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In the concluding chapter of Exceeding our Grasp Kyle Stanford outlines a positive response to the central issue raised brilliantly by his book, the problem of unconceived alternatives. This response, called "epistemic instrumentalism", relies on a distinction between instrumental and literal belief. We examine this distinction and with it the viability of Stanford's instrumentalism, which may well be another case of exceeding our grasp.  相似文献   

The essay casts doubt upon the view that Albert was criticizing or was dependent upon Thomas Manlevelt's logico-philosophical views, and counter argues that it is in fact Manlevelt who knows and cites Albert's views in his recently edited Porphyrian Questions, rather than vice versa. The argument for this conclusion proceeds in two stages. First, it is argued that the brief comment Albert makes about ‘conjunct descent’ (descensus copulatim) in treating the definition of merely confused supposition his Perutilis Logica does not conclusively show that Albert is criticizing the logico-philosophical view of Thomas Manlevelt, as the notion of ‘conjunct descent’ is already present in the work of Heytesbury. Hence, Albert may have been referring to him, since the unique contribution of Thomas Manlevelt to the definition of merely confused personal supposition appears completely unknown to Albert. Second, it is argued that the views in the Porphyrian Questions on the nature of the continuum, quantity, and dispositional vs. actual predication show the author's familiarity with the logico-philosophical views of Albert of Saxony, but not vice versa.  相似文献   

W. H. R. Rivers was the most famous member of the Cambridge Expedition to the Torres Strait. At the time, he was a physician and had an international reputation as a researcher in physiological psychology. The expedition signaled the beginning of his career in social anthropology, but also a long hiatus in his activities in medicine. His clinical interests revived during World War I. As an officer in the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), Rivers became a leading proponent of "psychological medicine." Today, his war-time psychiatry is remembered mainly in association with his patient, Siegfried Sassoon. This article focuses on his wartime activities, his clinical practices, and his theories concerning the war neuroses and the unconscious. The currently popular view of Rivers as a quasi-Freudian humanist is challenged.  相似文献   

S. Glenn 《Metaphilosophy》2012,43(5):679-697
Albert Einstein insists that his epistemology made his discovery of relativity possible. He believed it was his understanding of the relationship of experience and reason that allowed him to reconsider certain “truths” of physics. Specifically, he believed that reality and thought were independent but related, and that conceptual systems are independent of but conditioned by experience. Failure to understand the relation between experience and reason had, Einstein believed, limited progress in science. His understanding of the relation, on the other hand, enabled him to formulate relativity theory and therefore provides one example of the relevance of philosophy to scientific inquiry.  相似文献   

On the 29th of January, 1968 Don De Avila Jackson died at the age of 48. His death was both expected and unexpected. For some time rumors of his ill health had been circulating among concerned colleagues; his incredible vitality and enduring youthfulness made the rumors seem incredible. One year after his death a Memorial Conference honoring him was held at the Conference Center in Asilomar, California. The Conference was sponsored by the Mental Research Institute and organized by Jay Haley, then the Editor of FAMILY PROCESS, with the collaboration of the MRI staff. It was attended by the Advisory Editors of this Journal, co-founded in 1961 by Jackson and Nathan W. Ackerman. The Conference lasted four days; there were only two prepared addresses which are printed here. Ackerman's Eulogy and Review opened the meeting; Bell's Prospectus closed it.  相似文献   

A Rorschach was administered to Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961 at the time of his trial for war crimes. The recent publication of this protocol offers an opportunity to compare his personal world against opinions formed about him by observers at his trial. Various professionals certified Eichmann as a banal, ordinary man, and a societal theory was proposed about Nazism based in part on impressions of Eichmann as an uncomplicated man. This commentary examines Eichmann's protocol and provides an opinion that in several important respects his record includes features uncharacteristic of an ordinary, banal mind.  相似文献   

Prior to moving to the U.S., the author, a gay Japanese man, was secure in his multiple identities. After the cross-national transition to the U.S., however, he confronted unique and particular challenges in negotiating his multiple identities. As a foreigner, adopting the cultural discourse of the gay Asian-American identity as a way of life shocked and surprised him—especially because of the ways in which others communicated with him. In particular, others generally viewed his identity expression as reinforcing the stereotypical image of gay men and failing to conform with the social perception of Asian-Americans. Also, the racialized and gendered image of gay Asian-American men became a conflict in his interactions with gay and bisexual men because its image did not fully represent who he is. Being trapped by his dual-identity conflict, he faced difficulty in negotiating performative aspects of gay Asian-American male identity construction. At the same time, this contradiction became an opportunity for him to (de)construct his dual identity conflict and to finally name himself with such labeling. This analysis employs autoethnography to explore the author’s cross-national transformation process of becoming a gay Asian-American man. Finally, this analysis intends to link his personal experience and the cultural and social experiences of gay Asian-American male identity.  相似文献   


For over three quarters of a century Milton H. Erickson made an astonishing impact on all who met him and on all who were his patients. Unlike with many innovators, his recognition by colleagues did not wait for his death in 1980. For decades before people crowded to meet him, to be treated by him, and to learn from him. He was superbly fitted to be a clinician and a healer, thus it was his human and therapeutic qualities that were honored at a recent symposium at the Canterbury Group Family Institute in Great Neck, New York. The proceedings of that occasion are reported here by Laurie Klein Evans, Executive Director of the Institute.

I have already mentioned Erickson's unique position as a master healer. Also, during his lifetime and since his death, his work has inspired a prolific outpouring of theoretical contributions from colleagues and students. Haley has acknowledged his great debt to Erickson; the work of Bandler and Grinder, and of Selvini-Palazzoli, and the recent book by Keeney, Aesthetics of Change, all draw heavily on his practical applications and his natural wisdom in their fashioning of theoretical understandings, which range from paradox to field and system theory and cybernetics. It is small wonder, then, that as these theoretical advances continue, anecdotal and story-telling tributes also appear to bring further substantiation from the source of these exciting hypotheses.

I.A.  相似文献   

Albert Ellis, Ph.D. gives his formula for success, along with his unique and extremely candid take on some of the obstacles he encountered along the way in his amazing quest to take Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)—the original cognitive behavioral approach—from its initial status as renegade to its current mainstream status.  相似文献   

束皙的赋作是六朝赋史中的特立独行者,选材的独特、语言的质朴使他在崇尚绮丽繁缛文风的西晋赋坛饱受争议。本文以为.正是柬皙赋中的这些迥异于时的因素使得他“代表了西晋文学非主流的一端”,对赋体表现空间的拓展及其功能的完善做出了贡献。  相似文献   


Beach, H. D. &; Lucas, R. A. (Eds.) Individual and Group Behavior in a Coal Mine Disaster. Disaster Research Group, Study Number 13. National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council, Publication 834. Washington, D. C., 1960. $3.00. 160pp. Reviewed by Albert Eglash

Beck, S. J., Beck, Anne G., Levitt, E. E., and Molish, H. B. Rorschach's Test. I. Basic Processes. Third Ed. Revised. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1961, 237 + X pp. Reviewed by Murray Levine

Carr, A. C., Forer, B. R., Henry, W. E., Hooker, Evelyn, Hutt, Max L., and Piotrowski, Z. A. The Prediction of Overt Behavior Through the Use of Projective Techniques. American Lecture Series Monog. Springfield, III.: Chas. Thomas, Publisher, 1960, Pp. 177. $6.50. Reviewed by Stephanie Z. Dudek

Cattell, R. B. and Scheier, I. H. The Meaning and Measurement of Neuroticism and Anxiety. New York: Ronald Press, 1961, pp. 535. $12.00. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin

Fein, L. G., The Three-Dimensional Personality Test. International Universities Press, New York. 1960. pp. xii + 324, $6.75. Reviewed by Theodore H. Blau

Hiltmann, H. Kompendium der Psychodiagnostischen Testen. Berne: Huber, 1960, 252 pps. Reviewed by Fred J. Goldstein

Kaplan, Bert (Ed.) Studying Personality Cross-culturally. Evanston, III.: Row, Peterson and Co., 1961. ix + 687. $8.50. Reviewed by Norman D. Sundberg

Meili, Richard Lehrbuch Der Psychologischen Diagnostik (Textbook of Psychological Diagnostics), 476 pages including index. Bern und Stuttgart: Hans Huber, 1961. $9.50. Reviewed by Z. A. Piotrowski

Peck, Robert F., Havighurst, Robert J., and associates: The Psychology of Character Development. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1960. 267 pp. $6.50. Reviewed by Dale L. Johnson

Symonds, P. M. with Jensen, A. R., From Adolescent to Adult. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. x + 413. Reviewed by Murray H. Sherman  相似文献   

The author warmly invites colleagues to accompany him as he revisits his unique psychoanalytic journey that led him to develop the concepts of specificity theory.  相似文献   

The interview covers Rushton’s background in England, South Africa, and Canada, his education at the University of London (B.Sc., 1970; Ph.D., 1973), and his early research (1970–1980) on the social learning of generosity in 7- to 11-year olds. In his first book, Altruism, socialization, and society (1980), Rushton solved two “anomalies” for his social learning perspective—altruism in animals and traits in people—causing a “paradigm shift” for him toward sociobiology. He spent January to June 1981 at the University of California, Berkeley, to study the longitudinal stability of personality traits like altruism. There, he was influenced by Jensen’s work on g and race differences in rate of maturation and two-egg twinning. Subsequently, Rushton found that across 60 variables, Europeans fall between East Asians and Africans, closer to East Asians. He extrapolated Wilson’s (fast–slow) r-K life history theory to explain the pattern. Also covered is Rushton’s research on the heritability of altruism, and Genetic Similarity Theory explaining assortative mating and ethnic nepotism. Spouses and best friends are as similar as half-siblings and people randomly chosen from the same ethnic group are as related as first cousins. Altruism follows lines of similarity to replicate genes effectively. Rushton’s research on creativity is described.  相似文献   

In the recent memory, Jean Piaget has been known as a cognitive developmental psychologist. But in 1936 when Harvard gave him his first honorary degree, he was recognized mainly as a sociologist. Why did Harvard honor him in 1936? Who knew his work well enough to nominate him? This article will address these questions by exploring archival documents from different sources. Evidence draws our attention to a broad social and intellectual endeavor in philanthropy, other social sciences, and especially industrial research that brought Piaget across the water. This article also attempts to interpret the circumstances of the nomination process inside and outside of Harvard University by using a theory of institutional design. It suggests that embodied in Harvard's honor of Piaget in 1936 was an idealistic act in social designing for a future society.  相似文献   


After recounting some personal life experiences that sensitized him to the kind of stigma that Erving Goffman systematically explored in his 1963 classic, Stigma, the author, who Is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, introduces hit concept of the stigma of the self. Paradoxically, the stigma of the self may occur when a person is treated as merely normal, and as only a social self and when, a? a consequence, there does not seem to be any recognition of what D. W. Winnicott has termed the true self. Drawing on his studies of the self [in his recently published The Singles Scene: A Psychoanalytic Study of the Breakdown of Intimacy(Alper, 1995)] the author explores the dynamics of what he calls intimacy hunger, an unappreciated but powerful need that, especially after a sufficient period of deprivation has elapsed, cannot be satuifed by a purely social substitute.  相似文献   

It is indeed an honour to have drawn Professor Stevens' fire (1964), in view of the magnitude of his research achievement in the field of sensory scaling. If I shall differ with him on certain of his conclusions, it is in full awareness of the debt we all owe him for the experimentation and thinking which has provided much of the factual basis and theoretical stimulus to further research and development in this area.

Professor Stevens (1960, 1964) advocates a psychophysical power law, while I have questioned it (Treisman, 1961, 1962, 1963a, 1963b, 1964a). I shall here examine the main points of disagreement lying behind these differing positions.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Commuting Versus Resident Students: Overcoming the Educational Inequities of Living Off Campus by Arthur W. Chickering. Counseling High School Students: Special Problems and Approaches edited by John G. Cull and Richard E. Hardy. Innovations in Client-Centered Therapy edited by David A. Wexler and Laura North Rice. Elementary School Careers Education by Frank R. Cross. Human Interaction in Education by Gene Stanford and Albert E. Roark. Behavior Mod by Philip J. Hilts. Mental Retardation: Rehabilitation and Counseling edited by Philip L. Browning. Career Counseling in the Community College by Charles Healy. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas  相似文献   

David A. Lynes 《Human Studies》2010,33(2-3):287-288
Peter McHugh’s influence on those of us who studied and worked with him as part of York University’s graduate sociology programme in Toronto from the mid-1970s until the late 1980s, while lasting and undeniable, is not necessarily immediately apparent nor easily articulated. What follows is a brief reflection on how this difficulty can be understood as integral to Peter McHugh’s unique contribution both to those of us fortunate enough to have studied with him, and more broadly, to the discipline of sociology itself.  相似文献   

The centenary of Gordon W. Allport provides an occasion for reappraising his special position regarding uniqueness in personality. Allport's theory of personality, as first presented in his 1937 textbook, highlighted the idiographic in conjunction with the nomothetic approach, and the fundamental unit in his formulation was the trait. He described common and unique traits as well as the unique organization of traits. In contradistinction, the idiodynamic orientation, introduced by Saul Rosenzweig in 1951 and, in more detail in 1958, focused on events which over a lifespan constitute an idioverse—a population of phenomenological events. Allport's original emphasis on the idiographic and his later confusion concerning idiodynamics, can, in considerable measure, be understood by recognizing the role of religious spirituality in his conception of the person. That conception, which derived from an early religious indoctrination, asserted itself with renewed vigor in his later years. His scientific conception of personality thus remained unconsummated, subordinated by him to the unsolvable mysteries of ontology which properly belong, he believed, in the domain of faith. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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