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An operational definition of “learning disabilities” is presented from the standpoint that classificatory psychoeducational definitions must ultimately relate to educational processes. Thus the condition should be described in terms of abilities crucial to educational achievement, and noneducational criteria should not be employed. It is pointed out that the most generally accepted current definition — which identifies children as “learning-disabled” on the basis of behavioral criteria, while excluding others because of etiological and other nonbehavioral factors — overlooks functional similarities among such groups as educable mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed children. These similarities warrant the inclusion under the rubric of “learning-disabled” of some children who may also be grouped within other diagnostic categories. Consequently, the profferred definition is based on a primary concern with day-to-day learning and management issues. Concepts subtended by the definition are operationally defined, and its relationship to programming is discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines whether various cognitive abilities are associated with symptoms of ADHD. Cognitive ability is conceptualized using Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory as measured using the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (3rd ed.). This article also examines whether test session behavior mediates the association between cognitive ability and ADHD. Participants are children ages 6 to 12 with (n= 33) and without (n= 19) ADHD. Results show that inattentive symptoms of ADHD are significantly related to the CHC ability of processing speed above and beyond the effect of test session behavior. Symptoms of ADHD (both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity) are also significantly associated with visual spatial processing, but this is completely mediated by test session behavior. It is concluded that inattentive symptoms of ADHD are associated with slower processing speed and that this relationship is not explained by test session behavior.  相似文献   

This study compared a brief group treatment that was designed to be purely educational (ED) with a longer course of individual cognitive-behavioural (CB) therapy intended to represent more standard clinical care. Participants were 65 women who sought treatment at Toronto General Hospital, met DSM-III criteria for bulimia nervosa at a normal weight and reported vomiting at least twice weekly. Results indicated that the CB treatment, as expected, was generally more effective than the ED intervention, but on several important outcome indices both treatments appeared to be equally effective for the healthiest 25-45% of the sample. The more intensive individual CB treatment was associated with greater improvement in patients who were more severely symptomatic. However, the ED intervention proved significantly more cost-effective and it was suggested that a sequential treatment program might achieve the superior benefits associated with the longer individual CB treatment at a reduced cost.  相似文献   

Nursing personnel (N = 317) working at a general hospital attended a 6-hour training program on suicide prevention. They answered anonymously pre- and post-training the Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ), which comprises 21 visual analogue scale items divided in three factorial subscales. The results indicated there were positive changes in the attitudes and these gains were significantly maintained at the 6-month follow-up evaluation. Improvement was in the Feelings and Professional Capacity subscales (ANOVA; p = 0.0001 and 0.01, respectively). There was no change on the Right to Suicide subscale. Because attitudes influence the effectiveness of health care personnel interventions, our findings may have important implications for the development of suicide prevention programs.  相似文献   

Increased resources are being committed to the multicultural training of counselors. Despite these gains, training continues to focus almost exclusively on the acquisition of cultural awareness and culture-specific knowledge. Valuable though they are, awareness and knowledge, the authors argue, do not necessarily result in effective multicultural counseling skill. Therefore, it is recommended that current training models be modified to include techniques through which cultural knowledge can be synthesized into effective counseling interventions. Specifically, it is suggested that programs stress the need to conduct cultural assessments of clients using what the authors term “culturally educated questioning”: empirically rooted inquiry designed to elicit from clients clinically relevant cultural data. The benefits of culturally educated questioning, including its safeguards against cultural stereotyping, are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined the effectiveness of conflict resolution and peer mediation training among California high school students. The authors randomly assigned 2 of 4 classes to receive 5 weeks of conflict resolution and peer mediation training integrated into the required social studies curriculum. The remaining 2 classes studied the same social studies curriculum for an identical amount of time (105 min every other day) without conflict resolution and peer mediation training. The authors investigated 2 issues. The 1st was the effectiveness of the conflict resolution and peer mediation training. The trained students, compared with the untrained students, learned the integrative negotiation and peer mediation procedures better, applied the procedures more completely, chose an integrative over a distributive approach to negotiation, and developed more positive attitudes toward conflict. The 2nd issue was the impact of the training program on academic achievement. Integrating conflict resolution and peer mediation training into an academic course promoted higher achievement, greater long-term retention of the academic learning, and greater transfer of academic learning in social studies to language arts.  相似文献   

Empirical research has consistently supported the validity and business utility of the assessment center method as a selection instrument. Nonetheless, the method as typically applied may be unnecessarily costly and inflexible. This paper begins by describing how the model for assessment center design that is widely used today came to be accepted as a standard. Then modifications in design and operation are discussed. These suggested modifications are intended to enhance the utility and flexibility of assessment centers, while at the same time maintaining, or even increasing, the validity of the process.Seymour Adler is Associate Professor of Applied Psychology at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Vice President of Assessment Systems Incorporated, a New York-based consulting firm.  相似文献   

Short-term, focused and targeted groups have become a staple in the mental health field and in the general cultural intervention milieu. This paper presents a model for group building aimed at guiding the group leader in constructing, organizing and ordering such psychoeducational groups. This model is applicable to a range of themecentered groups, addressing a variety of specific symptoms, habits, developmental milestones, organizational problems, or normative life crises. First, the defining characteristics of psychoeducational groups will be discussed. Subsequently, the steps in building group protocols will be outlined, including the use of phase-specific group dynamics and curative variables. To demonstrate the utility and generalizability of the model, two populations with extremely diverse thematic foci, a latency incest and a smoking cessation group, will be used to illustrate the ordering of the group protocol and the building of appropriate didactic structures. This paper is intended as a companion to an earlier one in this journal (Ettin et al., 1987), which considered the management of group process in just these types of nonprocess groups.  相似文献   

This article presents the process utilized to adapt a behavioral parent‐training curriculum for Hispanic caregivers from a program currently available in English. Throughout this process, a number of cultural and language elements were identified as needing to be modified to meet the needs of the Hispanic population served. Fidelity and fit were balanced to develop a curriculum acceptable to diverse Hispanic caregivers while also incorporating all the essential elements of a theory‐based approach to training caregivers. The lessons learned from this adaptation may assist others in their attempts to meet the needs of Hispanic families.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a national survey of practicing school psychological personnel regarding crisis intervention. The data are based upon the responses of 193 NASP members. The issues addressed were (a) previous training and interest in learning more about crisis intervention; (b) numbers and types of potential crisis situations being encountered; and (c) perceived adequacy of training in crisis intervention. The results suggest that practitioners are being asked to intervene in a variety of situations with crisis potential. Many respondents reported inadequate training for this role. However, most considered it an important area and are interested in learning more.  相似文献   

This paper develops a metatheoretical perspective for psychotherapy using a dialectical approach. A brief review of current theoretical writings shows how little attention is paid to the person and family in social context. Dialectics is then examined from an historical perspective to illustrate how it can enrich current theoretical work in psychotherapy. In concluding, the paper describes the ways in which a dialectical metatheory could delineate more precisely the relationship between the person and the society in which we live.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the incidence of decubitus ulcers and the level of spinal cord injury, sex, race, level of intellectual functioning, and level of academic achievement. A total of 114 subjects with spinal cord injuries were surveyed and tested at the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, Fishersville, Virginia. The results of this study indicated no relationship between the incidence of decubitus ulcers and the demographic or personality factors studied.  相似文献   

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