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视觉感觉记忆在字音选取作业中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究通过四项实验探讨了视觉感觉记忆(VSM)在字音选取作业中的作用。实验材料为48个汉字。实验结果表明:当被试只能利用短时记忆(STM)中的信息进行选取作业时,能选取的汉字数与转换到STM中的汉字数之间无显著性差异;当被试可以同时利用VSM和STM中的信息时,能选取的汉字数要显著多于转换到STM中的汉字数。这表明,人能根据字音特征从VSM信息中选取字符。  相似文献   

以121名2,4,6年级小学生为被试,采用计算机呈现的方式,探讨了子目标和次佳路径这两个问题结构因素对伦敦塔问题解决表现的影响。结果发现:子目标和次佳路径两个因素存在交互作用,解决有子目标-无次佳路径问题时的计划指标要高于其他类型问题。根据被试在伦敦塔任务上的表现,划分为三大类7种表现类型。当存在不同的问题结构因素时,问题解决表现类型体现出差异性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the planning and problem-solving abilities of normal adult subjects using a complex version of Shallice's (1982, 1988) Tower of London (TOL) task. Subjects were required to plan a fluent solution to a range of 5-disc TOL puzzles and then execute their formulated plans as fast as possible. The number of errors and the times taken to prepare the most efficient solutions increased monotonically with the number of chunks of subgoal moves. A subgoal move is a move that is essential for the solution of the puzzle, but which does not place a disc into its goal position. A subgoal chunk is a consecutive series of subgoal moves that all transfer discs to and from the same pegs. Furthermore, preparation time was found to be sensitive to a manipulation that increased the number of competing alternative choices, at critical steps in move selection. When subjects planned their action sequences 'on-line', analyses of individual moves and individual move latencies suggested that planning TOL solutions was limited by the difficulty in evaluating and selecting one action (or one subgoal chunk) from the set of competing potential actions at each step in the course of problem solving.  相似文献   

傅亚强  许百华 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1077-1082
本研究通过模拟复杂人机系统的监控作业,考察了长时工作记忆与短时工作记忆在情境意识保持中的作用。研究采用模拟的飞行相撞判断任务,通过考察中断任务对情境意识的影响,分析情境意识在记忆中的存储地点,以及保持时间是否会突破1分钟的限制。本研究选择了心理旋转和算式判断两种中断任务。实验结果表明,在问题回答之前的中断阶段,无论施加心理旋转任务,还是施加算式判断任务,无论中断任务的加工负荷与记忆负荷有多高,熟练被试的情境意识始终保持于较高的水平,并没有因受到中断任务的干扰而出现下降。新手被试的情境意识受到心理旋转任务和算式判断任务的显著影响,而且两种任务的执行速度越快、记忆负荷越大,情绪意识水平就越低。本研究结果说明熟练被试可以利用长时工作记忆存储情境意识,新手被试主要利用短时工作记忆存储情境意识。  相似文献   

The role of memory in the Tower of London task   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Tower of London (TOL) task is widely used as a neuropsychological test of planning. Relatively little is known of the cognitive components of the task, and in particular the role of memory in performance. The current studies on normal adults looked at the role of verbal and spatial working memory in the TOL. The effects of verbal and visuospatial dual-task manipulations on TOL performance were examined in an experiment with 36 participants. Both verbal and visuospatial executive secondary tasks caused poorer performance on the TOL; however, concurrent articulatory suppression enhanced performance. The results suggest that executive and spatial components are important in the task, and raise questions about the role of preplanning in the TOL.  相似文献   

Previous findings on planning abilities in individuals with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFA) are inconsistent. Exploring possible reasons for these mixed findings, the current study investigated the involvement of memory in planning performance in 15 children with HFA and 17 typically developing controls. In addition to planning abilities (measured with the Tower of London), short-term memory and delayed recall for verbal as well as visuospatial material were assessed. Findings suggest that particularly reduced efficiency in visuospatial short-term memory is associated with Tower task planning deficits in children with HFA.  相似文献   

The visual-spatial memory ability of 25 Zairian elementary school children was compared with that of 23 Scottish children, using a variation of Kearins's (1976) object placement task. The Scottish children demonstrated significantly better visual-spatial memory than the Zairian children when the easiest (small household objects) of three arrays was presented. The Scottish and Zairian children demonstrated a similar level of visual-spatial ability when the other two arrays (geometric shapes and a variety of natural pieces of wood) were presented, and there were no significant gender differences. Although the Australian Aboriginal children's performance on the visual-spatial task in Drinkwater's (1976) study was superior to the White children's performance (Kearins, 1976, 1981), the Zairian children's performance in this study was not. Perhaps the Aboriginal groups, over countless generations navigating the trackless desert of western Australia, were forced by their environment to develop an aptitude for direction finding that Zairians (whose ecological situation more closely resembles that of Europeans) have not.  相似文献   


People will create false memories of childhood experiences. In this article, the research that demonstrates the creation of false memories is first described. Three processes that may be involved in memory creation are then outlined. First, individuals must accept a suggested event as plausible. Second, they construct an image and narrative of the false event. Third, they incorrectly attribute the source of the event to personal memory rather than external suggestion. We argue that the self plays a role in each of these processes. In addition, because memories are important components of the self, when memories change, the self changes as well.  相似文献   

考察趋近动机强度不同的积极情绪和回避动机强度不同的消极情绪与工作记忆的协调性对自我控制任务的影响。结果发现,与高趋近动机的积极情绪、高回避动机的消极情绪以及中性情绪相比,在低趋近动机的积极情绪下完成言语工作记忆以及在低回避动机的消极情绪下完成空间工作记忆,工作记忆成绩提高,而Stroop分数降低,这表明情绪与工作记忆的协调性受到情绪动机强度的影响。  相似文献   

The Tower of London (TOL) task has been used extensively as a test of planning ability in neuropsychological patients and normal populations. Participants are asked to preplan mentally a sequence of moves to match a start set of discs to a goal, and then to execute the moves one by one. The mental preplanning stage has been identified as critical to efficient performance. The current experiments examined whether manipulations of mental preplanning influence performance on the TOL. In Experiment 1, the effect of different planning instructions was examined. Those told to make full mental plans spent considerably longer in planning than participants given no specific planning instructions, yet there was no effect of instruction condition on the efficiency of executing plans. Experiment 2 investigated whether people were able to plan mentally, by looking at their ability to identify intermediate states of an optimum mental plan. Results indicated that most individuals could make accurate preplans up to two subgoals ahead, but not three. However, making an efficient preplan did not result in better subsequent execution of moves to solve the TOL trial. It is concluded that people can make effective mental plans for a limited number of moves. However, on the TOL task, mental preplanning does not offer benefits in terms of quicker performance, or more accurate solution. The nature of planning in the TOL task is therefore questioned.  相似文献   

被试操作任务(SPT)范式与动作记忆研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗琳  韩布新  陈天勇 《心理科学》2001,24(2):217-218
百余年来,记忆研究所使用的材料一直以语言材料为主。然而,言语记忆是否记忆的全貌?使用浯言材料进行的研究结果是否能够推而广之.应用到其他形式的记忆材料上去?在实验室中如何对言语记忆以外的记忆进行深入研究呢?正是为了回答这些问题.Cohen(1981)所设计的被试操作任务(subject performed task,SPT)实验范式引起了大量相关研究。  相似文献   

The relationship between performance in working memory (WM) span tasks, scholastic skills and fluid intelligence was investigated to determine how WM span is related to higher order cognition. The predictive utility of two WM span tasks differing in the demand of the processing task was studied with controlled presentation times and a broad set of academic criterion tasks. Sixty‐eight adolescents (mean age 16 years) completed two WM span tasks, Raven's Progressive Matrices and several scholastic performance measures. The results showed that the more demanding WM span task predicted fluid intelligence, but did not contribute uniquely in explaining scholastic performance. In contrast, the less demanding WM task predicted scholastic performance. The results suggest that the strength of the relation between WM performance and higher order cognition varies in conjunction with both the demand of the WM span task and the type of higher order cognition measure.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

客体工作记忆任务中大脑皮层活动的记忆负荷效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用128导事件相关电位技术,采用延迟匹配任务的实验范式,测查了20名正常被试完成不同负荷客体任务时的皮层慢电位(slow cortical potentials,简称sp成分),实验发现:背侧前额叶在刺激呈现后的700ms到1400ms出现记忆负荷效应,高负荷任务诱发的sp成分显著负于低负荷任务;低负荷任务诱发的sp成分在左前额区(500~1800ms)、左前额-中央区(700~1800ms)、左中央-顶叶区(1000~1400s和1800~4800ms)、右前额区(1800~4800ms)和右前额-中央区(1400~4800ms)显著负于高负荷任务,出现记忆负荷效应,但这种负荷效应在左右大脑半球所反映的心理意义可能不同  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the ability of five- and six-month-old Guatemalan infants to discriminate human faces visually and to associate faces and voices differing in age and sex. The 32 infants in Experiment I discriminated between photographs of a man, a woman, and a seven-year-old boy. They did not, however, discriminate between photographs of two men, two women, or of two seven-year-old boys. The 24 infants in Experiment II were presented three different pairs of photographs of faces. One pair consisted of a man and a woman, another of a woman and a child, and the third of a man and a child. Voices appropriate to each pair of photographs accompanied the presentation of the visual stimulus. Looking at the woman and child seemed to be influenced by the presentation of a woman's voice and a boy's voice. Appropriate voices did not alter looking behavior with regard to the woman and man or the man and child.  相似文献   

The rational analysis of memory (Anderson, 1990) proposes that memory's sensitivity to statistical structure in the environment enables it to optimally estimate the odds that a memory trace will be needed. We have analyzed sources of informational demand in the environment: speech to children and word usage in the front page headlines of the New York Times. In a previous paper (Anderson & Schooler, 1991) we have shown that factors that govern memory performance, including recency, also predict the odds that an item (e.g., a word) will be encountered. In the present paper we develop the theory to make precise predictions about how the odds of encountering an item now varies as a joint function of (1) the statistical associations between the item and elements of the current context and (2) how long it has been since the item was last encountered. The prediction was confirmed environmentally by analyses of the New York Times and speech to children. The corresponding behavioral prediction was tested, using a cued recall task in which the cues were either strongly associated or unassociated to the targets. In contrast to the environmental results, recall performance is more sensitive to the length of the retention interval in the presence of unassociated cues than in the presence of associated cues. Further modeling shows that incorporating estimates of the influence of non-retrieval processes (e.g., reading a word, deciding to respond, etc.) on overall performance reduces the discrepancy between the theoretical predictions and the observed data.  相似文献   

Baddeley和Hitch(1974)提出的工作记忆模型被广泛地应用数学运算领域,但是已有研究还缺乏系统性。首先,当前的研究主要集中在加法和乘法两种运算上,较少涉及减法、除法和更为抽象的代数运算;第二,研究者对语音环路和中央执行系统的作用进行了较深入的研究,但常常忽略视空间模板的作用;第三,工作记忆在数学运算过程中的作用具有动态性,它受到一些外部因素、数学任务内在因素和个体认知因素(如认知策略)的影响;第四,几乎有关研究都肯定中央执行系统在数学运算过程中的重要作用,然而负荷于中央执行系统的次级任务所含成分或功能的复杂性,导致我们很难确定中央执行系统如何作用于数学运算。对这些问题的研究将是未来可能的研究方向  相似文献   

Two theories of priming were compared: spreading activation theories, in particular ACT* (J. R. Anderson, 1983), and compound-cue theories (R. Ratcliff & G. McKoon, 1988). Whereas ACT* assumes that priming is a result of diffusing activation in long-term memory, compound-cue models suggest that priming results from a formation process of prime and target in short-term memory. Thirty-eight participants took part in a study that combined a digit span task with a double lexical decision task consisting of a prime and a target item. Digit span length (low, medium, and high) and prime type (related or unrelated word or nonword) were both within-subject variables. As expected, results showed significant priming effects. In favor of ACT*, no interaction between digit span length and prime type was found. Additionally, a nonword inhibition effect (unrelated versus nonword prime) was found, which was predicted by compound-cue theories. This finding is discussed in terms of the process interference and response competition hypotheses.  相似文献   

任务中断对幼儿前瞻记忆的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王永跃  张芝  葛列众  王健 《心理科学》2005,28(1):235-237
本研究采用实验方法研究了年龄及当前进行任务中不同位置的中断对幼儿前瞻记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)年龄对幼儿前瞻记忆成绩有显著影响;(2)在1/4中断和无中断条件下,幼儿的前瞻记忆成绩较好,在1/2中断和3/4中断条件下.幼儿前瞻记忆成绩较差。  相似文献   


Two previous studies have demonstrated that stimuli which elicit affect are seen as more familiar than stimuli that elicit little or no affect, but it is not clear why this effect occurs. To begin to understand the effect, the question of whether it is due to improved memory for affect-eliciting stimuli was examined. Recognition judgements were obtained for faces that varied in the strength and valence of affect elicited. Improved memory for affect-eliciting faces was not observed. Instead, the results show a bias to claim recognition for faces that are especially likely to elicit affect, whether or not those faces have been seen before, suggesting that affect can induce a sense of familiarity. The finding of a previous study indicating that both positive and negative affect increase perceived familiarity was replicated. The relevance of the results to an understanding of basic affective processes and processes involved in the assessment of familiarity is discussed. An explanation which can account for the data is proposed.  相似文献   

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