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儿童计算的元认知监测及其对策略选择的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴灵丹  刘电芝 《心理科学》2006,29(2):354-357
为了考察儿童在计算中的元认知监测及其对策略选择的影响,选用两种实验材料,对五种元认知监测判断的特点及监测判断对策略选择的影响进行考察,发现:儿童的元认知监测判断等级值总体上具有较高的一致性,元认知监测判断大多与策略选择高度相关,具有较好的预测力,但受材料、指导语等因素影响,又呈现出复杂的关系。本研究从一个侧面证实了元认知监控的基本假说和元认知监测判断的状态说。  相似文献   

Both metacognitive and associative models have been proposed to account for children's strategy discovery and use. Models based on only metacognitive or only associative mechanisms cannot entirely account for the observed mix of variability and constraint revealed by recent microgenetic studies of children's strategy change. We propose a new approach where metacognitive and associative mechanisms interact in a competitive negotiation. This approach provides the flexibility to model the observed variability and constraint.  相似文献   

为探究元认知监测与算术知识对儿童心算策略运用能力的影响如何随个体发展而变化,采用计算机任务与纸笔测量的方法,对85名小学三、五年级儿童进行了历时一年的纵向追踪研究。研究发现:(1)两组儿童的元认知监测和算术知识均呈增长趋势,算术知识的增长速度五年级显著快于三年级,且元认知监测增长速度与算术知识增长速度显著相关;(2)两组儿童中,元认知监测与算术知识增长速度更快的个体策略执行反应时与错误率的减少速度也更快;(3)五年级儿童的算术知识在元认知监测影响策略选择发展中起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

This study implemented a multiple‐phase, contrast, single‐case research design to examine the effectiveness of the 4 core dialectical behavior therapy skills group modules in reducing emotion dysregulation. Three participants completed four 6‐week skills modules over 9 months. Examination of calculated estimates of treatment effect indicated that 2 out of the 3 participants experienced meaningful changes in their degree of emotion dysregulation over the course of treatment. Implications for counseling practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The metacognitive awareness and reading strategy use of high school students enrolled in two high schools were investigated. The correlations between reading scores and strategy use were examined as well as the variation in strategy use by self-rated reading proficiency and academic grades. The factor analysis revealed four factors on the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory: Metacognitive Awareness Strategies, Text-Based Strategies, Reading Process Strategies, and Predicting Strategies. Reading Process Strategies were most preferred by participants, whereas Text-Based Strategies were least preferred. A statistically significant difference in strategy use was found for reading achievement, self-rated reading proficiency, and grade level.  相似文献   

采用结构知识归因的方法,以学习判断和项目优先选择作为元认知监测和控制的指标,考察重量对元认知监控的影响是否是无意识的。被试学习粘贴在不同重量纸盒上的词对,进行学习判断(实验1)或项目选择(实验2),并报告其判断或选择的依据。结果:(1)重量影响学习判断和项目优先选择,相对于轻纸盒,被试给予重纸盒上的词对更高的JOL并优先选择重纸盒上的词对进行学习;(2)重量对学习判断的影响只发生在判断依据为猜测的情况下,重量对项目优先选择的影响只发生在判断依据为猜测和直觉的情况下。上述结果支持了元认知的具身性,并提示重量对元认知监控的影响可能是无意识的。  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an inherited neurocutaneous disorder associated with a high frequency of cognitive and learning difficulties. Based on discrepancies between IQ and academic achievement, approximately 17% of children with NF1 have been classified as having reading impairments. In this study, the lexical and sublexical reading skills of children with NF1 (n = 30) were examined using the Castles' Word/Non-Word Test (modified version), together with measures of neuropsychological functioning and academic achievement. Twenty children (67%) demonstrated deficits in one or more reading subskills, with 75% of these meeting criteria for phonological dyslexia and 20% classified with mixed dyslexia. These findings indicate that a large proportion of children with NF1 may be characterized by a specific difficulty with the sublexical procedure, suggesting a difficulty employing spelling-to-sound rules to assemble a pronunciation when reading. In line with previous studies, the present findings also suggest that discrepancy-based methods may not be sufficiently sensitive to identify children who experience reading difficulties.  相似文献   

The aim of our research was to study the effects of metacognition training on the performance of older adults solving mathematical word problems. A further aim was to study the links between metacognition and executive function. Thirty-two subjects aged over 60, divided into an experimental and a control group, took part in this study which involved five training sessions. Results show that metacognition training enhanced the two metacognition components (knowledge and skills) and the mathematical problem-solving capacities of the participants. They also suggest that the use of metacognition by older people to solve mathematical word problems is supported by executive functions (updating, shifting) and particularly by processing speed.  相似文献   

This study examined the application of two generalization procedures designed to promote generalized responding across two early literacy skills. Letter sound fluency was targeted using direct intervention for three subjects within a multiple baseline design. After instruction was complete, two generalization procedures (cueing and providing sufficient response exemplars) were tested in an increasingly intense application of the procedures to determine whether sufficient levels of response generalization to letter sound blending could be programmed. Results indicated that although some subjects demonstrated minor levels of unprogrammed or spontaneous generalization, more complete levels of generalization were accomplished only once generalization techniques were employed.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了策略发现的元认知机制和联结机制的三种交互作用理论,包括两种表征翻译理论和新近发展的竞争性谈判理论,并对这三种理论进行了评价。  相似文献   

元认知监控作为元认知的核心成分,是内隐程度较高的心理活动。研究采用认知操作法,以MasterMind游戏任务为载体,从执行功能中认知灵活性的角度,探讨了元认知监控的内部机制。结果发现:元认知监测对元认知控制的作用受到认知灵活性的调节作用。对于高认知灵活性的学生,元认知监测水平越高,元认知控制越好;对于低认知灵活性的学生,元认知监测水平的高低不会引起元认知控制水平的显著变化。研究结果表明,高认知灵活性的学生能根据元认知监测进行有效元认知控制,而低认知灵活性的学生其元认知监测水平的提高没有影响元认知控制。结合元认知监控与执行功能进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本研究以词图匹配材料为学习材料,以“大多数人选择的情况”为社会性线索,通过分析行为表现和眼动指标,探讨了社会性线索对内隐和外显元认知监控的影响。结果显示:(1)第一次信心判断时,外显信心判断显著高估,内隐信心判断较为准确。第二次信心判断时,在线索一致条件下,外显信心判断等级显著高于内隐信心判断。(2)在提供社会性线索阶段和第二次再认阶段,与线索一致条件相比,线索不一致条件下被提示项的注视时间更短,而未提示项的注视时间更长,且个体改变选择的次数显著增多。结果表明:内隐和外显元认知监测存在分离,内隐监测的准确性更高,外显监测受社会性线索的影响更大;而内隐和外显的元认知控制受社会性线索的影响趋同。  相似文献   

元认知监控中信心判断和再认答案的调整不仅受到个体学习后掌握程度的影响,还会受到社会性线索的影响。本研究通过两个实验,考察了掌握程度和社会性线索对元认知监测和控制的影响。研究发现:第一,掌握程度和社会性线索独立影响元认知监测。第二,掌握程度和社会性线索显著影响元认知控制,并且掌握程度还起到了调节作用。具体来说,掌握程度高时,个体倾向于坚持自己的最初选择,较少受到社会性线索的影响;掌握程度越低,社会性线索的影响越大,个体倾向于使自己的选择与社会性信息保持一致。最后,研究总结了学习任务中掌握程度和社会性线索对元认知监控的影响机制,并提出了未来的研究思路。  相似文献   

This study examined media use and psychological adjustment (as indicated by depression and anxiety symptomatology) in a sample of 328 14- to 16-year-old adolescents. Primary goals of the study were to explore whether media use differs by gender, whether media use is related to adolescent psychological problems, and whether media use moderates the relationship between parental alcoholism and adolescent psychological adjustment. Adolescents were surveyed in the spring of 2006, and again one year later. Gender differences in media use were observed with boys spending more time playing video games than girls and girls spending more time talking on the phone than boys. Strikingly, none of the types of media examined was associated with depression or anxiety. Moreover, media use acted as a protective factor for boys. Boys who spent relatively more time playing video games and watching television had the lowest levels of anxiety, especially those from alcoholic homes. The opposite pattern emerged for girls.  相似文献   

北京地区中学生学习策略水平的调查研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
本研究采用中学生学习策略量表测查了542名中学生的学习策略使用情况。结果表明:(1)中学生学习策略量表有着较高的信度和效度,分量表项目间有良好的一致性。(2)从初三到高三,学生的学习策略水平没有表现出随年级增长而提高的趋势,甚至在时问管理、焦虑、信息加工等分量表方面有下降的表现。(3)女生在态度,动机,学习辅助和自我测试分量表上的得分明显高于男生;男生在信息加工分量表上的得分明显高于女生。(4)优差生在学习辅助和自我测试两个分量表上的得分没有明显差异,在其余分量表上均有显著差异。  相似文献   

冼美君  邢强 《心理科学》2021,(4):850-857
采用“学习-迁移”范式 ,探讨了学习条件和样例相似性对类别学习元认知监控的影响。实验选取虚构动物材料,采用2(学习条件:规则、无规则)×3(样例相似性:低、中、高)×2(匹配类型:正向匹配、反向匹配)混合实验设计,结果显示,在规则条件下,高样例相似性组正向匹配新项目的分类正确率显著高于反向匹配新项目的分类正确率;在无规则条件下,样例相似性越高,正向匹配新项目的分类准确率越高,所有项目的信心值也越高。这表明,规则和样例相似性是类别学习元认知判断的线索;在同一任务中,分类会涉及基于规则和基于相似性两个过程。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The current study examined Intrinsic Motivation Orientation and Extrinsic Motivation Orientation (Work Preference Inventory; Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, & Tighe, 1994 ) as potential trait-level moderators of the way Internet chess players responded to the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of the chess games they played. On the basis of the defining characteristics of these 2 types of motivational orientations, we predicted that (a) Intrinsic Motivation Orientation would be associated with a stronger curvilinear relationship between challenge and enjoyment and (b) Extrinsic Motivation Orientation would be associated with a heightened affective responsivity to competitive outcome (i.e., winning vs. losing). Results supported the predictions. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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