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Carl Murchison [Ed.] A History of Psychology in Autobiography, Volume I. (By James Mark Baldwin, Mary Whiton Calkins, Edouard Claparède, Raymond Dodge, Pierre Janet, Joseph Jastrow, F. Kiesow, William McDougall, Carl Emil Seashore, C. Spearman, William Stern, Carl Stumpf, Howard C. Warren, Theodor Ziehen, and H. Zwaardemaker.) Worcester, Mass.: Clark Univ. Press; London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1930. Pp. xvii+516. Reviewed by R. M. Ogden.

Carl Murchison [Ed.] Psychologies of 1930. (By Alfred Adler, Madison Bentley, Edwin G. Boring, G. S. Brett, Harvey Carr, John Dewey, Knight Dunlap, J. C. Flugel, Walter S. Hunter, Pierre Janet, Truman L. Kelley, K. Koffka, Wolfgang Köhler, K. N. Kornilov, William McDougall, John Paul Nafe, I. P. Pavlov, Friedrich Sander, A. L. Schniermann, C. Spearman, Leonard T. Troland, Margaret F. Washburn, Albert P. Weiss, and Robert S. Woodworth.) Worcester, Mass.: Clark Univ. Press; London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1930. Pp. xix+497. Reviewed by R. M. Ogden.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1998,51(4):1005-1080
Book review in this Article: P. Christopher Earley and Miriam Erez. The Transplanted Executive. Leslie A. Perlow. Finding Time: How Corporations, Individuals, and Families Can Benefit from New Work Practices. Ithaca, NY: ILR Reviewed by Céleste M. Brotheridge, Ph.D. Student, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Edward P. Lazear. Personnel Economics for Managers. Reviewed by Wayne F. Cascio, Professor of Management, Graduate School of Business, University of Colorado-Denver, Denver, CO. Dennis A. Davis. Threats Pending, Fuses Burning: Managing Workplace Violence. Reviewed by Lynne M. Andersson, Assistant Professor, Erivan K. Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA. David W. Bracken, Maxine A. Dalton, Robert A. Jako, Cynthia D. McCauley, and Victoria Pollman. Should 360-Degree Feedback be Used Only for Developmental Purposes? Reviewed by Anthony T. Dalessio, Senior Specialist, Bell Atlantic Corporation, New York, NY. Mats Alvesson and Yvonne Due Billing. Understanding Gender and Organizations. Reviewed by Gary W. Yunker, Professor of Management, Department of Management and Marketing, and Barbara D. Yunker, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Resources, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL. P. Christopher Earley. Face, Harmony, and Social Structure: An Analysis of Organizational Behavior across Cultures. Reviewed by Jone L. Pearce, Professor, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine, CA. Clair Brown, Yoshifumi Nakata, Michael Reich, and Lloyd Ull-man. Work and Pay in the United States and Japan. Reviewed by Edilberto F. Montemayor, Associate Professor, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Hope Landrine and Elizabeth A. Klonoff. Discrimination Against Women: Prevalence, Consequences, Remedies. Reviewed by Mary R. Watson, Assistant Professor of Human Resources, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Adrian Furnham. The Psychology of Behavior at Work. Wayne F. Cascio. Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (5th edition). Reviewed by Anthony F. Buono, Professor of Management, Bentley College, Waltham, MA. Robert B. Lawson and Zheng Shen. Organizational Psychology: Foundations and Applications. Reviewed by John R. Ogilvie, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Management, Barney School of Business, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT Deborah L. Whetzel and George R. Wheaton (Editors). Applied Measurement Methods in Industrial Psychology. Reviewed by Malcolm James Ree, Associate Professor, Our Lady of the Lake University, Center for Leadership Studies, San Antonio, TX. Robert D. Gatewood and Hubert S. Feild. Human Resource Selection (4th ed.). Reviewed by Kathie L. Pelletier, Graduate Student, and Janet L. Kottke, Professor and Director, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Graduate Program, California State University, San Bernardino, CA. Milton D. Hakel (Editor). Beyond Multiple Choice: Evaluating Alternatives to Traditional Testing for Selection. Reviewed by Paul E. Spector, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. David T Lykken. A Tremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector. Reviewed by Theodore L. Hayes, Senior Research Analyst, The Gallup Organization, Lincoln, NE. Jeffrey A. Berman. Competence-Based Employment Interviewing. Reviewed by David W. Denton, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. Pierre Mornell. 45 Effective Ways for Hiring Smart: How to Predict Winners and Losers in the Incredibly Expensive People-Reading Game. Reviewed by Jay C. Thomas, Associate Professor, Pacific University, Portland, OR. Richard Beckhard. Agent of Change: My Life, My Practice. Albert A. Vicere and Robert M. Fulmer. Leadership by Design. Susan Albers Mohrman, Jay R. Galbraith, Edward E. Lawler III, and Associates. Tomorrow's Organization: Crafting Winning Capabilities in a Dynamic World. Reviewed by Victoria Buenger, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Susan Albers Mohrman and Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. Designing and Leading Team-Based Organizations: A Workbook for Organizational Self-Design. Reviewed by Christopher A. Hall, University of Missouri, and Michael M. Beyerlein, University of North Texas. Bill Bamberger and Cathy N. Davidson. Closing: The Life and Death of an American Factory. Reviewed by Lynn Summers, Mediappraise Corporation, Raleigh, NC.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1991,32(2):254-310
Story, Text and Scripture: Literary Interests in Biblical Narrative. By Wesley A. Kort, Pp.xii, 159, University Park, The Pennsylvania University Press, 1988, £20.00 A Manual of Hebrew Poetics (Subsidia Biblica 11). By Luis Alonso Schökel. Pp.xi, 228, Rome, Biblical Institute, 1988, L.24,500. History and Ideology in Ancient Israel. By Giovanni Garbini. Pp.xvi, 222, London, SCM Press, 1988, £10.50. The Tradition that You Received from Us: 2 Thessalonians in the Pauline Tradition (Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie 24). By Glenn S. Holland. Pp.vii, 174, Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1988, 98 DM. Paul and his Converts (The Sprunt Lectures 1985). By Ernest Best. Pp.xiv, 177, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1988, £11.95. Christ and the Cynics: Jesus and Other Radical Preachers in First-Century Tradition (JSOT Manuals 4). By F. Gerald Downing. Pp.xiii, 232, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1988, no price given. Human Agents of Cosmic Power in Hellenistic Judaism and the Synoptic Tradition (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 41). By Mary E. Mills. Pp.184, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1990, £25.00 Scripture, Tradition and Reason: A Study in the Criteria of Christian Doctrine: Essays in Honour of Richard P.C. Hanson. Edited by Richard Bauckham and Benjamin Drewery. Pp.viii, 297, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1988, £14.95. Biblical Theology and the Spiritual Exercises: A Method toward a Personal Experience of God as Accomplishing within us His Plan of Salvation (Modern Scholarly Studies about the Jesuits, in English Translations 7). By Gilles Cusson, S. J. Pp.xv, 385, St Louis (Mo), The Institute of Jesuit Sources 1988, $24.00/$19.50. Easter in Ordinary. By Nicholas Lash. Pp.viii, 311, London, SCM Press, 1988, £12.95. Church, Ecumenism and Politics. By Joseph Ratzinger. Pp. vii, 278. Slough, St Paul Publications, 1988, £9.95. The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger: An Introductory Study. By Aidan Nichols. Pp. vii, 338, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1988, £9.95. Charisma and Community: A Study of Religious Commitment within the Charismatic Renewal (New Observations). By Mary Jo Neitz. Pp. xxi, 294, New Brunswick NJ, Transaction Books, 1987, £24.50. The Living Christ: ‘In Christ’ through Scripture and Liturgy. By J.D. Crichton. Pp.ix, 133, London, Collins, 1988, £2.50. The Liturgical Meaning of Holy Week. Jerusalem Revisited. By Kenneth Stevenson. Pp. vii, 104, Washington DC, The Pastoral Press, 1988, $6.95. The Creative Suffering of God. By Paul S. Fiddes. Pp.x, 281, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988, £29.50. God and Creation in Christian Theology. By Kathryn Tanner. Pp.vii, 196, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988, £25.00. The Status of the Human Embryo: Perspectives from Moral Tradition. Edited by G.R. Dunstan and Mary J. Seller. Pp.119, Oxford University Press for the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, 1988, £15.50. Health Rights and Resources: King's College Studies, 1987–8. Edited by Peter Byrne. Pp.201, London, King Edward's Hospital Fund for London/Oxford University Press, 1988, £16.95. Doctors' Decisions: Ethical Conflicts in Medical Practice. Edited by G.R. Dunstan and E.A. Shinebourne. Pp.x, 248, Oxford University Press, 1989, £22.50. The Limits of Love: Some Theological Explorations. By Gilbert Meilaender. Pp.156, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988, $17.50. Conscience and Casuistry in Early Modern Europe. Edited by Edmund Leites. Pp.ix, 269, Cambridge University Press, 1988, £27.50 ($39.50). The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning. By Albert R. Jonsen and Stephen Toulmin. Pp.ix, 420, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988, $45.00. Moral Conflict and Christian Religion (American University Studies, Series VII Theology and Religion, Vol.35). By Anthony J. Blasi. Pp.x, 180, New York, Peter Lang, 1988, $33.50. The Psychology of Religious Knowing. By Fraser Watts and Mark Williams. Pp.x, 169, Cambridge University Press, 1988, £19.50. The Form of Transformed Vision: Coleridge and the Knowledge of God. By James S. Cutsinger. Pp.xix, 136, Macon, Georgia, Mercer University Press, 1988, $24.95. The Philosophy of Religion, 1875–1980. By. Alan P. Sell. Pp.252, Beckenham, Croom Helm, 1988, £35.00. The Puzzle of God. By Peter Vardy. Pp.224, London, Collins, 1990, £5.95. Faith after Foundationalism. By D.Z. Phillips. Pp.xviii, 341, London, Routledge, 1988, £40.00. Weakness of Will. By William Charlton. Pp.vii, 196, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988, £8.95. The Question of ‘Eclecticism’: Studies in Later Greek Philosophy. Edited by J.M. Dillon and A.A. Long. Pp.xv, 271, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988, $32.00. Sincerity and Truth: Essays on Arnauld, Bayle and Toleration. By John Kilcullen. Pp.xii, 228, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988, £25.00. Exceedingly Nietzsche: Aspects of Contemporary Nietzsche Interpretation (Warwick Studies in Philosophy and Literature). Edited by David Farrell Krell and David Wood. Pp.xvi, 179, London, Routledge, 1988, £22.50. Wittgenstein, A Life: Young Ludwig, 1889–1921. By Brian McGuinness. Pp.xiv, 322, London, Duckworth, 1988, £15.95. Hartshorne and the Metaphysics of Animal Rights. By Daniel A. Dombrowski. Pp.ix, 159, Albany, SUNY Press, 1988, $39.50/$12.95. Early Christian Art and Architecture. By Robert Milburn. Pp.xviii, 318, Avebury, Scolar Press, 1988, £35.00. Friendship and Community, The Monastic Experience, 350–1250 (Cistercian Studies Series 95). By Brian Patrick McGuire. Pp.1,571, Kalamazoo MI, Cistercian Publications, 1988, $52.95/$19.95. Augustine (The Arguments of the Philosophers). By Christopher Kirwan. Pp.viii, 247, London, Routledge, 1989, £40.00. Agostino e la conversione cristiana (Augustiniana, Testi e Studi, I). Edited by Adriano Caprioli e Luciano Vaccaro. Pp.96, Palermo, Edizioni Augustinus, 1987, L.20,000. L 'opera letteraria di Agostino fra Cassiciacum e Milano, Agostino nelle terre di Ambrogio (Augustiniana, Testi e Studi, II). Edited by Mauro Nicolosi. Pp.221, Palermo, Edizioni Augustinus, 1987, L.32,000. Agostino a Milano: Il Battesimo, Agostino nelle terre di Ambrogio (Augustiniana, Testi e Studi, III). Edited by Mauro Nicolosi. Pp.111, Palermo, Edizioni Augustinus, 1988, L.28,000. Medieval Popular Culture: Problems of Belief and Perception (Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture 14). By Aron Gurevich. Pp.xx, 275, Cambridge University Press; Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1988, £27.50. God Within: The Mystical Tradition of Northern Europe. By Oliver Davies. Pp.xii, 224, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1988, £7.95. English Wycliffite Sermons, Volume II. Edited by Pamela Gradon. Pp.xcv, 378. Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1988, £80.00. English Wycliffite Sermons, Volume II. Edited by Pamela Gradon. Pp.xcv, 378. Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1988, £80.00. Humanism, Reform and the Reformation: The Career of Bishop John Fisher. Edited by Brendan Bradshaw and Eamon Duffy. Pp.ix, 260, Cambridge University Press, 1989, £27.50. Mary Queen of Scots: A Study in Failure. By Jenny Wormald. Pp.206, London, George Philip, 1988, £14.95. Church Courts, Sex and Marriage in England, 1570–1640 (Past and Present Publications). By Martin Ingram. Pp.xiii, 412, Cambridge University Press, 1988, £35.00. The Women's Movement in the Church of England, 1850–1930. By Brian Heeney. Pp.xi, 144, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988, £19.50. Between Heaven and Charing Cross: The Life of Francis Thompson. By Brigid M. Boardman. Pp.xvii, 410, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988, £19.95. The Catholic Missionaries and the Liturgical Movement in Nigeria: An Historical Overview, Vol. 1: The Holy Ghost Fathers and Catholic Worship among the Igbo People of Eastern Nigeria. By Donatus Emeke Onyemaobi Ogudo. Pp.xiii, 388, Paderborn, Bonifatius, 1988, DM38. C.J. Cadoux: Theologian, Scholar and Pacifist. By Elaine Kaye. Pp.xiv, 228, Edinburgh University Press, 1988, £15.00.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Greenberg, Clement. Homemade Esthetics: Observations on Art and Taste .
Diderot, Denis. Diderot on Art—I: The Salon of 1765 and Notes on Painting .
Diderot, Denis. Diderot on Art—II: The Salon of 1767 .
Rosen, Charles. Romantic Poets, Critics, and Other Madmen .
Foster, Hal. The Return of the Real .
Wyss, Beat. Hegel's Art History and the Critique of Modernity .
Kemal, Salim, Ivan Gaskell, and Daniel W. Conway, eds. Nietzsche, Philosophy and the Arts .
Kostka, Alexandre, and Ivan Wohlfarth, eds. Nietzsche and "An Architecture of Our Minds."
Benezra, Neal, and Olga Viso, eds. Regarding Beauty: A View of the Late Twentieth Century .
Wartenberg, Thomas E. Unlikely Couples: Movie Romance as Social Criticism .
Bober, Phyllis Pray. Art, Culture and Cuisine: Ancient and Medieval Gastronomy .
Marra, Michele, ed. and trans. Modern Japanese Aesthetics: A Reader .
Mitias, Michael, ed. Architecture and Civilization .
Hill, Richard. Designs and Their Consequences .
Leach, Neil. The Anaesthetics of Architecture .
Byrne, Alex, and David R. Hilbert, eds. Readings on Color, Volume 1: The Philosophy of Color .
Byrne, Alex, and David R. Hilbert, eds. Readings on Color, Volume 2: The Science of Color .  相似文献   

Media Reviews     
Rape Crisis , 87 minutes, color, 16mm and all video formats. Rent, $125; sale, 16 mm $875, video, $475. Cinema Guild, 1697 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Comedienne , 82 minutes, color, 16mm and all video formats. Rent, $150; sale, $1200 16mm, $595 video. Cinema Guild, 1697 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
La Operucion 44 minutes, color, 16 mm and all video formats. Rent, $65; sale, $595 16 mm, $395 video. Cinema Guild, 1697 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Sudden Changes: Post–Hysterectomy Syndrome , 29 minutes, color, all video formats. Rent, $50; sale, $295. Cinema Guild, 1697 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Ecstasy Unlimited: The Interpenetrations of Sex and Capital , 60 minutes, color, all video formats. Rent, $90; sale, $350. Cinema Guild, 1697 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Holy Terror , 58 minutes, color, 16mm and all video formats. Rent, $100; sale $895 16mm, $595 video. Cinema Guild, 1697 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Before Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community , 87 minutes, color, 16mm and all video formats. Rent, $125; sale, $1200 (16mm), $695 (video). Cinema Guild, 1697 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1978,19(1):71-113
Books Reviewed in this Article: The Origin of Christology. By C.F.D. Moule. Pp.x, 187, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1977, £7.50. The Myth of God Incarnate. Edited by John Hick. Pp.xi, 211, London, SCM Press, 1977, £2.95. A Marxist Looks at Jesus. By Milan Machove£. Pp.231, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1976, £2.95. Models of the Church. By Avery Dulles, S.J. Pp.216, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1976, £2.95. Voices of Authority. By Nicholas Lash. Pp.viii, 119, London, Sheed and Ward, 1976, £2.50. Joachim of Fiore and the Prophetic Future. By Marjorie Reeves. Pp.212, London, SPCK, 1976, £3.95. Charism and Sacrament. By Donald L. Gelpi, SJ. Pp.258, London, SPCK, 1977, £3.95. New Heaven? New Earth? An Encounter with Pentecostalism. By Simon Tugwell [and others]. Pp.206, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1976, £2.25. Psychology of Religion. By Heije Faber. Pp.ix, 338, London, SCM Press, 1976, £6.50. The Courage to Create. By Rollo May. Pp.142, London, Collins, 1976, £2.95. Power and Innocence. By Rollo May. Pp.283, London, Collins/Fontana, 1976, £1.25. Freedom and Value. Edited by Robert O.Johann. Pp.ix, 186, New York, Fordham University Press, 1976, $12.50 (hardback), $5 (paperback). Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays. By P.F. Strawson. Pp.207, London, Methuen, 1974, £3.20 (paperback £2.95). Church, Society and Politics. Edited by Derek Baker. Pp.xv, 440 (Studies in Church History 12), Oxford, Blackwell, for the Ecclesiastical History Society, 1975, £10.00. Essays on Politics and Society. Edited by J.M. Robson. Pp.xcv, 780 (Collected works of John Stuart Mill, 18 and 19), London, Routledge and Keegan Paul, 1977, £40.00 (for set of 2 vols.). Antonio de Guevara (1480–1545) et l'Espagne de son temps. De la carrière officielle aux oeuvres politico-morales. By Augustin Redondo. Pp.883 (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance CXLVIII), Geneva, Librairie Droz, 1976, 120 Swiss francs. Religious Controversies of the Elizabethan Age: A Survey of the Printed Sources. By Peter Milward. Pp.xv, 202, London, The Scolar Press, 1977, £12.00. Priest and Parish in Eighteenth Century France. By Timothy Tackett. Pp.350. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1977, £14.60. Kingship and the Psalms. By John H. Eaton. Pp.ix, 227 (Studies in Biblical Theology, Second Series, 32), London, SCM Press, 1976, £5.00. Lectionarium Gruuthusianum/Het Lectionarium van Gruuthuse. Edited by C.C. de Bruin. Pp.x, 252, with 2 plates (CSSN, Series Minor, II, 2), Leiden, Brill, 1973, F1. 56.00. Epistolarium Leningradiense/Het Epistolarium van Leningrad. Edited by C.C. de Bruin. Pp.viii, 105, with 3 plates (CSSN, Series Minor, III, 1), Leiden, Brill, 1974, F1. 36. Psalterium Leningradiense/Het Psalter van Leningrad. Edited by J.G. Heymans. Pp.xvi, 151, with 3 plates (CSSN, Series Minor, V, 1), Leiden, Brill, 1973, Fl. 36. Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie. Edited by Wolfgang Braunfels. Vol.8, Ikonographie der Heiligen, Meletius to Vierzig Märtyrer and Register. Pp.322 (numbered by columns, 1–644) and 21 (Index), with 288 illustrations. Rome—Freiburg—Basel—Vienna, Herder, 1976, DM 168.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1977,18(2):200-241
Books Reviewed in this Article: Truth and Method. By Hans-Georg Gadamer. Pp.xxvi, 551, London, Sheed & Ward, 1975, £15.00. On Human Conduct. By Michael Oakeshott. Pp.x, 329, Oxford, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1975, £5.75. Morality and the Self. By Michael Weston. Pp.95, New York, New York University Press, 1975, $7.95. Practical Reason and Norms. By Joseph Raz. Pp.192, London, Hutchinson, 1975, £2.95. Aristotle's Man: Speculations upon Aristotelian Anthropology. By Stephen R.L. Clark. Pp.240, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1975, £6.00. Being and Existence in Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Works. By John W. Elrod. Pp.x, 271, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1975, £6.00. Bertrand Russell's Philosophy. Edited by George Nakhnikian. Pp.278, London, Duckworth, 1974, £8.50. Philosophy, History and Politics: Studies in Contemporary English Philosophy of History. By Nathan Rotenstreich. Pp.158 (Melbourne International Philosophy Series, 1), The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1976, no price given. Colloquium of the Seven about the Secrets of the Sublime. By Jean Bodin, translation with introduction by M.L. Daniels Kuntz. Pp.lxxxi, 509, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1975, £14.60. Ecumenism in the Age of the Reformation: The Colloquy of Poissy. By Donald Nugent. Pp.xi, 258 (Harvard Historical Studies 89), Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1974, £7.00. Proceso Inquisitorial del Padre Sigüenza. Edited by Gregorio de Andrés. Pp.308, Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 1975, 300 pts. The Great Instauration: Science, Medicine and Reform 1626–1660. By Charles Webster. Pp.xvi, 630. London, Duckworth, 1975, £13.50. A Great Expectation: Eschatological Thought in English Protestantism to 1660. By Bryan W. Ball. Pp.xiii, 281. Leiden, Brill, 1975, £11.40. The Correspondence of Lord Acton and Richard Simpson. Edited by Josef L. Altholz, Damian McElrath and James C. Holland. Vol.II, pp.i, 342; Vol.III, pp.viii, 369, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973 and 1975, £12.80 and £14.00. L'Anti-cléricalisme en France de 1815 à nos jours. By René Rémond. Pp.374, Paris, Fayard, 1976. Christians, Politics and Violent Revolution. By J.G. Davies. Pp.vii, 216, London, SCM Press, 1976, £2.50. Duty and Discernment. Edited by Gordon Dunstan. Pp.viii, 144, London, SCM Press, 1975, £2.00. Gift and Call; Towards a Christian Theology of Morality. By Enda McDonagh. Pp.ix, 182, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1975, £4.75. The Sexual Celibate. By Donald Goergen. Pp.vi, 266, New York, The Seabury Press, 1974; London, SPCK, 1976, £6.50. La culpabilité fondamentale: Péché originel et anthropologie moderne. Edited by Paul Guilluy. Pp.vii, 200, Gembloux, J. Duculot, and Lille, Centre Interdisciplinaire des Facultés Catholiques, 1975, no price given. Historical Transcendence and the Reality of God. A Christological Critique. By Ray Sherman Anderson. Pp.xxii, 328, London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1975, £5.50. Modern Concordance to the New Testament. Edited by Michael Darton. Pp.xviii, 786, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1976, £25.00 Cyprian. By Michael M. Sage. Pp.vi, 439 (Patristic Monograph Series, Cambridge (Mass.), no.1), The Philadelphia Patristic Foundation, 1975, no price given. The Christian Concept of History in the Chronicle of Sulpicius Severus. By G.K. van Andel. Pp.195, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 1976, no price given. Buddhist Monastic Discipline. By Charles S. Prebish. Pp.156, University Park, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1975, £8.10.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1986,27(4):446-482
Signs and Wonders: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel. By R.A. Anderson. Pp.xvii, 158 (International Theological Commentary), Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1983, £4.25. Inheriting the Land: A Commentary on the Book of Joshua. By E. John Hamlin, Pp.xxiii, 207 (International Theological Commentary), Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. Servant Theology: A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah 40–55. By G.A.F. Knight. Pp.ix, 204 (International Theological Commentary), Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.75. God's Chosen People: A Commentary on the Books of Amos and Lamentations. By R. Martin-Achard and S. Paul Re'emi. Pp.viii, 133 (International Theological Commentary), Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans; Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1984, £4.50. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants. By Klyne Snodgrass. Pp.x, 140, Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1983, 72 DM. The Johannine Paraclete in the Church Fathers. By Anthony Casurella. Pp.xiv, 258, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen, 1983, 78DM. Sacraments and Liturgy: The Outward Signs. By Louis Weil. Pp.vii, 115, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1983, £9.50 (hardback), £3.95 (paperback). Le Sacrement de l'Ordination. By Joseph Lécuyer. Pp.281, Paris, Beauchesne, 1983, 150 Fr. Christ's Lordship and Religious Pluralism. Edited by G.H. Anderson and T.F. Stransky. Pp.viii, 209, New York, Orbis Books, 1981, £5.50. Christians and Religious Pluralism: Patterns in the Christian Theology of Religions. By Alan Race. Pp.xi, 176, London, SCM Press, 1983, £5.95. The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul. By Wayne A. Meeks. Pp.xii, 299, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1983, £15.00 (hardback), £6.50 (paperback). Antioch and Rome: New Testament Cradles of Catholic Christianity. By Raymond E. Brown and John P. Meier, Pp.xii, 242, London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1983, £5.95; Ramsey, Paulist Press, 1983, $9.95. The Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians. By Rosamund McKitterick. Pp.xiv, 414, London, Longman, 1983, £9.95. The Medieval Reformation. By Brenda Bolton. Pp. 126 (Foundations of Medieval History), London, Edward Arnold, 1983, £4.50. Robert Grosseteste Hexaëmeron. Edited by Richard C. Dales and Servus Gieben. Pp.xxix, 374 (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi VI), London, for The British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1983, £40.00. William of Auvergne and Robert Grosseteste. By Steven P. Marrone. Pp.xi, 318, Princeton University Press, 1983, £28.00. Protestant Reformers in Elizabethan Oxford. CM. Dent. Pp.viii, 262, Oxford University Press, 1983, £17.30. Paolo Sarpi between Renaissance and Enlightenment. By David Wootton. Pp.viii,192, Cambridge University Press, 1983, £20.00. The Jesuits in England from 1580 to the Present Day. By Francis Edwards. Pp.333, Tunbridge Wells, Burns and Oates, 1985, £20.00. Schelling: An Introduction to the System of Freedom. By Alan White. Pp.xii, 201, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1983, £16.50. Sophists, Socratics and Cynics. By H.D. Rankin. Pp.263, London, Croom Helm, Totowa, Barnes and Noble, 1983, £17.95. Early Medieval Philosophy (480–1150): An Introduction By John Marenbon. Pp.ix, 190, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983, £9.95. Aristotelian Aporetic Ontology in Islamic and Christian Thinkers. By Edward Booth. Pp.xxvi, 314, Cambridge University Press, 1983, £35.00. About Beauty: A Thomistic Interpretation. By Armand A. Maurer. Pp.135, Houston, Center for Thomistic Studies, 1983, $6.00. A History of Ideas and Images in Italian Art. By James Hall. Pp.xi, 415, London, John Murray, 1983, £17.50. Inconsistencies: Studies in the New Testament, the Inferno, Othello and Beowulf. By William Whallon. Pp.107, Woodbridge (Suffolk), D.S. Brewer, 1983, £15.00. The Language of Grace: Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy and Iris Murdoch. By Peter S. Hawkins. Pp.xiv, 137, Cambridge (MA), Cowley Publications, 1983, $6.95. Iulia de Beausobre. By Constance Babington Smith. Pp.xi, 195, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1983, £9.95. A History of Psychoanalysis. By Reuben Fine. Pp.xii, 686, New York, Colombia University Press, 1979, $31.20. Returning to Freud: Clinical Psychoanalysis in the School of Lacan. Edited and translated by Stuart Schneiderman. Pp.viii, 265, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1980, £12.60. Work: The Shadow and the Substance. By David Bleakley. Pp. 121, London, SCM Press, 1983, £4.95. M.R. James: An Informal Portrait. By Michael Cox. Pp.xviii, 268, Oxford University Press, 1983, £14.50.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1975,16(1):59-113
Books Reviewed in this Article: The Path of Biblical Theology. By Wilfrid Harrington . Pp. 438, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1973, £4.75. Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament. Edited by Georg Fohrer , translated by W. Johnstone . Pp. 332, London, SCM Press, 1973, £3.50. The Text of the Septuagint: its Corruptions and their Emendation. By Peter Walters (formerly Katz ), edited by D. W. Gooding . Pp. xx, 419, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £12.00. Israel in Egypt. By Siegfried Herrmann . Pp. 98, London, SCM Press, 1973, £2.00. The Virginal Conception and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus. By Raymond E. Brown . Pp. viii, 136, London-Dublin, Geoffrey Chapman, 1973, £1.00. The Work and Words of Jesus. By A. M. Hunter . Pp. 230, London, SCM Press, Revised Edition, 1973, £l.25. Jesus on Trial. By Gerard S. Sloyan , edited by John Reumann . Pp. xix, 156, Philadelphia, Fortress Press, 1973, $3.75. Pilato. By Francesco Spadafora . Pp. 215, Rovigo, Istituto Padano di Arti Grafiche, 1973, no price given. An Die Römer. By Ernst Kausemann . Pp. xv, 407 (Handbuch zum Neuen Testament 8a), Tübingen, Mohr, 1973, DM 39. Ethics and the New Testament. By J. L. Houlden . Pp. ix, 134, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1973, £0.35. Commands of Christ: Authority and Implications. By Paul S. Minear . Pp. 190, Edinburgh, The Saint Andrew Press, 1973, £2.00. The Love Command in the New Testament. By Victor Paul Furnish . Pp. 240, London, SCM Press, 1973, £3.25. Religion and Morality. Edited by Gene Outka and John P. Reeder . Pp. viii, 448, New York, Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1973, $4.95. Ethics Without God. By Kai Nielsen . Pp. 103, London, Pemberton Publishing Company, 1973, £1.40. Value and Reality: The Philosphical Case for Theism. By A. C. Ewing . Pp. 292, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1973, £5.50. The Self and Immortality. By H. D. Lewis . Pp. viii, 228, London, Macmillan, 1973, £3.95 Life, Death and Psychical Research. Edited by J. D. Pearce -Higgins and G. Stanley Whitby . Pp. 272, London, Rider and Company, 1973, £1.95. Philosophy of God, and Theology. By Bernard Lonergan . Pp. xi, 74, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1973, £l.70. Introducing the Thought of Bernard Lonergan: Three Papers from ‘Collection’. Introduction by Philip Mc Shane . Pp. 61, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1973, £0.80. The Science of Religion and the Sociology of Knowledge. By Ninian Smart . Pp. vii, 164, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1973, £4.10. Knowledge, Education and Social Change. Edited by Richard Brown . Pp. xii, 410 (Explorations in Sociology), London, Tavistock Publications, 1973. Cause and Meaning in the Social Sciences. By Ernest Gellner , edited by I. C. Jarvie and J. Agassi . Pp. xi, 282, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, £3.25. Social Interaction. By Michael Argyle . Pp. 504, London, Tavistock Publications, 1973, £1.70. Natural Symbols. Explorations in Cosmology. By Mary Douglas . Pp. 219, London, Barrie and Jenkins, 1973, £2.50. Johannes von Apamea. By Werner Strothmann . Two fascicles in one case, pp. xiv, 210 and viii, 220 (Patristische Texte und Studien, 11), Berlin-New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1972, 98 DM. Sanctity and Secularity: The Church and the World. Edited by Derek Baker . Pp. xiii, 224 (Studies in Church History, 10), Oxford, Blackwell (for the Ecclesiastical History Society), 1973, £5.00. Durham Cathedral Priory: 1400–1450. By R. B. Dobson . Pp. xiii, 428 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought. Third Series 6), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £7.20. The Monastic World 1000–1300. By Christopher Brooke with photographs by Wim Swaan . Pp. 272, London, Paul Elek, 1974, £15.00. Popery and Politics in England 1660–1688. By John Miller . Pp. xiii, 288, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £4.90. Puritanism in America: New Culture in a New World. By Larzer Ziff . Pp. xiv, 338, London, Oxford University Press, New York, Viking Press, 1973, £3.25. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volumes XXIII and XXIV.Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain and Thomas Gornall . Pp. xvii, 435 and xvii, 426, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1973, £9.00 per volume. David Friedrich Strauss and his Theology. By Horton Harris . Pp. xv, 301, London, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £5.20. The Mission of the Church. By Edward Schillebeeckx , translated by N. D. Smith . Pp. x, 244, London, Sheed and Ward, 1973, £5.00. Approches sans Entraves. By Jacques Maritain . Pp. xxvii, 595, Paris, Fayard, 1973, 50F. Théologies de la Libération en Amérique Latin. Pp. 133, Paris, Beauchesne, 1974, 21F. A Theology of Liberation. By Gustavo Gutierrez . Pp. xii, 323, London, SCM Press, 1974, £2.10. Seeds of Liberation. Edited by Alistair Kee . Pp. viii, 120, London, SCM Press, 1973, £0.75.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1989,30(3):331-376
The Making of Moral Theology, A Study of the Roman Catholic Traditions: The Martin D'Arcy Memorial Lectures 1981–2. By John Mahoney. Pp.xxv, 357, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, £32.50. Wholly Human: Essays on the Theory and Language of Morality. By Bruno Schüller. Pp.iv, 220, Inchicore, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1986, £10.95. Directions in Fundamental Moral Theology. By Charles E. Curran. Pp.286, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan; University of Notre Dame Press, 1986, £9.95 A Textbook of Christian Ethics. By Robin Gill. Pp. xiii, 571, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1985, £9.95. The Basis for Christian Ethics. By John Gallagher. Pp. 271, New York, Paulist Press, 1985, $8.95. The End of Life: Euthanasia and Morality (Studies in Bioethics). by James Rachels. Pp. viii, 204, Oxford University Press, 1986, £12.95 (hbk), £3.95 (pbk). Resurrection and Moral Order: An Outline for Evangelical Ethics. By Oliver O'Donovan. Pp.284, Leicester, Inter-Varsity Press, 1986, £14.95. Towards a Just Social Order. By Derek L. Phillips. Pp.x, 460, Princeton University Press, 1986, £35.80 (hbk), £8.95 (pbk). The Political Mythology of Apartheid. By Leonard Thompson. Pp.xi, 293, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1985, £22.50. The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. By Martha C. Nussbaum. Pp. xvii, 544, Cambridge University Press, 1985, £35.00/£12.95. William Ockham. By Marilyn McCord Adams. Pp. xx, 1402, Notre Dame University Press, 1987, $90.00. Coleridge's Philosophy of Language. (Yale Studies in English 195). By James C. McKusick. Pp.xiii, 175, New Haven, Yale University Press 1986, no price given. The Religion of Humanity: The Impact of Comtean Positivism on Victorian Britain. By T.R. Wright. Pp.xiii, 306, Cambridge University Press, 1986, £27.50. Beauty and Belief: Aesthetics and Religion in Victorian Literature. By Hilary Fraser. Pp.xii, 287, Cambridge University Press, 1986, £25.00. Hegel and Whitehead: Contemporary Perspectives on Systematic Philosophy. Edited by George R. Lucas Jr. Pp.vi, 325, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1986, $44.50 (hardback), $14.95 (paperback). Wittgenstein: Rules, Grammar and Necessity, an Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations Volume 2. By G.P. Baker and P.M.S. Hacker. Pp.xvi, 352, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1985, £25.00. Historical Fundamentals and the Study of Religions (Haskell Lectures delivered at the University of Chicago). By Kurt Rudolph. Pp.xiii, 123, New York, Macmillan, 1986, £16.95. The History of Israel and Judah in Old Testament Times. By François Castel. Pp.xii, 267, New York/Mahwah (NJ), Paulist Press, 1986, $8.95. The Greek Text of Jeremiah: A Revised Hypothesis (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series 47). By Sven Soderlund. Pp.xi, 304, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1986, £18.50/£8.95. The Historical Jesus of the Synoptics (Jesus of Nazareth Yesterday and Today 2). By Juan Luis Segundo. Pp.ix, 230, London, Sheed & Ward, 1985, £9.50. The Humanist Christology of Paul (Jesus of Nazareth Yesterday and Today 3). By Juan Luis Segundo. Pp.viii, 244, London, Sheed and Ward, 1986, £10.50. The Christ of the Ignatian Exercises (Jesus of Nazareth Yesterday and Today 4). By Juan Luis Segundo, edited and translated by John Drury. Pp.147, London, Sheed and Ward, 1988, £10.50. The Making of Modern German Christology: From the Enlightenment to Pannenberg. By Alister E. McGrath. Pp.231, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1986, £19.50. The Same Jesus: A Contemporary Christology. By Daniel A. Helminiak. Pp.xxiii, 337, Chicago, Loyola University Press, 1986, $15.95. Does God Change? (Studies in Historical Theology IV). By Thomas G. Weinandy. Pp.xxxii, 211. Still River (MA), St Bede's Publications, 1986. £15.25. Augustine (Past Masters). By Henry Chadwick. Pp.vi, 122, Oxford University Press, 1986, £9.95/£2.95. Boethius and Dialogue: Literary Method in the Consolation of Philosophy. By Seth Lerer. Pp.xii, 264, Princeton University Press, 1985, £20.10. The Pseudo-Gregorian Dialogues (Studies in the History of Christian Thought 37 & 38). By Francis Clark. Pp.xii, 773 (in two volumes), Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1987, no price given. Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century (World Spirituality, Vol.16). Edited by Bernard McGinn, John Meyendorff and Jean Leclercq. Pp.xxv, 502, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986, £39.50; London, SCM Press, 1989, £17.50. The Theology of Huldrich Zwingli. By W.P. Stephens. Pp.xii, 348, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, £27.50. Episcopacy in Scotland: The History of an Idea, 1560–1638. By David George Mullan. Pp.vii, 279, Edinburgh, John Donald, 1986. £25.00. Newman and the Modernists. (College Theology Society. Resources in Religion I). Edited by Mary Jo Weaver. Pp.vii, 223, Lanham, Maryland, University Press of America, 1986, $24.50/$12.25. The Cambridge History of Latin America. Edited by Leslie Bethell. Cambridge University Press. Vol. 1: Colonial Latin America. Pp.xx, 645, 1984, £60.00; Vol. 2: Colonial Latin America. Pp.xx, 912, 1984, £75.00; Vol. 3: From Independence to c.1870. Pp.xv, 935, 1985, £75.00; Vol.4: c.1870 to 1930. Pp.xviii, 676, 1986, £60.00. Early Latin America: A History of Colonial Spanish America and Brazil. By James Lockhart and Stuart Schwartz. Pp.x, 480, Cambridge University Press, 1983, £37.50/£12.95. Communication for All: New World Information and Communications Order. Edited by Phillip Lee. Pp. xiii, 158, Maryknoll, Orbis Books, 1986, $11.95.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1974,15(3):311-362
Books Reviewed in this Article: Benito Arias Montano (1572-1598) By B. Rekers . Pp. xi, 199 (Studies of the Warburg Institute 33), London, Warburg Institute; Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1972, £5.00 Edmund of Abingdon's ‘Speculum Religiosorum’ and ‘Speculum Ecclesie’. Edited by Helen P. Forshaw . Pp. vii, 125 (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi 3), London Oxford University Press, 1973, £5.00. English Schools in the Middle Ages. By Nicholas Orme . Pp. xiv, 370, London, Methuen, 1973, £7.25. Heresy and Obedience in Tridentine Italy: Cardinal Pole and the Counter-Reformation. By Dermot Fenlon . Pp. xiii, 300, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1972, £5.80. The Churches Militant: The War of 1812 and American Religion. By William Gribbin . Pp. viii, 210, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1973, £3.75. English Roman Catholics and Higher Education 1830-1903. By Vincent Alan Mc Clelland . Pp. x, 453, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1973, £7.00. Lord Acton on Papal Power. By H. A. Mac Dougall . Pp. ix, 241, London, Sheed & Ward, 1973, £4.00. The English Bishops and the First Vatican Council., By Frederick J. Cwiekowski . Pp. xxvii, 341, (Bibliothèque de la Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique 52) Louvain, Publications Universitaires de Louvain, 1971, 500 Belg. Frs. Genesis 1-11. By R. Davidson . Pp. x, 118, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £1.90. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, 1-39. By A. S. Herbert . Pp. xiii, 219, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £3.50. The First and Second Books of the Maccabees. By John R. Bartlett . Pp. xiv, 358, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £5.20. Deuteronomy. By A. Phillips . Pp. xiv, 237, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £3.80 (hardback), £1.50 (paperback). The Wisdom of Solomon. By E. G. Clarke Pp. xii, 136, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £2.20 (hardback), £1.10 (paperback). I and II chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah. By P. R. Ackroyd . Pp. 320 (Torch Bible Commentaries), London, SCM Press, 1973, £1.40. La Verdad Os Hará Libres: Jn 8, 32. By José O. Tunñi Vancells . Pp. 230, Barcelona, Herder, 1973, no price given. Martyria. Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Zeugnisthema bei Johannes. By Johannes Beutler , S. J. Pp. 398 (Frankfurter theologische Studien 10), Frankfurt, Josef Knecht, 1972, 48 DM. The Use of the Old Testament in the New and Other Essays. Edited by James M. Efird . Pp. xv, 332, Durham, N. C., Duke University Press, 1972, $14.75. Pre-Existence, Wisdom and the Son of Man: A Study of the Idea of Pre-Existence in the New Testament. By R. G. Hamerton -Kelly . Pp. xii, 310, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1973, £7.90. The Easter Jesus. By Gerald O'Collins . Pp. xiv, 142, London, Darton, Longman And Todd, 1973, £1.50. Four Martyrdoms from the Pierpoint Morgan Coptic Codices. Edited by E. A. E. Reymond and J. W. Barns . Pp. xii, 278, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1973, £7.50. Studies in the History of Philosophy and Religion. Volume I. By Harry Austryn Wolfson , edited by Isadore Twersky and George H. Williams . Pp. xvii, 626, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1973, £8.00. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 6: Christian Doctorine. Edited with an introduction by Maurice Kelley , translated by John Carey . Pp. xxiv, 863 Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1973, £10.50. Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Temper. By Alison G. Sulloway . Pp. xiv, 245, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972, £3.75. Kierkegaard: A Biographical Introduction. By Ronald Grimsley . Pp. 127 (Leaders of Modern Thought), London, Studio Vista, 1973, £0.95. Ludwig Wittgenstein: Letters to C. K. Ogden. Edited by G. H. von Wright . Pp. ix, 90, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, and London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, £2.00. The Central Questions of Philosophy. By A. J. Ayer . Pp. 243, London, Nicolson, 1973, £3.50. Elements of Analytic Philosophy. By Arthur Pap . Pp. xvi, 542, New York, Hafner Publishing Company, 1972, £6.20. An Introduction to Confirmation Theory. By Richard Swinburne . Pp. 218, London, Methuen, 1973, £3.90. Models for Divine Activity. By Ian T. Ramsey . Pp. 78, London, SCM Press, 1973, £1.95. Ian Ramsey, Bishop of Durham—a Memoir. By David L. Edwards . Pp. 101, London, Oxford University Press, 1973, £2.00. Change in Focus: A Study of Doctorinal Change and Continuity. By Nicholas Lash . Pp. ix, 198 (Library of Contemporary Theology), London, Sheed and Ward, 1973, £3.00. Basic Questions in Theology (Volume Three). By Wolfhart Pannenberg . Pp. ix, 213, London, SCM Press, 1973, £3.75. Wolfhart Pannenberg. By Allan D. Galloway . Pp. 143 (Contemporary Religious Thinkers Series), London, George Allen and Unwin, 1973, £3.25. Das Wesen Des Christentums. Eine bergriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. By Hans Wagenhammer . Pp. 262 (Tübinger theologische Studien 2), Mainz, Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 1973, 38 DM. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross , second edition by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone . Pp. xxxi, 1518, London, Oxford University Press, 1974, £13.50.  相似文献   

Short review     
Lance S. Cousins 《Religion》2013,43(2):159-162
Ramsey, P. and Wilson, J. F. (Eds), The study of religion in colleges and universities, Princeton University Press 1970, pp ix + 353, $10.00

Eitel, E. J. Handbook of Chinese Buddhism, being a Sanskrit-Chinese dictionary of Buddhist terms, words and expressions, with vocabularies of Buddhist terms in Pali, Singhalese, Siamese, Burmese, Tibetan, Mongolian and Japanese. Amsterdam, Philo Press. 1970 (Originally published 1870). £6.00

Barrett, D. B. Schism and renewal in Africa: An analysis of six thousand contemporary religious movements. Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1969, pp. xix + 363. £3.25

Bowker, J. Problems of suffering in religions of the world. Cambridge University Press, 1970, 318 pp. £3.50

Demerath, N. J. and Hammond, P. E. Religion in social context. Tradition and transition, Random House, New York, 1969, pp ix + 246. £3.60

Isichei, E. Victorian quakers. Oxford University Press, 1970, 326 pp, £3.25  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1990,31(3):327-377
John Henry Newman: A Biography. By Ian Ker. Pp.xiii, 762, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988, £48.00. Cassirer: Symbolic Forms and History. By John Michael Krois. Pp.xvii, 262, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1987, £29.95. Gadamer: Hermeneutics, Tradition and Reason. By Georgia Warnke. Pp.xii, 206, Oxford, Polity Press, 1987, £7.95. Licensed Insanities: Religions and Belief in God in the Contemporary World. By John Bowker. Pp.ix, 164, Darton Longman and Todd, 1987, £8.95. The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development and Significance. By Bruce M. Metzger. Pp.x, 326, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, £30.00. The Gnostic Scriptures: A New Translation with Annotations and Introductions. By Bentley Layton. Pp.xlii, 526, London, SCM Press, 1987, £25.00. Women and Early Christianity: Are the Feminist Scholars Right? By Susanne Heine. Pp.vi, 182, London, SCM Press, 1987, £6.95. Eunomius, The Extant Works (Oxford Early Christian Texts). Text and translation by Richard Paul Vaggione. Pp.xvii, 209, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, £30. The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950–1250. By R.I. Moore. Pp.viii, 168, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987, £19.50. Charity and Community in Medieval Cambridge (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought 4). By Miri Rubin. Pp.xiv, 365, Cambridge University Press, 1987, £30. Representatives of the Lower Clergy in Parliament, 1295–1340 (Royal Historical Society. Studies in History 50). By Jeffrey H. Denton and John P. Dooley. Pp.142, Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 1987, £25.00. From Ockham to Wyclif (Studies in Church History Subsidia 5). Edited by Anne Hudson and Michael Wilks. Pp.xv, 486, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987, £35.00 Literary and Educational Writings (Collected Works of Erasmus 27 and 28). Edited by A.H.T. Levi. Pp.xxx, 638, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1986, £65.00. Paraphrase on Mark (Collected Works of Erasmus 49). Edited by Erika Rummel. Pp.xiv, 235, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1988, £28.00 The Dawn of the Reformation. Essays in Late Medieval and Early Reformation Thought. By Heiko A. Oberman. Pp.x, 309, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1987. £14.95. The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation. By Alister McGrath. Pp.viii.223, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987, £25.00. The English Reformation Revised. Edited by Christopher Haigh. Pp.x, 229, Cambridge University Press, 1987, £8.95. Das Papstamt im Disput zwischen Lutheranern und Katholiken: Schwerpunkte von der Reformation bis zur Geganwart (Innsbrucker Theologische Studien 20). By Wolfgang Klausnitzer. Pp.586, Innsbruck, Tyrolia Verlag, 1987, DM 112. The Chronicle of the Hutterian Brethren. Volume I. Translated and edited by the Hutterian Brethren. Pp.ixxv, 887, Rifton (N.Y.), Plough Publishing House, 1987, no price given. Cardinal de La Rochefoucauld: Leadership and Reform in the French Church. By Joseph Bergin. Pp.viii, 302, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1987, £25.00 A Guide for Preachers on Composing and Delivering Sermons. The ‘Or ha-Darshanim’ of Jacob Zahalon. A Seventeenth-Century Italian Preacher's Manual (Moreshet Series, Studies in Jewish History, Literature and Thought XI). By Henry Adler Sosland. Pp.xiv, 194, 54*, New York, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1987, $20.00. Jewish-Christian Relations in the Seventeenth Century. Studies and Documents (International Archives of the History of Ideas 119). Edited by J. van den Berg and Ernestine G.E. van der Wall. Pp.ix, 210, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988, £46.95. The Life of James Sharp, Archbishop of St Andrews, 1618–1679: A Political Biography. By Julia Buckroyd. Pp.ix, 150, Edinburgh, John Donald, 1987, £18.00 Joachim of Fiore and the Myth of the Eternal Evangel in the Nineteenth Century. By Marjorie Reeves and Warwick Gould. Pp.x, 365, Oxford University Press, 1987, £35.00 Religion in England, 1688–1791 (Oxford History of the Christian Church). By Ernest Gordon Rupp. Pp.xiii, 584, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, £45.00. Liberal Anglican Politics: Whiggery, Religion and Reform, 1830–1841. By Richard Brent. Pp.xii, 340, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, £32.50. The Victorian Christian Socialists. By Edward Norman, Pp.201, Cambridge University Press, 1987, £17.50 Tradition Renewed: The Oxford Movement Conference Papers. Edited by Geoffrey Rowell. Pp.xvi, 237. London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1986, £12.95. A Circle of Friends: The Tennysons and the Lushingtons of Park House. By John O. Waller. Pp.xvi, 290, Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 1986, $29.50. Democracy and Religion: Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867–1875 (Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics). By J.P. Parry. Pp.xiii, 504, Cambridge University Press, 1986, £37.50. The Household of Faith: Roman Catholic Devotions in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America (Notre Dame Studies in American Catholicism). By Ann Taves. Pp.x, 197, Notre Dame, Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press, 1986, $17.95. The American Catholic Parish: A History from 1850 to the Present. Edited by Jay P. Dolan. 2 vols. Mahwah, New Jersey, Paulist Press, 1987, $24.95 each. Amigo.-Friend of the Poor, Bishop of Southwark, 1904–1949. By Michael Clifton. Pp.236, Leominster, Fowler Wright, 1987, £9.95. American Catholic Religious Thought: The Shaping of a Theological and Social Tradition. Edited by Patrick W. Carey. Pp.iv, 302, New York, Paulist Press, 1987. $10.95 Altered Landscapes: Christianity in America, 1935–1985: Essays in Honor of Robert T, Handy. Edited by David W. Lotz, Donald Shriver and John F. Wilson. Pp.xi, 387, Grand Rapids, W.B. Eerdmans, 1989, $27.50/$17.95. Doctrines of Religious Communities. A Philosophical Study. By William A. Christian, Sr. Pp.vii, 234, New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1987, £22.50. Continental Philosophy and Modern Theology. By David Brown. Pp.xii, 250, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987, £27.00. The Structure of Emotions. By Robert M. Gordon. Pp.xiv, 161, Cambridge University Press, 1987, £22.50. Philosophical Perspectives on Developmental Psychology. Edited by James Russell. Pp.ix, 262, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987, £27.50. A Prospectus for the Triumph of Realism. By Thomas A. Russman. Pp.viii, 157, Macon GA, Mercer University Press, 1987, $24.95. Listening to the Cicadas: A Study of Plato's ‘Phaedrus’ (Cambridge Classical Studies). By G.R.F. Ferrari. Pp.xii, 293, Cambridge University Press, 1987, £22.50. Studies in Medieval Philosophy (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy 17). Edited by John F. Wippel. Pp.viii, 302, Washington DC, Catholic University of America Press, 1987, $36.95. Thomas Buckingham and the Contingency of Futures (University of Notre Dame, The Medieval Institute Publications in Medieval Studies 25). By Bartholomew R. De la Torre. Pp.xii, 394, University of Notre Dame Press, 1987, £35.95. Montesquieu (Past Masters). By Judith N. Shklar. Pp.vii, 136, Oxford University Press, 1987, £11.95/£3.50.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1991,44(1):149-229

《Personnel Psychology》1974,27(2):313-391
Book reviews in this article: Hill , Thomas M., Haynes , W. Warren and Baumgartel , Howard with the collaboration of Samuel Paul. Vroom , Victor H. and Yetton , Philip W. Leadership and Decision-making. Fleishman , Edwin A. and Hunt , James G. (Editors) Current Developments in the Study of Leadership. Roeber , Richard J. C. The Organization in a Changing Environment. Galbraith , Jay . Designing Complex Organizations. Tagliere , Daniel A. People, Power and Organization. Wolman , Benjamin B. Victims of Success: Emotional Problems of Executives. Jun , Jong S. and Storm , William B. Tomorrow's Organizations: Challenges and Strategies. Dunnette , Marvin D. (Editor) Work and Nonwork in the Year 2001. Rush , Harold M. F. Organization Development: A Reconnaissance. Partin , J. Jennings . (Editor) Current Perspectives in Organization Development. Pfeiffer , J. William and Jones , John E. (Editors) A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training. Engel , Herbert M. Handbook of Creative Learning Exercises. Drake , Richard I. and Smith , Peter J. Behavioural Science in Industry. Fleishman , Edwin A. and Bass , Alan R. (Editors) Studies in Personnel and Industrial Psychology. Davis , Gary A. Psychology of Problem Solving: Theory and Practice. Koberg , Don and Bagnall , Jim . The Universal Traveler: A Companion for Those on Problem-solving Journeys and a Soft-systems Guidebook to the Process of Design. Seidenberg , Robert . Corporate Wives–Corporate Casualties? Jain , Harish C. and Jain , Hem C. Staffing an Organization. Hampton , David R., Summer , Charles E. and Webber , Ross A. Organizational Behavior and the Practice of Management. Hepner , Harry W. Psychology Applied to Life and Work. Marks , Winifred . Preparing an Employee Handbook. Bowley , Arthur . Salary Structures for Management Careers. Mörgan , Henry H. and Cogger , John W. The Interviewer's Manual. Blase , Melvin G. Institution Building: A Source Book. Rosenzweig , Mark R. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1983,24(4):431-487
Books Reviewed in this Article: Biblical Semantic Logic: A Preliminary Analysis. By Arthur Gibson. Pp.xii, 244, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1981, £12.00. The Great Code. By Northrop Frye. Pp.xxiii, 261, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £9.95. The Critical Meaning of the Bible. By Raymond E. Brown. Pp.x, 150, New York/Ramsey, Paulist Press, 1981, $3.95. The Divine Inspiration of Holy Scripture. By William J. Abraham. Pp.126, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1981, £9.50. Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility: Biblical Perspectives in Tension. By D.A. Carson. Pp.xii, 271, London, Marshal, Morgan and Scott, 1981, £10.95. Presented to Lou H. Silberman. Edited by J.L. Crenshaw and Samuel Sandmel. Pp.xviii, 273, New York, Ktav, 1980, $20.00. New Testament Textual Criticism: its Significance for Exegesis. Essays in Honour of Bruce M. Metzger. Edited by E.J. Epp and G.D. Fee. Pp.xxviii, 410, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1981, £40.00. To Advance the Gospel: New Testament Studies. By Joseph A. Fitzmyer. Pp.xiii, 265, New York, Crossroad, 1981, $19.50. The Gospel According to Matthew. By Francis Wright Beare. Pp.x, 550, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1981, £25.00. Jesus als Lehrer. By Rainer Riesner. Pp.xi, 614 (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2 Reihe, 7), Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1981, 59 DM. Paradise Now and Not Yet. By A.T. Lincoln. Pp.xiii, 277 (Society for New Testament Studies. Monograph Series 43), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, £ 15.00. Blessing in Paul. By Joseph Thuruthumaly. Pp.vii, 328, Alwaye (India), Pontifical Institute of Theology and Philosophy, 1981, no price given. God Incarnate: Story and Belief. Edited by A.E. Harvey. Pp.viii, 104, London, SPCK, 1981, £3.95. Christ in a Changing World: Towards an Ethical Christology. By Tom F. Driver. Pp.xi, 183, London, SCM, 1981, £5.95. To Change the World: Christology and Cultural Criticism. By Rosemary Radford Ruether. Pp.85, London, SCM, 1981, £2.95. The Spirit as Lord: The Pneumatology of Karl Barth. By Philip J. Rosato. Pp.x, 228, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1981, £8.95. Providence. By Michael J. Langford. Pp.183, London, SCM, 1981, £5.50. Faith and Reason. By Richard Swinburne. Pp.206, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1981, £16.00. Knowing God. By Jerry H. Gill. Pp.173, Philadelphia, Westminster Press, 1981, $9.95. Doors to the Sacred: A Historical Introduction to the Sacraments in the Christian Church By Joseph Martos. Pp.530, London, SCM Press, 1981, £8.50. The Dynamic of Tradition. By A.M. Allchin. Pp.vni, 151, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1981, £4.50. Peter and the Single Church. By John de Satgé. Pp.x, 182, London, SPCK, 1981, £4.95. L'Homme et ses Probèmes dans la Lumière du Christ. By René Latourelle. Pp.386, Montréal, Bellarmin: Tournai, Desclée, 1981, $12.00. God and Man in African Religion: A Case Study of the Igbo of Nigeria. By E.I. Metuh. Pp.xiv, 181, London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1981, £3.95. A Fifth Gospel: In Search of Black Christian Values. By J.G. Healy. Pp.xvi, 204, London, SCM Press, 1981, £4.95. Prophecy and Revolution. By Nathaniel I. Ndiokwere. Pp.xvi, 319, London, SPCK, 1981, £8.50. A Technique for Loving: Non-Violence in the Indian and Christian Traditions. By P.D. Bishop. Pp.viii, 184, London, SCM Press, 1981, £5.50. Living Theology in Asia. Edited by John C. England. Pp.x, 242, London, SCM Press Limited, 1981, £4.95. Medusa's Hair: An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience. By Gananath Obeyesekere. Pp.xiii, 217, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1981, £15.75. Religious Change in Zambia: Exploratory Studies. By Wim M.J. van Binsbergen. Pp.xii, 423, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, £18.00. A Sociology of Contemporary Cultural Change. By Bernice Martin. Pp.272, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1981, £12.50. The Orthodox Church in Russia. Edited by Archbishop Pitirim. Pp.254, London, Thames and Hudson, 1982, £30.00. Daily Prayer in the Early Church. By Paul F. Bradshaw. Pp.x, 191 (Alcuin Club Collections 63), London, SPCK, 1981, £6.95. Records of the Trials of the Spanish Inquisition in Ciudad Real, Volume III, The Trials of 1512–1527 in Toledo. Edited by Haim Beinart. Pp.x, 768, Jerusalem, The Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1981, £31.20. The Pilgrimage of Grace in the Lake Counties, 1536–7. By Scott Michael Harrison. Pp.viii, 158, London, Royal Historical Society, 1981, £17.52. Pascal: Adversary and Advocate. By Robert J. Nelson. Pp.vi, 286, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1981, £15.75. Challoner and His Church: A Catholic Bishop in Georgian England. Edited by Eamon Duffy. Pp.xiv, 203, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1981, £9.95. The French Prophets. The History of a Millenarian Group in Eighteenth-Century England. By Hillel Schwartz. Pp.xvi, 382, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1980, £15.00. Religion and Imagination ‘in aid of a grammar of assent’. By John Coulson. Pp.x, 193, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1981, £12.50. Ethical Responsibility: Bonhoeffer's Legacy, to the Churches. Edited by John D. Godsey and Geffrey B. Kelly. Pp.x, 340, New York, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1981, $39.95. Struggle and Submission: R.C. Zaehner on Mysticisms. By W.L. Newell. Pp.xvii, 383, Washington, University Press of America, 1981, $21.75 (hardback), $12.75 (paperback). Empedocles: The Extant Fragments. Edited by M.R. Wright. Pp.vii, 364, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1981, £28.00. A History of Greek Philosophy, Vol. VI: Aristotle: an Encounter. By W.K.G. Guthrie. Pp.xvi + 456. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, £30.00. Aristotle the Philosopher. By J.L. Ackrill. Pp.160, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1981, £6.95. The Beginning of Christian Philosophy. By Eric Osborn. Pp.xiv, 321, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, £24.00.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1978,19(2):179-217
Books Reviewed in this Article: Theology as Narration. A commentary on the Book of Exodus. By G.A.F. Knight. Pp.viii, 209 Edinburgh, The Handsel Press, 1976, £5.00. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. By R.J. Coggins. Pp.xi, 150 (Cambridge Bible Commentary), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1976, £4.50 (hardback), £2.25 (paperback). The First and Second Books of the Chronicles. By R.J. Coggins. Pp.x, 314 (Cambridge Bible Commentary), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1976, £7.95 (hardback), £3.50 (paperback). Matthew : Structure, Christology, Kingdom. By Jack Dean Kingsbury. Pp.xiv, 178, London, SPCK, 1976, £6.50. Paul and Palestinian Judaism. By E.P. Sanders. Pp.xviii, 627, London, SCM Press, 1977, £15.00. The Use and Abuse of the Bible. By Denis Nineham. Pp.xii, 296, London, Macmillan, 1976, £10.00. Biblical Studies: Essays in Honour of William Barclay. Edited by Johnston R. McKay and James F. Miller. Pp. 224, London, Collins, 1976, £4.50 Theological Investigations, Vol. XIV. By K. Rahner. Pp. 340, London, Darton Longman and Todd, 1976, £5.50. Building God's World. By Robert Fancy. Pp.190, Denville, N.J. Dimension Books, 1976, $4.95. The Ultimate Church and the Promise of Salvation. By Jerome P. Theisen, Pp.xx, 198, Collegeville, Minnesota, St. Johns Press, 1976, $7.50. Original Sin: two major trends in contemporary Roman Catholic interpretation. By G. Vandervelde. Pp. 350, Amsterdam, Rodopi N.V., 1975, no price given. Look for the Living. The Corporate Nature of Resurrection Faith. By Peter Selby. Pp.viii, 212, London, SCM Press, 1976, £2.50. A Christian Method of Moral Judgement. By J. Philip Wogaman. Pp.xi, 270, London, SCM Press, 1976, £5.75. La Conscience du Libre Arbitre. By Paul Siwek. Pp.119, Rome, Herder, 1976, no price stated. L'Expérience de l'Esprit (Mélanges E. Schillebeeckx). By Paul Brand and others. Pp.253, Paris, Beauchesne, 1976, no price given. Nature and Supernature. By E.L. Mascall. Pp. 94, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1976, £1.50. The Doctrine of the Trinity. God's Being is in Becoming. By Eberhard Jüngel. Pp.xxi, 166 (Monograph Supplements to the Scottish Journal of Theology), Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press, 1976, £3.25. The Materials, Sources and Methods of Ecclesiastical History. Edited by Derek Baker. Pp.xii, 370 (Studies in Church History 11) Oxford, Black-well, for the Ecclesiastical History Society, 1975, £10.00. The Correspondence of Erasmus, Volume III. Translated by R.A.B. Mynors and D.F.S. Thomson, annotated by James McConica. Pp.xvi, 392. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1976, £17.50. St Thomas More: The Complete Works: Vol. 12, A Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation. Edited by Louis L. Martz and Frank Manley. Pp.clxvii, 566; Vol. 13, Treatise on the Passion, Treatise on the Blessed Body, Instructions and Prayers. Edited by Garry E. Haupt. Pp.clxxxiv, 364, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1976, £30.60 and £25.20. Deus Destroyed: The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan. By George Elison, Pp.xiv, 542, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1973, £17.50. The Economics of the Zambezi Missions 1590–1759. By W.F. Rea. Pp.189 (Bibliotheca Instituti Historic S.I. 39), Rome, Institutum Historicum S.I., 1976, no price given. The Holy See and the International Order. By H.E. Cardinale. Pp.557, Gerrards Cross, Colin Smythe, 1976, £17.50. What is Romanticism? By Henri Peyre, translated from the French by Roda P. Roberts. Pp.214, Alabama, University of Alabama Press, 1977, no price given. The Two Dantes and Other Studies. By Kenelm Foster. Pp.ii, 260, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1977, £7.50. The Eye in the Mandala: Patrick White — A Vision of Man and God. By Peter Beatson. Pp. 1 72, London, Paul Elek, 1976, £5.95. The Spirit of Solzhenitsyn. By Olivier Clement. Pp. 235, London, Search Press, 1976, £5.95.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1978,31(4):921-1005
Book reviewed in this article: Mulder , Mauk . The Daily Power Game. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Social Sciences Division, 1977. Pfeiffer , J. William and Jones , John E. (Editors) The 1978 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators. Zander , Alvin . Groups at Work. Connellan , Thomas K. How to Improve Human Performance: Behaviorism in Business and Industry. Swart , J. Carroll . A Flexible Approach to Working Hours. Fournies , Ferdinand F. Coaching for Improved Work Performance. Schrank , Robert . Ten Thousand Working Days. Morley , Ian and Stephenson , Geoffrey . The Social Psychology of Bargaining. Rowbottom , Ralph . Social Analysis: A Collaborative Method of Gaining Usable Scientific Knowledge of Social Institutions. Argyris , Chris and Schön , Donald A. Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane Srygley . Making Experience Work: The Grid Approach to Critique. Anthony , P. D. The Conduct of Industrial Relations. Montana , Patrick J. and Higginson , Margaret V. Career Life Planning for Americans: Agenda for Organizations and Individuals. Educational Measurement and the Law: Proceedings of the ETS Invitational Conference. Pasmore , William A. and Sherwood , John J. (Editors) Sociotechnical Systems: A Sourcebook. Staudohar , Paul D. Grievance Arbitration in Public Employment. Yoder , Dale and Heneman , Herbert G., Jr . PAIR Policy and Program Management: Volume VII of the ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. Kaplan , H. Roy . (Editor) American Minorities and Economic Opportunity. Leavitt , Harold J. Managerial Psychology. (Fourth Edition) Hampton , David R., Summer , Charles E. and Webber , Ross A. Organizational Behavior and the Practice of Management. Wexley , Kenneth N. and Yukl , Gary A. Organizational Behavior and Personnel Psychology. Schultz , Duane P. Psychology and Industry Today. (Second Edition) Miner , John B. The Management Process: Theory, Research, and Practice. (Second Edition) Williams , J. Clifton . Human Behavior in Organizations. Klatt , Lawrence A., Murdick , Robert G. and Schuster , Fred E. Human Resources Management: A Behavioral Systems Approach. Leplat , Jacques and Cuny , Xavier . Introduction a la Psychologie du Travail. Lippitt , Gordon and Lippitt , Ronald . The Consulting Process in Action. Weiner , J. S. and Maule , H. G. (Editors) Human Factors in Work, Design and Production. (Case Studies in Ergonomics Practice: Volume 1.) Mitchell , Terence R. People in Organizations: Understanding Their Behavior. Franklin , Jerome L. (Editor) Human Resource Development in the Organization: A Guide to Information Sources (Management Information Guide Series, No. 35). Theodore Kunin , Jackson , Douglas N. and Messick , Samuel . (Editors) Problems in Human Assessment. (Reprint Edition)  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Family Therapy of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, by Edward Kaufman and Pauline N. Kaufmann. New York: Gardner Press, 1979, 276 pages, $24.95.

Family Therapy: An Interactional Approach, by Maurizio Andolfi. New York: Plenum Press, 1979, 170 pages, $19.95.

The Family: Evaluation and Treatment, edited by Charles K. Hofling and Jerry M. Lewis. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1980, 324 pages, $17.50.

Individual and Family Therapy: Toward an Integration, by Fred M. Sander, M.D. New York: Jason Aronson, Inc., 1979, 235 pages, $20.00.

Disorders of Sexual Desire and Other New Concepts and Techniques in Sex Therapy, by Helen Singer Kaplan. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1979, 237 pages, $17.50.

Medical Sexology, edited by Roman Forleo, M.D. and Willy Pasini, M.D. Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1980, 664 pages, $44.50.

Group Psychotherapy and Personality: Intersecting Structures, by Henry Kellerman. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1979, 345 pages, $19.50.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(1):147-217
Book reviewed in this article: Gold , Michael Evan . A Dialogue on Comparable Worth. Smart , Bradford D. Selection Interviewing: A Management Psychologist's Recommended Approach. Helms , Janet E. A Practitioner's Guide to The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. Edwards , John , Leek , Chris , Loveridge , Ray , Lumley , Roger , Mangan , John and Silver , Mick . Seashore , Stanley E., Lawler , Edward E., III, Mirvis , Philip H. and Cammann , Cortlandt . (Editors) Assessing Organizational Change: A Guide to Methods, Measures, and Practices. Williams , Allan P. O. (Editor) Using Personnel Research. Tichy , Noel M. Managing Strategic Change: Technical, Political and Cultural Dynamics. Dessler , Gary . Improving Productivity at Work: Motivating Today's Employees. Barra , Ralph . Putting Quality Circles to Work: A Practical Strategy for Boosting Productivity and Profits. Perkins , Dennis N. T., Nieva , Veronica F. and Lawler , Edward E., III. Managing Creation: The Challenge of Building a New Organization. Doering , Mildred , Rhodes , Susan R. and Schuster , Michael . The Aging Worker: Research and Recommendations. Copperman , Lois Farrer and Keast , Frederick D. Adjusting to an Older Work Force. Baron , Robert A. Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work. Fulmer , Robert M. Practical Human Relations. (Revised Edition) Robertson , Ivan T. and Cooper , Cary L. Human Behavior in Organisations. Hellriegel , Don , Slocum , John W., Jr . and Woodman , Richard W. Organizational Behavior. (Third Edition) West , Jonathan P. Career Planning, Development, and Management: An Annotated Bibliography. De Board , Robert . Counselling People at Work. Staines , Graham L. and Pleck , Joseph H. The Impact of Work Schedules on the Family. Jacobson , Sharol F. and Mc Grath , H. Marie . (Editors) Nurses under Stress. Stuart -Kotze , Robin and Roskin , Rick . Success Guide to Managerial Achievement. Broussine , Michael and Guerrier , Yvonne . Surviving as a Middle Manager. Burley -Allen , Madelyn . Managing Assertively: How to Improve Your People Skills. Rowland , Kendrith M., Ferris , Gerald R. and Sherman , Jay L. (Eds.) Current Issues in Personnel Management. (Second Edition) Middlemist , R. Dennis , Hitt , Michael A. and Greer , Charles R. Personnel Management: Jobs, People and Logic. Steil , Lyman K., Summerfield , Joanne and de Mare , George . Listening: It Can Change Your Life.  相似文献   

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