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This research explores whether individuals have implicit theories of persuasion. The first study sought to understand how persuasive strategies are cognitively represented. Using multidimensional scaling, two dimensions were identified. The first dimension distinguishes the types of tactics used to bring about attitude change. The second dimension differentiated the social acceptability of the persuasive strategies. The second stage of this research explored the nature of people's implicit theories of persuasion. Experiment 1 demonstrated that implicit theories of persuasion are sensitive to the operation of multiple goals in a situation. Experiment 2 found that implicit theories of persuasion reflect the audience's familiarity with the topic. In Experiment 3, implicit theories were demonstrated to be sensitive to the topic-relevant knowledge of the communicator.  相似文献   

内隐理论是外行人对社会世界中人与事的朴素解释。人们对社会分类(种族、宗教、性别、职业等)属性的理解, 影响着个体对群体信息的加工、判断和反应, 能显著地预测群体过程(如刻板印象、偏见、歧视等), 并调节着社会认同的心理效应, 这弥补了社会认同过程中对个体差异的考虑, 对社会认同理论的发展具有重要贡献。实证研究表明:在改善和促进群体关系的实践中, 可以将外行人的内隐理论作为一个中介, 以此减少刻板印象和偏见, 培育良好的群体关系。未来研究中, 需要进一步整合内隐理论的概念, 采取一些纵向的研究为实践提供科学的指导。  相似文献   

《Psychological inquiry》2013,24(4):311-314
Some commentators dismiss Arkes and Tetlock (this issue) on two grounds that we regard as specious, namely that we are either (a) political apologists for covert bigotry-the soft-on-racism charge raised by Sears (this issue) or (b) psychological na?fs who cling to obsolete definitions of attitudes and prejudice-the scientific incompetence charge raised by both Banaji, Nosek, and Greenwald (this issue) and Wittenbrink (this issue). To move the debate beyond such caricatures, the scholarly community must eventually confront the specific empirical objections that Arkes and Tetlock raised about how construct-validational work is done (whether researchers are giving fair weight to ideologically dissonant alternative explanations) and the specific logical objections that Arkes and Tetlock raise about the blurring of fact-value distinctions (whether psychological theory is advanced by researchers' opining on the political defensibility of their research participants' opinions).  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between implicit mental processes and ethical decisions made by managers. Based on the dual-process view in social and cognitive psychology, it is argued that social cognition (e.g., moral judgments) can rely on two different modes of information processing. On one hand, moral judgments reflect explicit, conscious, and extensive cognitive processes, which are attributed to explicit attitude. On the other hand, moral judgments may also be based on implicit, automatic, and effortless processes referring to implicit attitude. To test this thesis, a study involving 182 participants was conducted. The results support the thesis.  相似文献   

Bogdan  Radu J. 《Synthese》2001,129(2):233-258
Communication by shared meaning, themastery of word semantics,metarepresentation and metamentation aremental abilities, uniquely human, that share a sense ofintentionality or reference. The latteris developed by a naive psychology or interpretation – acompetence dedicated to representingintentional relations between conspecifics and the world. Theidea that interpretation builds new mentalabilities around a sense of reference is based on three linesof analysis – conceptual, psychological andevolutionary. The conceptual analysis reveals that a senseof reference is at the heart of the abilitiesin question. Psychological data track tight developmentalcorrelations between interpretation and theabilities it designs. Finally, an evolutionary hypothesislooks at why interpretation designed thosenew abilities around a sense of reference.  相似文献   

大学生创造性内隐观的调查研究——关于高创造性者的特征   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
本研究采用社会效度的方法,对大学生的创造性内隐观进行了调查研究,结果发现:1.大学生的创造性内隐观所涉及的范围广泛,涵盖了认知、人格的许多方面;2.经因素分析把大学生的创造性内隐观可以概括为十二个因素,分别是:道德品质、才情、异常人格、独创力、探究、自主敢为性、思维发散性、知识经验、勤勉、问题发现、智力、自强,其中道德品质和勤勉为中国大学生所特有。3.不同专业和性别的大学生在上述诸因素上内隐观总体差异显著,并且二者交互作用总体显著,在各具体因素上内隐观有些也存在不一致。  相似文献   

以255名中学教师为被试,采用调查分析的方法,编制了创造力形容词表,并结合个别访谈法,考察了中学教师的创造力内隐观.研究结果发现:教师的创造力内隐观主要涵盖了创造性思维和创造性人格两个方面;教师一致认同高创造性学生有28个重要心理特征,其中,最重要的10个特征依次是想象力、喜欢思考、富有洞察力、自信、内部动机强、好奇心、关注新事物、透过现象发现规律、逻辑推理能力、发现事物间的联系与区别;因素分析把教师内隐观会聚成了5个因素:新颖灵活的思维风格、好奇且善于质疑、逻辑思维、问题发现、自信进取的性格.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether type of implicit theory about athletic coordination would influence motivation to persist at a novel exercise task in the face of difficulty. Fifty college students were told that we were testing a new type of exercise and were given one of two theories about the nature of athletic coordination. Some participants were told that athletic coordination was mostly learned (incremental condition), while others were told that athletic coordination was genetically determined (entity condition). Participants initially experienced success and then difficulty while following videos containing the new exercise. Consistent with predictions, results showed that participants given an incremental theory of athletic coordination reported greater motivation and self-efficacy and less negative affect in the face of difficulty than those given an entity theory. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

教师的创造力内隐理论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄四林  林崇德  王益文 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1243-1245
创造力内隐理论是指一般公众(专家和外行人)在日常生活和工作背景下所形成的,且以某种形式存在于个体头脑中的关于创造力概念、结构及其发展的看法。教师的创造力内隐理论对学生创造力的培养和发展起着至关重要的作用。本文从教师对创造力的理解、创造性学生的态度和创造力培养观三个方面对该领域的研究进行综述,以期为我国开展此领域的研究提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mental act verbs are used to study implicit theories of intelligence as represented by mental activities. First, the multidimensional structure of the verbs was studied using a sorting task. The resulting structure was interpreted primarily in terms of three properties: a working property that refers to the operational aspect of information processing (and that is closely related to depth of a cognitive activity), a judgment property, and a creativity property. Second, the notion of intelligence was projected onto the structure, rating the verbs to determine how much intelligence they represented. We discovered that mental activities scoring high on intelligence were related primarily to the working property and to in-depth processing.  相似文献   

以大学生为被试,采用投射测验法分离出两类不同性质的内隐人格观,然后通过效价匹配实验和错觉关联实验,初步探讨了内隐人格观对他人知觉的信息加工模式的影响。研究结果表明:(1)跨性格、能力等不同人格属性有共通一致的内隐观;(2)固存观的反面就是渐变观,它们是同一维度的两极;(3)与渐变观者相比,固存观者更易以一种评价性方式知觉他人信息;同时,渐变观者不像固存观者那样对他人特质作出静态判断,而是集中注意力于理解他人行为发生的动态过程。  相似文献   

Followers' implicit leadership theories for new group leaders, including their prototypes of new-leader behavior, consist of organized expectations. If met, these expectations may afford a leader greater influence. Subjects' prototypes for new leaders were assessed by subjecting an 87 x 87 co-occurrence matrix of leader behaviors, based on subjects' similarity classifications, to hierarchical cluster analysis. At the proposed basic level of hierarchy (Rosch, 1978) were 16 categories of expectations for leader behavior, including giving ideas to the group, being responsible, and accepting others, which formed four abstract superordinate categories: learning the group's goals, taking charge, being a nice person, and being nervous. The results are discussed with relation to (a) the synthesis of the universal-trait and situation-contingent-behavior approaches for predicting leadership effectiveness, (b) cross-situational and cross-cultural comparisons of leader categorizations, (c) expectations for established leaders, and (d) leader selection and training.  相似文献   

Two studies with 230 and 363 Canadian undergraduate students tested the relationship between incremental theories of well-being (i.e., beliefs regarding the malleability of well-being) and a positive mental outlook. In Study 1, incremental theories of well-being were associated with Prioritizing Positivity (purposely incorporating pleasant activities into one’s daily routine) and showed a positive relationship with several other indicators of positive mental functioning (e.g., intrinsic motivation, eudaimonic motivation). In Study 2, incremental theories of well-being were associated with Positivity (viewing life and experiences with a positive outlook) and were positively correlated with additional indicators of positive mental functioning (e.g., harmony in life, self-compassion). In both studies, the relationship between incremental theories of well-being and both hedonic and eudaimonic well-being held true across different measures. A synthesis of major results using a Bayesian meta-analytic procedure suggested a moderate association between an incremental well-being mindset and well-being. Results of these studies help to situate incremental views toward well-being within a broad positivity framework, and to expand the nomological web of correlates of implicit theories of well-being.  相似文献   

基本心理能力老化的认知机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基本心理能力老化机制是认知老化领域研究热点之一。横断研究与追踪研究表明, 感觉功能、加工速度、工作记忆等信息加工资源的衰退导致了基本心理能力的衰退。但由于相关研究不能进行因果推论, 基本心理能力老化的认知机制尚存在争论。因此本项目拟采用实验室研究和干预实验设计, 通过操纵感觉功能(知觉压力水平)、干预加工速度与工作记忆, 考察基本心理能力的年龄差异的变化, 以期为认知老化理论的深化和拓展提供实验依据。  相似文献   

Students can believe that their academic interests are fixed (entity theory) or malleable (incremental theory). A measure of implicit theories of academic interests was developed to examine how such theories influence students' decisions to retain or change their majors. As hypothesized, entity theorists who believed that they were not doing well in their majors were more likely to choose a new major than were all other groups. This result is consistent with previous findings that entity theorists tend to give up in the face of adversity.  相似文献   

A qualitative constructivist study was conducted to explore university teachers’ implicit theories of creativity. The aim of the study was to understand how university teachers (NL?=?46) define creativity and perceive its manifestations and development. University teachers’ conceptions of creativity were elicited using the Implicit Theories of Creativity Questionnaire (ITC-Q). The qualitative analysis resulted in five types of implicit theories of creativity and its development: individualistic theories, activity theories, result-oriented theories, relational theories, and growth theories. By including a new theoretical position, target group, and a methodological framework, the study broadened the dialogue about creativity and its development in higher education.  相似文献   

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