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家庭成员间活体器官及组织捐赠是被绝大多数国家所允许的.虽然利益化减少了很多,但是目前发现其也存在许多的伦理问题.就家庭成员间活体器官及组织捐赠的伦理基础,以及就捐赠风险、种族差异、失衡之爱、操纵、拒绝、退出、潜在利益、特殊疾病等涉及的相关伦理问题进行综述,并就存在的相关问题的解决方法进行探讨. 相似文献
在诸多影响民众器官捐献意愿的因素中,中国传统文化价值观是公民器官捐献意愿的重要影响因素。积极乐观的死亡态度、帮助他人实现自我的人生价值观、生命延续的赋予意义促进个体捐献意愿的表达;而消极回避的死亡态度、身体完整性丧失的困扰、顾虑重要亲人的感受可能会阻碍个体捐献意愿的表达。在充分了解中国传统文化心理特点的基础上,发掘并利用其中积极有利因素建立符合国人传统价值观念的器官捐献体系,可能是提高中国公民逝世后器官捐献意愿,解决器官短缺问题的行之有效的突破口。 相似文献
从信息支持需求、情感支持需求、物质支持需求角度对器官捐献家属支持需求进行详细阐述,发现我国器官捐献流程不成熟、宣传力度不足致使器官捐献家属信息支持需求未得到满足;传统观念与舆论压力导致情感支持需求未得到满足;器官捐献救助体系不完善致使物质支持需求未得到满足。提出在器官捐献前满足公众三大支持需求,在器官捐献过程中时刻做好与家属沟通的干预策略,以期为我国器官捐献事业发展提供参考。 相似文献
器官捐献使公民有机会获得健康福祉,是社会福利的一种体现。我国器官捐献事业在发展中遇到捐献率低的瓶颈。福利多元视角强调福利供给的多主体性,从理念和制度上强调和发挥政府、市场(补偿)、社会、家庭不同主体的协同作用。建议建立多元福利主体共同参与的体制,政府主导完善健全法律法规,市场发挥补偿机制的激励作用,社会、非营利组织的协同、平衡利益,器官分配家庭优先等,提供资源,互补配合,共同承担相应的社会责任,从而切实推动捐献事业的发展。 相似文献
通过对我国人体器官捐赠移植立法的必要性和立法模式问题,以及我国人体器官捐赠移植法的体系和基本原则进行深入研究,指出我国人体器官捐赠移植立法宜采用统一立法模式,并遵循知情同意、人民健康第一、效用与公平、规范程序与便于操作、违法必究五项原则。 相似文献
在综合考察各国立法和我国地方立法的基础上,对我国器官捐献立法的一些前提性问题进行探讨:明确死亡标准,建立合理的器官捐献激励机制,明确器官捐献的法律责任和追究机制,确立“指定同意”模式为基本原则,构建适应我国国情和文化背景的器官捐献立法体系,以切实加强对我国器官捐献的规范化管理. 相似文献
为了系统评价我国医务工作者对器官捐献的意愿及其影响因素,充分发挥医务工作者在器官捐献工作中的示范效应,本文通过检索国内外期刊数据库,收集建库至2022年3月31日公开发表的关于我国医务工作者对器官捐献的意愿及其影响因素等的研究文献。对纳入的研究数据进行 Meta分析。最终纳入文献14篇。Meta回归分析结果显示,医务工作者中约41%(95%CI=27%~55%)的人有意愿进行器官捐献。亚组分析显示:随着时间推移,医务工作者对器官捐献的意愿呈上升趋势。总体来看,我国医务工作者器官捐献意愿相对偏低,示范效应还未得到充分发挥。 相似文献
心脏死亡器官捐献是目前解决器官移植工作器官短缺的关键性举措,参与器官捐献过程的ICU的医务人员需要直接面临对潜在捐献者的治疗照护、临终护理、死亡判定等诸多伦理问题.应加强ICU医务人员器官捐献伦理知识的普及教育并完善相关法律制度,以保证器官捐献工作的健康、可持续发展. 相似文献
以往关于捐助的心理学研究主要聚焦于现实环境中的捐助行为,以及捐助者自身特点对捐助的影响,网络环境、求助者特征对捐助影响的研究较少。本研究以大学生为被试,比较不同信息发布者情境中,网络与现实中捐助的意愿,并确定求助者的身份特征和求助信息特征对网络捐助的影响。结果发现,在捐助意愿和捐助金额方面,网络渠道高于现实渠道、熟人发布高于陌生人发布;当求助者与捐助者同为大学生时,捐助者对求助者的理性求助信息比情绪性求助信息有更强的捐助意愿和更多捐助金额。以上结果与大学生网络社会支持水平较高、处理网络信息能力较强有关。 相似文献
以往关于捐助的心理学研究主要聚焦于现实环境中的捐助行为,以及捐助者自身特点对捐助的影响,网络环境、求助者特征对捐助影响的研究较少。本研究以大学生为被试,比较不同信息发布者情境中,网络与现实中捐助的意愿,并确定求助者的身份特征和求助信息特征对网络捐助的影响。结果发现,在捐助意愿和捐助金额方面,网络渠道高于现实渠道、熟人发布高于陌生人发布;当求助者与捐助者同为大学生时,捐助者对求助者的理性求助信息比情绪性求助信息有更强的捐助意愿和更多捐助金额。以上结果与大学生网络社会支持水平较高、处理网络信息能力较强有关。 相似文献
人体组织和器官捐献制度以“康德哲学”作为哲学基础,以“利他主义”作为伦理基础。人体组织和器官捐献补偿首先需要走出康德“目的公式”的哲学迷思与“纯粹利他主义”的伦理困境。通过对美国人体组织和器官补偿模式的介绍,建议我国在人体组织和器官捐献补偿问题上应当采取法定高额的补偿路径,即通过直接的经济补偿与社会福利政策相结合的并存模式,实现有效激励与人之伦理价值保护的统一,合理设计我国的人体组织和器官补偿制度。 相似文献
We tested the Door-in-the-Face technique (DITF) on blood donation with a delay between the acceptance of the request and the real possibility of complying with it. University students were solicited to give blood during a special one-day drive. After the refusal to participate in a long-term donor program, participants were asked for a one unit blood donation. In the control condition, only the latter request was addressed. The participants were either solicited two or three hours before the blood drive (delay) or during the blood drive (no delay). Results showed the DITF technique to be associated with greater verbal compliance with the request. However, the DITF technique with no delay was associated with greater behavioral compliance than were both of the control conditions and the DITF with a delay condition. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Three studies examine discriminant and predictive validity of a self-report measure of self -efficacy in romantic relationships (Self-Efficacy in Romantic Relationships; SERR). Study 1 indicates SERR scores predict relationship anxiety and expectations of relationship success when general self-efficacy, self-esteem, social desirability, and efficacy beliefs about relating to specific relationship partners are considered. Study 2 indicates SERR scores predict later relationship satisfaction and commitment when relationship type and length are considered. Study 3 indicates that SERR scores predict later relationship outcomes when other self-efficacy indicators are considered. The SERR assesses broad feelings of relationship self-efficacy, independent of specific relationships or partners. 相似文献
The current study examined the reliability and validity of the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) in a sample of young adolescents ( N = 330). Factor analysis of the SEQ-C revealed three factors that were in keeping with the intended subscales: social self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy, and emotional self-efficacy. Furthermore, results showed that the SEQ-C has satisfactory internal consistency. Finally, SEQ-C scores correlated in a theoretically meaningful way with a measure of depression. That is, the lower children's SEQ-C scores, the higher their level of depression. Possible applications of the SEQ-C are briefly discussed. 相似文献
在濒临死亡情境下,对26名遗体(器官)捐献志愿者进行深度访谈并收集资料,运用扎根理论的开放编码、关联编码及选择编码对原始资料进行分解、检测、比较、概念化及类属化,并围绕志愿者遗体(器官)捐献的动力进行理论编码。结果显示,构建了扎根于原始资料的志愿者遗体(器官)捐献的新利他主义动机心理模型,形成了正确生死观构筑志愿者遗体(器官)捐献的认识基础、追寻意义存在构建志愿者遗体(器官)捐献的心理特征及利他主义新理念成为志愿者遗体(器官)捐献的动力三条新理论,对诠释志愿者遗体(器官)捐献行为具有一定参与价值。 相似文献
通过对176名大学新生3个月的纵向研究,采用探索性因素分析、信度分析和回归分析等方法对目标定向与适应的关系以及社会自我效能感在其中的中介作用进行了深入研究。结果表明,(1)学习目标定向能够有效地预测个体的学业适应、社会适应和心理适应;而成绩目标定向对三类适应都无显著性影响;(2)社会自我效能感在学习目标定向与社会适应、心理适应之间具有完全中介效应,而对学习目标定向与学业适应之间没有中介作用;(3)社会自我效能感对学业适应无显著性影响。 相似文献
Multiple chronic diseases are caused or complicated by a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, an important and challenging application of psychology in clinical settings is changing the behavior of sedentary primary care patients. This study focused on exercise stage of change and self-efficacy in a sample of adult family practice patients recruited while waiting for their scheduled physician appointment. Regarding exercise stage of change, 15% of respondents were in the Precontemplation stage, 26% in the Contemplation stage, 50% in the Preparation stage, 7% in the Action stage, and 13% in the Maintenance stage. Mean self-efficacy scores for exercise were significantly higher among respondents in the Action and Maintenance stages of change. These cross-sectional data are consistent with the hypothesis that movement through the exercise stages of change could be encouraged by clinical interventions that increase exercise self-efficacy. The identification of multiple personal opportunities for increasing exercise self-efficacy may be clinically useful in this context. Recommendations for psychologists in primary care settings in their work with physicians are offered. 相似文献
College students with elevated depressive symptoms are more likely to engage in risky drinking and experience alcohol-related negative consequences. Efforts to understand the association between depressed mood and alcohol use have begun to identify the role of cognitive-motivational processes. Drinking refusal self-efficacy is one such process that influences the decision to drink, but its relationship with depressed mood remains unclear. The current study sought to clarify the role of these processes using a depressed mood induction procedure in a sample of college student drinkers. Eighty-six students were randomized to a depressed or neutral mood induction and completed assessments of drinking refusal self-efficacy. Depressed mood significantly decreased self-efficacy in high-risk drinking contexts related to depression, whereas ratings of other high-risk contexts were unaffected. These findings suggest that the association between hazardous drinking and depressed mood may be due in part to the direct influence of mood state on one's self-efficacy to resist drinking in relevant contexts. 相似文献
死后医疗数据捐赠对于科学研究的意义重大。但目前不存在有针对性的准则用于指导捐赠过程。如果死后医疗数据的使用缺乏监管可能会引发多种风险,一是给他人利益造成损害;二是造成数据的不规范使用。因此,应当类比现有捐献制度,允许并鼓励捐献死后医疗数据用于科学研究,并起草专门的捐赠准则。该准则的制定应当建立在遵循五大基本原则的前提下,主张以自愿参与的方式使用个人医疗数据,反对未经书面同意将数据用于以病例档案为基础的医学研究。 相似文献
The aim of this study was to explore whether coping self-efficacy mediates between various distress related variables on the one hand (symptoms of stress and depression), and the degree of psycho-social well-being as measured on the upper end of the mental health continuum on the other hand. Participants were two multi-cultural student groups (n 1 = 568; n 2=1480) as well as two community samples of Setswana speaking adults (n 3=477; n 4=1275). Students completed the English versions of measures, and the community samples of adults the Setswana versions. Mediation was evaluated through the testing of structural equation models. Coping self-efficacy mediated significantly between distress and wellbeing, although stressors also influenced the level of psychosocial well-being directly. 相似文献