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Two studies tested whether the possession of a mental story-bank (a set of thematically related narratives) affected the processing of a related narrative. Three competing predictions were proposed: a story-bank may lead to reduced attention, increased attention, or selective attention to a new, related story. The results of Study 1 (N = 125 undergraduates) suggested that a prior story-bank led to more efficient processing of a target narrative (as indicated by recall data), favoring a selective attention interpretation. Study 2 (N = 114 undergraduates) showed that individuals who possessed a relevant story-bank were more persuaded by a related target narrative, also consistent with the selective attention interpretation. Story-banks thus appeared to facilitate, rather than hinder, processing of new narratives.  相似文献   

本研究采用联结再认范式考察联结记忆中感知觉水平和概念加工程度对图片优势效应的影响。实验1通过呈现清晰或模糊的词语或图片对操纵了感知觉水平,结果发现只有在清晰条件下图片优势效应才会出现;实验2则在模糊条件下通过要求被试想象两个项目之间的关系操纵了概念加工程度,结果发现在有概念加工条件下,出现了图片优势效应。研究结果表明:(1)降低的感知觉水平会导致联结记忆中的图片优势效应消失;(2)对模糊项目对进行概念加工会使联结记忆中出现图片优势效应。  相似文献   

We analyzed the effects of the Colorado Medicaid Capitation Program on the duration and services of over 21,000 outpatient mental health episodes for young children. The study spanned a three year period before and after capitation was implemented, and compared episodes of outpatient care for children from 14 capitated Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) with those from three CMHCs that remained fee-for-service. Proportional hazards regressions revealed that capitation resulted in an increase in outpatient episode duration, over and above similar effects for the comparison fee-for-service episodes. The hypothesis that there were longer capitated episodes for children who were hospitalized was not supported. Children with behavioral and anxiety disorders had longer capitated episodes. Service intensity decreased over time in the managed care sites. Changes in case mix may have had an impact on changes in episode duration and service intensity. That outpatient episode duration increased over time while costs were lowered in the capitated agencies indicates some effects of capitation in changing patterns of care.  相似文献   

探讨一致的先前知识对类别学习的影响,包括2个实验。被试是112名大学生,分别探讨不同实验任务和不同项目呈现时间引发的机械特征在类别学习中的重要程度和加工程度不同的情况下先前知识对类别学习的影响。结果表明:(1)在实验任务为项目类别归属判断任务时,机械特征重要程度低,主题特征与机械特征在学习上存在竞争关系;在实验任务为项目类别归属及记忆任务时,机械特征重要程度高,主题特征与机械特征在学习上存在促进关系。(2)在限制步速呈现项目时,机械特征加工程度低,主题特征与机械特征在学习上存在竞争关系;而在自定步速呈现项目时,机械特征加工程度高,主题特征与机械特征在学习上不存在竞争关系。  相似文献   

考察了在不同字烦、笔画条件下个体对不同结构汉字汉字识别时其基本加工单元是否具有差别。结果发现,(1)在各种汉字结构的条件下,均出现了显著的笔画数效应,可能说明汉字结构对汉字识别的基本加工单元没有影响。(2)当汉字为包围结构时没有出现字频效应(3)汉字结构对低频字的识别有影响,对高频字的识别没有影响;对少笔画字的识别有影响,对多笔画字的识别没有影响(4)在实验出现了结构方式效应。  相似文献   

The effects of prior positions (PL), practice reinforcements of the criterion distance (CT), and retention intervals on proactive interference (PI) in a 20-cm. linear positioning task were examined. Independent treatment groups had either 0, 3, or 5 PL, with 1, 3, or 10 CT, and a 5-, 15-, or 50-sec. retention interval. Only absolute error scores at recall indicated PI. This forgetting occurred only under the highly restricted conditions of 5 PL and 1 CT after 15-and 50-sec. retention intervals. Since 0 PL groups showed no differences in recall over levels of retention intervals, PI alone apparently caused the forgetting.  相似文献   

A psychological assumption underlying the common and legally sanctioned use of jurors with previous jury experience is that such prior experience has little effect on a juror's behavior. The empirical evidence on this assumption is reviewed. Special attention is devoted to recent research that indicates two types of potential bias among experienced jurors. The theoretical and practical implications of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

对工作记忆广度机制的四个模型:资源共享模型、任务转换假说、干扰说和时间资源共享模型进行了检验。以60名大学本科生为被试,完成工作记忆广度任务和转换任务。结果表明:加工时间和加工项目数不是影响工作记忆广度的主要因素;工作记忆广度受到加工速度的影响;工作记忆广度和线索-任务转换代价呈显著的负相关关系。结果支持时间资源共享模型,工作记忆广度取决于注意在加工和存储之间快速、灵活的转换。  相似文献   

研究通过3个实验,以6年级学生为被试,考察了先前知识在分数乘法规则单、双内容样例学习中的作用以及“标记法”、“标记+注释法”样例设计方法对低先前知识学生学习双内容样例的促进效果。结果发现:(1)高先前知识学生学习两种样例的迁移成绩无显著差异,且均好于低先前知识学生的成绩;(2)低先前知识学生学习单内容样例的迁移成绩明显优于双内容样例;(3)与学习普通样例相比,低先前知识学生学习“标记法”双内容样例的后测成绩无显著差异,但学习“标记+注释法”设计的样例的成绩明显更好。结果表明,学生单、双内容样例的学习效果受其先前知识水平的影响;低先前知识学生未能从“标记法”设计的双内容样例中获益,但学习“标记+注释法”设计的样例效果更佳。  相似文献   

凌斌  王重鸣 《心理学报》2014,46(8):1176-1191
研究基于解释水平理论考察时间距离对于验证性信息加工的影响, 即在个体和组织决策情境中, 人们倾向于偏好选择和高估与自身观点和决策相一致的信息, 而不是非一致性信息。通过4个情境决策实验, 研究结果一致表明近期决策会提高信息搜寻和评估中的验证偏差, 而远期决策会降低它们的验证偏差, 知觉到的决策确定性在其中起到部分中介作用(实验1b)。解释水平(实验2)和期许性/可行性表征(实验3)分别在时间距离对验证性信息加工的影响中起到调节作用, 结果依次表明在低解释水平(高可行性-低期许性特征)条件下, 时间距离与验证性信息加工的负相关关系会得到显著增强, 而在高解释水平(高期许性-低可行性特征)条件下, 时间距离与验证性信息加工的负相关关系会得到显著降低。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of sentence‐level context, prior word knowledge, and need for cognition on responses to print ads for technical products. Words and phrases that help readers understand technical language in context increased the supportive arguments generated in response to ads, whereas prior word knowledge and need for cognition primarily influenced neutral thoughts. Only explanatory language facilitated the comprehension of product information. Explanatory language led to an increase in attitudes and purchase intent. Need for cognition had a positive influence on attitude formation when the context language was ambiguous, but decreased attitude formation when the context language was explanatory. Results are consistent with predictions guided by a comprehension elaboration model of persuasion.  相似文献   

Learning abstract concepts through concrete examples may promote learning at the cost of inhibiting transfer. The present study investigated one approach to solving this problem: systematically varying superficial features of the examples. Participants learned to solve problems involving a mathematical concept by studying either superficially similar or varied examples. In Experiment 1, less knowledgeable participants learned better from similar examples, while more knowledgeable participants learned better from varied examples. In Experiment 2, prior to learning how to solve the problems, some participants received a pretraining aimed at increasing attention to the structural relations underlying the target concept. These participants, like the more knowledgeable participants in Experiment 1, learned better from varied examples. Thus, the utility of varied examples depends on prior knowledge and, in particular, ability to attend to relevant structure. Increasing this ability can prepare learners to learn more effectively from varied examples.  相似文献   

潘禄  钱秀莹 《心理学报》2014,46(12):1860-1870
在没有轮次限制的轮盘赌任务中考察了先前一轮及多轮的决策结果对后续决策风险偏好的影响模式, 结果表明:(1)无论盈亏, 前一轮获益或损失的程度越大后一轮的风险偏好越大; (2)先前获益后, 接下来的下注投入的金额小于先前一轮的获益金额, 先前损失后, 接下来的下注的潜在获益金额大于先前一轮的损失金额。实验结果定量地验证和拓展了私房钱效应(house money effect)和保本效应(break even effect), 在此基础上归纳出了动态重复决策中“决策前景与先前结果合并后规避损失”的决策标准, 即当决策情景具有重复性且可以自由制定决策方案时, 决策的标准是使得先前一次的获益(或损失)与下一次决策的潜在损失(或获益)合并后可以规避损失。实验结果还表明决策者仅合并最近一次的先前结果而不会合并先前连续获益或损失的结果。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the patient as active change agent is a critically important, but new and understudied one. This paper attempts to explore and to illustrate with clinical examples the psychodynamic foundations of the patient's activity. The concept of an active episode on the part of the patient is introduced and defined. The paper illustrates the ways that active episodes of self-change on the part of the patient can determine the outcome of psychoanalytic therapy.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the influence of stationary (non-fluctuating) noise on processing and understanding of sentences, which vary in their syntactic complexity (with the factors canonicity, embedding, ambiguity). It presents data from two RT-studies with 44 participants testing processing of German sentences in silence and in noise. Results show a stronger impact of noise on the processing of structurally difficult than on syntactically simpler parts of the sentence. This may be explained by a combination of decreased acoustical information and an increased strain on cognitive resources, such as working memory or attention, which is caused by noise. The noise effect for embedded sentences is less than for non-embedded sentences, which may be explained by a benefit from prosodic information.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of knowledge on text processing were investigated among older adults. Past research has shown that knowledge reduces processing time among older readers, however, this finding was based on schematic knowledge. Schematic knowledge is a highly prescribed knowledge that draws on commonly held general world knowledge. Domain knowledge, on the other hand, is specialized real-world knowledge within a particular area (e.g., chess, physics, cooking). Past research has shown that domain knowledge engages additional processing resources among younger adults. If this is true of the elderly, then this type of knowledge may pose a challenge to older adults. Regression analyses were used to investigate word-by-word reading time patterns among high- and low-knowledge older adults. Older high-knowledge readers did in fact increase resource allocation to texts that drew on domain knowledge and in turn showed higher levels of recall. These data suggest that knowledge promotes the productive allocation of processing resources among older adults, thus enabling them to take full advantage of knowledge.  相似文献   

申敏  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2006,38(4):497-506
采用听觉动窗法和跨通道探测技术,设计3个实验考察了汉语口语句子理解中,动词隐含因果性和重读对代词加工的影响及其时间进程。其中的自变量为动词类型和韵律特征;探测实验中增加探测词类型变量。结果发现:动词隐含因果性影响代词的指认方向;当代词不重读时,动词隐含因果关系在遇到代词后立即影响代词可能先行词的激活水平。代词重读影响“因为”分句的阅读时间,且在代词后立即影响主语型动词语句中代词的加工  相似文献   

A field experiment examined the tactical peacekeeping behaviors of military-officer teams undergoing training as United Nations military observers. Teams encountered a simulated human-rights violation where two civilians were being abused. Proximity of the female civilian to the team leader was manipulated and significantly influenced teams' commitment to saving the civilians' lives. Proximity increased the frequency of behaviors that were specifically oriented toward saving the civilians' lives and did not increase confrontational behavior. Finally, trainees' performance assessments were lower if they intervened but failed to save lives than if they did little to intervene and also failed to save lives.  相似文献   

“语义错觉效应”是指读者在加工某些语义违例句子时,会暂时性地产生语义合理错觉,而只有通过继续加工或者再加工才能辨别出错误的现象,在脑电成分上表现为没有出现N400效应,却出现P600效应。“语义错觉效应”对传统的句子加工理论模型以及N400和P600的特异性功能意义提出了质疑。研究者在讨论此效应的基础上提出了多个句子加工模型,各模型对语义和句法加工的过程进行了探索,对语义和句法通道的关系做出了新的阐述,并对N400和P600的功能意义做出了新的解读。目前研究对N400功能的解释存在语义整合观和词汇激活观的分歧,而对P600功能的解释则从传统的句法功能转换到了更宽泛的加工过程。未来研究应关注词汇语义关系和跨语言差异,以期进一步揭示句子加工的认知及神经机制。  相似文献   

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