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行为的影响因素错综复杂,有效的干预方案的设计离不开合理的理论模型指导。提出的模型认为,个体的行为是由其大脑中的认知-情感神经网络决定的,它包括自己、他人、环境和行为动机四个层次化的子系统。该理论模型不仅为系统理解卫生行为提供了有用的思维框架,还对行为干预提出了许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

黑暗恐惧症是发生在婴幼儿中较为普遍的一种情境限制性的情绪障碍。从行为学派,认知学派,精神分析学派对情绪产生的理论假设出发,分析黑暗恐惧症产生的原因,并在此基础上提出认知一行为干预模式,作为一种对黑暗恐惧症进行心理干预的模式。  相似文献   

拖延是一种普遍存在, 具有跨时间和跨情景稳定性的问题行为, 它会危害到人们的学习、工作和身心健康。然而目前拖延行为的认知神经机制仍不清晰, 且缺乏因果证据, 本项目拟从拖延的时间决策模型和三重神经结构网络模型出发, 构建拖延的认知神经模型, 并利用认知干预和神经调控技术, 检验和完善拖延行为的认知神经模型, 进而试图制定拖延的精准化干预方案。本项目分为3部分:(1)从记录与关联研究的视角出发, 利用多模态神经影像方法系统考察拖延行为的认知神经机制; (2)从因果/近因果研究视角出发, 利用认知干预和神经调控技术, 验证并完善拖延的认知神经模型; (3)从临床应用的视角出发, 建立拖延行为障碍的临床筛查-诊断体系, 并制定精准化治疗方案。本项目的开展对于探明拖延产生的核心认知神经机制具有十分重要的理论贡献, 同时对于拖延行为的有效预防和精准治疗具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

认知行为干预防治个体晕船发生的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乐燕  刘晓虹 《心理科学》2007,30(2):305-307
从心理学角度探讨晕船防治的有效方法,以降低出海作业人员的晕船发生率。本研究对某部门出海作业人员进行了认知行为干预的实验对照研究,研究对象先在陆地模拟抗晕训练,后出海航行进行检验;两组陆地训练内容均有平衡功能适应性训练,实验组外加认知行为干预。研究采用Graybiel晕动病症状和体征的评分标准进行晕船反应评估。结果表明:海训中实验组的晕船发生率、Graybiel平均年导分及其等级均显著低于对照组(P〈0.05),初步显示:认知行为干预对晕船防治有一定效用,可作为综合防治晕船的辅助手段。  相似文献   

主管认知信任和情感信任对员工行为及绩效的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用问卷调查法,检验主管认知信任与情感信任对员工行为及绩效影响的双路径模型。通过结构方程模型分析563份上下级配对数据,结果显示:主管认知信任通过注意聚焦的完全中介作用正向影响员工的任务绩效和组织公民行为。主管情感信任则通过情感承诺的部分中介作用正向影响员工的任务绩效和组织公民行为,即一方面直接影响员工的任务绩效和个体指向公民行为,另一方面通过情感承诺间接影响员工的任务绩效和组织公民行为。并且,主管情感信任对员工行为和绩效的影响作用要大于认知信任的作  相似文献   

近年来研究者开始关注职场负面八卦对被八卦员工行为的影响。然而,目前关于二者关系机制的研究视角较为分散,且研究结论存在诸多分歧。为了厘清职场负面八卦与被八卦员工行为之间的关系,对2000年以来51个研究、61个样本的197个效应值进行了定量整合,基于认知-情感人格系统理论构建了职场负面八卦影响员工行为的解释机制,探索了负面八卦感知属性和文化差异在调和职场负面八卦与员工行为矛盾结论方面发挥的作用。结果表明,职场负面八卦对被八卦员工的行为产生了消极影响,职场负面八卦具体通过降低积极人际认知对被八卦员工的行为产生消极影响。从负面八卦感知属性的调节作用来看,当员工感知已被负面八卦时会表现出更加消极的行为,而当员工感知将被负面八卦时则会表现出更加积极的行为。从文化差异的调节作用来看,西方文化情境中职场负面八卦对被八卦员工行为的负向影响弱于东方文化情境。以上结论对于研究和管理职场负面八卦都具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

保持手卫生是感染防控的重要策略,但是如何提高其依从性成为预防传染性疾病和减少医疗机构获得性感染的一大挑战。以行为科学为基础的手卫生助推干预以更“隐性”的方式将洗手转变为一种可自动触发的行为习惯,弥补了以知识分享和健康宣教为主的传统手卫生干预策略的诸多局限性。基于影响机制的不同,手卫生助推干预策略可分为提供决策信息、优化决策选项、影响决策结构、提醒决策方向4个大类的框架体系。多模式助推策略的有效性也已在实践中得到印证,但目前还非常缺乏在中国社会文化情境下开展的助推洗手行为的干预研究,今后可尝试基于行为科学理论有针对性地在医院、学校和社区等公共场所开展此类干预研究和实践,为感染防控、疾病预防和改善公共健康做出相应的贡献。  相似文献   

认知、动机、情感因素对谈判行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谈判,指两方或多方就利益不同而进行的协商,是解决选择冲突最常见的方式之一。认知、动机及情感因素,影响谈判者的信息处理与判断推理过程。谈判中它们既可能导致决策偏差,也可能促进决策质量。长期以来着眼于认知过程的谈判研究在社会心理学中占主流地位。近年,动机与情感因素对谈判行为的影响受到越来越多的关注。从社会认知的冷(cold:认知)、热(hot:动机、情感)两个角度,系统解析相关研究近年来的进展与成果,可以为揭示认知、动机、情感间的互动如何影响谈判行为打下基础  相似文献   

无礼行为在工作场所中广泛存在, 但由于其强度低、意图模糊等特征, 从而使组织很难有效地甄别、预防或控制它。在总结工作场所无礼行为已有研究成果的基础上, 笔者展开了下列三方面的工作:首先, 厘清无礼行为与其他相关不良行为的概念边界; 其次, 梳理了工作场所无礼行为的相关理论模型的发展进程, 主要介绍情绪认知评价理论模型、情感事件理论模型和无礼行为的情绪反应模型; 最后, 基于目前研究存在的问题和不足, 主张建构一个以认知和情绪反应为中介, 以社会文化、人格和组织因素为调节变量的无礼行为的模型, 并建议未来的研究运用纵向实验设计的方法来确定各变量之间的因果走向, 以求进一步丰富、完善和深化无礼行为的发展机制模型。  相似文献   

米契尔认知情感的个性系统理论述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近20年左右,以社会认知理论命名的个性新观点正悄然兴起,并成为心理学重新综合趋势的重要反映。这一研究取向认为人是可以认知的、社会的人,并强调把认知过程看作是理解复杂的、有目的的社会行为的一把钥匙。在个性心理学领域,沃尔特·米契尔(Walter Mischel)是采用认知变量解释个性差异并做出非凡贡献的重要人物之一。该文着重从米契尔的三大重要研究领域:认知原型分类、认知情感的个性系统和自我延迟满足能力出发,详细阐述米契尔认知情感的个性系统理论,并对其个性理论的影响和作用进行简要评价。  相似文献   

严磊  佐斌  吴漾 《心理科学》2016,39(6):1379-1384
具身情绪观认为情感的核心功能是评价,这种评价信息会同时表征在低层感知系统和高层认知系统中,它们相互影响、互为因果。情感一致性反映的是情感具身反应(心理感受、情感相关的身体动作和表情等)与情感认知评价(情感的观念性内容,积极与消极)在效价上的耦合关系。这种关系突出的表现为效价上是否一致,情感一致促进其后的认知加工,情感不一致的作用相反。该观点在短时记忆、叙事建构、刻板印象和说服效果等领域得到了证实。未来的研究应重视情感一致性的情感意义,扩展情感一致性定义及假设,并检验情感一致性的评价本质。  相似文献   

Evidence for effective treatment for behavioral problems continues to grow, yet evidence about the effective mechanisms underlying those interventions has lagged behind. The Stop Now and Plan (SNAP) program is a multicomponent intervention for boys between 6 and 11. This study tested putative treatment mechanisms using data from 252 boys in a randomized controlled trial of SNAP versus treatment as usual. SNAP includes a 3 month group treatment period followed by individualized intervention, which persisted through the 15 month study period. Measures were administered in four waves: at baseline and at 3, 9 and 15 months after baseline. A hierarchical linear modeling strategy was used. SNAP was associated with improved problem-solving skills, prosocial behavior, emotion regulation skills, and reduced parental stress. Prosocial behavior, emotion regulation skills and reduced parental stress partially mediated improvements in child aggression. Improved emotion regulation skills partially mediated treatment-related child anxious-depressed outcomes. Improvements in parenting behaviors did not differ between treatment conditions. The results suggest that independent processes may drive affective and behavioral outcomes, with some specificity regarding the mechanisms related to differing treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

Several models of person perception predict that expectancy violations have both affective and cognitive consequences for the perceiver. Although extant evidence generally supports these claims, the temporal resolution of traditional self-report measures has limited researchers' ability to convincingly link underlying physiological processes with observed outcomes. In this study, we examined these issues by measuring brain (event-related brain potentials) and peripheral (facial electromyogram) electrophysiological activity while participants read positive and negative expectancy-consistent, expectancy-violating, expectancy-irrelevant, and semantically incongruent behavioral sentences about fictitious characters. The electromyogram results indicated that negative (but not positive) expectancy-violating behaviors elicited enhanced negative affect as early as 100 to 300 ms poststimulus. The event-related potentials showed enhanced positivities with latency exceeding 300 ms in response to expectancy violations and negative behaviors. Semantically incongruent sentence endings influenced a separate negative component (N400), suggesting fundamental differences between semantic- and behavior-consistency processing. This difference also was evident in participants' recall. Implications for theoretical models of expectancy violation are discussed.  相似文献   

This article proposes a model for practitioners to assist those who have recently experienced a significant distressing event, but not of the type that satisfies Category A for a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder, to process trauma-related thoughts and feelings. While not intended to treat psychological disorders, the aim is to avoid psychopathology and to optimize functioning and quality of life. The nature of different thoughts and feelings are examined, and it is argued that traditional cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy can be applied to process these in a complementary, interactive, and dynamic fashion. Presented as a simple visual metaphor, the model provides a guide to assist and psychoeducate clients to identify the nature of the different trauma-related thoughts and feelings they experience, and how to best process these. A detailed vignette illustrates how the model works in practice.  相似文献   

Following the loss of a child, couple counseling focuses on their grief process as well as the impact of the loss on the marital relationship. Individual differences in reacting to and coping with the loss, different patterns of grieving, and differences in attitudes about relationship issues may cause further distress and increase marital conflicts and adaptation to the loss. When bereavement occurs under traumatic circumstances, the conflicts may be further complicated and involve problems in daily functioning related to distorted cognitions and attributions connected with traumatic bereavement. In this paper, cognitive grief therapy using the ABC model of REBT with a couple who lost a child under traumatic circumstances will be described.  相似文献   

Correlational analyses examined the effects of value "availability" and "relevance" on the relation between people's values (Rokeach, 1967) and their directrisk (DR) and indirect-risk (IR) health behavior (Langlie, 1977). The DR behavior of 181 female undergraduates was more strongly associated with their valuation of "an exciting life" than of "health"; a measure of "relative health value," in which the value of health was evaluated relative to the value of an exciting life, showed the strongest covariation with both their DR and IR actions. Thus, compared to health, an exciting life appeared to be more consciously available to these participants. Further, whereas the value of an exciting life and the measure of relative health value seemed to be regarded as relevant guides to both types of behavior, the value of health did not. Hence these results suggest that a two-value model of health behavior, based on the measure of relative health value, may be the best predictor of the health behavior of younger people. Among a sample of 113 older adults, the values of health and an exciting life were equally able to account for DR, but not IR, actions, suggesting that these values were equally available to these participants. Only the value of health, however, appeared to be regarded as a relevant guide to their IR actions, thereby suggesting that, whereas the two-value model may account for the DR behavior of older adults, the value of health alone may be a better predictor of their IR actions. The. implications for health research and education are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we take a closer look at the cognitive processing of emotional material in dysphoria and depression and link cognitive biases and deficits to individual differences in emotion regulation, an important risk factor for depression. Specifically, we propose that cognitive biases are associated with individual differences in the initial appraisal and reappraisal of emotion‐eliciting events. In addition, deficits in cognitive control result in prolonged processing of negative, goal‐irrelevant aspects of information as well as in decreased accessibility of mood‐incongruent material. These deficits further affect people’s ability to regulate negative affect by setting the stage for ruminative responses and by interfering with the use of reappraisal after the onset of an emotional response. This article provides a brief summary of findings that support these propositions and outlines implications for future research on the relation among affective processing, cognitive control, and emotion regulation in dysphoria and depression.  相似文献   

Personality theories assume that affective dispositions have a strong influence on affective experience and well-being, produce cross-situational consistency, and that positive and negative experiences are influenced by separate dispositions. These assumptions were tested using multi-method data. 97 married couples completed self and informant ratings of affective dispositions, a 14-day experience sampling study, and retrospective self and informant ratings of affective experiences (overall and with spouse). Analysis was conducted using a multi-trait-multi-method matrix and structural equation modeling. Main findings were (a) strong effects of affective dispositions on affective experiences with partner and affective well-being, (b) shared method variance among disposition and well-being ratings by the same rater, and (c) moderate to strong negative correlations between dispositions for positive and negative affect.  相似文献   

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