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Target-biting of confined mice increases following delivery of tail shock and decreases during a tone that precedes the shock. Both phencyclidine and chlordiazepoxide reduced biting (dose dependently) following shock and had no effect on biting during the tone. These observations are discussed in reference to previous reports, which infer that the effects of phencyclidine and chlordiazepoxide on aggression might depend upon the baseline rate of the behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of housing conditions (individual or grouped) on the biting of an inanimate target by confined male mice and rats were measured. It was observed that, for both mice and rats, individual housing markedly increased the number of target bites per session. These results indicate that the target-biting paradigm is sensitive to those factors responsible for the increase in fighting behavior following individual housing.  相似文献   

Signalled response-independent shocks were superimposed on rats' wheel-turn responding to avoid shock administered to their feet through a grid floor or to their tails through fixed electrodes. In Experiment I, a tone paired with response-independent foot shock increased responding in three of four rats; a tone paired with tail shock increased responding in only one of four rats and suppressed responding in two rats. In Experiment II, a tone presented randomly with respect to response-independent shock had no reliable effect on responding to avoid foot shock or tail shock. In Experiment III, tail shock and foot shock were compared in a within-subject design while the temporal pattern of responding during conditioned stimuli was recorded. Responding during the conditioned stimulus preceding foot shock was characterized by initial suppression of responding at tone onset, followed by increased responding just before response-independent shock. Responding was suppressed throughout the conditioned stimulus preceding tail shock. Foot shock elicited bursts of responding, but tail shock did not.  相似文献   

Aggressive biting of an inanimate target by mice was studied. Males attacked the bite-target more frequently than females, but this difference disappeared after castration when the response rate of the males approached that of the females. Ovariectomizing the females had little effect on their bite-attack frequencies. Subsequent androgen injections restored the biting-attack frequency of the castrated males to preoperative levels but had little effect on the intact males. Estrogen had little effect on the response frequency of the females, whereas androgen produced a slight increase in their bite-attack frequency. Results indicate that androgen is critical for the maintenance of this aggressive response and that the single subject paradigm utilized in this study was a sensitive measure of aggressive tendencies in mice.  相似文献   

In two studies, free-roaming male rats (aggressors) were shocked in the presence of male target rats restrained in either an upright or a supine posure. In addition, in Experiment II, two levels of aggressor shock intensity (0.8 mA or 2.0 mA) were used while targets received one of three levels of shock (0.5 mA, 1.5 mA, or 2.5 mA). In both studies, upright targets were attacked less than supine targets. Frequency of aggression was directly related to level of aggressor shock intensity in Experiment II. Also, attack by 0.8-mA aggressors against supine targets was inversely related to level of target shock intensity. The low level of attack against upright targets was interpreted in terms of a threat diaplay. Similarily, it was concluded that the target shock-intensity effect in Experiment II was due to specific threat behaviors displayed by those supine rats that received the highest-intensity shocks.  相似文献   

Electric shock produced drinking in the squirrel monkey.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Squirrel monkeys were periodically exposed to brief electric tail shocks in a test environment containing a rubber hose, response lever, and a water spout. Shock delivery produced preshock lever pressing and postshock hose biting. Additionally, all subjects displayed licking responses following postshock biting-attack episodes. Further experiments showed that licking was: (1) influenced by hours of water deprivation; (2) drinking behavior; (3) the direct result of shock delivery; and (4) developed spontaneously in naive subjects with or without opportunities for hose biting or lever pressing. Removing the opportunity to attack increased postshock drinking. A noxious environmental stimulus that causes aggression can also produce drinking.  相似文献   

Four rhesus monkeys were trained on a non-discriminated shock-avoidance schedule (baseline). Stimuli followed by response-independent shock were then presented with the avoidance baseline no longer in effect. The main portion of the experiment consisted of superimposing (independently of responding) the stimuli followed by response-independent shock on the avoidance baseline. Different temporal values of stimulus duration and delay of shock (produced by an avoidance response) were presented successively, using each subject as his own control. When the stimulus duration was short or the delay of shock was long, so that avoidance rate during the stimulus could assume any value without resulting in baseline (avoidable) shocks during the stimulus, a lowered or "suppressed" rate of responding developed during the stimulus. When the stimulus duration was long or the delay of shock was brief, so that avoidable shocks resulted from a response decrement during the stimulus, high or "facilitated" rates of responding developed for a large proportion of the time that the stimulus was present.  相似文献   

Schedule-controlled lever pressing and schedule-induced licking were studied in rats under a multiple fixed-interval fixed-interval schedule of food reinforcement upon which was superimposed a multiple variable-time variable-time schedule of electric-shock delivery. Shocks were signaled in one component of the multiple schedule and unsignaled in the other. The effects of diazepam upon the suppression of behavior during the signal (conditioned suppression) and during signaled and unsignaled shock (differential suppression) were studied under several shock intensities (Experiment 1) and at increased body weight (Experiment 2). In each study, diazepam led to dose-dependent increases in the rate of pressing and licking during signaled and unsignaled shock, but had little effect on conditioned suppression. the rate-enhancing effects of diazepam depended upon the intensity of shock, nature of the response, and whether or not shocks were signaled. The data was discussed in terms of (1) implications for understanding the effects of signaled and unsignaled shock on behavior, (2) the effects of diazepam on behavior suppressed by response-independent shock, and (3) comparison between operant and schedule-induced behavior.  相似文献   

Nine cats, each with two hypothalamic electrodes in sites which when stimulated produced either quiet attack or attack accompanied by certain forms of vocalization, were trained to escape from tail shock by jumping onto a stool. They were then tested for transfer of the escape response to brain stimulation. Stimulation of the seven sites that yielded quiet biting attack did not elicit the learned response of jumping onto the stool. Stimulation of eight of the 11 sites that yielded attack accompanied by vocalization did elicit the learned response. It was concluded that attack behavior elicited by brain stimulation should not be considered a special case of the response to aversive stimulation, but that attack and response to aversive stimulation involve independent but overlapping systems.  相似文献   

Variability in local dynamic plasticity due to material anisotropy in polycrystalline metals is likely to be important on damage nucleation and growth at low pressures. Hydrodynamic instabilities could be used to study these plasticity effects by correlating measured changes in perturbation amplitudes at free surfaces to local plastic behaviour and grain orientation, but amplitude changes are typically too small to be measured reliably at low pressures using conventional diagnostics. Correlations between strength at low shock pressures and grain orientation were studied in copper (grain size?≈?800 μm) using the Richtmyer–Meshkov instability with a square-wave surface perturbation (wavelength = 150 μm, amplitude = 5 μm), shocked at 2.7 GPa using symmetric plate impacts. A Plexiglas window was pressed against the peaks of the perturbation, keeping valleys as free surfaces. This produced perturbation amplitude changes much larger than those predicted without the window. Amplitude reductions from 64 to 88% were measured in recovered samples and grains oriented close to 〈0 0 1〉 parallel to the shock had the largest final amplitude, whereas grains with shocks directions close to 〈1 0 1〉 had the lowest. Finite element simulations were performed with elastic-perfectly plastic models to estimate yield strengths leading lead to those final amplitudes. Anisotropic elasticity and these yield strengths were used to calculate the resolved shear stresses at yielding for the two orientations. Results are compared with reports on orientation dependence of dynamic yielding in Cu single crystals and the higher values obtained suggest that strength estimations via hydrodynamic instabilities are sensitive to strain hardening and strain rate effects.  相似文献   

The fear-potentiating effects of fluprazine hydrochloride were explored in a series of five experiments. The drug was found to strongly inhibit entry into a novel open field, exploration of a complex maze, or approach to a novel object placed in the animal's home cage. Time sampling techniques were used to assess drug effects on frequencies of immobility, activity, and grooming and rearing responses prior to and for 70 min after footshock. There were no group differences during the 10 min immediately following shock but the groups diverged steadily in immobility, activity, and grooming for the remainder of the observations. Post-shock activity and grooming responses increased steadily towards baseline values among control mice but remained at low levels or declined among drug-treated mice. Immobility responses declined steadily among control mice but increased substantially among the fluprazine-treated mice throughout post-shock observations. Pairs of male mice treated with fluprazine were also found to maintain greater intermouse distances in a novel linear runway than pairs of undrugged adult males, juvenile males, or male-female pairs. It is suggested that fluprazine hydrochloride both potentiates fear and alters its time course in addition to interfering in some way with normal olfactory processes.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on a free-operant avoidance procedure in which shock intensity was controlled by interresponse time. Shocks were random at a density of about 10 shocks per minute. Shock probability was response independent. As long as interresponse times remained less than the limit in effect, any shocks received were at the lower of two intensities (0.75 mA). Whenever interresponse times exceeded the limit, any shocks received were at the higher intensity (1.6 mA). The initial limit of 15 seconds was decreased in 3-second steps to either 6 or 3 seconds. All animals lever pressed to avoid higher intensity shock. As the interresponse time limit was reduced, the response rate during the lower intensity shock and the proportion of brief interresponse times increased. Substantial warmup effects were evident, particularly at the shorter interresponse-time limits. Shock intensity reduction without change in shock probability was effective in the acquisition and maintenance of avoidance responding, as well as in differentiation of interresponse times. This research suggests limitations on the generality of a safety signal interpretation of avoidance conditioning.  相似文献   

Four squirrel monkeys were first exposed to a sequence of procedures that reliably generate responding maintained by brief response-contingent electric shocks arranged according to a fixed-interval schedule. After responding had become stable on the fixed-interval schedule, additional contingencies were added in tandem, whereby after completion of the interval, the spacing of responses affected shock delivery. In one procedure, responses had to be spaced more widely than their previous median value if shock were to be delivered. In the other procedure, responses had to be spaced more closely to produce shock. On the first of these procedures, decreased but stable responses rates would indicate that shock functioned as a positive reinforcer; on the second, increased response rates would indicate the positively reinforcing function. Instead, response rates accelerated on the procedure that targeted more widely spaced responses for shock delivery, and decelerated or ceased on the procedure that arranged for shocks to be produced by more closely spaced responses. Consistent with other recent findings, these results question the interpretation of performances maintained by response-contingent shock as engendered by positive reinforcement and are consistent with aversive-control interpretations. The details of that aversive control are not entirely clear, however, and these same procedures would be informative if applied to shock-maintained behavior that is generated in other ways.  相似文献   

A molecular analysis based on the termination of stimuli that are positively correlated with shock and the production of stimuli that are negatively correlated with shock provides a parsimonious count for both traditional discrete-trial avoidance behavior and the data derived from more recent free-operant procedures. The necessary stimuli are provided by the intrinsic feedback generated by the subject's behavior, in addition to those presented by the experimenter. Moreover, all data compatible with the molar principle of shock-frequency reduction as reinforcement are also compatible with a delay-of-shock gradient, but some data compatible with the delay gradient are not compatible with frequency reduction. The delay gradient corresponds to functions relating magnitude of behavioral effect to the time between conditional and unconditional stimuli, the time between conditioned and primary reinforcers, and the time between responses and positive reinforcers.  相似文献   

Eight albino rats, conditioned to press a lever to escape shock, continued to lever press during short inescapable shocks presented subsequently. The rate of this behavior was found to be higher for higher shock intensities regardless of the order in which shock values were presented. Relative to the immediately preceding escape rate, responding during inescapable shock was higher following conditioning at higher fixed-ratio escape requirements. Four subjects not conditioned to escape shock pressed the lever very infrequently during inescapable shock and showed little change with changes in shock intensity. The escape conditioning effects suggest that responding during inescapable shock is superstitious escape behavior. The effects of shock intensity on this behavior appear to be similar to reported effects of shock intensity on escape behavior.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to investigate sex, housing conditions, and strain as possible factors influencing the interference effect of prior exposure to shock on shock-induced aggression. In albino subjects, female rats and rats housed in community cages evidenced the greatest suppression in aggression following prior exposure to shock. In addition, ten sessions of prior exposure to shock produced a greater suppression in shock-induced fighting than 20 sessions of prior exposure to shock. The prior shock effect was not obtained with hooded subjects. Responsivity to shock was also investigated to determine whether the prior exposure to shock attenuation of shock-induced fighting was a consequence of reduced activity in response to shock. Responsivity to shock measured with an isometric platform accounted for less than 4% of the variance in shock-induced fighting in the single experiment that obtained a correlation between responsivity and shock-induced aggression.  相似文献   

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