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The growth and development of infants and children is examined from the perspective of parenting. White presents research evidence on early childhood development to substantiate his claim that educators and mental health specialists ignore these findings in their intervention approaches. The author sees the family as the first educational delivery system for the child, and presents concrete suggestions to aid educators and mental health specialists in their role. White concludes by favoring an educational approach to parenting over traditional social service work.  相似文献   


We contend that a particular form of self-efficacy beliefs — specifically referred to as relation-inferred self-efficacy beliefs — often gets activated in beginning supervisees, can potentially pose supervision problems from the outset and, consequently, is best addressed by supervisors early on. Relation-inferred self-efficacy beliefs refer to what supervisees think or infer that their supervisor is thinking about their therapeutic efficacy; because beginning supervisees often have doubts about their own therapeutic efficacy, they can make incorrect inferences about what their supervisor is thinking of them, and supervision can be accordingly affected. In this brief report, relation-inferred self-efficacy beliefs are elaborated upon, their significance for the trajectory of beginning supervisee development is considered, and some supervisor actions that can aid in alleviating the impact of those beliefs on beginning supervisees are identified. We view it as important that supervisors (a) hold supervisee problematic relation-inferred self-efficacy beliefs in mind as a likely supervision reality, (b) strive to proactively address their possible emergence through supervisee education at supervision’s onset and through including the topic in the body of the supervision agreement, (c) be sensitive to cues that may indicate the emergence of such problematic inferred beliefs during the course of supervision, (d) sensitively inquire about those cues and, if confirmed, be open to discussing their implications with beginning supervisees, (e) fully carry out discussion about those beliefs so as to allay supervisees’ inference concerns, and (f) because addressing those problematic beliefs is not a one-and-done affair, be ready to re-address them as need arises.


Psychotherapists manifest a severe discrepancy between practice and preachment when they espouse rejection of a medical model of human problems and psychotherapyand accept health insurance for their work. When psychotherapists accept health insurance they classify their actions and their client's problems as medical or quasi-medical entities, confuse the literal and metaphoric definitions of illness and treatment, and support the medical model. Acceptance of health insurance may serve numerous functions including: symbolic legitimization of psychotherapists; monetary gain; and the obfuscation of moral/social issues. Accepting health insurance while criticizing the medical view is hypocritical and interferes with understanding human problems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a comprehensive picture of supervision for the beginning and the advanced graduate student of counseling and psychotherapy. Even though early-level supervision is generally characterized by high levels of structure, a didactic orientation, and a skill focus, it is argued that supervision should encourage continuous reflection at all levels of expertise. For the beginning student, the impact of performance anxiety and the advantages and disadvantages of modeling are examined. For advanced students, tension in supervision is considered and the rationale for an explicit contract is explained. For both levels, the quality of the supervisory relationship is considered critical for effective supervision,  相似文献   

Mácha  Jakub 《Topoi》2022,41(5):939-953
Topoi - Both Hegel and the later Wittgenstein were concerned with the problem of how to begin speculation, or the problem of beginning. I argue that despite many differences, there are surprising...  相似文献   

Psychotherapy of depression: a self-confirmation model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper describes the conceptual underpinnings, structure and operations of a novel service, the City and Hackney Primary Care Psychotherapy Consultation Service – a service set up partly with the aim of addressing the needs of patients who present with ‘medically unexplained symptoms’. As part of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, this service moves its clinical base, staff members and daily work, as well as the foundations of psychoanalytic thinking that define the Trust's work, into the heart of a community, and provides psychoanalytically informed clinical practice and consultation to patients and general practitioners in the City and Hackney, one of London's (and the UK's) most deprived and ethnically diverse boroughs. The authors describe the psychoanalytical underpinnings of the model, the design and structure of the service, patient demographics and preliminary outcome data, as well as an example of consultation work with general practitioners. The authors propose that psychoanalytic applications have a place in primary care and that psychoanalytic thinking can help general practitioners and patients alike, even when the clinical interventions offered are not solely based on psychoanalytic technique or therapeutic approaches. The paper concludes with thoughts about the model, its origins and its future.  相似文献   

Interpreters generally understand Heidegger's notion of finitude in one of two ways: (1) as our mortality – that, in the end, we are certain to die; or (2) the susceptibility of our self‐ and world‐understanding to collapse – the fragility and vulnerability of human sense‐making. In this paper, I put forward an alternative account of what Heidegger means by ‘finitude’: human self‐ and world‐understanding is non‐transparently grounded in a ‘final end.’ Our self‐ and world‐understanding, that is, begins at the end, and authenticity requires us to interpretively appropriate the full range of this understanding. After laying out this view of finitude, via an analogical appeal to the Socratic account of action and desire in the Gorgias, I discuss its relationship to the two leading views of finitude mentioned above.  相似文献   

新年年年过,今年大不同.今年的新年,不仅是一年的开始,而且是一个新的世纪的开始.本杂志社全体同仁谨向各界读者致以亲切的慰问,向曾经支持和关心本杂志的各方有识之士致以崇高的谢意.……  相似文献   

从图式心理疗法发展历程的角度探讨其起源与发展,对图式概念的提出以及早期适应不良图式和应对方式进行梳理,凸显了图式疗法的优势与传统逻辑。深入探讨简化的图式疗法——模式模型,突出模式模型是一个或多个激活的图式与相关应对方式的组合。强调模式模型的治疗机制包括了儿童模式、内在批评模式、适应不良的应对模式和健康成人模式四种模式,它们之间互相联系、互相影响。通过对现有案例及学术研究成果的梳理,证明模式模型治疗对各种精神障碍的有效性,且在国内的心理学治疗方面有较好的应用前景,应得到更多的重视、推广和应用。  相似文献   

That individuals (and groups) have vested interests is part of the nature of the human condition and is captured in the cognitive theoretical concept “personal domain” (Beck, 1976, p. 56). Of relevance to psychotherapy integration (and consistent with this concept), there are some apparent philosophical differences between advocates of psychotherapy integration and those of the major systems of psychotherapy. In the same manner that the various schools of integrative and eclectic psychotherapy compete with one another (Lazarus & Messer, 1991, p. 144), so too do they contend with the established systems. In this article, we present several issues about which the systems of psychotherapy and the integration movement may differ, and we respond to criticisms of cognitive therapy that have been the focus of previous articles in this journal. Finally, we give examples of how those who research and apply the contemporary systems of psychotherapy can, within those systems, explore possibilities for psychotherapy integration. We conclude that there is probably much that the integration movement and the established systems of psychotherapy can offer each other.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and critiques the literature on countertransference (CT) in group psychotherapy. The literature review is organized within a framework that calls attention to the origins, triggers, manifestations, and effects of CT in groups, as well as CT management factors. An overriding critique is that the present literature lacks a research foundation of any kind. An argument is made for beginning research in this domain, and guidelines for doing so are presented.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - In this systematic literature review, all the Shiite-Islamic documents (Quran and Hadith) without any time limitation were surveyed, analyzed and synthesized for...  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders the significance of the Emmanuel movement, a pre- Freudian psychotherapeutic system founded by Dr. Elwood Worcester as a method of church-sponsored healing. Its significance lies in three areas: (1) Historically, it was a popular effort by Protestant clergy to claim religious authority over psychological and psychosomatic ailments, a struggle that the medical profession eventually won almost completely. (2) The Emmanuel movement was an effort to combat the scientific materialism and medical somaticism of its time, including the excessive use of drugs. It aimed at greater individual control over emotional wellbeing through a self-help movement taught by religious leaders using some Christian ideas. Significant parallels can be found with present-day holistic health efforts. (3) Theoretically, Worcester's conception of the person is of interest as an effort to construct a nonreductionist view of the interactions of body, mind, and spirit.  相似文献   

This paper explores the practice of healing in the Pentecostal movement. The practice of healing has a long tradition in Pentecostal practice. The meaning of divine healing and what could be components of a theology of healing are examined. It is important for pastoral counselors, pastors, and chaplains to be aware of the importance of divine healing for Pentecostal clients.  相似文献   

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