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This brief report describes an exploratory qualitative study that examined online narratives of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in the context of critical developmental tasks of early adulthood: the development of self and identity. Thematic analyses of online autobiographical accounts of NSSI suggest that self and identity processes that are particularly relevant in early adulthood may contribute to vulnerability to NSSI. Specifically, NSSI may provide a source of self-identification in the service of developing self-identity and a community of others with whom to identify, a means for managing negative emotions specifically related to negative self-concept, and it may provide a basic sense of a coherent self who persists across time. Implications are discussed with respect to research, clinical practice, and prevention, with a particular emphasis on the Internet as a context for early adult development.  相似文献   

We provide a developmental account of civic engagement-specifically, political participation. Civic engagement is more likely among people with politicized identities, an activist stance, and an interest in diverse peers. The form of civic engagement (focused on transmission of parental values or on social change) is shaped by different generations' relative tendency to identify horizontally (with each other) or vertically (with previous generations). Adolescence is proposed as a formative period for the development of a politicized identity and student activism as providing an opportunity to develop both personal efficacy in the political realm and experience working toward a goal with diverse peers. The intersection of late adolescence with periods of intense social discontinuity increases within-generation identification and decreases interest in cross-generational transmission of values. Young American women in the middle to late 20th century experienced such a confluence of factors, and we focus on studies of women's political participation and development of politicized identities at this time. Thus, forms of civic engagement are shaped not only by individual experiences but also by cohort or generational identity.  相似文献   

Personal identity formation represents a core developmental challenge for adolescents and young adults. Because much of the identity literature focuses on college students, it is necessary to conduct a detailed inquiry into the ways in which specific commitment and exploration processes develop over time for college students and for employed individuals. Two samples (456 college students and 318 employed individuals) were used to identify identity status trajectories over time and to examine external correlates of these trajectories (i.e. depressive symptoms, self‐esteem, identity centrality, community integration, and sense of adulthood). Similar identity trajectories emerged in both college students and employed individuals. Four of these trajectories corresponded to Marcia's identity statuses. In addition, apart from the ‘classical’ or troubled diffusion trajectory, a carefree diffusion trajectory was also obtained. Whereas individuals on an identity‐achieved pathway fared best in terms of the outcome measures, individuals in the troubled diffusion trajectory fared worst in terms of self‐esteem, depressive symptoms, and community integration over time. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Self and identity are central concepts in the social and behavioral sciences for multiple reasons. At least three major research traditions focus on the self. First, sociologists view the self as a primary bridge between social structures and individual attitudes and behaviors, as a mechanism by which social structures and individuals affect and are affected by each other. Second, self and identity are viewed as cornerstones of well-being. Thus, social and behavioral scientists have documented important links between the self and physical and mental health, role performance, the quality of interpersonal relationships, and subjective well-being. Third, the self is conceptualized as a central motivating force in human behavior. Issues as diverse as self-selection into specific environments, defense mechanisms, and the desire and ability to break addictive behaviors have been informed by attention to the motivational force of the self. This latter tradition serves as the conceptual bedrock of this paper. This paper examines three components of the self: self-efficacy, self-esteem, and a sense of authenticity. The first two have received substantial theoretical and empirical attention; the latter, much less. I argue that this unequal distribution of scientific inquiry is a result of too much emphasis on the motivation to protect the self, to the neglect of motivation to enhance the self. I make a case for the particular importance of examining self-enhancement in late life.  相似文献   

《Self and identity》2013,12(4):345-359
Rather than a comprehensive review of self and identity in particular settings, this article considers implications of research in African Studies for the psychological science of self and identity. The first section considers implications of research about enemies for the concept of interdependent selfways (Markus, Mullally, & Kitayama, 1997). In contrast to the positive connotations typical of studies about culture and self, this research directs attention to the dark side of interdependence. The second section considers implications of research about identity for the concept of dynamic construction (Hong, Ip, Chiu, Morris, & Menon, 2001). In contrast to the tendency to regard cultural identities as natural entities, research in African Studies directs attention to the active reproduction of cultural identity in everyday lives.  相似文献   

通过两个研究探索中国情境下关系自我和群体自我的区分。研究一通过问卷调查发现在外显层面被试的关系自我和群体自我是独立的结构;女性被试的关系自我水平要高于群体自我。研究二通过单靶内隐联想测验(Single Target Implicit Association Test,ST-IAT)发现在内隐层面,相对于群体自我,中国情境下的被试具更倾向从人际关系角度定义自我。同时,研究二也发现外显关系自我和内隐关系自我二者是独立的结构;外显群体自我和内隐群体自我二者是独立的结构。最后,文章讨论了研究对自我建构领域的贡献。  相似文献   


Racial/ethnic minority status and physical abuse history are risk factors for higher mortality rates and lower adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in women living with HIV (WLWH) in the United States. The current study tested the hypotheses that minority status and physical abuse history might lead women to silence the self (minimize and hide thoughts and feelings in order to avoid relational conflict, loss, and/or abuse) as measured by the Silencing the Self Scale (STSS), and that STSS might mediate and moderate relationships of physical abuse and racial/ethnic minority status with ART adherence. Divided Self (DS; acting in ways inconsistent with inner thoughts and feelings), an STSS subscale, was targeted for study along with the total STSS score. Participants were 513 women from the U.S. Women’s Interagency HIV Study (Mage?=?46; 387, 75%, Black; 66, 13%, Hispanic; 60, 12%, White). Multiple logistic regressions indicated that across all racial/ethnic groups, physical abuse history related to higher DS and lower adherence. DS significantly mediated relationships between abuse and adherence. Compared to White women, Black women demonstrated worse ART adherence, but had lower total STSS. Racial/ethnic minority women and women with a physical abuse history who had higher DS had lower adherence than other groups. Results indicate that being a racial/ethnic minority or having a history of physical abuse may increase vulnerability to the deleterious effects of DS on ART adherence, findings that can help inform interventions to decrease health disparities in WLWH.


安秋玲 《心理科学》2007,30(4):895-899
本研究以小学至高中阶段的青少年为研究对象,使用自我同一性状态客观测量的标准化问卷,对青少年的自我同一性发展规律进行分析,研究结果发现,自我同一性的发展是一个逐渐变化的过程,其中,初中是一个很重要的阶段;同时,自我同一性的发展在不同领域问表现出发展不同步的现象,人际关系领域发展比意识形态领域较早;另外,自我同一性发展受地区、性别角色等因素影响。  相似文献   

This article reviews what is known and what remains to be studied, regarding the association between personal identity and cultural identity. Although these two conceptions of identity have inspired separate literatures and have developed independently of one another, globalization and mass immigration have increased the need to study these two conceptions of identity together. The article puts forth recommendations for integrating the literatures on personal identity and cultural identity. These recommendations include using multidimensional constructs to represent both personal identity and cultural identity, refining the measurement of personal identity and of cultural identity, and of studying these conceptions of identity across various ethnic, cultural, and national groups.  相似文献   

This paper considers how labels may be used: “Neurodiverse,” “genderfluid,” “sex-positive,” “ADHD,” and “highly-sensitive” are just some of the labels that may be offered by patients in introducing themselves. Such labels can be thought of as shortcuts, a way to define identity and sum up a feeling state, attitude, or behaviour. While they may sometimes be “given” in the sense of a diagnosis, they are also “found” and self-adopted. Using scaffolding as a metaphor for allowing growth or development to take place (or compensate for its absence), the phenomenon of self-labelling is presented as fulfilling different functions, namely: Label as mirrored reflection; Label as creative defence; Label as something with which to play; Label as container for that which cannot yet be known; Label as calling something into being; and Label as collective dream image. The article starts with three brief composite clinical sketches, and goes on to explore some of the ways that labels may be used with reference to the presented clinical material.  相似文献   

Domestic violence has serious consequences for survivors, including severe effects on psychological well‐being and identity. This article reveals the previously hidden possession experiences and identity work of domestic violence survivors. Using a novel visual research method that features material objects as visual stimuli to elicit data, we found possessions were critical in the complex identity work undertaken by survivors. Emergent themes detailing the role of possessions in coping with ongoing self‐threats by an intimate partner provide empirical support for the conceptualization of diametrically opposed selves, the Prescribed Self and Agentic Self. These opposite and compartmentalized selves enabled survivors to cope with extreme disintegration and destabilization of self by the abuser. As well as the conceptual and methodological contributions we make to the possessions‐self literature in consumer research and psychology, this research is valuable for designing social service programs to help survivors cope with the effects of domestic violence on identity.  相似文献   

身份凸显性:启动自我的开关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当意识到自己特定的身份时, 个人往往在这个身份的框架内来感知周围的世界。身份凸显性指特定身份在社会情境中启动的可能性。相关研究者分别从人格, 自我归类和社会建构的角度来认识身份凸显性, 它与自我概念整合存在紧密关系。身份凸显性的影响因素主要包括:身份承诺水平, 情绪, 群体规模和地位, 以及情境中相关线索的优势水平。另外, 阐述了几个抑制或干扰身份凸显性的策略:去类别化、再类别化和次类别化。未来研究需关注不同水平身份如何相互作用, 自我概念整合, 从社会构建的角度探索抑制或干扰身份凸显性的策略, 以及跨文化研究。  相似文献   




In light of the complex notions ofidentity, this paper attempts to consider howto perceive the notion of world citizenship.The paper looks to discussions on the self andidentity; focusing on the writing of CharlesTaylor and Alasdair MacIntyre, with particularattention given to the notion of an integratedself. While philosophers, sociologists andeducationalist discuss particular and universalaspects to the self, Danesh in his book`Psychology of Spirituality,' presents a modelfor the integrated self that seems to allow fora systematic process of development to helprealise a unity of character of individualidentity with an extended community. What issuggested in this paper is to consider thepossibility of an education for worldcitizenship where one can have a notion of anintegrated self and be a citizen engaged atmany levels, from local to national andinternational.  相似文献   

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