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Selective influence of experimental factors upon observable or hypothetical random variables is a key concept in the analysis of processing architectures and response time decompositions. This paper deals with the notion of conditionally selective influence, defined as follows. Let {X1, em leader, Xn} be stochastically interdependent random variables (e.g., hypothetical components of response time), and let Phi be a set of external factors affecting the joint distribution of {X1, em leader, Xn}. A subset of factors &Lambdai conditionally selectively influences Xi if at any fixed values of the remaining random variables the conditional distribution of Xi only depends on factors inside &Lambdai. The notion of conditional selectivity generalizes the relationship between factors and random variables described in Townsend (1984) as "indirect nonselectivity." This paper establishes the structure of the joint distribution of {X1, em leader, Xn} that is necessary and sufficient for {X1, em leader, Xn} to be conditionally selectively influenced by (not necessarily disjoint) factor subsets {&Lambda1, em leader, Gamman}, respectively. The notion of conditional selectivity is compared to that of unconditional selectivity, defined as follows. A subset of factors &Gammai unconditionally selectively influences Xi if the latter can be presented as a deterministic function of &Gammai and of some random variables (the same for all Xi, i=1, em leader, n) whose joint distribution does not depend on any factors from Phi. The two forms of selective influence are generally incompatible. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

What is the meaning of saying that random variables {X(1), em leader, X(n)} (such as aptitude scores or hypothetical response time components), not necessarily stochastically independent, are selectively influenced respectively by subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} of a factor set Phi upon which the joint distribution of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} is known to depend? One possible meaning of this statement, termed conditionally selective influence, is completely characterized in Dzhafarov (1999, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 43, 123-157). The present paper focuses on another meaning, termed unconditionally selective influence. It occurs when two requirements are met. First, for i=1, em leader, n, the factor subset Gamma(i) is the set of all factors that effectively change the marginal distribution of X(i). Second, if {X(1), em leader, X(n)} are transformed so that all marginal distributions become the same (e.g., standard uniform or standard normal), the transformed variables are representable as well-behaved functions of the corresponding factor subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} and of some common set of sources of randomness whose distribution does not depend on any factors. Under the constraint that the factor subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} are disjoint, this paper establishes the necessary and sufficient structure of the joint distribution of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} under which they are unconditionally selectively influenced by {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)}. The unconditionally selective influence has two desirable properties, uniqueness and nestedness: {X(1), em leader, X(n)} cannot be influenced selectively by more than one partition {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} of the factor set Phi, and the components of any subvector of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} are selectively influenced by the components of the corresponding subpartition of {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)}. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

To perform a task a subject executes mental processes. An experimental manipulation, such as a change in stimulus intensity, is said to selectively influence a process if it changes the duration of that process leaving other process durations unchanged. For random process durations a definition of a factor selectively influencing a process by increments is given in terms of stochastic dominance (also called “the usual stochastic order”). A technique for analyzing reaction times, Sternberg’s Additive Factor Method, assumes all the processes are in series. When all processes are in series, each process is called a stage. With the Additive Factor Method, if two experimental factors selectively influence two different stages by increments, the factors will have additive effects on reaction time. An assumption of the Additive Factor Method is that if two experimental factors interact, then they influence the same stage. We consider sets of processes in which some pairs of processes are sequential and some are concurrent (i.e., the processes are partially ordered). We propose a natural definition of a stage for such sets of processes. For partially ordered processes, with our definition of a stage, if two experimental factors selectively influence two different processes by increments, each within a different stage, then the factors have additive effects. If each process selectively influenced by increments is in the same stage, then an interaction is possible, although not inevitable.  相似文献   

We analyze sets of mental processes, some of which are concurrent and some of which are sequential, under the assumption that the processes are partially ordered, that is, arranged in a directed acyclic network. Information about the process arrangement can be discovered by examining the effects on response time of selectively influencing process durations. Previous work has mainly focused on analyses of mean response times. Here we consider analyses based on cumulative distribution functions, for one of the major classes of directed acyclic networks, serial-parallel networks. When two processes are selectively influenced, patterns in the cumulative distribution functions can be used to test whether the processes are sequential or concurrent and whether the task network has AND gates or OR gates. Cumulative distribution functions are potentially more informative than means, and some previous results for means are shown to follow from our results for cumulative distribution functions. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

When hypotheses about mental processing are tested with response times, inferences are often based on means, and occasionally on variance or skewness. Calculations on entire distributions of response times are more informative and can be conveniently carried out. Recently investigators have been updating procedures primarily based on means (such as additive factors tests) to procedures employing entire distribution functions. In one such advance, Nozawa and Townsend upgraded earlier tests of whether factors selectively influence serial or parallel processes, and whether parallel processes enter AND gates or OR gates. We discuss generalizations of the tests to complex arrangements of processes in networks. Results for a particularly difficult network, the Wheatstone bridge, are presented here. We use simulations to demonstrate the feasibility of the tests, and the possibility of mimicking.  相似文献   

Previous experiments indicate that humans can reproduce a time interval while concurrently searching a visual display presented near the beginning of the reproduced interval (Fortin, C., Rousseau, R., Bourque, P. & Kirouac, E. (1993). Time estimation and concurrent nontemporal processing: Specific interference from short-term-memory demands. Perception & Psychophysics, 53, 536-548.). In the earlier experiments, reproduced intervals were either insensitive to or shortened with increasing duration of visual search, suggesting that reproduction and search proceeded concurrently but sometimes with cross-talk. Here we test concurrency of time reproduction and visual search using a different methodology than before. Assuming the underlying mental processes are in a critical path network, factors selectively influencing concurrent processes are predicted to produce certain patterns in response time means and, through recent developments, certain patterns in cumulative distribution functions. Processes in an experiment were influenced by manipulating four factors, the time interval to be produced, stimulus onset asynchrony, display size, and target presence/absence. Patterns in response times provide evidence for concurrent time reproduction and visual search. However, a prediction based on selective influence failed in a manner suggesting the presence of cross-talk produced by a filled interval illusion.  相似文献   

Recent work on human attention and representational systems has benefited from a growing interplay between research on normal attention and neuropsychological disorders such as visual neglect. Research over the past 30 years has convincingly shown that, far from being a unitary condition, neglect is a protean disorder whose symptoms can selectively affect different sensory modalities, cognitive processes, spatial domains and coordinate systems. These clinical findings, together with those of functional neuroimaging, have increased knowledge about the anatomical and functional architecture of normal subsystems involved in spatial cognition. We provide a selective overview of how recent investigations of visual neglect are beginning to elucidate the underlying structure of spatial processes and mental representations.  相似文献   

A Kok 《Acta psychologica》1990,74(2-3):203-236
The present paper critically examines the contributions of Event-Related Potential (ERP) measures in mental chronometry research. It is argued that amplitude variations in ERP components may provide valuable information regarding the intensity and timing of information processes, and that these amplitude changes are related to energetical rather than to computational processes. It is also suggested that amplitude variations of ERP components in visual discrimination and selective attention tasks are caused by two different processing modes, denoted as external and internal control that are associated with different neural structures. It is further assumed that these two control systems converge upon thalamic neurons that regulate the sensory input to cortex, and that the direction of sustained ERP amplitude changes reflects which system is dominant. Recent ERP studies have shown that the effects of task variables related to motor control are manifested in a surprisingly early phase of the ERP waveform, and that these effects overlap in time with the effects of task variables related to input control. These findings suggest that at least in visual discrimination and selective attention tasks external and internal modes of processing may be activated in parallel.  相似文献   

The paper provides conceptual clarifications for the issues related to the dependence of jointly distributed systems of random entities on external factors. This includes the theory of selective influence as proposed in Dzhafarov [(2003a). Selective influence through conditional independence. Psychometrika, 68, 7-26] and generalized versions of the notions of probabilistic causality [Suppes, P., & Zanotti, M. (1981). When are probabilistic explanations possible? Synthese, 48, 191-199] and dimensionality in the latent variable models [Levine, M. V. (2003). Dimension in latent variable models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 450-466]. One of the basic observations is that any system of random entities whose joint distribution depends on a factor set can be represented by functions of two arguments: a single factor-independent source of randomness and the factor set itself. In the case of random variables (i.e., real-valued random entities endowed with Borel sigma-algebras) the single source of randomness can be chosen to be any random variable with a continuous distribution (e.g., uniformly distributed between 0 and 1).  相似文献   

A hypothetical evolutionary scenario is offered meant to account for the emergence of mental selves. According to the scenario, mental selves are constructed to solve a source-attribution problem. They emerge when internally generated mental contents (e.g., thoughts and goals) are treated like messages arising from external personal sources. As a result, mental contents becomes attributed to the self as an internal personal source. According to this view, subjectivity is construed outward-in, that is, one's own mental self is derived from, and is secondary to, the mental selves perceived in others. The social construction of subjectivity and selfhood relies on, and is maintained in, various discourses on subjectivity.  相似文献   

Remembering the past and imagining the future both rely on complex mental imagery. We considered the possibility that constructing a future scene might tap a component of mental imagery that is not as critical for remembering past scenes. Whereas visual imagery plays an important role in remembering the past, we predicted that spatial imagery plays a crucial role in imagining the future. For the purpose of teasing apart the different components underpinning scene construction in the two experiences of recalling episodic memories and shaping novel future events, we used a paradigm that might selectively affect one of these components (i.e., the spatial). Participants performed concurrent eye movements while remembering the past and imagining the future. These concurrent eye movements selectively interfere with spatial imagery, while sparing visual imagery. Eye movements prevented participants from imagining complex and detailed future scenes, but had no comparable effect on the recollection of past scenes. Similarities between remembering the past and imagining the future are coupled with some differences. The present findings uncover another fundamental divergence between the two processes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a multilevel cognitive architecture is introduced that can be used to model mental processes in clients of psychotherapeutic sessions. The architecture does not only cover base level mental processes but also mental processes involving self-referencing, self-awareness and self-interpretation. To this end, the cognitive architecture was designed according to four levels, where (part of) the structure of each level is represented by an explicit self-model of it at the next-higher level of the architecture. At that next-higher level, states reify part of the structure of the level below; these states have a referencing relation to it. In this way the overall architecture includes its own overall self-model. The cognitive architecture was evaluated for a case study of a realistic type of therapeutic session from clinical practice.  相似文献   

Recent advances in theory and research on the relations among mental simulation, affect, and personality are summarized and combined. Research has shown that (a) affect and mental simulations can influence each other, (b) mental simulations can serve diverse self-motives, and (c) personality characteristics are related to divergent functions of mental simulations. Findings in these three areas are synthesized into a conceptual framework on the basis of three attributes of mental simulations: (a) time, whether simulations are prospective or retrospective; (b) direction, whether simulations are upward or downward; and (c) focus, whether simulations are contrasted or assimilated. This integrated framework not only may enable a greater understanding of existing findings, but also suggests novel and unique predictions for future research on understanding personality processes, automaticity in simulations, and coping with life events.  相似文献   

This study examined time-based prospective memory performance in relation to individual and developmental differences in executive functioning. School-age children and young adults completed six experimental tasks that tapped three basic components of executive functioning: inhibition, updating, and mental shifting. Monitoring performance was examined in a time-based prospective memory task in which participants indicated the passing of time every 5min while watching a movie. Separate analyses of the executive functioning data yielded a two-factor solution for both age groups, with the updating and inhibition tasks constituting a common factor and the shifting tasks constituting a separate factor. Both children and adults showed accelerating monitoring functions with low rates of clock checking during the early phase of each 5-min interval. However, compared with adults, children needed more clock checks for obtaining the same level of response accuracy. Executive functioning had selective effects on time-based prospective memory performance. In both children and adults, monitoring performance was related to the inhibition and updating components, but not to the shifting component, of executive functioning. We conclude that difficulties in temporary maintenance and updating of working memory contents may create discontinuities in sense of time, leading to an increased reliance on external cues for time keeping.  相似文献   

This article explores the consequences for factorial additivity in a Sternberg [(1969). The discovery of processing stages: Extensions of donders method In: W.G. Koster (Ed.), Attention and performance II, Acta Psychologica, 30, 276-315] additive-factors paradigm of the assumptions adopted by models of perception that relate the representation of a stimulus to decision time. Three example models, signal detection theory with the latency-distance hypothesis, stochastic general recognition theory, and a random walk model of exemplar classification, are interrogated to determine what type of interaction they predict factors will yield in a hypothetical factorial (choice) reaction time experiment in which the ‘empirical’ factors’ effects are manifest as parameter changes. All frameworks make the critical assumption that decision time depends on the perceptual representation of the stimulus as well as the architecture. As a consequence, nonadditivity of factors thought to affect different “stages” in the classical approach emerges within the current modeling approach. The nature of this influence is revealed through analytic investigations and simulation. Earlier empirical findings of failures of selective influence that have defied adequate explanation are reinterpreted in light of the present findings.  相似文献   

Let each of several (generally interdependent) random vectors, taken separately, be influenced by a particular set of external factors. Under what kind of the joint dependence of these vectors on the union of these factor sets can one say that each vector is selectively influenced by “its own” factor set? The answer proposed and elaborated in this paper is: One can say this if and only if one can find a factor-independent random vector given whose value the vectors in question are conditionally independent, with their conditional distributions selectively influenced by the corresponding factor sets. Equivalently, the random vectors should be representable as deterministic functions of “their” factor sets and of some mutually independent and factor-independent random variables, some of which may be shared by several of the functions.  相似文献   

李杰  杨悦  赵婧 《心理学报》2021,53(8):821-836
通过分别以高频汉字(实验1)和图形非言语材料(实验2)为刺激的两个联合视觉注意任务, 并采用基于Budensen视觉注意理论的参数估计方法, 系统地探查小学三~六年级汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的视觉同时性加工技能缺陷的内在机制。以43名汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童和46名生理年龄匹配典型发展儿童为被试, 每类被试均被分为小学中年级组(三、四年级)和高年级组(五、六年级)。两个实验均发现不同年级组的阅读障碍儿童在知觉加工速度参数上显著小于控制组儿童。在空间注意分布权重参数上, 实验1的结果显示, 不同于控制组儿童向左侧化发展的注意分布模式, 两个年级组的阅读障碍儿童均表现为无偏的注意分布; 而实验2未发现显著组别差异。且这两种同时性加工子技能分别与不同水平的汉语阅读技能密切相关。结果表明, 汉语阅读障碍儿童在同时加工多个视觉刺激时存在持续的知觉加工速度缓慢的问题, 在同时加工言语类刺激时还表现出异常的空间注意分布模式。本研究有助于从基础认知层面揭示汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的缺陷机理, 为进一步设计相关的提高阅读效率的干预方案提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Discrepant effects of drugs on behavior maintained by temporal-discrimination procedures make conclusive statements about the neuropharmacological bases of timing difficult. The current experiment examined the possible contribution of a general, drug-induced disruption of stimulus control. Four pigeons responded on a three-component multiple schedule that included a fixed-interval 2-min, temporal discrimination, and color-matching component. Under control conditions, response rates and choice responses during the first two components showed evidence of control by time, and accuracy for color matching was high in the third component. Morphine administration flattened the distribution of fixed-interval responding and produced a general disruption of accuracy in the temporal-discrimination component, whereas accuracy in the color-matching component was relatively unaffected. Analysis of the psychophysical functions from the temporal-discrimination component indicated that morphine decreased accuracy of temporal discrimination by decreasing overall stimulus control, rather than by selectively affecting timing. These results suggest the importance of determining the neurophysiological bases of stimulus control as it relates to temporal discrimination.  相似文献   

Event-related bioelectrical brain activity plays an important role in psychophysiological investigations of mental processes. One of the so-called endogenous components of ERP, the P300, occurring in the time range from 300 ms to 800 ms after stimulus presentation accompanies the selective call on cognitive processing of stimulus information. An overview of some influencing factors and of hypotheses according functional significance of P300 is given. Although functional significance of P300 is only partly known there are interesting possibilities of application, e.g. in Neurology, Psychiatry and Occupational medicine.  相似文献   

Four previously published cases of dominant thalamic lesion in which the author has participated are reviewed to gain a better understanding of thalamic participation in lexical-semantic functions. Naming deficits in two cases support Nadeau and Crosson's (1997) hypothesis of a selective engagement mechanism involving the frontal lobes, inferior thalamic peduncle, nucleus reticularis, and other thalamic nuclei, possibly the centromedian nucleus. This mechanism selectively engages those cortical areas required to perform a cognitive task, while maintaining other areas in a state of relative disengagement. Deficits in selective engagement disproportionately affect lexical retrieval based on semantic input, as opposed to lexical and sublexical processes, because the former is more dependent upon this attentional system. The concept of selective engagement is also useful in understanding thalamic participation in working memory, as supported by data from one recent functional neuroimaging study. Other processes also may be compromised in more posterior thalamic lesions which damage the pulvinar but not other components of this selective engagement system. A third case with aphasia after a more superior and posterior thalamic lesion also had oral reading errors similar to those in neglect dyslexia. The pattern of deficits suggested a visual processing problem in the early stages of reading. The fourth case had a category-specific naming deficit after posterior thalamic lesion. Taken together, the latter two cases indicate that the nature of language functions in more posterior regions of the dominant thalamus depends upon the cortical connectivity of the thalamic region. Together, findings from the four cases suggest that thalamic nuclei and systems are involved in multiple processes which directly or indirectly support cortical language functions.  相似文献   

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