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Presenting words in MiXeD cAsE has previously been shown to disrupt naming performance of adult readers. This effect is greater on nonwords than it is on real words. There have been two main accounts of this interaction. First, case mixing may disrupt naming via non-lexical spellingto-sound correspondences to a greater extent than it disrupts lexical naming. Alternatively, stored lexical knowledge of words may feed back to a visual analysis level during processing of a visually presented word, helping known words to overcome the visual disruption caused by case mixing. In the present study, when young children (aged 6 and 8 years) were tested, case mixing did not disrupt nonword naming more than word naming. However, slightly older children (aged 9 years) demonstrated the same pattern of performance as adults. These results support the view that topdown lexical information can aid overcoming visual disruption to words, and that beginning readers have not developed the stored word knowledge necessary to allow this. In addition, a greater case-mixing effect on high-frequency words for the youngest age group (6-year-olds) suggests that their word recognition may be based more on wholistic visual features than is that of older children.  相似文献   

A sample of 45 student subjects provided solution scores for 80 five-letter anagrams. These scores were analysed as a function of solution word imagery, con-creteness, familiarity, objective frequency, age-of-acquisition and associative meaningfulness using multiple regression techniques. Two bigram measures together with number of vowels, nature of starting letter (vowel or consonant), anagram pronounceability and anagram-solution similarity scores were also entered into the regression equations. The bigram measures, the starting letter and anagram-solution similarity emerged as having significant associations with the solution scores. Previous reports of imagery effects in anagram are discussed in the light of the present results.  相似文献   

Previous research in motor learning shows that practicing variations of a task (variable practice) leads to better transfer than does repeatedly practicing the exact same task (repeated practice). In contrast, research on priming using verbal materials shows that performance on a test improves to the extent that the material at learning and test overlap. We tested whether variability in practice conditions can lead to improved performance with the verbal priming task of anagram solution. Participants practiced solving anagrams, either repeatedly solving the same anagram that was later tested, repeatedly solving a different anagram from the one that was later tested, or solving different variations of the anagram that was later tested. We found that this last condition-variable practice on different versions of an anagram-led to improved test performance in relation to repeated practice, even when the test anagram was the one that had been repeatedly practiced. This finding aligns results from the motor learning literature with a higher level cognitive task: anagram solution. Shea and Kohl's (1991) hypothesis, arguing that varied practice may lead to greater elaborative processing than does repeated practice, provides one account of the results.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported which investigated the effects of uncontrollability and unpredictability in an anagram solving task. It was found that performance was disrupted following experience of outcomes which were uncontrollable or unpredictable or both. It was concluded that the effects of uncontrollability cannot be explained solely in terms of unpredictability.  相似文献   

Anagrams are frequently used by experimental psychologists interested in how the mental lexicon is organized. Until very recently, research has overlooked the importance of syllable structure in solving anagrams and assumed that solution difficulty was mainly due to frequency factors (e.g., bigram statistics). The present study uses Rasch analysis to demonstrate that the number of syllables is a very important factor influencing anagram solution difficulty for both good and poor problem solvers, with polysyllabic words being harder to solve. Furthermore, it suggests that syllable frequency may have an impact on solution times for polysyllabic words, with more frequent syllables being more difficult to solve. The study illustrates the advantages of Rasch analysis for reliable and unidimensional measurement of item difficulty.  相似文献   

Mehta and Zhu (Science, 323, 1226–1229, 2009) hypothesized that the color red induces avoidance motivation and that the color blue induces approach motivation. In one experiment, they reported that anagrams of avoidance motivation words were solved more quickly on red backgrounds and that approach motivation anagrams were solved more quickly on blue backgrounds. Reported here is a direct replication of that experiment, using the same anagrams, instructions, and colors, with more than triple the number of participants used in the original study. The results did not show the Mehta and Zhu color-priming effects, even though statistical power was sufficient to detect the effect. The results call into question the existence of their color-priming effect on the solution of anagrams.  相似文献   

According to the Gestalt psychologists, problem solutions that pop into mind suddenly with no awareness of the process by which they were generated are objectively as well as subjectively sudden. Thus, such pop-out solutions are qualitatively different from search solutions, which are constructed incrementally. The authors tested this claim in the domain of anagram solution. Experiment 1 documented that anagrams yield pop-out solutions, especially among highly skilled solvers. The results of Experiment 2 indicated that both pop-out and search solutions depended on the gradual accumulation of partial information, contrary to the Gestalt view of problem solving. Nevertheless, some aspects of the Experiment 2 results, as well as new analyses of an anagram study reported elsewhere, suggest that there may in fact be a qualitative difference between pop-out and search solutions. In particular, pop-out solutions may result from parallel processing of the constraints on the rearranged order of the anagram letters, whereas search solutions may result from a serial hypothesis-testing procedure.  相似文献   

Word frequency (WF), number of letter moves, and solution word transition letter probabilities (TP) were related to anagram solution. The solution word TP measure was based on the relative frequencies of correct to incorrect bigrams within the pool of bigrams defined by the letters of the anagram rather than on the absolute frequencies of the correct bigrams. This bigram rank measure, which also took word length and letter position into account, was a powerful predictor of anagram difficulty (p < .001). Likewise, number of letter moves predicted anagram solution strongly (p < .001), but WF was only a marginal predictor (.05 < p < .10). In addition, there were no significant interactions among the three variables, nor wasanagram TP consistently related to anagram difficulty. The results were interpreted in terms of an approach which combined elements of an hypothesis and an S-R mediational theory.  相似文献   

Priming effects in a test of anagram solution were compared with recognition memory in young and older adults. Age and a levels-of-processing study manipulation had little influence on priming in the anagram solution task, whereas significant effects of both of these variables were obtained in a recognition test. These findings extend those of previous studies which have shown little evidence of age differences in implicit memory tasks compared with those of explicit memory. Furthermore, they provide evidence for classifying anagram solution as an implicit memory test.  相似文献   

The two experiments reported here tested two predictions concerning the sensitivity of good and poor problem solvers to superficial and structural information during online problem solving: (a) Superficial features have a greater effect on solution difficulty for poor problem solvers, whereas (b) structural features have a greater effect on solution difficulty for good problem solvers. The tests were conducted in the domain of anagram solution by manipulating or measuring several superficial and structural characteristics in this domain. The results supported both predictions. They also indicated that better problem solvers have access to structural information from the earliest stages of processing (within the first 2 s). The authors discuss the implications of their results for the types of solution strategies used by more and less competent anagram solvers.  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper bigram frequency counts are given for the first letter-pairs, last letter-pairs and “other” letter-pairs of words of more than three letters. A short discussion of the use and relevance of such tables is given. In the second part, lists of anagram-pairs of words are given for words of length three or more letters, together with approximate percentages of occurrence of such “anagrammatical” words in the English language.  相似文献   

The two experiments reported here tested two predictions concerning the sensitivity of good and poor problem solvers to superficial and structural information during online problem solving: (a) Superficial features have a greater effect on solution difficulty for poor problem solvers, whereas (b) structural features have a greater effect on solution difficulty for good problem solvers. The tests were conducted in the domain of anagram solution by manipulating or measuring several superficial and structural characteristics in this domain. The results supported both predictions. They also indicated that better problem solvers have access to structural information from the earliest stages of processing (within the first 2 s). The authors discuss the implications of their results for the types of solution strategies used by more and less competent anagram solvers.  相似文献   

In an experiment designed to investigate the effects of experimenter presence on the performance of groups of coacting subjects, male and female subjects worked either alone or in groups of four on a difficult anagrams task. Half the subjects in each of these conditions were observed by the experimenter whereas half worked alone. The results showed that when the experimenter was present, but not when she was absent, coacting subjects experienced higher levels of state anxiety, attempted fewer anagrams, and correctly solved a higher proportion of anagrams attempted than subjects who worked alone. In addition, state anxiety was negatively correlated with the number of anagrams attempted in three of the four treatment groups. The results are discussed in terms of the inhibiting effect of state anxiety on performance and the role of observation in fostering evaluation apprehension in coaction settings.  相似文献   

A sentence anagram task was used to examine the right cerebral hemispheres's role in core grammatical functioning at the syntactic level. The test consisted of two subsets of stimuli involving empty categories: (a) those that required the empty category to be filled, and (b) those that allowed the category to remain empty. Three hypotheses were presented: (1) right-brain-damaged patients (RBDs) would be more sensitive to subset (a) than (b), (2) RBDs would perform similarly to left-brain-damaged subjects, and (3) non-brain-damaged controls would outerperform both brain-damaged groups. With all hypotheses supported, the discussion focuses on an explanation for RBDs' sensitivity to the first subset of stimuli.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to solve a series of 12 anagram problems. For each of these they were allowed 1 min. and if they did not solve it in this time they were told the solution. When asked to recall the solution words at the end of the series, subjects remembered items they had failed to complete almost twice as often as those they had solved.

It is suggested that this phenomenon is analogous to the Zeigarnik effect, but that it has the advantage of occurring in conditions which are easy to specify and control.  相似文献   

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