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国家青年排球队员时间管理倾向与自我价值感的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黄希庭  毕重增  夏崇德 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1296-1299
运用时间管理倾向量表和自我价值感量表对13名国家青年排球队运动员的研究表明,国家青年排球队运动员的整体时间管理倾向与大学生没有显着差异;自我价值感显着高于常模群体,具有较高的自我价值感水平;相关分析发现,时间监控观与总体自我价值感和一般自我价值感之间的相关显着,时间监控观与社会取向的家庭自我价值感、时间管理倾向的三维度与个体自我价值感之间存在显着的相关;多重回归分析发现时间监控观对总体自我价值感和一般自我价值感具有直接的预测作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the case for a functional account of vision. A variety of studies have consistently revealed “change blindness” or insensitivity to changes in the visual scene during an eye movement. These studies indicate that only a small part of the information in the scene is represented in the brain from moment to moment. It is still unclear, however, exactly what is included in visual representations. This paper reviews experiments using an extended visuo-motor task, showing that display changes affect performance differently depending on the observer's place in the task. These effects are revealed by increases in fixation duration following a change. Different task-dependent increases suggest that the visual system represents only the information that is necessary for the immediate visual task. This allows a principled exploration of the stimulus properties that are included in the internal visual representation. The task specificity also has a more general implication that vision should be conceptualized as an active process executing special purpose “routines” that compute only the currently necessary information. Evidence for this view and its implications for visual representations are discussed. Comparison of the change blindness phenomenon and fixation durations shows that conscious report does not reveal the extent of the representations computed by the routines.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the ability of first league professional volleyball players to modulate the allocation of attentional resources in the visual space by adapting the size of the attentional focus. Like Castiello and Umilta (1990), we employed an experimental procedure that is a variation of Posner's (1980) paradigm for exploring covert orienting of visuospatial attention. In a signalled reaction time task, a peripheral cue of varying size was presented unilaterally or bilaterally of a central fixation point, followed by a target at different stimulus onset asynchronies. The target could occur validly inside the cue or invalidly outside it with varying spatial relation to its boundary. Our results suggest that volleyball players are better able than controls to modulate the distribution of attentional resources within and around peripherally cued areas. Moreover, volleyball players seem to be able to flexibly adapt the gradient of attentional resources around the cued area, as would be expected from their sport practice.  相似文献   

On its face, Hume's account of mental representation involves at least two elements. On the one hand, Hume often seems to write as though the representational properties of an idea are fixed solely by what it is a copy or image of. But, on the other, Hume's treatment of abstract ideas (and other similar cases) makes it clear that the representational properties of a Humean idea sometimes depend, not just on what it is copied from, but also on the manner in which the mind associates it with other ideas. Past interpretations of Hume have tended to focus on one of these elements of his account to the neglect of the other. But no interpretation of this sort is likely to capture the role that both copying and association play within Hume's discussion. In what follows, I argue that the most plausible way of understanding Hume's discussion involves attributing to him a unified account of mental representation in which both of these elements play a central role. I close by discussing the manner in which reading Hume in this way would alter our understanding of the relationship between Hume's thought and contemporary philosophy of mind.  相似文献   

Various theories of moral cognition posit that moral intuitions can be understood as the output of a computational process performed over structured mental representations of human action. We propose that action plan diagrams—“act trees”—can be a useful tool for theorists to succinctly and clearly present their hypotheses about the information contained in these representations. We then develop a methodology for using a series of linguistic probes to test the theories embodied in the act trees. In Study 1, we validate the method by testing a specific hypothesis (diagrammed by act trees) about how subjects are representing two classic moral dilemmas and finding that the data support the hypothesis. In Studies 2–4, we explore possible explanations for discrete and surprising findings that our hypothesis did not predict. In Study 5, we apply the method to a less well‐studied case and show how new experiments generated by our method can be used to settle debates about how actions are mentally represented. In Study 6, we argue that our method captures the mental representation of human action better than an alternative approach. A brief conclusion suggests that act trees can be profitably used in various fields interested in complex representations of human action, including law, philosophy, psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, computer science, robotics, and artificial intelligence.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported which attempt to externalize subjects' mental representation of conditional sentences, using novel research methods. In Experiment 1, subjects were shown arrays of coloured shapes and asked to rate the degree to which they appeared to be true of conditional statements such as 'If the figure is green then it is a triangle'. The arrays contained different distributions of the four logically possible cases in which the antecedent or consequent is true or false: TT, TF, FT, and FF. For example, a blue triangle would be FT for the conditional quoted above. In Experiments 2 to 4, subjects were able to construct their own arrays to make conditionals either true or false with any distribution of the four cases they wished to choose. The presence and absence of negative components was varied, as was the form of the conditional, being either 'if then' as above or 'only if': 'The figure is green only if it is a triangle'. The first finding was that subjects represent conditionals in fuzzy way: conditionals that include some counter-example TF cases (Experiment 1) may be rated as true, and such cases are often included when subjects construct an array to make the rule true (Experiments 2 to 4). Other findings included a strong tendency to include psychologically irrelevant FT and FF cases in constructed arrays, presumably to show that conditional statements only apply some of the time. A tendency to construct cases in line with the 'matching bias' reported on analogous tasks in the literature was found, but only in Experiment 4, where the number of symbols available to construct each case was controlled. The findings are discussed in relation to the major contemporary theories of conditional reasoning based upon inference rules and mental models, neither of which can account for all the results.  相似文献   

张盼  鲁忠义 《心理学报》2013,45(4):406-415
采用混合实验设计、实时和事后的句子-图片匹配范式, 以隐含物体典型颜色和非典型颜色信息的句子为实验材料, 以被试对图片的反应时间和阅读时间为因变量指标, 通过不同时间间隔的设置以及不同的实验程序, 探讨了句子理解中静态和动态颜色信息心理表征的特点。结果表明:(1)在加工时间有限的情况下, 两个加工任务是否竞争相同的认知资源是造成句-图范式下匹配易化和不匹配易化的关键因素。(2)对于句子隐含的静态颜色信息, 大脑对典型颜色信息的心理表征具有即时性和局部性, 而对非典型颜色信息的心理表征还具有非局部性的特点。(3)对于句子隐含的动态颜色信息, 大脑不能对其进行即时的心理表征, 这种动态颜色信息的心理表征是在句子阅读晚期发生的。  相似文献   

被试在矩形房间中从两个不同的观察点学习物体场景并在多个朝向上对物体形成的空间关系进行判断,通过控制场景中物体主要内在轴相对于环境结构(房间和地毯)的方向和被试的学习顺序,探讨被试在场景空间表征中采用何种参照系和参照系选取时的影响因素。两个实验结果发现:(1)内在参照系(intrinsic reference systems)和环境参照系均可以用于物体场景的表征,两类参照系之间的关系却是影响被试物体场景表征时参照系选取的重要因素,即当内在参照系与环境参照系方向一致时,被试无论从哪个朝向学习,都选择从垂直于内在参照系和环境参照系的朝向进行表征。反之,当二者方向不一致时,表征时参照系的选择取决于被试的学习经历;(2)无论内在参照系与环境参照系方向是否一致,物体场景本身内在结构的规则性都能够促进空间记忆,即内在结构的规则性既有助于准确编码物体的相对位置,也有助于提高空间关系判断的准确性。  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Karl Schafer argues that Hume's theory of mental representation has two distinct components, unified by their shared feature of having accuracy conditions. As Schafer sees it, simple and complex ideas represent the intrinsic imagistic features of their objects whereas abstract ideas represent the relations or structures in which multiple objects stand. This distinction, however, is untenable for at least two related reasons. Firstly, complex ideas represent the relations or structures in which the impressions that are the objects of their simple components stand. Secondly, abstract ideas are themselves instances of complex ideas. I draw two important conclusions from these facts. Firstly, contra Schafer and Garrett (to whom Schafer responds), the Copy Principle, properly emended, constitutes the entirety of Hume's theory of mental representation. Secondly, whereas paradigm examples of complex ideas, e.g. ideas of spatial and temporal complexes, are structured by relations of contiguity, abstract ideas are those complex ideas instead structured by relations of resemblance. As such, they represent their objects not as spatially or temporally contiguous but rather as resembling.  相似文献   

The current study examined whether an individualized motivational general-mastery MG-M imagery intervention consisting of daily imagery practice and weekly one-on-one guided imagery sessions could enhance self-efficacy in youth squash athletes (N = 5; M age = 10.80; SD = 1.93). A single-subject multiple-baseline design was employed spanning 13–18 weeks. Measures included the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (Hall, Munroe-Chandler, Fishburne, & Hall et al., 2009) and a squash-specific self-efficacy questionnaire. Results indicated improvements in self-efficacy for 3 of the 5 athletes. The results from this study help inform researchers and practitioners regarding the use of MG-M imagery as a means to improve young athletes’ self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Minority female youth are significantly affected by the HIV epidemic. The purpose of this pilot study was to explore sexual behavior practices, disclosure of HIV status, attitudes about disclosure, and knowledge of HIV disclosure laws among female youth with HIV (YWH). Findings suggest that the majority of YWH studied have been sexually active since their HIV diagnosis, although the nature and extent of sexual activity varied. Rates of nondisclosure to sexual partners varied based on the type of question asked, but at least some of the YWH in this sample reported sexual activity with a partner who was unaware of the participant’s HIV status. YWH appear to be more likely to disclose before, as opposed to after, sexual activity. Although most YWH believe disclosure to sexual partners is important for a variety of reasons, many reasons exist for nondisclosure, including fear of rejection and limited communication skills. The majority of YWH in this sample were aware of the potential legal ramifications of nondisclosure although fear of legal repercussions was not the most important factor related to disclosure. These findings favor the implementation of HIV disclosure interventions over the enactment of HIV criminalization laws as a strategy for reducing HIV transmission.  相似文献   

外界环境中物体位置与空间关系在记忆中如何表征,一直是空间认知研究领域探讨和争论的热点问题。该文从空间表征的参照框架、朝向特异性、组织结构和存储内容四个方面,系统回顾了近年来对空间表征形成机制与内在特征的理论探讨。在此基础上,进一步讨论了当前空间表征研究中存在的生态效度问题,以及以后将虚拟环境技术引入到空间认知研究中的发展趋势  相似文献   

抽象材料选择任务的表象表征视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨在选择任务中表象表征存在的可能性以及抽象材料选择任务困难的原因,该研究设定了材料的内容、规则以及证明规则的要求均完全相同,只是在呈现方式上形象性不同的两种抽象选择任务;然后把两种不同的选择任务分别对数量大致相当的大学生进行了测试。结果发现,不采用类似卡片这种形象性很强的材料呈现方式显著的提高了人们在抽象选择任务中的正确率。实验结果支持了选择任务中表象表征的存在及其为选择任务困难原因之一的观点。  相似文献   

数学应用题心理表征的研究现状与动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理表征是问题解决的关键,该文阐述了在数学应用题中心理表征的理论,探讨了心理表征的内部影响因素,最后总结了目前在应用题心理表征的研究中,心理学家们关注的一些问题.  相似文献   

Misdiagnoses of racial/ethnic minority youth’s mental health problems can potentially contribute to inappropriate mental health care. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review that focuses on current theory and empirical research in an attempt to answer the following two questions: (1) What evidence exists that supports or contradicts the idea that racial/ethnic minority youth’s mental health problems are misdiagnosed? (2) What are the sources of misdiagnoses? Articles were reviewed from 1967 to 2014 using PsychINFO, PubMed, and GoogleScholar. Search terms included “race”, “ethnicity”, “minority”, “culture”, “children”, “youth”, “adolescents”, “mental health”, “psychopathology”, “diagnosis”, “misdiagnosis”, “miscategorization”, “underdiagnosis”, and “overdiagnosis”. Seventy-two articles and book chapters met criteria and were included in this review. Overall, evidence was found that supports the possibility of misdiagnosis of ethnic minority youth’s emotional and behavioral problems. However, the evidence is limited such that it cannot be determined whether racial/ethnic differences are due to differences in psychopathology, mental health biases, and/or inaccurate diagnoses. Cultural and contextual factors that may influence misdiagnosis as well as recommendations for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

采用启动效应的实验范式,基于不同加工水平的词汇判断任务,通过变化启动刺激与目标刺激的4个实验,考察了中国大学生第二语言知识的心理表征特征。被试为第二军医大学的学生38名。结果发现:在基于语义的范畴判断任务中,当启动刺激(英)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语义联想关系,得到了显著的启动效应(实验一);当启动刺激(英)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语音相同或相近关系,也得到了显著的启动效应(实验二);但在基于语音的词汇判断任务中,当启动刺激(英)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语义联想关系,没有得到启动效应(实验三);而当启动刺激(英)和目标刺激(英)之间存在语音相同或相近关系,得到了显著的启动效应(实验四)。这一结果表明,对于中国大学生程度的中英双语者来说,其第二语言(英语)知识的心理表征特征为:①语义联想特征和语音联想特征,符合激活扩散模型;②第二语言知识的心理表征,不仅在概念语义层有着联系,而且在词汇表征层也有相互的联系;其词汇表征层和语义概念表征层是分层表征的。  相似文献   

This study explored UK female football players' perceptions of their talent development environments using the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire. Participants were 137 UK-based female football players (Mage = 16.06, SD = 1.90) from Football Association Girls' Centres of Excellence and Football Association Women's Super League Development Squads. Players had most positive perceptions of long-term development focus and support network, whereas the least positive perceptions were of communication and understanding the athlete. Sport psychologists could offer significant support in (a) planning for football-specific development and career progression, (b) communication with key social agents, and (c) holistic player development and well-being.  相似文献   

关于数学应用题心理表征策略的新理论   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文主要阐述了数学应用题心理表征中的两种策略一直接转换策略和问题模型策略,介绍了两种策略的认知过程,并对两种策略的区分方法进行了探讨,最后总结说明了研究数学心理表征在理论和实践中的意义。  相似文献   

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