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Literature underscores the complex role of coaches in sport organizations, especially in youth sectors. Their need for support, not only on the technical level, is emerging. In recent years an interesting international debate has evolved regarding what education is most suitable to support coach development. The article intends to enter this debate by proposing an educational model for youth soccer coaches. This educational proposal is the outcome of reflection that originated from various experiences with about 110 Italian youth soccer coaches over the past six years. The first part is dedicated to a review of the literature on coaching education, and the second to the educational model presented (e.g., theoretical background, characteristics, setting, outcomes, and considerations regarding the management of this educational process). The strength of this model was precisely to have put some recurrent issues in dialogue with the specific organizational contexts in which the educational programs were implemented.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to identify and examine psychosocial competencies among elite male adolescent soccer players in order to present a grounded theory of factors associated with soccer success. Participants (N = 40) were 20 Canadian international youth soccer players (M age = 16.8 years), 14 English professional youth soccer players (M age = 16.2 years), and 6 English professional coaches. Using grounded theory methodology (Strauss & Corbin, 1998 Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. 1998. Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory, Newbury Park, CA: Sage. (2nd ed.) [Google Scholar]), data analysis followed several coding procedures geared toward theory development. Four major psychosocial competencies that appear to be central to success in elite youth soccer emerged from the data. The competencies were labeled Discipline (i.e., conforming dedication to the sport and a willingness to sacrifice), Commitment (i.e., strong motives and career planning goals), Resilience (i.e., the ability to use coping strategies to overcome obstacles), and Social Support (i.e., the ability to use emotional, informational, and tangible support). These results are compared to existing sport talent development research and a grounded theory of the psychosocial competencies and environmental conditions associated with becoming a professional soccer player is presented. Research and practical implications arising from this exploratory theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Data from semi-structured interviews with 14 male expert cricket batsmen, coaches, and administrators were used to generate a conceptual model of expertise in this sport. In the model, a favorable socio-developmental environment (support, vast investment in creative and challenging play, sibling rivalry) provides the essential foundation for the development of positive psychological attributes (mental toughness, self-belief and confidence, ability to cope with adversity, adoption of individualized routines/rituals), technical skill mastery (optimal balance, speed of downswing, versatility of shot execution) and superior visual-perceptual skill. Intrinsic motivators (fun, enjoyment, challenge and achievement, desire to be the best, “love of the game”, camaraderie) are regarded as essential to continuation and progression along developmental pathways. Facets of contemporary society and its constraints on free play emerged as one of the major limitations to the future development of expertise. The model has immediate implications for coaching practice, developmental policy, and future research approaches to identifying and nurturing sports talent.  相似文献   

跨职能知识共享对团队创新绩效的影响机制探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以扎根理论的研究方法,从知识有效共享的角度分析了跨职能整合对团队创新绩效的影响。结果证明:(1)成员之间的知识共享是实现跨职能整合和提高产品创新绩效的关键机制;(2)知识共享行为受到创新氛围、共同目标和组织支持的共同影响;(3)认知障碍是观点冲突产生的主要原因,而知识共享有助于冲突的解决。在此基础上,本研究对比了不同管理措施对团队创新绩效的作用,为组织管理实践提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

This study analyzed a case of compulsive buying based on the grounded theory method. The client was a 24 year-old female Korean student who showed compulsive buying and excessive credit card use. The family therapy was performed between March 2001 and May 2004 in Korea. This study used the software “Atlas.ti,” producing 121 open codings and seven axis categories which included the following: (1) communication issues with friends or family members, (2) sibling relationships, (3) mother’s parenting, (4) interparental relationships, (5) mother’s communication style, (6) stress, and (7) compulsive buying and credit card use. This study presented the graphical network among these categories in order to show the effectiveness of family therapy.This work was supported by the Soongsil University Fund.  相似文献   

The author discusses the contributions of grounded theory and grounded action to the development of a new, and evolutionary, theoretical framework for understanding diversity as a complex phenomenon. She discusses the work of Thomas and Gregory as pioneers in expanding the conceptualization of diversity, arguing that this new understanding increases the potential for creative action in systems.  相似文献   

The grounded theory research method embodies a crucial element of postmodernist thinking due to its aversion to theory verification and its ability to imbue analysts with the power to discover theory. These processes closely mirror systems thinking because they allow for holistic examination. Postmodern systems thinking combines the worldview of postmodernism with systems thinking, creating a mechanism that is both respectful to the variations of human interaction and the need for “de-compartmentalizing” complex systems. The postmodern systems thinking framework united with grounded action research could be a potent approach for the dissemination of localized, culture-specific ideas in countries susceptible to Western hegemony.  相似文献   

何木叶  刘电芝 《心理科学》2022,45(5):1273-1279
扎根理论在多学科研究中呈上升趋势,但运用误区和难点制约着研究质量。基于扎根理论的核心原则剖析常见的运用误区:忽视理论生成、将系统方法论窄化为编码程序、将理论抽样混同为目的性抽样或初始抽样;将理论等同于数据;重机械编码轻备忘录写作和持续比较。总结理论抽样、理论、适宜编码、备忘录撰写和持续比较的具体策略。最后提出扎根理论运用研究应秉承扎根、融合创新,注重系统性、规范性和灵活性。  相似文献   

This study qualitatively explored the imposter phenomenon (IP) among 29 emerging adults who were transitioning into professional life. A grounded theory was developed that described IP, internal and external contributing factors, and IP's effect in terms of performance and affective reactions. Implications for counselors of emerging adults are discussed.  相似文献   

Bergman  Bodil  Hallberg  Lillemor R.-M. 《Sex roles》2002,46(9-10):311-322
A Women Workplace Culture Questionnaire (WWQ) was developed based on results from a grounded theory study. Respondents were asked: (1) to compare women's general status at work with that of men and (2) to describe their specific experiences in this regard. Answers from 104 White women working in a male-dominated industry were intercorrelated and subjected to principal component analyses, as well as a to varimax rotation. A five-factor solution that explained 56.5% of the total variance was supported by a graphic scree-test. Three factors with coefficient alpha >.70 were identified that concerned areas of perceived burdens on me (the individual woman), perceived burdens on women, and sexual harassment. A fourth factor, social support, also showed modest reliability. Factors I, II, and IV correlated significantly with ill health, distress, and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

T.L. Zutlevics 《Ratio》2002,15(1):80-102
Despite the concern with oppressive systems and practices there have been few attempts to analyse the general concept of oppression. Recently, Iris Marion Young has argued that it is not possible to analyse oppression as a unitary moral category. Rather, the term 'oppression' refers to several distinct structures, namely, exploitation, marginalisation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence. This paper rejects Young's claim and advances a general theory of oppression. Drawing insight from American chattel slavery and the situation of the German Jews during the 1930's, I argue that to be oppressed is to be unjustly denied the opportunity for what I call 'resilient autonomy'. I argue that all instances of oppression can usefully be analysed in these terms. I test my analysis against each of Young's five structures of oppression, concluding that in each case they are captured by my analysis.  相似文献   

The paper presents some essential heuristic and constructional elements of Free Process Theory (FPT), a non-Whiteheadian, monocategoreal framework. I begin with an analysis of our common sense concept of activities, which plays a crucial heuristic role in the development of the notion of a free process. I argue that an activity is not a type but a mode of occurrence, defined in terms of a network of inferences. The inferential space characterizing our concept of an activity entails that anything which is conceived of as occurring in the activity mode is a concrete,dynamic, non-particular individual. Such individuals, which I call ‘free processes’, may be used for the interpretation of much more than just common sense activities. I introduce the formal theory FPT, a mereology with anon-transitive part-relation, which contains a typology of processes based on the following five parameters relating to: (a) patterns of possible spatial and temporal recurrence (automerity); (b) kinds of components (participant structure); (c) kinds of dynamic composition; (d) kinds of dynamic flow (dynamic shape); and (e) dynamic context. I show how these five evaluative dimensions for free processes can be used to define ontological correlates for various common sense categories,and to draw distinctions between various forms of agency(distributed, collective, reciprocal, entangled) and emergence (weak, strong,as ‘autonomous system’ (Bickhard/Christensen)).  相似文献   

This study expanded on traditional concepts of spirituality through an analysis of narratives derived from images with spiritual content. Twenty-five participants were selected based on their being actively involved in spiritual practices. They were requested to tell TAT-type stories to a series of twelve images that revolved around spiritual themes. The resulting 300 stories were coded according to Grounded Theory procedures. A theory of spirituality emerged that centered upon the expression of suffering and the expectation of it being relieved. Results suggest that the personal spiritual process is one that expects and seeks transformation of the suffering through a connection with another, a connection with the transcendent, acquiring wisdom, or transforming the internal state.  相似文献   

(Résumé) Vers Une Théorie de la Dynamique Sociale

On considère la théorie pratique (“field theory”) basée sur la philosophie organismique de la biologie, la méthode hypothétique-déductive, et le langage des constructs comme l'approche la plus juste à une psychologie sociale scientifique. L'auteur examine diverses théories de la psychologie sociale et ne trouve aucunes qui satisfassent les critères qu'il a établis pour une approche théorique-pratique. Il définit ensuite le champ social et discute les variantes dynamiques topologiques et non-mesurées dans sa structure. Les concepts de région, fluidité, limite, barrière, caractère de membre (“membership character”), et direction de tension premièrement employés par K. Lewin pour la psychologie individuelle sont appliqués aux problèmes sociologiques et sociaux-psychologiques. Le problème d'une “foule” qui devient une “multitude désordonnée” est sujeté à une analyse théorique-pratique. On conclut que la méthode serait également applicable à d'autres problèmes sociaux-psychologiques et que les groupes sociaux peuvent ětre traités selon la méthode théorique-pratique. On suggère que cette approche pourrait fournir une psychologie sociale de valeur scientifique.



Eine Feldtheorie, die auf die organismische Philosophie der Biologie, die hypothetisch-deduktive Methode, und auf die Sprache der Konstrukte gegründet ist, wird als die gültigste Annährung an die wissenschaftlich-soziale Psychologie betractet. Der Autor untersuch die verschiedenen Theorien der sozialen Psychologie und findet keine, welche die Kriterien erfüllt, die er zur feldtheoretischen Annährung aufgestellt hat. Er definiert dann das soziale Feld und bespricht die topologischen und nichtmetrischen dynamischen Varianten in seinem Aufbau. Die Begriffe von Gebiet, Flüssigkeit, Grenze, Barriere, Zugehörigkeit, und Spannung, die zuerst von K. Lewin für individuelle Psychologie gebraucht waren, werden auf soziologische und sozial-psychologische Probleme angewandt. Das Problem des Uebergangs von einer Menge Leute zu einem “Mob” wird einer feldtheoretischen Untersuchung unterworfen. Es wird gefolgert, dass die Methode sich ebensogut auf andere Probleme anwenden lässt und dass soziale Gruppen feldtheoretisch behandelt werden dürften. Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass eine solche Annährung eine wissenschaftlich gülitige soziale Psychologie verschaffen könnte.

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