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Luiz Pessoa 《Visual cognition》2015,23(1-2):272-290
Visual processing is influenced by stimulus-driven and goal-driven factors. Recent interest has centred on understanding how reward might provide additional contributions to visual perception and unravelling the underlying neural mechanisms. In this review, I suggest that the impact of reward on vision is not unitary and depends on the type of experimental manipulation. With this in mind, I outline a possible classification of the main paradigms employed in the literature and discuss potential brain processes that operate during some of the experimental manipulations described.  相似文献   

The “BIS/BAS” Scales (Carver & White, 1994) and the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ; Torrubia, Avila, Molto, & Caseras, 2001) are two self-report instruments used for the assessment of Gray’s concepts of impulsivity and anxiety. In this paper, we examined both instruments in terms of their factorial structure and their construct validity using data from 345 Romanian undergraduate students. The results supported the original factor structure of the BIS/BAS scales, but indicated that a three-factor solution is preferable to the original two-factor solution in the case of the SPSRQ. Both instruments demonstrated good construct validity, correlating with other constructs such as Eysenck’s extraversion, neuroticism and some facets from Strelau’s temperament survey in the expected direction.  相似文献   

The feedback negativity (FN) is an event-related potential component which is typically conceptualized as a negativity in response to losses that is absent in response to gains. However, there is also evidence that variation in the FN reflects the neural response to gains. The present study sought to explore these possibilities by manipulating the context in which loss and gain feedback was presented in a straightforward gambling task. In half the blocks, participants could win or lose money (Value condition), and in half the blocks, participants could not win or lose any money (No Value condition). The degree to which losses and gains were differentiated from one another (i.e., the ΔFN) was greater in the Value condition than in the No Value condition. Furthermore, though the responses to loss feedback and gain feedback were each enhanced in the Value condition relative to the No-Value condition, the effect of the monetary manipulation was substantially larger for the positivity to gains than the negativity to losses. This is consistent with the notion that the FN might reflect two independent processes, but that variation in the FN depends more upon the response to rewards than losses.  相似文献   

In a student sample, we examined two major issues in relation to primary/secondary subtypes of psychopathy and the reinforcement sensitivity theory of personality: the roles played by (a) fear (related to the fight-flight-freeze system, FFFS) and anxiety (related to the behavioural inhibition system, BIS), and (b) different aspects of the behavioural approach system (BAS). Largely consistent with Corr’s (2010a) proposal concerning the neuropsychological deficits associated with the psychoticism-psychopathy continuum, results confirmed that low BIS activity was associated with both primary and secondary psychopathy; whereas low FFFS activity was associated with only primary psychopathy. In relation to the BAS, reward sensitivity and drive were positively related to primary psychopathy; whereas Fun Seeking was negatively related to primary psychopathy but positively related to secondary psychopathy. These results represent a more nuanced picture of FFFS/BIS/BAS and dispositional psychopathy in a student sample. Specifically, they challenge the view that low BIS is preferentially associated with primary psychopathy and a high BAS is preferentially associated with secondary psychopathy. Further work is needed to confirm that these findings extend to clinical and forensic psychopathy populations.  相似文献   

Recent insights show that increased motivation can benefit executive control, but this effect has not been explored in relation to semantic cognition. Patients with deficits of controlled semantic retrieval in the context of semantic aphasia (SA) after stroke may benefit from this approach since ‘semantic control’ is considered an executive process. Deficits in this domain are partially distinct from the domain-general deficits of cognitive control. We assessed the effect of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in healthy controls and SA patients. Experiment 1 manipulated extrinsic reward using high or low levels of points for correct responses during a semantic association task. Experiment 2 manipulated the intrinsic value of items using self-reference, allocating pictures of items to the participant (‘self’) or researcher (‘other’) in a shopping game before participants retrieved their semantic associations. These experiments revealed that patients, but not controls, showed better performance when given an extrinsic reward, consistent with the view that increased external motivation may help ameliorate patients’ semantic control deficits. However, while self-reference was associated with better episodic memory, there was no effect on semantic retrieval. We conclude that semantic control deficits can be reduced when extrinsic rewards are anticipated; this enhanced motivational state is expected to support proactive control, for example, through the maintenance of task representations. It may be possible to harness this modulatory impact of reward to combat the control demands of semantic tasks in SA patients.  相似文献   

目的本研究考察了人格、动机强弱分别与心理控制幻觉之间的关系。方法采用被试内实验设计的方法,用艾森克人格问卷进行测量。结果与结论动机水平的高低与控制幻觉的形成之间存在明确的关系,即前后动机水平的发生变化,信心分差异显著(t=-3.1,p=0.006<0.05),动机越强则产生控制幻觉的倾向性越大;人格中的外倾性,精神质与心理控制幻觉的产生存在显著的正相关(r=0.766,P<0.01;r=0.827,P<0.01);外倾性这一心理特质对控制幻觉的产生有较强的预测作用。  相似文献   

Hypotheses (inferred from Gray, 1970) were tested that under reward conditions, Extrovert (E)+ subjects will achieve better than E− subjects and Neurotic (N)+ subjects will achieve better than N− subjects, while under punishment conditions, E− subjects will achieve better than E+ subjects and N− subjects will achieve better than N+ subjects. Three secondary school classrooms were identified in which the teacher in mathematics was predominantly rewarding, offered a balance of reward and punishment or was predominantly punishing. The pupils in these classes were 82 boys in their 14th year. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire: Junior Version was administered. Individual scores for E and N were ascertained. All boys were administered the Profile of Mathematical Skills: Level 2 (France, 1979). After 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 school days, parallel arithmetic tests were administered. Inspection of the resulting graphs of mathematics progress indicated that the hypotheses were not confirmed, which made further statistical analysis inappropriate. However, issues arose in conducting the research that suggested improvements over an earlier study (McCord & Wakefield, 1981). Difficulties encountered in the present research are described and suggestions are made for improvements to future research in this area.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prediction of burnout from job characteristics, emotional intelligence, motivation and pay among bank employees. It also examined the interactions of emotional intelligence, motivation, pay and job characteristics in the prediction of burnout. Data obtained from 230 (Males = 127, Females = 103) bank employees were analysed using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results showed that theses variables jointly and separately negatively predicted burnout components. The results further indicated that emotional intelligence, motivation and pay separately interacted with some job characteristic components to negatively predict some burnout components. The findings imply that emotional intelligence, motivation and pay could be considered by counsellors when designing interventions to reduce burnout among bank employees.  相似文献   

The present study identified individual variables by which first-year teacher students' risk for burnout can be detected at an early stage. We analyzed a sample of teacher students (n = 559) and a control group of psychology students (n = 150) by using multinomial logistic regression analyses. We estimated the impact of personality (Five-Factor model) and motivation for choosing teacher education on work-related coping behavior and experiences (WCEP types: healthy-ambitious, unambitious, excessively-ambitious, and risk for burnout). Neuroticism and the extrinsic motivation of choosing teacher education (the assumed low difficulty of studies) were risk factors for unhealthy, stress-related coping behavior and experiences. In contrast, high levels of extraversion and conscientiousness as well as intrinsic motivation for choosing teacher education (subject-specific interest) were related to healthy-ambitious behavior. Relations of personality and stress-related WCEP types were partially moderated according to field of study (teaching versus psychology). Our results are of particular importance for improving counseling programs that advise prospective teacher students regarding their individual fit to the requirements and challenges of the teaching profession and for correcting false expectations about study demands.  相似文献   

Recent factor analytic studies indicate that the broad trait of impulsivity comprises at least two distinct dimensions with regard to substance use. Thus, a two-factor model of impulsivity, comprising reward drive (i.e., sensitivity to rewarding stimuli) and rash impulsiveness (i.e., rash behaviour devoid of forethought), has been proposed. It is argued that distinct cognitive processes may mediate the association of these impulsivity factors with alcohol use. Specifically, it was hypothesised that drinking expectancies would mediate the association between reward drive and alcohol use, and that perceived impaired control would mediate the effect of rash impulsiveness on alcohol. Utilising established scales, 132 participants aged 18 to 70 years were surveyed in order to assess the capacity of the two-factor model to differentially predict alcohol use through distinct cognitive mediators. The hypotheses were supported, providing support for a two-factor approach. Thus, reward drive and rash impulsiveness appear to influence alcohol use through distinct cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Using self-determination theory and research on temporal aspects of work (e.g., time of day), this study investigates dynamic effects of task-specific motivation on well-being throughout the workday. We argue that the effects of task-specific intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on well-being outcomes (psychological vitality, job satisfaction) depend on the time of day in which the task is encountered, referred to here as workday accumulation. Our results showed that time of day interacted with intrinsic sources of motivation to predict job satisfaction, such that the relation was strong and positive early in the day and weak and positive later in the day. Time of day did not moderate the relationship of intrinsic task motivation with vitality, which was consistently positive throughout the day. The effects of extrinsic reasons for task pursuit on satisfaction and vitality were moderated by time of day, with extrinsic motivation having positive effects early in the day, but negative effects later in the day.  相似文献   

High and low self-esteem subjects received success or failure feedback regarding their performance on a task described as measuring their sensitivity to other people. Presumably as part of another study, changes in their self-perceptions regarding sensitivity to others were assessed, as well as changes in their performance on a different task Changes in self-perception were greater when the feedback was consistent with subjects' overall level of self-evaluation Task performance following failure was poorer than that following success HSE subjects performed better following success feedback, and LSE subjects performed more poorly following failure There were no significant performance changes for the HSE-failure and LSE-success subjects. The degree of change in self-perception of sensitivity to others was highly correlated with the magnitude of performance changes  相似文献   

Agency is—besides communion—a basic dimension of traits. It can be specifically linked to behavioral outcomes, to status, mastery, self‐esteem and to success. The present paper analyzes the situational malleability of agency. Two studies tested whether an individual's agency (but not communion) is situationally influenced by the experience of success versus failure at a task, as well as whether this effect is the same for men and women. Supporting our hypotheses, the induction of success versus failure experiences led to changes in agency that were independent of actual performance, independent of type of task (memorizing vs. face recognition), independent of induction methodology (easy vs. difficult task vs. manipulated performance feedback), and independent of self‐esteem, initial level of agency and of the participants' gender. Communion was not influenced by this kind of experience. Implications for both the basic dimension of agency and for theories on gender and gender stereotypes are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been proposed previously that extrinsic motivation may enable survivors of childhood medulloblastoma to significantly improve aspects of neurocognitive performance. In healthy populations, enhanced motivation has been shown to promote academic fluency, a domain likely more relevant to the educational outcomes of pediatric medulloblastoma survivors than academic skill development. The present study investigates the effect of enhanced extrinsic motivation on fluent (i.e., accurate and efficient) academic performance in pediatric medulloblastoma survivors. Participants were 36 children, ages 7–18, who had completed treatment for medulloblastoma. Participants completed a neuropsychological battery that included administration of equivalent tasks on Forms A and B of the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement. Half were randomly assigned to an incentive condition prior to the administration of Form B. Provision of a performance-based incentive resulted in statistically significant improvement, but not normalization of function, in performance on measures of academic fluency. No demographic, treatment-related, academic, neuropsychological, or self-perception variables predicted response to incentive. Findings suggest that academic performance of survivors may significantly improve under highly motivating conditions. In addition to implications for educational services, this finding raises the novel possibility that decreased motivation represents an inherent neuropsychological deficit in this population and provides a rationale for further investigation of factors affecting individual differences in motivational processes. Further, by examining effort in a context where effort is not inherently suspect, present findings also significantly contribute to the debate regarding the effects of effort and motivation on neuropsychological performance.  相似文献   

Few empirical studies have investigated the relationship between Gray’s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) and the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality. In a large sample of undergraduates (N = 779), we examined the relationship between FFM domains and facets and the revised RST (see Gray & McNaughton, 2000). Regression and partial correlation analyses indicated that only FFM Agreeableness discriminates between the BIS and FFFS. Other differences at the facet level were found for Neuroticism facets of Self-Consciousness and Angry Hostility (negatively), Agreeableness facets of Compliance and Modesty, and Conscientiousness facets of Self-Discipline and Deliberation. These findings emphasize social inhibition and constraint in the BIS, compared to the FFFS.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe present investigation was designed to test the predictions of a control theory based view of self-regulation on the complex effects of self-efficacy on persistence. Specifically, self-efficacy was predicted to have a positive effect on persistence given unambiguous feedback, but a weak, negative effect given ambiguous feedback. Moreover, the research was designed to replicate an influential set of studies on self-efficacy.DesignA 2 (self-efficacy: low, high) × 2 (feedback ambiguity: low, high) between-groups ANOVA was conducted to examine the interaction between self-efficacy and feedback ambiguity in two trials of an isometric hand-grip competitive endurance task.MethodParticipants (87 females and 67 males) competed on a hand-grip strength task against confederates who claimed to have overworked their hand (high manipulated self-efficacy) or to be tennis players (low manipulated self-efficacy). The competition occurred either in the presence (high feedback ambiguity) or absence (low feedback ambiguity) of a physical barrier between the individuals. Persistence was how long individuals could grip at 50% of their maximum voluntary contraction.ResultsThe interaction was significant and in the predicted direction. Self-efficacy was also found to negatively relate to self-reported effort regardless of condition.ConclusionsThe results from the current study confirm that self-efficacy can foster persistence when one is aware of one's current state of performance. However, consistent with a control theory view of self-regulation, self-efficacy was unrelated to persistence when feedback was ambiguous. The results have implications for understanding the role of self-efficacy in sports and highlight the importance of replications with extensions.  相似文献   

A study of perception of affective pictures from the International Affective Photo System, using the Self Assessment Manikin scale, was conducted. It was hypothesized that participants' affective ratings could be moderated by a subjective experience of success or failure. Analysis, based on a sample of 36 university students, showed an approach tendency for women when they were exposed to positive pictures in the success condition. This approach tendency was associated with relatively shorter processing times and high affective ratings. Men showed relatively shorter processing times and high affective ratings when exposed to negative pictures. For memory-related measures, the highest scores were observed in the success condition for exposure to pleasant pictures. The results are discussed in terms of affective-related self-regulatory tendencies moderated by sex.  相似文献   

In organizational groups, often a majority has aligned preferences that oppose those of a minority. Although such situations may give rise to majority coalitions that exclude the minority or to minorities blocking unfavorable agreements, structural and motivational factors may stimulate groups to engage in integrative negotiation, leading to collectively beneficial agreements. An experiment with 97 3-person groups was designed to test hypotheses about the interactions among decision rule, the majority's social motivation, and the minority's social motivation. Results showed that under unanimity rule, minority members block decisions, thus harming the group, but only when the minority has proself motivation. Under majority rule, majority members coalesce at the minority's expense, but only when the majority has a proself motivation. Implications for negotiation research and group decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats in a Pavlovian situation were trained under three different reward schedules, at either a 30 s or a 90 s intertrial interval (ITI): Consistent reward (C), 50% irregular reward (I), and single alternation of reward and nonrewarded trials (SA). Activity was recorded to the conditioned stimulus (CS) and in all 10 s bins in each ITI except the first 10 s bin. Responding increased progressively over the bins of the 90 s ITI indicating a role for temporal cues in the ITI. Single alternation patterning (SAP), more vigorous responding on rewarded than on nonrewarded trials, occurred in the ITI as well as to the CS and differed little at the 30 s and 90 s ITI. The occurrence of SAP to the CS and, as shown here for the first time, in the ITI along with the findings for the C and I schedules, indicate three matters of importance. First, along with other cues such as temporal cues, behavior is influenced by cues associated with reward and nonreward both in the ITI and when the CS is presented. Second, as the percentage of reward associated with these cues increases so too does vigor of responding. Finally, if the cues produced by reward events are memories the retrieval cues for such memories are present in the ITI as well as when the CS is presented. Considerations are advanced indicating that reward produced cues may influence responding in the Pavlovian situation not only under regular schedules such as the SA schedule, but under all schedules. Indeed, such cues may more validly signal reward and nonreward than the CS itself.  相似文献   

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