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近年来 ,随着免疫学和放射性核素诊断学的进展 ,研究人员已对多发性内分泌自身免疫综合征(autoimmunepolyglandullarsyndrome ,APS)进行了发病机理和分型的深入研究。APS是指病理性自身免疫反应引起 2个以上内分泌腺疾病组合的症候群 ,临床上主要分为 3型 ,其中IDDM (胰岛素依赖型糖尿病 )最易与其他自身免疫性疾病相伴 ,也最受免疫学家们的关注。对IDDM与其他相伴的自身免疫性疾病的临床及基因相关联的研究 ,充满了科学思维的过程 ,极大的促进了IDDM及其他自身免疫性疾病的发病机制的认…  相似文献   

李登辉抛出“两国论”,企图分裂祖国的野心昭然若揭。李登辉不但不悬崖勒马,反而在8月17日的国民党特别会议上宣称“台湾需要建立一套TMD系统”,想用TMD来为“台独”作军事后盾。最近,台“国防部长”唐飞为策应李氏谬论还提交了一份发展TMD的秘密报告,并...  相似文献   

心理因素与HIV/AIDS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类免疫缺损病毒 ,类型 1(HIV - 1)是获得免疫缺损综合征 (AIDS)即艾滋病的主要原因。HIV属于慢病毒的一个亚类 ,其感染过程的特征是从感染到严重症状开始发作之间有很长时间间隔。在这段时间内 ,为病毒提供入口的CD+4细胞 ,逐渐变得失去战斗力和死亡。健康的CD4 (T辅助 )细胞通常为其他细胞 ,如细胞毒素T和B细胞发送信号 ,增强免疫反应。当血液中的CD4数降到 5 0 0 mm3 以下时 ,免疫系统贮备的一半被破坏。这时 ,小的感染(如单纯疮疹病毒 )和菌类感染 (如阴道念珠菌病 )开始出现。一旦CD4数降到 2 0 0 mm3 ,威…  相似文献   

一月七日至十二日,于上海龙华迎宾馆举行的“全国汉语系佛教教育工作座谈会”,在中国佛教协会会长赵朴老亲自主持下,通过与会全体人员的共同努力,取得了圆满成就。它将成为佛教教育事业新转折的标志,对佛教教育事业将会开拓出新的局面,对整个佛教事业的建设将会产生积极的和深远的影响。一月七日,朴老在会议开幕式上作了极其重要的讲话,分析了我们当前的僧才连“管好寺院”“这一起码要求都不能适应”;今天培养的僧才“合不合格,将决定将来中国佛教事业的兴衰存亡”和“走向、命运、前途”。“称职、合格的佛教人才奇缺同佛教事业的建设与开展之间”的矛盾,是“当前和今后一个相当时期内佛教工作”  相似文献   

1 肝素在DIC中的用与不用主张用肝素的学者认为 ,“肝素使用可降低弥漫性血管内凝血 (DIC)的发生率和死亡率” ;“强调肝素是一切DIC病人的首选治疗 ,而且应当早用 ,用足量 ,维持足够长的时间”。与此持相反意见的学者认为肝素对DIC治疗无益。其根据是“由于一部分患者尸检时无微血栓的证据 ;有些临床报道指出肝素治疗组的死亡率并不低于非肝素治疗组。据此 ,有人认为DIC的主要死因大概不是血管内凝血 ,肝素治疗无益 ,甚至会加重出血。”任何事物都有其两面性 ,在肝素的应用上也应当辩证地对待。2 因病因症 ,辩证地应用肝…  相似文献   

有关特异性COX-2抑制剂的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非甾体抗炎药 (NSAIDs)是临床上常用的一类具有解热、镇痛和抗炎作用的药物 ,主要用于各种急慢性炎症和疼痛的治疗。特异性环氧化酶 - 2 (COX -2 )抑制剂则是近十年来迅速发展起来的新一代NSAIDs,其特点是胃肠道毒副反应发生率较传统NSAIDs显著降低。1 NSAIDs的发展过程1 1 传统NSAIDs的发展过程NSAIDs的发展可以一直追溯到 19世纪末 ,当时德国拜尔公司通过水杨酸乙酰化生产出阿司匹林 ,标志着合成抗炎药物应用的开始。 195 2年 ,吡唑酮类药物保泰松开始用于临床 ,此时国际上首次提出NSAIDs…  相似文献   

习近平总书记多次提出,中国共产党要“不忘初心”。他对中国共产党“初心”的解释是“为人民谋幸福,为民族谋复兴”。社会主义中国的哲学社会科学事业,是中国共产党领导下的国家、人民、民族的社会主义现代化事业的一个不可缺少的组成部分。社会主义中国的宗教学研究,是中国哲学社会科学事业的组成部分,它的初心当然也与党的初心相同。  相似文献   

HIV导致AIDS?———浅谈假说方法在AIDS病因学研究中的运用湖南医科大学临床微生物学和免疫学教研室研究生(长沙410078)钱骏导师查国章AIDS(获得性免疫缺陷综合征),又称艾滋病。它是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起,以全身免疫系统严重损害...  相似文献   

来自宁养院的调查和思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓临终关怀 ,是对所患疾病已经治疗无效患者的积极、全面的医疗照顾。它既不加速也不延缓死亡 ,而是提供疼痛缓解 ,心理支持等善终服务。使患者在生命末期活得舒适 ,有尊严 ,同时也帮助家属获得最佳生活质量。虽然现代较健全的全世界首家临终关怀组织———“圣克里斯多弗临终关怀机构”(St.ChristopherHospice)早在 196 7年就由英国的桑德斯博士 (Dr.DameCicelySaunders)在伦敦创建 ,但中国大陆的临终关怀事业直到 1988年才真正起步 ,其标志性事件就是由崔以泰倡导的天津医科大学临终关怀研究中…  相似文献   

解放思想是十四大的基本精神之一,它对于正确认识“灵活变通”有着重要的意义。事实上,“灵活变通”是实事求是思想路线的“广东版”;历史经验充分证明,“灵活变通”是党的事业取得胜利的根本保证;“灵活变通”同时也是广东敢“闯”敢“冒”的一个重要法宝.在改革开放的伟大实践中,只有从实际出发,敢于和善于“灵活变通”,才能使主观和客观相一致,才能推动社会主义事业不断向前发展。  相似文献   

Despite well‐documented attention deficits in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), distinctions across types of attention problems and their association with academic attainment has not been fully explored. This study examines visual attention capacities and inattentive/hyperactive behaviours in 77 children aged 4 to 11 years with IDD and elevated behavioural attention difficulties. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD;= 23), Down syndrome (DS;= 22), and non‐specific intellectual disability (NSID;= 32) completed computerized visual search and vigilance paradigms. In addition, parents and teachers completed rating scales of inattention and hyperactivity. Concurrent associations between attention abilities and early literacy and numeracy skills were also examined. Children completed measures of receptive vocabulary, phonological abilities and cardinality skills. As expected, the results indicated that all groups had relatively comparable levels of inattentive/hyperactive behaviours as rated by parents and teachers. However, the extent of visual attention deficits varied as a result of group; namely children with DS had poorer visual search and vigilance abilities than children with ASD and NSID. Further, significant associations between visual attention difficulties and poorer literacy and numeracy skills were observed, regardless of group. Collectively the findings demonstrate that in children with IDD who present with homogenous behavioural attention difficulties, at the cognitive level, subtle profiles of attentional problems can be delineated.  相似文献   

Although perfectionism has been linked to a variety of mental health problems, the relevance of perfectionism in other life domains is just beginning to receive attention. Given the evidence that personality plays an important role in career choice and adjustment, the present study evaluated whether aspects of perfectionism make any unique contribution to the prediction of career indecision beyond certain traits of the Five-Factor model that may also be related to career indecision. Results showed that both maladaptive and adaptive perfectionism accounted for unique variance in career decision-making self-efficacy beyond variance predicted by neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness. In contrast, only maladaptive perfectionism accounted for unique variance in certainty of career commitment beyond variance predicted by neuroticism and conscientiousness. Results are discussed in terms of perfectionism, the role of personality in career indecision, and implications for career counseling.  相似文献   

Students seeking help at a university counseling center were asked to mark on a problem checklist what type of career, educational, personal, or social problems they experienced at the time. Few differences in endorsement were found between counseling center help seekers with career concerns and counseling center help seekers without career concerns, but both types of help seekers indicated concerns with study habits, emotional distress, and relationships. These issues also significantly correlated with help seekers' degree of clarity and stability of career goals. When compared with non-help-seeking students, significantly more help seekers with career concerns indicated worrying about issues concerning emotional distress, decision making, independence, and eating problems. Suggestions regarding conceptualizations of career problems as well as career guidance are offered.  相似文献   

Unintentional injuries are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). First aid training involves teaching critical first aid skills, some of which are designed to treat unintentional injuries. To date, no study has (a) evaluated the effects of a video-prompting procedure to teach first aid skills to children with IDD or (b) attempted to teach these skills to children by using a telehealth delivery format. We used a concurrent multiple-baseline-across-skills design to evaluate the efficacy of a video-prompting procedure via telehealth to teach five children with IDD to perform first aid on themselves for insect stings, minor cuts, and minor burns under simulated conditions. For all participants, our procedure produced large improvements that maintained for a minimum of 4 weeks. Furthermore, the effects of the training generalized to novel confederates for all participants, and these effects maintained for a minimum of 4 weeks.  相似文献   

熊红星  郑雪 《心理科学进展》2011,19(8):1214-1223
优柔寡断是跨领域地长期体验到决策困难的一般倾向, 对个人的职业生涯决策和发展的很多方面产生影响, 近年来成为职业生涯心理学中的研究热点。与优柔寡断相关的概念较多, 有必要探讨它们的中文翻译及其在生涯决策领域相关概念体系中的位置。在整理分析了优柔寡断的特点、理论解释、研究方法及相关研究后, 提出未来值得深入研究的方向是:优柔寡断的结构, 其在动态情境下对决策的影响, 其前因变量研究和纵向研究。  相似文献   

This article extracts principles from two Surgeon General reports, Closing the Gap: A National Blueprint to Improve the Health of Persons with Mental Retardation (2002) and Call to Action to Improve the Health and Wellness of Persons with Disabilities (2005), and combines them with the Objectives from Chapter 6 of Healthy People 2010 to create a policy framework. This framework is used to review literature from the past decade on access to health care and health promotion for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Review of the literature indicates an emerging evidence base for health promotion programs for persons with IDD. Research in health care and health promotion access requires improvements in surveillance and measurement of quality of life, as well as increased participation of persons with IDD and their families in its implementation. While international guidelines for primary health care have been developed for people with IDD, US guidelines are specialty focused and address specific conditions. Despite its recognized importance, there is surprisingly little information on training programs for health care providers to improve care of persons with IDD. Financing of health care continues to threaten access to comprehensive care for persons with IDD, particularly regarding coordination of care and availability of providers who accept Medicaid patients. Community-based sources of health care have been slow to emerge, and there is clear need for assumption of responsibility for providing care to persons with IDD. Future US policy should include consideration of environmental factors in health care access.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore the attitudes and behaviors of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) related to their information privacy when using information technology (IT). Six persons with IDD were recruited to participate to a series of 3 semistructured focus groups. Data were analyzed following a hybrid thematic analysis approach. Only 2 participants reported using IT every day. However, they all perceived IT use benefits, such as an increased autonomy. Participants demonstrated awareness of privacy concerns, but not in situations involving the use of technology; their awareness is not transferred to the abstract context of IT use. Privacy breaches were revealed to be a major risk for persons with IDD, who did not seem to understand how their personal information was used. Most protection mechanisms and tools reported were those suggested and implemented by caregivers and close relatives who had a great influence on the participants’ attitudes and behaviors toward IT and privacy. Our findings suggest that when using IT, persons with IDD often experience the consequences of a trade-off between autonomy and privacy. Further research and action is needed to support persons with IDD to understand and balance the benefits of IT use and the inherent threats to information privacy.  相似文献   

The domain of career decision problems has not been adequately explored. Consequently, it is difficult to determine how well existing instruments sample the career indecision construct. The authors conducted a factor analysis of the Career Decision Scale, Career Factors Inventory, and Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire with undecided college students to explore the indecision domain. They found six reliable factors: Lack of Information, Need for Information, Trait Indecision, Disagreement with Others, Identity Diffusion, and Choice Anxiety. They conducted a cluster analysis of these six factors to explore the structure of the indecision domain and found three clusters: Information Deficit/Identity Diffusion, Decision Process Inhibitors, and Choice Inhibitors. The authors propose a definition of the domain of career decision problems, discuss implications of the results for career counseling, and critique existing instruments on their coverage of the domain.  相似文献   

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