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Abstract: It has at various times been said, both before and since the fall of apartheid, that philosophers in South Africa are neglecting to do certain sorts of work. Behind this accusation lies a general claim that philosophers have responsibilities to their contexts. This essay is dedicated to (i) defending this claim against objections, and (ii) offering a positive argument for there being moral pressure on philosophers to increase understanding. My aim is not to accuse any philosopher or community of philosophers of neglect. It is rather to defend an understanding of both philosophy and ethical responsibilities that makes room for philosophers to have moral responsibilities. Whether or not it has ever in fact been appropriate to accuse philosophers in South Africa, or indeed anywhere else, of neglect, philosophers do indeed have responsibilities to their contexts.  相似文献   

Le test des dilemmes moraux d'Urie Bronfenbrenner met les enfants en ptésence d'un certain nombre de situations naturelles dans lesquelles le choix des réponses possibles représente un conflit entre les normes de conduite qui sont approuvées par les adultes, altruistes et “correctes” et les normes de conduite qui relèvent de L'intérêt personnel ou de L'affiliation et qui sont “incorrectes”. Les sujets répondent au test dans trois conditions: une condition de base ou neutre, dans laquelle on leur dit que seuls les expérimentateurs auront connaissance de leurs réponses, et deux conditions expérimentales dans lesquelles on leur dit que les résultats seront portés à la connaissance de leurs parents ou de leurs camarades de classe. Cette méthode permet d'estimer dans une certaine mesure à quel niveau se situent les enfants dans le domaine “moral” ainsi que L'influence relative qu'exercent la pression des pairs ou celle des adultes dans les processus de socialisation, et la direction de cette influence. Les données recueillies en URSS et aux Etats-Unis ont montré que les deux types de pressions extérieures entrent en conflit aux Etats-Unis, mais qu'il existe en URSS un accord entre les normes. Devereux et Bronfenbrenner ont suggéré L'idée qu'en Grande-Bretagne le niveau des normes de conduite approuvées par les adultes était moindre et la pression des pairs particulièrement forte et source de situations conflictuelles. Deux cent soixante-quatorze enfants anglais de douze ans, choisis dans un large éventail d'écoles, ont subi les tests. Les résultats ont été analysés dans une perspective de comparaison inter-nation d'une part et de comparaisons entre les différents types d'écoles d'autre part. i. Les résultats ne confirment pas L'hypothése selon laquelle la conduite serait en général moins influencée par les adultes; 2. La comparaison entre type de pressions sociales confirme que les enfants britanniques ont en commun une “culture de pairs”, plutôt autonome et qu'ils ne répondent pas à la pression des adultes d'une manière simple et prévisible.  相似文献   

Psychological responses and mental health of 174 Palestinian women living in the occupied West-Bank and the Gaza Strip were studied through a stress model. Thirty-five Palestinian women living in Israel proper who had not been exposed to military occupation were interviewed as a comparison group. The stress process studied consists of women's appraisal of threat and the importance of the stressors in their lives, the estimation of their own resources to cope with stress, actual coping modes, and mental health outcomes. Women living under military occupation tended to appraise their environment as highly threatening and their experiences as strain-producing. At the same time they believed they had sufficient assets, especially collective and ideological resources, to deal with the stressors. This tendency was particularly evident among victims of political violence. Women strongly exposed to hardships of military occupation tended to employ more social and political activity and less inactive and accommodative coping modes than did less traumatized women. Exposure to stressful events, characteristic to military occupation and armed conflict, tended to deteriorate women's mental health, as indicated by severe anxiety, depression, hostile feelings and psychiatric symptoms, and also deteriorating their general health. Multiple regression analysis of the data pertaining to the stress process indicated not only the existence of objective stressors but also the appraisal of their harmfulness, the coping modes as well as vulnerability-protective factors which determine the outcomes of the stress process. A good economic situation, sufficient social support, and religious commitment functioned as protective factors in stress process, i.e., they were able to diminish the impact of exposure to stressors on women's mental health. In the case of the Palestinian women the hardships due to military occupation and national struggle initiated a different stress process than did the daily life difficulties. This indicates that in studies on psychological functioning in a political and armed conflict, the collective level of coping, values, norms, ideology as well as the concrete political aims of the society should be included in analysis and interpretation.  相似文献   

应对研究的成果、问题与解决办法   总被引:80,自引:1,他引:79  
梁宝勇 《心理学报》2002,34(6):91-98
应激和应对问题 ,由于同人的心理适应和健康密切相关 ,目前在国外已经成为心理学所有领域中研究最多的一个重要课题。然而 ,该课题的研究 ,特别是关于应对方式及其效果评价的研究 ,存在着较突出的问题。通过对国内 4种最主要的有关学术期刊的检索发现 ,同国外相比 ,国内的应激和应对的研究在数量和质量上均有较明显的差距。文章结合国内外有关研究的现状 ,分析、说明了在应对研究中存在的 5个主要问题 :(1)忽略防御机制的有效评估和在心理适应中的作用 ;(2 )应对方式的评定方法不当 ;(3)在对于应激的影响和应对后果的估价中存在着片面性和策略上的错误 ;(4)应对研究的设计同关于应激和应对的“过程”理论不一致 ;(5 )应对研究同临床实践之间存在着较明显的脱节。作者探讨并提出了对于这些问题的可能的解决办法。  相似文献   

The present study focused on the association between the particular sexual qualities midlife women desired in themselves and their husbands and the changes in sexual response they were experiencing. In a U.S. sample of 280 women participating in the ongoing Midlife Women's Health Survey, 40% reported a change in their sexual response, more often as decrements than increases, although desiring more nongenital touching was frequently noted. Respondents wanted more change in their own than in their partners' sexual qualities. In addition, the desire to change sexual qualities in oneself and in one's husband was significantly related to many changes in sexual responsivity. These findings are discussed in the context of a woman-defined sexuality at midlife.  相似文献   

Abstract— Null-hypothesis significance tests (NHST), properly used, tell us whether we have sufficient evidence to be confident of the sign of the population effect—but only if we abandon two-valued logic in favor of Kaiser's (1960) three-alternative hypothesis tests Confidence intervals provide a useful addition to NHSTs, and can be used to provide the same sign-determination function as NHST However, when so used, confidence intervals are subject to exactly the same Type I, II, and III error rates as NHST In addition, NHSTs provide two pieces of information about our data—maximum probability of a Type III error and probability of a successful exact replication—that confidence intervals do not The proposed alternative to NHST is just as susceptible to misinterpretation as is NHST The problem of bias due to censoring of data collection or publication can be handled by providing archives for all methodologically sound data sets, but reserving interpretations and conclusions for statistically significant results.  相似文献   

Daniel Capper 《Zygon》2016,51(2):257-276
Groundhog Day animal weather forecasting ceremonies continue to proliferate around the United States despite a lack of public confidence in the oracles. This essay probes religio‐historical and original ethnographic perspectives to offer a psychological argument for why these ceremonies exist. Employing Paul Shepard's notion of a felt loss of sacred, intimate relationships with nonhuman nature, as well as Peter Homans's concept of the monument that enables mourning, this essay argues that groundhog oracles serve as monuments that allow humans experientially to attempt to heal lost sacred relationships with animals like weather forecasting bears, hedgehogs, and badgers.  相似文献   

Jonathan Marks 《Zygon》2019,54(1):246-251
Ideas about biology, race, and theology were bound up together in nineteenth‐century scholarship, although they are rarely, if ever, considered together today. Nevertheless, the new genealogical way of thinking about the history of life arose alongside a new way of thinking about the Bible, and a new way of thinking about people. They connected with one another in subtle ways, and modern scholarly boundaries do not map well on to nineteenth‐century scholarship.  相似文献   

采用量表法、同伴提名法、访谈法探讨了小学学习不良儿童孤独感、同伴接受性的特点及其与家庭功能的关系。结果表明,4—6年级小学儿童存在孤独感;与一般儿童相比,学习不良儿童孤独感明显偏高,而同伴接受性明显偏低;同伴接受性与孤独感和家庭功能之间存在显著相关。  相似文献   

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