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运用结构方程建模技术中的无约束估价法,对来自10家企业413名员工的数据进行调节效应模型的检验。探讨了中国企业中员工创新能力对创新绩效的影响,以及组织创新气氛在其中的调节作用。结果发现:员工的创新能力对其创新意愿和创新结果具有显著的正向影响;在创新能力水平一定的情况下,创新意愿、行动和结果的水平随着组织创新气氛的提升而有所增强。该结果表明组织创新气氛显著调节着员工创新能力对创新绩效的影响。  相似文献   

In contrast to earlier evidence that the relationship between level of occupation and job satisfaction is positive and monotonic, analysis of a recent national survey shows that craftsmen are more job satisfied than other males in clerical, sales, and professional-technical occupations and that this variation is independent of a number of other variables. Removal of occupational prestige modifies the occupation-job satisfaction relationship in a manner which suggests that job satisfaction may arise more from ascribed prestige than from such job characteristics as work autonomy, authority, and income.  相似文献   

This study examined the hypothesis that self-monitoring moderates the relationship between Big Five personality traits and interpersonal performance. The findings from a sample of 102 employed Executive MBA students reveal that when self-monitoring was high the relationships between 3 of the Big Five personality traits (Extraversion, Emotional Stability, and Openness to Experience) and supervisory ratings of interpersonal performance were attenuated. These effects were replicated using peer ratings of interpersonal performance for Extraversion and Emotional Stability but not for Openness to Experience. Further, as expected, self-monitoring did not moderate the relationships between personality traits and supervisory or peer ratings of task performance. Implications for future research in the area of personality and other motivational theories are discussed.  相似文献   

This study broadens the construct of intimate relationships to include the experience of lesbian couples. Various psychological variables were assessed in both partners of 275 lesbian couples who considered themselves to be dual career. Because of the paucity of information on lesbian relationships in the literature, considerable attention is first given to describing this sizable sample. Individual and couple scores on each variable were correlated with relationship satisfaction scores. Among individuals, role conflict and personal autonomy were found to correlate negatively with relationship satisfaction, whereas dyadic attachment, power, intimacy, self-esteem, and life satisfaction were all positively correlated with relationship Satisfaction. Although career commitment was not correlated with relationship satisfaction among individuals, differences between partners'levels of career commitment correlated negatively with each partner's relationship satisfaction. The findings counter extant stereotypes regarding lesbian relationships and provide a more accurate basis for developing an heuristic model of intimate relationships among women.  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation of the ability to decode nonverbal cues. Past studies of decoding have often tested for differences in ability between males and females. Results do not consistently favor the ability of one sex over the other, but, when differences do appear, they indicate greater sensitivity for females. Researchers in the area of sex differences in human communication emphasize that variability may be related to sex roles. With regard to nonverbal sensitivity, researchers have suggested that femininity may be associated with better nonverbal decoding because of practice gained in traditionally feminine occupations. It has also been reasoned that certain traits, such as submissiveness and expressiveness, are linked to both femininity and nonverbal sensitivity. The present study investigates the relationship of sex, sex role, and nonverbal sensitivity. Whereas female sex was found to be positively associated with nonverbal ability, femininity was negatively related. Several interpretations of this surprising result are offered.  相似文献   

冲动型和思索型认知方式在儿童逻辑推理中的中介作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周润民 《心理学报》1990,23(4):21-27
通过选择相同图形测验(MFFT),小学一年级的儿童(平均年龄=6岁7月)被定为或具有“冲动型”(n=31)或具有“思索型”(N=33)两类不同的认知方式,然后分别在预试、启发和再测三个阶段,做性质相同的推理测验。对儿童在推理测验时自我解释的趋向的分析表明,思索型儿童在三次测试中都能注重答案的确实性。冲动型儿童预试时急于作答,但启发阶段由于主试的提醒和解释,纠正了急于作答的倾向并能注意答案的确实性,然而再测时由于测验的气氛,他们又恢复了急于作答而不注重答案准确性的倾向。结果,认知方式在一定情况下影响了儿童的推理成绩:预试时由于题的难度大思索型和冲动型儿童的成绩都不好,启发阶段两组儿童的进步都很大,然而再测试时,冲动型儿童退步,而思索型儿童却保持了启发后的水平。本实验结果意味着,在做一定难度的推理题时,思索型的认知方式会有助于儿童的成绩,而冲动型认知方式会掩盖儿童的能力。如果对冲动型的儿童随时多提醒些,让其自主支配时间,鼓励他们注重于答案的准确性,他们就可能改变认知方式而提高判断能力。  相似文献   

Using a sample made up of four independently drawn U. S. national surveys, partial correlation was conducted separately by occupational categories for white male ( n = 1,161) and female ( n = 491) full-time employees to estimate the relationship between job satisfaction and global happiness when the effects of satisfaction experienced in seven other domains of life and age, education, income, and occupational prestige were removed. For most occupations and both sex groups few of the job satisfaction-global happiness partial correlations were significant, thus extending previous evidence that job satisfaction may not be uniquely important to the overall happiness of most employees.  相似文献   

Multiple correlation analysis and means tests were used to test the effectiveness of fifteen psychological, economic and other variables in explaining the variance in post job transfer satisfaction among a sample of managers.
Of the variables to emerge as significant predictors of satisfaction in both of two subsamples, preference for location of residence predominated. Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) was then employed to explore which of sixteen urban factors was most important in determining location preference among the managers and their spouses. The MCA analysis showed that size of the city ranked as the major predictor of location preference among both the managers and their spouses.  相似文献   

This paper reports four tests of Berger's role enactment model of persuasion. The model is addressed to generalizing counter attitudinal communication to social situations when persons find themselves encoding belief-discrepant messages. This encoding takes the form of role enactments which lead to attitude change. Crucial to predicting from the model are variables identifying the communicator's self-perceived role enactment competence (SPREC), post performance evaluation (PPE), information, and role involvement. Studies 1 and 2 found no support for predictions concerning the predictive utility of information but did point to the importance of SPREC and PPE in assessing post enactment attitude. Study 3 tested a re-conceptualization of Berger's model and confirmed a multivariate relationship among SPREC, PPE, message intensity, and attitude change. In Study 4 ego involvement was conceptually linked to role involvement, and results confirmed the SPREC, PPE, involvement, message intensity, and attitude change relationship.  相似文献   

Based on a rationale derived from discrepancy theories of job satisfaction, person-environment congruence was examined for its prediction of job satisfaction among college graduates over a 7-year period. Data were from university records and a survey of 253 graduates who were employed full time. Congruence of the students'college majors and their jobs predicted their subsequent job satisfaction regardless of whether this congruence was a perceptual or a more objective measure, while congruence between the interests the participants expressed on an interest inventory (the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory) during their freshman orientation did not. A three-way interaction of gender, gender concentration of Occupation, and interest congruence predicting job satisfaction was hypothesized. Although a three-way interaction was significant, it was not as predicted. Potential explanations involving the nature of decisions involving college majors and jobs and the stage of career development of participants are discussed.  相似文献   

Utilizing questionnaire data collected from subordinates (Ss) in three different organizations, this study reexamined the validity of the “Pelz Effect.” Specifically, the investigation explored the House et al. assertion that, for subordinates who perceive their supervisors as supportive leaders, there exists a curvilinear rather than positive linear association between supervisors’ upward influence and subordinates’ openness and satisfaction with supervision. Results, in general, did not support the House et al. position, but rather Pelz's original findings. However, analyses suggest the additional conclusion that the “Pelz Effect” is viable for subordinates who perceive their superiors as supportive or nonsupportive leaders, but has its greatest effects for subordinates in the former group.  相似文献   

文化常模和目标调节模型:两种幸福感文化观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着世界经济的发展,人们物资生活水平的提高,如何提高生活质量这一问题引起了越来越多的关注。20世纪60年代后期,主观幸福感(SWB)的研究逐步在全世界范围内形成热潮。近年来,幸福感属性中的文化差异引起了跨文化研究者的极大兴趣。文章通过比较SWB跨文化研究中新近出现的两个理论模型——文化常模模型和目标调节模型,探讨了文化在SWB产生过程中的作用,并在此基础上分析了情绪性幸福感和生活意义之间的关系。  相似文献   

本研究采用自然实验法,探索采用构造玩具、进行启发儿童想象力的教学对发展幼儿创造力的作用。被试为50名均龄4岁8个月的寄宿幼儿园儿童,教学中纳入的变量为四种方法:(1)模仿-改进法;(2)改变模仿对象法;(3)模仿生活原型法;(4)改造生活原型法。控制班只采用模仿法进行教学。经过七个月的实验教学后,实验班儿童的一般智力和创造力都明显超过了控制班。测验资料证明,幼儿的一般智力占创造力之间,有0.4左右的正相关。  相似文献   

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