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Involvement in organized sport can be highly demanding for young athletes who encounter many difficult situations and stressors. This can be exacerbated among youth athletes who have been recruited into talent-identification youth sport programs. Given that there are a range of negative consequences that can result when talent-identified (TI) youth athletes are unable to cope with the stressors they encounter, additional support is therefore necessary. Parents are uniquely situated to assist in this regard, but they are not always equipped to provide optimal levels of support. Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand the experiences of being a TI youth athlete and present the findings as “lessons” for parents seeking to enhance their involvement in TI youth sport settings. This article reports on qualitative data collected from the 1st year of a 3-year longitudinal study involving TI youth athletes from South Australia. Fifty male athletes (M age = 14.6 years) participated in focus groups to hear their experiences of being a TI youth athlete and understand what difficulties they want their parents to know. From the thematic analysis, 3 major themes were identified from the focus groups with TI youth athletes: (a) difficulties with being talented, (b) negotiating the future, and (c) playing for improvement. From the findings, a number of lessons for parents and youth sport organizations are offered to assist the transmission of knowledge to an applied setting.  相似文献   

The purposes of this experiment were to investigate the effects of age, item type, and culture on the mental-real distinction made by children. A sample of 42 children (21 affluent and 21 deprived) in three age ranges (3- and 4-year-olds, 5-and 6-year-olds, and 7- and 8-year-olds) participated. Nine items were used. The behavioral-sensory and public-existence criteria (Wellman &; Estes, 1986) were used to gauge the children's ability to make the distinction. Contrary to previous research findings, the 3- and 4-year-olds in this study were unable to make the mental-real distinction. An age-related improvement in making this distinction was observed, and item type affected the mental-real distinction. The affluent children consistently outperformed their deprived counterparts. This finding was partly construed as evidence for the influence of culture on the ability to make this distinction in these age groups.  相似文献   

This longitudinal panel stud follows 51 industrial workers over a period of 6 years which g rackets the retirement event. Mean levels of belief and church attendance reveal extreme stability over time, whereas the frequency distribution of attendance indicates a polarization of behavior after retirement, with persons who had attended church once or twice a month reporting weekly or infre uent attendance in retirement. Belief in the supernatural and church attendance were more strongly related after retirement than before, suggesting a reduction in normative pressures on attendance. However, church attendance is much more stable across retirement than other outside-the-home activities. Correlational analysis suggests that there may be more individual change in religious belief and behavior in late adulthood than previously known.  相似文献   

Twenty respondents, each of whom was in a committed couple relationship, were asked how their parents' attitudes toward (a) their partner and (b) their lesbianism impacted on their relationships with their partners. The study revealed that the adverse consequences of parental disapproval are overshadowed by the benefits to the couple that are derived from the decision to affirm one's lesbian identity and to acknowledge the nature of the couple relationship by “coming out” to parents. The negative impact of secrecy on the couple, the downplaying of parental disapproval, the positive effects on the couple of an affirmed lesbian identity, and the importance of acknowledgment of the lesbian couple are discussed. The author maintains that the counselor working with lesbian couples must be lesbian affirmative, and she suggests eight specific, clinical implications for working with lesbian couples.  相似文献   

The transition to parenthood is a substantial challenge for many couples, and the extent to which the partners can support each other and their relationship is strongly related to the sensitivity and responsiveness of their parenting of their infant. This paper critically analyses the links between the couple relationship and parenting of infants and reviews the research evaluating couple psychoeducation (CP) to assist couples’ parenting of their infant. It is concluded that CP has considerable potential to enhance couples’ adaptation to parenthood and enhance the sensitivity and responsiveness of parenting of new infants.  相似文献   

This systematic review evaluates the efficacy of parenting interventions on parent, infant and parent-infant relationship outcome measures for parents of infants under 12 months old. Parent outcomes examined included competence, and confidence; baby outcomes included infant behaviours of crying, settling, and sleeping problems and parent-infant relationship outcomes included parental responsiveness. Systematic searches of five databases were carried out. In total, 36 randomised controlled trials over the past 35 years were included in the meta-analyses, with a total of 4880 participants. Interventions were carried out either during pregnancy or within the first 12 months after birth and involved teaching specific strategies and provision of information on infant development and behaviour. Mean effect sizes were obtained using a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach to meta-analysis. Heterogeneity was found on parent responsiveness and infant sleep. Potential moderator variables were assessed for these two outcomes using the SEM approach. Results showed that early parenting interventions are effective in improving parental responsiveness (d?=?0.77), and improving or preventing infant sleep problems (d?=?0.24), but not crying problems (d?=?0.27) possibly due to low power. No conclusions could be drawn in regards to parental competence or confidence. Moderator analysis showed that for interventions aimed at improving responsiveness, briefer interventions were more effective than longer ones; and studies published more recently reported smaller effects than older studies. No other moderators influenced the assessed intervention outcomes. The findings of this study provide further evidence for the positive effects of early parenting interventions for infants under 12 months of age, however future research is needed to assess intervention effects on parental competence and confidence.  相似文献   

宠物犬对"空巢父母"身心健康影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑日昌  傅纳  Bruce Headey 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1297-1301
采用量表法以642个成年人为被试研究了是否拥有宠物犬、依恋宠物犬和身心健康之间的关系。差异检验表明,饲养宠物犬的空巢父母身体更健康,一年内就医次数更少、生活满意感更高。相关分析表明,是否拥有宠物犬与身心健康显著相关。回归分析表明,是否拥有宠物犬、依恋宠物犬对就医次数和生活满意感有较好预测作用。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine if there was a relationship between athletic identity, a relatively stable individual difference, and athlete satisfaction. A second goal was to evaluate the structure of athletic identity to examine potential differences between facets. Analyzing data from 175 NCAA student athletes, results indicated that use of overall athletic identity hid meaningful relationships between this self-identity concept and level of athlete satisfaction. When examined at the facet level, results indicated that athletic social identity and negative affectivity were positively related to athlete satisfaction while the exclusivity facet of athletic identity was negatively related to athlete satisfaction.  相似文献   

The use of whole exome sequencing (WES) for diagnostics of children with rare genetic diseases raises questions about best practices in genetic counselling. While a lot of attention is now given to pre-test counselling procedures for WES, little is known about how parents experience the (positive, negative, or inconclusive) WES results in daily life. To fill this knowledge gap, data were gathered through in-depth interviews with parents of 15 children who underwent WES analysis. WES test results, like results from other genetic tests, evoked relief as well as worries, irrespective of the type of result. Advantages of obtaining a conclusive diagnosis included becoming more accepting towards the situation, being enabled to attune care to the needs of the child, and better coping with feelings of guilt. Disadvantages experienced included a loss of hope for recovery, and a loss by parents of their social network of peers and the effort necessary to re-establish that social network. While parents with conclusive diagnoses were able to re-establish a peer community with the help of social media, parents receiving a possible diagnosis experienced hurdles in seeking peer support, as peers still needed to be identified. These types of psychosocial effects of WES test results for parents are important to take into account for the development of successful genetic counselling strategies.  相似文献   

Do schools influence the values of the students who attend them? This study examines the influence of parents, peer groups, teachers and the schools on student values as assessed by the Schwartz Value Survey. A sample of students at Grade 12 was chosen from 11 South Australian secondary schools of a wide variety of types, and the students, their parents and their teachers completed the Value Survey, and students also provided sociodemographic information. The data were analysed using the HLM multilevel analysis program with respect to the four higher order value components, namely self-transcendence, self-enhancement, conservation and openness to change in order to identify student level and school level effects on the values held by the students. Results showed that sex of student, language background, the Christian involvement of the student, parental social position and the values held by parents and peer groups had much greater effects upon the students' values than the schools and their teachers. Further research involving a larger number of schools in a wider variety of settings is suggested to build on this exploratory study.  相似文献   

The individual’s level of perceived self-efficacy could be an important driver for early retirement preparation. Most employees in Ugandan organisations reach that age of retirement without sufficient knowledge on how they will survive during their post-retirement life. This study sought to examine whether self-efficacy predicts psychological preparation and financial preparation for retirement. The sample of 924 employees aged 24–60 years selected voluntarily from four three service-oriented organisations participated in this study. Confirmatory factor analysis was run to confirm whether the factor indices (latent variables) extracted from exploratory factor analysis were actually measures of psychological preparation and financial preparation for retirement. Structural equation modelling was used to test regression relationships, and correlation between latent variable of the dependent constructs was tested using Pearson product moment correlation coefficients. The findings indicated a four-factor model for psychological preparation and a two-factor model for financial preparation. Self-efficacy predicted only three factors of psychological preparation and finance management mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and personal initiative. With these findings, it was concluded that individuals with capacity to adapt new changes can easily re-engage in other jobs. Similarly, those concerned with their social identity will focus on developing career skills that would yield the same level of importance in society. However, finance management training is crucial to the development of strategies and competences that empower people to maintain satisfying lifestyles after retirement. Finally, self-efficacy is a driving factor of personal initiative but the relationship is reinforced when finance management competences are acquired.  相似文献   

在自我概念的构成中,他人尤其是亲密他人起着至关重要的作用。个体对父母相关信息的表征影响着个体自我概念的形成。对父母面孔的加工,涉及信息在个体知觉领域的表征;对父母人格特质的加工,涉及信息在个体心智领域的表征。个体对父母信息的神经表征存在性别和文化背景的差异。未来研究应整合表征父母信息的主要脑区及其作用,在研究思路上应考察家庭结构和依恋类型等因素。  相似文献   


Results of a 1987 national survey of 284 continuum of care retirement communities related to Christian faith groups are reported. Findings indicate a diversity of structural relationships between church-affiliated organizations and their parent religious bodies, and that most parent bodies do not assume financial liability for their affiliates. Major advantages to religious affiliation are consumer trust, opportunity to carry out the church's mission, and marketing. A major disadvantage are perceptions that these communities serve only “their own.” Implications of affiliation are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on social cognitive theory, we examine the relationship between coaches’ transformational leadership and athletes’ evaluations of coaches’ coaching competency. We also investigate how coaching competency can mediate the positive effect of coaches’ transformational leadership on athletes’ satisfaction. Using path analysis with bootstrapping techniques, we analyzed 397 competitive volleyball players to test our research model. Our results revealed that (a) coaches’ transformational leadership has a positive effect on coaching competency, and (b) coaching competency mediates the positive effect of coaches’ transformational leadership on athletes’ satisfaction. Implications for coach education and sport psychology in terms of theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考查残疾儿童家长亲职压力的特点, 并探讨亲职压力、社会支持对生活质量的影响。使用《亲职压力指标简表》、《社会支持评定量表》和《世界卫生组织生活质量测定简表》(中文版)对孤独症、智力残疾、听力残疾、视力残疾以及脑瘫5种残疾类型儿童的369名家长进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)残疾儿童家长亲职压力及其各维度在不同残疾儿童类型中差异显著, 孤独症儿童家长在总分及各维度中均最高, 听力残疾儿童家长均最低;(2)亲职压力各维度与社会支持各维度以及生活质量各维度均呈显著负相关, 社会支持各维度与生活质量各维度之间均呈显著正相关;(3)亲职压力与生活质量的典型相关分析表明两者的整体相关显著;(4)社会支持在亲职压力和生活质量间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

张丰乾 《现代哲学》2008,(1):109-116
历代儒者引经据典,从"民之父母"的角度出发,对统治者提出了亲民、爱民、保民、富民等要求.但是,近现代以来的思想史研究者,对于古代社会君民关系的这一基本理论似乎未着笔墨.本文集中讨论了孔子、曾子、子思、孟子、荀子等早期儒家学派关于"民之父母"的思想,归纳出其中至少包含了"民之父母"需要符合"必达于礼乐之原"、"使民富且寿"、"同于民之好恶"、"顺而教之"、"有父之尊,有母之亲"等原则.孟子则借用"民之父母"的理论痛斥当政者"以政杀人"、"率兽食人"、"使老稚转乎沟壑".荀子指出当天下的最高统治者堕落为"民之怨贼"的地步,统治阶级内部其他符合"民之父母"标准的领袖可以以"革命"方式取而代之.在今人看来是"乌托邦"的这种构想,在儒家看来是应该而且能够实现的蓝图.儒家之外,<管子>提出,"法"才是"民之父母",在"法"的层面,即使是有所过错,也可以有办法弥补,不至于酿成大患,可以看成是儒家思想的重要补充.  相似文献   

This paper is a report of an investigation in which the interaction of parents of schizophrenics, in response to a double bind situation, was compared with that of parents of delinquents, ulcerative colitis patients, and controls. Differences in the parental transactions that are related to the offsprings' pathology are reported. The parents of schizophrenics were also exposed to a non-double-binding situation and significant differences in their interaction are described. The results support the double bind hypothesis as a theory of the current family situation of the schizophrenic.  相似文献   

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