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A series of experiments studied the effects of the interval between extinction trials on the loss of context conditioned freezing responses. Rats were shocked in one context (A) but not in another (B) and subjected to extinction trials in context A. In Experiment 1, massed trials produced more rapid loss than spaced trials. A shift from spaced to massed trials maintained this loss, but the shift from massed to spaced trials restored lost responses. Experiments 2-5 examined this effect of massed trials on responding across spaced trials. They provided evidence that (a) a single trial was as effective as multiple daily massed trials, (b) learning occurred on the first of the massed trials but not on later ones, and (c) the first trial reduced the amount learned across subsequent massed trials. Finally, alternating extinction trials in A and B produced more response loss across spaced trials than blocks of trials in A and B. The results were discussed in terms of the role accorded to self-generated priming in the models developed by A. R. Wagner (1978, 1981).  相似文献   

Previously viewing a face typically leads to a decrease in the amount of time taken to later identify it (“repetition priming”). Five repetition priming experiments are reported, which investigate whether multiple presentations of a face increase the amount of repetition priming. The results demonstrate similar amounts of priming from massed multiple presentations of the same face or a series of different images (freeze frames selected from a moving clip and presented in sequence), compared with a single unchanging presentation (Experiments 1 and 2). This is true even when different images are presented at prime and test (Experiment 3). However when multiple presentations were presented in a spaced fashion, with one or more intervening items between each repeat, there was significantly more priming in the multiple than single presentation condition (Experiment 4). This was true even when the face was named only once in both the multiple and single spaced conditions (Experiment 5). The results are discussed in relation to face motion.  相似文献   

The differential effects of massed and spaced sessions of exposure in vivo were investigated with 11 agoraphobics in a crossover design. Clients were randomly assigned to one of the following two groups: (a) 10 daily sessions followed by 10 weekly sessions, or (b) 10 once-weekly sessions followed by 10 daily sessions. The results indicated that both massed and spaced sessions of exposure in vivo effected changes in avoidance behavior and subjective anxiety of agoraphobics, massed practice being superior especially with respect to avoidance. It was suggested that the superiority of massed practice is due to the lack of opportunity to engage in avoidance or escape during short inter-session intervals. The relationship between subjective anxiety and avoidance were considered and the differences between clinical and statistical significance were discussed.  相似文献   

In two conditioned suppression experiments, rats received Pavlovian forward defense conditioning in which tonal conditioned stimuli (CSs) terminated with the onset of scrambled grid shock unconditioned stimuli (USs). After this experience, the rats then received a Pavlovian backward conditioning procedure in which the same USs now terminated with the onset of the same CSs. Although the two experiments differed greatly in terms of CS and US parameters, number of forward and backward pairings, and in terms of the general techniques used to establish and measure the Pavlovian conditioned response (CR), the results of both experiments agreed in showing that backward conditioning can indeed weaken a CR based on forward pairings. The results also show that, under some conditions, the backward procedure can be at least as effective in weakening an established CR as the traditional CS-alone extinction procedure; but, under other conditions, the backward procedure is less effective and leads to more spontaneous recovery than the CS-alone procedure.  相似文献   

A laboratory autonomic conditioning procedure was used to establish fear conditioning in human participants by pairing neutral stimuli with electric shock. Participants were also trained to make a button-press response to avoid shock. A target fear stimulus was then extinguished by presenting it without shock. The experimental group was given the opportunity to make the avoidance response during extinction whereas the control group was not. When the fear stimulus was tested without the response available, the control group showed normal extinction of both shock expectancy ratings and skin conductance responses, but the experimental group showed “protection from extinction”: they continued to give high expectancy ratings and strong skin conductance responses. We interpret this effect as analogous to the role of within-situation safety behaviours in preserving threat beliefs during exposure therapy for anxiety disorders. The results support a cognitive account of learning and anxiety. The procedure provides a potential laboratory model for further examination of the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying anxiety and its reduction.  相似文献   

In order to investigate cognitive versus traditional accounts of responding in extinction and the discrimination hypothesis for the partial reinforcement effect, 40 human subjects were randomly divided into two groups and were treated according to thermal vasomotor conditioning procedures using either 25 trials of continuous reinforcement or 100 trials of 25% partial reinforcement. At the onset of extinction, half of each group was given traditional noninformed extinction, while the other (informed) half had the thermal stimulator removed. The usual greater resistance to extinction was obtained after partial reinforcement than after continuous reinforcement in the two noninformed groups; however, immediate extinction of responding was obtained from the first extinction trial in the two informed groups. These results are consistent both with the discrimination hypothesis for the partial reinforcement extinction effect and with cognitive explanations of responding in extinction. Consequences for the behavioral therapies are discussed.  相似文献   


Avoidance towards innocuous cues is a key diagnostic criterion across anxiety-related disorders. Importantly, the most effective intervention for anxiety-related disorders, exposure therapy with response prevention, sometimes does not prevent the relapse of anxiety's symptomatology. We tested whether extinction effects, the experimental proxy of exposure, are enhanced by increasing the discrepancy between the prediction of an unpleasant event happening (shock presentation), and the actual event (shock omission). Forty-eight individuals first saw pictures of three stimuli. Two pictures (CSA, CSB) were followed by a shock (US) and one (CS-) was not. Next, participants learned to avoid the US by pressing a computer key. An extinction and response prevention procedure followed. In the first part of it, participants saw unreinforced presentations of all CSs. In the second part, the single group saw unreinforced presentations of the CSA and CS-. The compound group encountered compound unreinforced presentations of the CSA and CSB, and separate presentations of the CS-. Return of avoidance and fear was tested after unsignalled presentations of the US. Compound extinction resulted in comparable reduction of fear and avoidance compared to standard extinction. We discuss how future research could enhance extinction effects by adding costs to the avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

A well-demonstrated phenomenon in traditional Pavlovian conditioning research with humans is that of experimental extinction. In contrast, human evaluative conditioning research suggests that evaluative learning shows marked resistance to extinction. Here, the authors replicate both findings concurrently. Two differential fear conditioning experiments with an electrocutaneous stimulus as the unconditioned stimulus evidenced (a) sensitivity to extinction using an autonomic skin-conductance measure and (b) complete resistance to extinction using an affective-priming measure. The results corroborate the idea that evaluative conditioning is more resistant to extinction than is expectancy learning (F. Baeyens, P. Eelen, & G. Crombez, 1995).  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether any EEG changes occurred during a multiple schedule of reinforcement consisting of repeated periods of avoidance behavior, a time-out (TO) period, and a period of differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL). The two monkeys were permanently implanted with bipolar electrodes in various subcortical areas. The EEG was recorded from these electrodes for several weeks before any behavioral training was undertaken. Training was then begun in the multiple schedule, and EEG recordings were taken frequently throughout the training period. When a stable performance level was achieved, drugs (dl-amphetamine and sodium pentobarbital) were introduced which disrupted the DRL performance but had little or no effect on avoidance behavior. The EEG recordings continued throughout these drug studies.

The data indicate that the marked behavioral differences noted in each component of the schedule were not reflected in the EEG. However, the EEG did correlate with the general level of alertness of the animals during the various components. The drugs which differentially affected the behavior in the components of the schedule did not differentially affect the EEG, but they did change the brain-wave activity equally in all components. Finally, EEG changes correlated with the complex motor response of lever pressing were not observed.


Investigation of the “inextinguishable” locomotor avoidance reflex revealed periodic oscillating of reaction times, motor reaction times, and latent periods, when the conditional stimuli were applied every half minute. These rhythmic properties were verified by autocorrelation. Frequency distribution of all significant wavelengths occurring in rhythmic processes of stabilized conditioning showed seven-minute wavelengths for the most part and smaller numbers of wavelengths of 5 to 9 and 14 minutes. A significant number of wavelengths of 3.5 minutes was not seen. Locomotor avoidance conditioning permitted separate automatic registration of reaction times and motor reaction times. The two values showed synchronous periodic courses in stabilized conditioning, with the motor reaction times being longer. The periodicities found, thought to be due to controlling processes in the central nervous system, can be explained in either or both of two ways: the periodic courses represent a frequency range of a structured time mechanism in the sense of a “clock inherent in an organism”; the rhythms of conditional processes represent an adaptation mechanism in organism-environment interrelations. It can be assumed that the two mechnanisms work synergistically.  相似文献   

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