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The adolescent's understanding of procedural justice and its possible relationships with age, formal thought and sex were investigated. Based on social cognition literature, four predictions were tested: (1) juridical understanding develops along a number of levels; (2) it is fully, partially, or not dependent on formal thought; (3) its dependence, if any, is limited to some of the abilities composing formal thought, i.e., the experimental abilities; (4) no sex differences exist. A battery of formal tasks and a questionnaire tapping juridical understanding were addressed to 120 adolescents, equally sampled from grades 8, 10, and 12, in order to test these predictions. Qualitative analysis showed the understanding of justice developed on four levels: naive realism, integrated realism, inquisitive thinking, intersystemic thinking. ANOVA applied on justice scores and the regression of justice on the formal scores validated predictions 2(b), 3, and 4. The kind of formal and postformal thought contributions to social cognition and the relationships among various social cognition domains were discussed.  相似文献   

Pigeons' choosing between fixed-interval and random-interval schedules of reinforcement was investigated in three experiments using a discrete-trial procedure. In all three experiments, the random-interval schedule was generated by sampling a probability distribution at an interval (and in multiples of the interval) equal to that of the fixed-interval schedule. Thus the programmed delays to reinforcement on the random alternative were never shorter and were often longer than the fixed interval. Despite this feature, the fixed schedule was not strongly preferred. Increases in the probability used to generate the random interval resulted in decreased preferences for the fixed schedule. In addition, the number of consecutive choices on the preferred alternative varied directly with preference, whereas the consecutive number of choices on the nonpreferred alternative was fairly constant. The probability of choosing the random alternative was unaffected by the immediately prior interval encountered on that schedule, even when it was very long relative to the average value. The results loosely support conceptions of a "preference for variability" from foraging theory and the "utility of behavioral variability" from human decision-making literatures.  相似文献   

应对效能:问卷的编制及理论模型的建构   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
童辉杰 《心理学报》2005,37(3):413-419
对应对效能的测量研究抽取了1806名高校大学生样本,另对某戒毒机构中30人的吸毒特殊人群进行了比较研究。结构方程建模的验证性研究证实了应对效能的存在及其重要作用:应对效能区别于一般自我效能,在对躯体症状、抑郁和焦虑的作用中,以及对严重突发性事件如对可能出现的SARS的应激反应的作用中,发挥更重要的作用;应对效能发挥作用的机制表明它是一个独立的更为稳定的变量。根据应对效能的理论假设编制的量表有良好的信度与效度。其克伦巴赫α系数为0.86,分半信度0.79,相隔两个月63个被试的重测信度为0.71。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析揭示应对效能主要由三个因素构成,即自信程度、认知水平、胜任力的知觉。问卷的聚合效度与区分效度也比较满意。30个人的吸毒者与一般正常人的比较提供了实证效度的证据,应对效能能够有效区分吸毒人群与一般正常人群。以全国大学生的样本,建立了应对效能量表的常模。  相似文献   

In order to investigate what is learned in a training study on inductive reasoning, three tests were composed, involving two stimulus domains, namely letters and figures. Each test was composed on the basis of a set of explicitly defined item generating rules. The two figural tests were isomorphic tests, that is, they had identical problem structures but invoked different stimulus domains, simple geometric patterns and drawings of fruit. These tests were administered to pupils from grade 6 in The Netherlands, Surinam and Zambia. Half of each class was then trained at one of the three tests, while the other half did not get any training. During the training the pupils were taught to solve the items by trying to detect the features of the item generating rules. Four possible outcomes of transfer studies were postulated, differing in the generality of transfer of the results. By means of a Multivariate Analysis of Variance with Repeated Measures it was possible to differentiate between the four kinds of transfer; a pattern of fairly restricted transfer was demonstrated in each culture. Furthermore, in Zambia a remarkable score increase was found at the Letter Test, occurring both in the experimental and in the control condition. It was argued that this increase was caused by improved test-taking skills, learned at the first test administration.  相似文献   

Mariusz Tabaczek 《Zygon》2013,48(2):380-404
The methodological nonreductionism of contemporary biology opens an interesting discussion on the level of ontology and the philosophy of nature. The theory of emergence (EM), and downward causation (DC) in particular, bring a new set of arguments challenging not only methodological, but also ontological and causal reductionism. This argumentation provides a crucial philosophical foundation for the science/theology dialogue. However, a closer examination shows that proponents of EM do not present a unified and consistent definition of DC. Moreover, they find it difficult to prove that higher‐order properties can be causally significant without violating the causal laws that operate at lower physical levels. They also face the problem of circularity and incoherence in their explanation. In our article we show that these problems can be overcome only if DC is understood in terms of formal rather than physical (efficient) causality. This breakdown of causal monism in science opens a way to the retrieval of the fourfold Aristotelian notion of causality.  相似文献   


(1) A method to obtain a scale of subjective time unbiased by the time-order error is suggested. (2) The method gives as by-product some preliminary results on the memory process which gives rise to the time-order error. (3) The method is applied in an experimental study. Two methods, the adjustment method and the reproduction method were used to construct a subjective time scale within the range 1–7 seconds. The former method gave an almost linear R-S curve while the latter resulted in a positively accelerated curve. (4) The time-order error seems to be a very rapid process. The memory curve reaches very near its asymptotic value within a few tenths of a second.  相似文献   

父母意识的结构与内涵初探   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
桑标  唐剑 《心理科学》2000,23(3):279-284
本研究尝试性地提出了父母意识的概念,运用自行设计的母性意识、父性意识调查表对300对父母作评估与分析,来探讨父母意识的结构与内涵.因素分析结果表明,母性意识可归为13种主要因子,累积解释率为59.6%,其中最突出的是自我丧失感和亲子一体感;父性意识可归为9种主要因子,累积解释率为51.2%,最为突出的是对家庭的接纳感和责任感.父母意识的结构与内涵丰富而复杂,且父性意识与母性意识有所不同.  相似文献   

通过真实课堂中的教学实验法,以107名一年级小学生为研究对象,探讨了注音方式和教学形式在儿童课堂汉字学习中的作用。结果发现:(1)在课堂教学条件下,重点教学和伴随学习生字的学习效果都不受阅读材料注音方式的影响;(2)与伴随学习相比,重点教学能更好地促进学生的汉字学习,减少中等生和优等生之间的差距;(3)全体学生都能进行有效的伴随学习,学生原有的语文能力越高,伴随学习的可能性越大。  相似文献   

认知匹配策略和形式匹配策略的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
卢家楣 《心理学报》2001,34(6):58-63
将用以调节学生学习心向的两条教材内容的情感性处理策略——认知匹配策略和形式匹配策略分别运用于语文和外语教学中,进行现场教学实验研究。研究结果表明:分别运用这两条策略对教材内容进行情感性处理,对调节学生的学习心向,促进学生的认知和情感学习、提高课堂教学质量是可行而有效的。  相似文献   

时间信息在情景模型建构中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考察时间信息在情景模型建构中的作用 ,探讨被试能否把一系列相关的事实整合进基于时间组织的情景模型中。实验一、二考察明确的空间信息条件下 ,被试能否把绝对和相对的时间信息整合到情景模型中 ;实验三考察无明确的空间信息条件下 ,被试能否把绝对的时间信息整合到情景模型中。运用扇效应研究的提取干扰技术评定是否出现了整合。 3个实验结果一致表明 ,当几个相关的事实发生在相同的时间段时 ,都发现被试建构了基于时间的情景模型的证据。实验三结果同时也表明 ,无明确的空间信息的条件下 ,阅读材料中时间信息本身足以使被试建构基于时间组织的情景模型。  相似文献   

李其维 《心理学报》1989,22(4):25-34
根据皮亚杰的认知发展阶段论,形式思维作为一种不同于具体运算的思维方式,在青少年和成人中是普遍存在的。皮亚杰认为,“形式思维的一般特征—它超出与经验事实直接有关的转换的框架之上,并且从属于一个假设-演绎运算,即关于可能的运算的系统”。实质上,这个系统是由形式运算构成的一种机能性的运转结构。它的运转是动态  相似文献   

汽车司机安全驾驶性向测验的建构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本研究之目的是建构适用于我国的汽车司机安全驾驶性向测验。经各种检验结果表明,无论是能力测验还是个性测验,它们在信度和效度上均达到了要求。因此,为进一步标准化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

《青少年心理健康素质调查表》归因风格分量表的编制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究从青少年心理健康素质角度出发,编制了青少年归因风格问卷。结合理论,采用访谈法和专家评定法确立了初测问卷的维度和条目,并通过项目区分度分析和验证性因子分析对初测问卷条目进行了修订,最终形成了包括内在外在性、暂时稳定性、可控不可控性以及整体局部性4个维度的正式问卷,经检验,问卷具有较好的信度和效度指标。  相似文献   

The theory of emotion was a centerpiece of William James' Principles of Psychology. It introduced the notion that complex phenomena, such as the experience of emotion, could be derived (constructed) from a combination of more basic processes or behaviors. Despite their shortcomings, James' views on emotion shaped research on emotion for the succeeding century, and laid the groundwork for constructivist approaches in psychological theory.  相似文献   

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