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Study of the Book of Job clarifies the particular adaptation to trauma that underlies the suffering of certain difficult patients. In addition, the misdirected efforts of Job's comforters in the Bible story help us understand why, with such patients, an analyst's attempts to address unconscious guilt and defenses against it will prove counterproductive. A case example is presented.  相似文献   

Despite a considerable number of studies, there are two major drawbacks in the literature on grief and bereavement. One is a lack of adequate and generally agreed upon measures for assessing grief. The second is a lack of ability to predict from existing measures the likelihood of what has been termed chronic or pathological grief reactions. This paper reports the results of the development of a bereavement measure for the study of perinatal loss which attempts to address these gaps. The measure is specific to a pregnancy-related loss, although it has the potential for adaptation to use for other types of loss. Analysis of responses from 138 women has resulted in the reduction of the original measure from 104 to a more manageable and almost equally comprehensive and reliable 33 items. In addition, a factor analysis has produced three factors, two of which indicate the possibility for longer-term and more severe grief reactions. Because of its sound psychometric qualities and interesting factor structure, the measure shows promise of being useful for both research and clinical purposes.This research was funded by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grant R01 H18431-04, with additional assistance from the Center for Social Research at Lehigh University. Dr. Potvin is supported by the Quebec Health Research Fund.  相似文献   

This current article “A Phonological Existential Analysis to the Book of Job” explores the various ways that Job’s friends attempted to help him deal with his grief. Dr. Johnson is able to identify the various stages of grief that Job goes through and correlate each stage and the response from the friends in current psychological terms. It becomes clear that various practices of modern psychotherapy can be seen in each response from Job’s friends. It is reasonable to conclude that the responses from Job’s friends were part of the therapeutic process that moved Job to a state of rationality and wholeness. While the article approaches the Book of Job from a psychotherapeutic standpoint, it does not distract for the spiritual teachings found in the document. Fred Johnson is licensed as a counseling psychologist and is certified as a school psychologist. Dr. Johnson has worked many over 15 years as a private practicing family therapist and behavior specialist. Dr. Johnson completed his doctorate in counseling psychologist at the University of Louisville and attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary obtaining a degree in pastoral psychology. He currently owns Educational Resource Services, a company that is dedicated to providing seminars in classroom behavior management throughout the United States and Canada. Dr. Johnson has published two books, Effective Discipline for the Difficult Child and From Chaos to Control: Managing Disruptive Classroom Behavior. He has also published several research studies, including ones dealing with the role of the ministers and a pastoral approach to divorce.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamics between a woman dying of cancer, the man she lived with for 37 years, and the clinician who worked with them during the final months of the woman's life. Psychoanalytic perspectives on transformational and transitional object-seeking as natural processes which aid the internalization of attachment to the one who is approaching death, the creation of a primary maternal preoccupation in the caretaker, the hospice as a holding environment, and the search for destiny as a metaphor for the work of anticipatory grief are integrated with the case-material.Presented at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting,Person, Culture and Religion Pre-session, November, 1991.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s the flexible workforce in the Netherlands has been an important factor of labour force growth. This growth was much stimulated because nonworking women entered the labour market via part-time jobs, temporary jobs, temporary employment agency jobs, and part-time jobs with a weekly changing number of additional working hours. The question raised in this article is whether job flexibility gives rise to feelings of job insecurity. It appears that flexiworkers experience more job insecurity than workers with permanent contracts. For this reason most workers prefer a permanent contract in the future. But there is also a considerable portion of the flexiworkers that actually prefers the concept of flexiwork, both now and in the future. Next, we consider how the Dutch government and work organizations prepare themselves for this new flexiworking situation. How do they keep the demand for flexibility in balance with the need for commitment of workers, so as to ensure quality delivery of products and services? Recent legislation, for example, stimulates flexibility but also protects against job insecurity. Buffers are built into the new flexiwork arrangements so that flexiworkers are protected against hasty dismissal in times of economic recession.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that job loss can lead to symptoms of complicated grief (CG). However, little is known about which factors relate to the development and maintenance of CG symptoms following job loss. This study aimed to examine risk factors for the development and maintenance of job loss-related CG symptoms. For this study 485 Dutch workers who had lost their job were recruited (239 men and 246 women), with an average age of 50.2 years. A subsample of 128 participants also completed questionnaires at a six-month follow-up. We conducted correlational and multiple regression analyses (MRA) to examine the influence of the former work situation, coping strategies, and negative cognitions on job loss-related CG symptoms. MRA results showed that belief in an unjust world was related to job loss-related CG symptoms, cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Further, there was a significant relationship between CG symptoms following job loss and a preference for maladaptive coping over adaptive coping styles and a low level of self-esteem. This effect remained stable over time. These findings can inform the development of interventions for and early detection of job loss-related CG symptoms.  相似文献   

Traumatic grief is a common and debilitating syndrome whose clinical presentation is well recognized but whose diagnostic criteria have only recently been delineated. Though it shares features with major depressive disorder, adjustment disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder, none of these subsume the criteria set for traumatic grief, and the diagnostic overlap is limited in community samples. Furthermore, diagnosis of traumatic grief appears to have prognostic value for clinical course and treatment response among bereaved individuals. In the absence of empirically supported treatments of pathological grief, a new, manualized treatment for traumatic grief symptoms has been developed and is currently undergoing testing in a randomized controlled trial. The conceptual basis for Traumatic Grief Treatment (TGT) is presented, the structure of the treatment is outlined, and the primary clinical strategies employed are described.  相似文献   

How does the development and consolidation of perceptual, attentional, and higher cognitive abilities interact with language acquisition and processing? We explored children's (ages 5–17) and adults’ (ages 18–51) comprehension of morphosyntactically varied sentences under several competing speech conditions that varied in the degree of attentional demands, auditory masking, and semantic interference. We also evaluated the relationship between subjects’ syntactic comprehension and their word reading efficiency and general ‘speed of processing’. We found that the interactions between perceptual and attentional processes and complex sentence interpretation changed considerably over the course of development. Perceptual masking of the speech signal had an early and lasting impact on comprehension, particularly for more complex sentence structures. In contrast, increased attentional demand in the absence of energetic auditory masking primarily affected younger children's comprehension of difficult sentence types. Finally, the predictability of syntactic comprehension abilities by external measures of development and expertise is contingent upon the perceptual, attentional, and semantic milieu in which language processing takes place.  相似文献   

Job clubs and other self-directed group job search processes have proven successful interventions. Job Search Education attempts to convert this process for use in secondary and postsecondary educational settings, and combines self-assessment with self-directed job seeking. The two processes are compared.  相似文献   

This article explores the possibility of dealing with grief reaction when counseling a woman who has undergone an abortion. It first defines what is meant by a grief reaction in this context, then proposes a model for understanding various degrees of grief reaction, and finally examines some of the factors which determine the severity of a grief reaction in the case of abortion.  相似文献   

While official estimates report approximately 30,000 completed suicides each year, some researchers claim the numbers range much higher. Each suicide has severe and prolonged effects on the family members and friends left behind. Those left behind, the survivors of the suicide, tend to experience a very complicated form of bereavement. This is due to the combination of the sudden shock, the unanswered question of "why," and possibly the trauma of discovering or witnessing the suicide. Survivors' grief reactions can become even more exacerbated by inappropriate responses from the community to the suicide. A mental health professional can help the survivor through this difficult grieving process by direct and indirect means.  相似文献   

This article tells, or advocates, a bizarre story about male revenge. By drawing from literature in the psychology of religion that deals with the Book of Job and by assuming the standpoint of “cultural hermeneutics” in biblical studies, the author playfully takes up an issue identified by Donald Capps: the issue of repressed rage in male melancholia. The author takes his cue from a recent doctoral dissertation from Princeton Theological Seminary. Jacobus Hamman (2000) applies a Winnicottian analysis to the Book of Job and argues that the Book of Job can be a useful pastoral resource today in a number of ways, including his proposal for believers to direct their aggression toward God. Implicit in Hamman’s Winnicottian analysis, but never explicitly stated, is the fact that God is Mother. The plot here is how the Book of Job might lead contemporary American men to hate Mother God and the maternal Jesus, thereby aiding them in externalizing their repressed and self-directed rage. Mel Gibson stars, if only briefly, in this childish story that presses the limits of Christian theology.  相似文献   

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