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如果将哲学的定义限定为关于有效性的认知主张,且这些主张能够经受理性的、开放式的论辩及反驳,那么可以说这种强调认知主张重要性的"哲学"定义,导向了对"哲学史"观念的扩展。这种哲学史除了要根据思想家自己的路径和预设去考察思想家自身,也关心思想家们之间的参照和争论,并与各种科学和人文学科所提出的认知主张以及各种宗教、文化信仰中内在的认知主张相关联,而且处于特定的社会历史情境中。此种哲学史应该是论辩性的和情境性的。在当代世界,这种广泛的哲学史是全球性的,亦有充分的理由被视为是一种全球性的现代性历史,其重点是形式多样的理性、合理性及其历史和制度的情境性的发展——既作为共同的现代性,又作为多元现代性。  相似文献   

Historians of philosophy are increasingly likely to emphasize the extent to which their work offers a pay‐off for philosophers of un‐historical or anti‐historical inclinations; but this defence is less familiar, and often seems less than self‐evident, to intellectual historians. This article examines this tendency, arguing that such arguments for the instrumental value of historical scholarship in philosophy are often more problematic than they at first appear. Using the relatively familiar case study of René Descartes' reading of his scholastic and Aristotelian contemporaries, the article attempts to problematize this notion of pay‐off from an historian's perspective.  相似文献   

作为社会历史理论的文化哲学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The philosophy of culture is not a special branch of philosophy about concrete cultural phenomena, but a kind of philosophical paradigm in researching the mechanism of social history. It accepts the ideas of the laws of historical development, but holds a negative attitude to the abstract conception of history which focuses on the economic necessities and ignores the plurality of historical development. The philosophy of culture maintains that the laws of human history must be found in human practical activ...  相似文献   

The article contains the replies to the collection of contributions discussing my research on the philosophy of information.  相似文献   

论吕祖谦的历史哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董平 《中国哲学史》2005,(2):99-104
在最近的几项研究中,本文作者提出南宋时期包括永嘉之学、永康之学以及婺学在内的"浙东学派",反对空言道德性命,而特别重视将天道的追寻贯彻于社会历史的全部领域,从而实现了历史学与哲学的融合,实际上成为中国古代的一个"历史哲学"学派.南宋时期浙东学的集大成者应归于吕祖谦,他亦是历史哲学观念的系统表达者.本文即以此观点为前提,对吕祖谦的历史哲学思想进行了比较系统而又简要的梳理,论述了其关于历史的观念、历史解读的方法、历史的价值理念以及将历史视为天道自身的运动性展开的根据.  相似文献   

邵雍的历史哲学不仅对历史发展规律等问题进行过思考,还对宇宙自然和人类社会历史发展之动力、历史发展的基本阶段和历史本体等问题进行了深入探讨。他认为太极"分阴分阳,迭用柔刚",其所涵阴阳刚柔的对立与分裂是宇宙自然和人类社会历史发展的动力;"皇帝王伯"与"元会运世"是人类和宇宙历史发展的基本阶段;历史存在形上的理体,它"显诸仁"而"藏诸用",通过把握这个历史本体,人们就可以更深刻地认识并改变、创造自己的历史。  相似文献   

This essay is a case study of the self‐destruction that occurs in the work of a social‐constructionist historian of science who embraces a radical philosophy of science. It focuses on Thomas Laqueur's Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud in arguing that a history of science committed to the social construction of science and to the central theses of Kuhnian, Duhemian, and Quinean philosophy of science is incoherent through self‐reference. Laqueur's text is examined in detail in order to make the main point; a similar phenomenon in the work of the feminist historian of science Evelyn Fox Keller is then briefly discussed.  相似文献   

哲学是一项认知事业,在多重意义上,它与其他各门科学(包括自然科学、社会科学和人文科学)都是连续的:(1)就其研究对象而言,像其他各门科学一样,哲学也是探究我们生活于其中的这个世界,它是人类认知这个世界的总体努力的一部分。(2)就其研究方法而言,哲学与常识和科学之间没有实质性区别。正像科学方法是常识方法的精致化一样,哲学方法也是对常识方法和科学方法的提炼和总结。(3)就其效用而言,哲学和科学都是为了帮助人们更好地生活在这个世界上,过一种体面而有尊严的生活,特别是过一种有价值和有意义的生活。(4)通过哲学史来学习哲学和进入哲学,通过批判地反思先前的哲学理论,开拓新的领域、使用新的方法、提出新的理论来发展哲学,这才是看待哲学与哲学史之间关系的正确态度和做法。(5)关于哲学与科学的如下两个说法只是想当然,似是而非:科学依赖观察和实验,哲学诉诸诠释和理解;科学重点关注实然(事情实际上怎么样),哲学重点关注应然(事情应该怎么样)。  相似文献   

卞敏 《学海》2004,3(4):50-55
黑格尔哲学的辩证法和费尔巴哈哲学的唯物主义 ,是马克思主义哲学的直接理论来源。恩格斯在谈及创立新世界观的工作时说 :“马克思和我 ,可以说是从德国唯心主义哲学中拯救了自觉的辩证法并且把它转为唯物主义的自然观和历史观的唯一的人。”① 这就是说 ,马克思主义在哲学领域中进行变革的实质 ,是使辩证法与唯物论、自然观与历史观得到完整的统一 ,而“自然”与“历史”成为马克思主义哲学的两个核心范畴。马克思解开“历史之谜”从马克思主义哲学的形成过程来看 ,马克思在吸取黑格尔辩证法以后 ,把创立新哲学的突破口选在解开“历史之谜…  相似文献   

胡适 《中国哲学史》2001,(4):111-112
卜德(D.Bodde)教授翻译的冯著《中国哲学史》英文版上册于1937年由Henri Vetch在北平首次出版,这次卜德又将其所翻译的冯著《中国哲学史》英文版下册(第一版)与英文版上册一起出版。我们非常感谢译者和出版者为我们奉献了一部如此完整的长达1238页的英译本著作,而冯教授的中文原著也有1041页之多。 卜德教授所做的翻译是非常可信而出色的,其译著中的注释也是有用的,在许多方面非常有助于读者的理解。在如此大部头的翻译著作中,不可避免的出现许多细小的错误(errors)。其中有些重要之点是可以与译者商榷的。如卜德教授将“灾…  相似文献   

Harding  Sandra 《Philosophical Studies》2002,108(1-2):195-201
John McCumber's Time in the Ditch: American Philosophy and the McCarthy Era provides a compelling account of a repressed part of philosophy's history and its tragic consequences for subsequent decades of philosophic practice in the U.S. Political values and interests originating in McCarthyism got encoded within abstract conceptual frameworks, propelling analytic philosophy to an undeserved position of authority while depriving it of critical self-understanding. This comment identifies residues of McCarthyism still playing out in the Science Wars, and the career of critical philosophic projects in both other disciplines and philosophy's feminist and multicultural fringes.  相似文献   

什么是物理学?什么是法学?或者什么是政治学?这些问题可以有很明确的答案,因为这些学科的对象和界限很明确.但是,如果问"什么是哲学?"那么答案就不那么简单.在不同哲学家那里,对这个问题的回答各不相同.在中国,通行的说法是"哲学是一种世界观".问题是,几乎所有科学都是一种世界观,至少是构成世界观的一部分.谁能否认物理学也是一种世界观?如果说哲学是一种世界观,那么,它恰恰是一种最可有可无的世界观.因为作为世界观的哲学完全依赖于其他学科.所以,把哲学视为一种世界观不仅无法使哲学与其他学科区别开来,而且将使哲学丧失掉作为一门学科存在的理由.  相似文献   

It is possible to reveal and to examine the collective and social fields of consciousness experimentally. An account is given of planned experiments based on quantitative calculations, which indicate that the effects of individual and collective fields of consciousness on matter may elicit directly observable physical results. Moreover, it is shown that collective coherent consciousness fields may enhance the physical effects of consciousness at a significant rate. The predicted results have a significance in our picture of our consciousness, in self‐assertion and dynamising of consciousness, the expansion of collective fields of consciousness, and thus the raising of the level of consciousness for humanity.  相似文献   

Rousseau's Savoyard Vicar makes creative use of Descartes's meditative method by applying it to practical life. This ‘misuse’ of the Cartesian method highlights the limits of the thinking thing as a ground for morality. Taking practical philosophy as first philosophy, the Vicar finds bedrock certainty of the self as an agent in the world and of moral truths while distancing himself from Cartesian positions on the distinction, union and interaction of mind and body. Rousseau's Moral Letters harmonize with the Vicar's view. Descartes would reject the Vicar's appropriation, as real-life problems cannot wait on meditation to answer them.  相似文献   

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