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道性思想是在南北朝时期受佛性思想的影响而发展起来的,至孟安排的<道教义枢>时已经形成了较为完备的道性理论.<道教义枢>中的道性思想既继承了传统道教的思想,又进一步吸收了佛教的重要思想.<道性义>用理和中道来解说道性,为修道成仙提供形上学的根据.进而,又彰显染净说来为道教完善修行解脱理论.道性思想对于道教的发展有着重要的方法论和本体论意义.  相似文献   

陶弘景是葛洪之后道教美学思想最成体系、最有影响的道教人物,其"游心忘形"的环境美学思想,标志了南北朝时期道教对于人与环境和谐的朴素思考;其融会儒道的"文以传道"的文艺美学观,"吟啸运八气"、"所在皆逍遥"的诗学理论,及其"手随意运,笔与手会"的书法艺术美学论,又为唐、宋道教文艺美学思想的提升和成熟,作了深广的铺垫.  相似文献   

《道德经》是讲道的。中国文化上下五千年其实都来源于这个道,所以中国文化的中心要点就是一个"道"字。"道"这个字是广义的,用现在的话说就是宏观  相似文献   

This paper discusses the elements of a family intervention which draws on some concepts of Tao philosophy, such as polarity and returning. The polarity is that of the complimentary opposites yin and yang, and the returning is the cyclical returning and balance that is to be found in nature and its systems, which contain both a tendency towards stability and towards change. The balanced use ofjiin andjiang, when confronted by a system that is stuck off-balance, develops into a debate similar to the 'Greek Chorus'. This is then followed up by a confusing letter which leaves members of the family with a set of reframes and tasks from which they can create a response to their difficulty.  相似文献   

《周易》是中国文化的宝贵遗产,它影响了中国文化的诸多方面。《周易》中的天人合一、阴阳互动、通变致久理论,为中国古代文论的主要哲学基础。  相似文献   

Most attempts at developing typologies of criminal behavior have not involved empirical research. This paper describes an exploratory empirical approach to identifying patterns in criminal behavior. Two data-reduction techniques, factor analysis and cluster analysis, are applied to the official arrest records of a Danish birth cohort of 28,879 men. Four factors emerged from the factor analysis: GENERAL CRIME, TRAFFIC OFFENSES, WHITE-COLLAR CRIME, and SEX OFFENSES. The cluster analysis revealed GENERAL CRIME and TRAFFIC OFFENSES clusters. A substantial number of offenses are shown by both analyses to be independent of any pattern. The results show good split-sample cross-validation and for the most part are robust across the two analytic approaches.  相似文献   

中华美学学会第六届全国美学大会暨"全球化与中国美学"学术研讨会于2004年6月25~27日在吉林省长春市举行,本次会议由中华美学学会、吉林大学文学院和中国文化研究所联合举办.与会代表围绕主题从多个方面展开如下探讨.  相似文献   

武士道之道与中国道家、儒家所论之道、理等概念有很大差别,根本的差别在于武士道的思想缺少形而上学的考虑。而且武士道的思想没有性善的根基,它以忠主为根本准则,这会导致行为伦理的缺失和行为目标的盲目。  相似文献   

朱平漫向支离益学习屠龙之技,没少下功夫:冬练三九,夏练三伏,春起五更,秋戴残月。练腾挪跳跃以与龙周旋,练刀枪剑戟以与龙相持,练长缨之舞以缚擒猛龙,练割宰之术以肢解龙体。如此众多的技法,老师当然不会白教,按一门单科收250两银子计,四科下来就是白银千两,三年下来  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Analects of Kongzi (better known to English-speakers as 'Confucius') to non-specialist readers, and discusses two major lines of interpretation. According to one group of interpretations, the key to understanding the Analects is passage 4.15, in which a disciple says that 'loyalty' and 'reciprocity' together make up the 'one thread' of the Master's teachings. More recently, some interpreters have emphasised passage 13.3, which discusses 'correcting names': bringing words and things into proper alignment. This paper argues that both approaches are mistaken, based on interpolated and unrepresentative passages. The paper closes with a brief suggestion that the Analects reveals a thinker who emphasises cultivating virtues that allow for the appreciation of complex individual contexts, rather than one who seeks systematic generalisations. An afterword to the paper suggests that we should avoid both 'methodological dualism' (which posits a radical incommensurability between Western and Eastern philosophies) and 'the perennial philosophy' (which ignores differences in favour of similarities).  相似文献   

Both thinkings on Dao in Chinese philosophy and metaphysics in Western philosophy investigate things on a spiritual level that transcends experience, but there are incommensurable differences between them. The objective of “metaphysics” is ontological knowledge about nature from the perspective of epistemological “truth-pursuing”. Western metaphysics is thus a “metaphysics of nature”. Dao in Chinese philosophy, on the other hand, more often manifests itself in “good-pursuing” by means of the internal, experiential pursuit of moral stature and spiritual security. Philosophy of Dao is thus a “metaphysics of ethics”. The cause of this difference can be traced back to the differences between the rational tradition of the West, characterized by the dualism of the subject and the object, and the moral tradition of China, characterized by the integration of man and nature. __________ Translated by Zhang Lin from Lunlixue yanjiu 伦理学研究 (Studies in Ethics), 2007, (4): 62–65  相似文献   

R.迈  林丹 《世界哲学》2004,75(2):91-97
1 现在我们就海德格尔的另一个关键术语--即"道说"(Sage)①--来追问道家思想对于海德格尔的影响的问题.  相似文献   

罗姆巴赫完全赞同海德格尔将现象学方法带入存在论层面的尝试,但同时他力图克服他所理解的海氏缘在分析的狭隘性。在他的结构现象学中,缘在的结构分析必须被置于世界整体的结构生成中才可把握;而这种作为本己真实性的大结构的发生,不仅超越人的缘在也超越自然形式———相应地,对大结构的认识就只有通过密释学才有可能。由此现象学在罗姆巴赫那里“脱离了那种基于人的存在之上的固定”。经此深入,他提出了“深层结构的现象学”,深层现象乃是发生的境遇实践,从这里他迈出了东西方关于缘在体验的共同哲学的第一步。  相似文献   

三庄子的道与物关系 庄子至少在三个方面深化发展了老子的道、物关系.其一,老子"玄之又玄"的道,是为域中之一,仍是处于空间之中,庄子则将道往无限的时空延伸;其二,老子的道是"独立而不改"(25章),庄子则将道与生命做更紧密的结合,道落实到人心,并且"唯道集虚"(<人间世>),透过"心斋"之虚,使得道体现出精神境界的意涵;其三,庄子透过道--气--物的关系,提出"物化"与"安化"的观念.前者意指个体生命在宇宙大生命中的转化,后者则触及死生问题,而宣畅死生乃气之聚散,人应安于气化.以下,即就庄子思想中的道物关系,逐次展开申论.  相似文献   

In these reflections I attempt to re-situate the philosophical concerns and challenges of interpretation and translation between worlds in the more expansive context of the global philosophy of worldviews, which probes more deeply into the universal common ground of diverse worlds as they have evolved through the ages. This global space in which widely diverse worldviews (cultures, religions, ideologies, cosmologies, disciplinary narratives, interpretations, translations ) meet and interact opens new horizons and frontiers in exploring the hermeneutical, logical and ontological conditions for the possibility of interpretation and translation across worldviews and traditions. How is translation possible across widely variant worlds?  相似文献   

医疗方式是生存方式的一个重要方面.自然生存中的医学是自然医学,技术生存中的医学是技术医学.相对于自然医学,技术医学在手段上进步了,却离人性更远了.医学将向人文医学发展,力图实现自然、技术与人的和谐.  相似文献   

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