the correction for attenuation formula, is introduced to describe the relation of aggregation to predictive validity in longitudinal research.  相似文献   

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